The Omnipotent Demon - TheBellflowerWitch - Fire Emblem: Fuukasetsugetsu (2024)

Chapter 1


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Azmith of the planet Galvin had been called many things in his lifetime. The first thinker by his fellow Galvins as a title of respect and awe. The smartest being in three, arguably five, galaxies by most sentient beings in the universe and even himself on occasion. And on one endeavor he’d even been compared to a rodent by a brash young Osmosian on the planet Primus. Despite this none have ever called him a flawless being, and if ever a ludicrous statement had been made Azmith himself would have denied such. He’d had many flaws rear their ugly heads during his illustrious career over the years. His pessimistic and insufferable attitude had alienated many of his peers, only truly changing from that mindset in recent years to some extent. Said mindset had also led him to his greatest failure in the creation of the sword Ascalon, a weapon of terrible destructive power which had caused nothing but strife and lost upon its wake. Even his greatest creation the Omnitrix, made in part to apologize in some way for Ascalon, if not distance himself entirely from the idea of weapons, was arguably flawed in concept. Envisioned as a device to let one “walk a mile in the universe’s shoes” via storing genetic data of every sentient species and allowing for temporary transformations, it was supposed to be a key towards universal peace.

Azmith would later admit while perhaps that truly was his idea for the device, he had been blinding himself to the true capabilities it could bring. Capabilities others could see and desire for their own purposes. The tyrant Vilgax has seen the Omnitrix as a weapon of war, the key to creating his own personal army of the universe's strongest beings to easily conquer the galaxy. Though no small feat by any means, Azmith had managed to ensure the Omnitrix escaped such a fate by having it sent to a trusted member of the Plumbers Max Tennyson of earth. That had been his plan at least before it ended up in the hands of Tennyson’s young grandson Ben. To say Azmith’s first impressions of the boy were low would be an understatement, he had all but wanted to claim his Omnitrix back the second Vilgax was out of the picture.

But Max had insisted the boy could grow, could learn to truly be the right person to wield the device for its true purpose. And overtime he’d been proven right as the boy did indeed grow into a fine upstanding young man of morals, who’d save the universe from not only Vilgax, but countless other villains as well. It was in part of this that Azmith had begun working on a new Omnitrix, a TRUE Omnitrix that would be considered his greatest invention instead of the flawed prototype Ben had been using. During the time for said true Omnitrix however, the prototype had been destroyed in a selfless sacrifice to prevent Vilgax from misusing it and Ben had commandeered the inferior “Ultimatrix” to resume his hero work.

Though in time Ben had shown himself to be better than using a knock off Omnitrix, even having gone as far to redeem Ascalon in Azmith’s eyes upon using it to defeat the dread Dagon and not be swayed by its tempting power. As such he was given the true Omnitrix and the Ultimatrix taken away by Azmith seemingly for good. However, the Galvin would soon find out that the Ultimatrix would add one more flaw onto him that no one would have seen coming.

~ ~ ~

" The workmanship on this is slap dashed at best! For Galvin’s sake this should not look like something a five-year-old put together in an hour!”

Azmith had scarcely been back home on Galvin Prime for an hour before he found himself on his work bench with the newly recovered Ultimatrix. His initial plans for the device created by his former assistant were to simply destroy it outright. It was a

mockery of his own genius for starters and too dangerous to simply leave stored somewhere in his lab least it tempt a co*cky thief. Instead, the tiny Galvin scientist had found himself compelled to at least give the blasted thing a once over and such was now hovering over his workstation on his favorite floating platform. His bench having the Ultimatrix on it with several mechanical arms and such holding it afloat for Azmith to look inside. Needless to say, Azmith very much was not impressed by the device in the slightest.

“I would have thought after all those years studying my work Albedo could produce something at least HALF as functional as the prototype Omnitrix! But I guess his stupidity continues to prove me wrong even now...”

A sigh escaped Azmith’s lips as he ran a hand under his chin, the tendril like whiskers he had slightly tangling in his fingers with the Gestor. Albedo wasn’t a sore spot for him per say, the rouge Galvin had made his bed the second he tried using a copy of the Omnitrix for any reason.

That it ultimately led to him being trapped in a carbon copy of Ben Tennyson was his own just desserts. Still Azmith felt on some level perhaps he could have prevented his former pupil’s descent into darkness Maybe that was why he was doing this, working on a device that he should have destroyed the second he returned home.

Some feeble attempt to justify his part in his entire mess, salvage SOMETHING from it at the least. He’d already been working for hours, checking the wiring and internals for a start, and most importantly removing that blasted Ultimate Evolution program that had been hastily coded in. His morals on the ethics of it aside, the fact it looked akin to a large wad of clay roughly shoved into a too small hole conception wise was getting him wound up.

Once that had been permanently disabled, he’d gotten to work readjusting the outer shell and reinforcing it to ensure it wouldn’t just slip off so easily. A fresh core placed inside to energize the device and give it a stronger connection to the Codon stream, even loading a randomized playlist of ten aliens in it.

Azmith wasn’t entirely sure why he was going to all this trouble for something he knew had to be put into storage, but even he couldn't deny working on an Omnitrix again was soothing for him. He’d just about put the finishing touches on the device, however, when he heard some incredibly loud noises from outside the room.

He sighed, having a pretty good inkling about what the source of said noise was, and was about to do some reprimanding when the door to his lab was blown wide open by a large explosion. Smoke bellowed into the room shortly after, causing Azmith to cough loudly as the source of this sudden intrusion made itself known.


“You did not! You said we should use the byproduct from that subatomic scanner to charge it up and use it as a battery in our smoothie making machine!” As the smoke settled the argument was realized to be between two Galvin who were trying to pry a leaking machine from the other.

The louder of the two was short and stout Galvin, wearing a white set of armor with a large red spot chest plate, named Driba. The other named Blukic was tall, insomuch as a Galvin could be, and wore a lax pair of overalls and a hat in the style of earth trucks. Azmith groaned loudly at the two’s bickering, and quickly dusted himself off before stopping their argument.

"I believe the reason you two told me you were back here was to acquire the materials to help increase the Plumber HQ’s scanning equipment was it not? Do I need to banish you from the planet again for using Maxwell’s mission as an excuse to mess up my laboratories??”

The two Galvin quickly let go of the device they had been fighting over, Driba starting to stammer some sort of excuse that Azmith chose to ignore as he went to pick up the device they had dropped. Dropping down from his hovering unit to carefully pick the leaking machine up and examine it. It had once been a simple subatomic scanner, standard issue to all scientists on the planet, but whatever Blukic and Driba had done to it was having it leak something of unknown origin and the screen flickering on and off.

“What did you two do to this? I can’t even tell if it’s still functional or not!”

The elder Galvin’s head began to throb with a headache that always seemed to come back when these two “brilliant minds "returned from earth.

“Oh of COURSE it still works First Thinker Azmith just watch!”

Before he could deny the obviously bad idea Driba was forming from happening, the portly Galvin had snatched the scanner away and impatiently pressed a button. A moment passed and nothing occurred... then the scanner’s screen lit up far too brightly than it should be capable of. Within seconds loud screeching noises emitted from it and Driba hastily dropped it to cover his ears. This proved to be the worse call as the moment it hit the floor again the screeching was replaced by an ear-splitting roar and a vortex burst opened from the screen. Without warning this vortex quickly began to draw in everything in the room not bolted down in a consuming vacuum, including the three Galvin who were holding onto whatever they could to counter this.


Azmith’s loud cries fell on deaf ears, as the other two were screaming their heads off trying not to get sucked in. Granted he wasn’t sure they could have even heard him through the vortex’s noise, but the fact they were screaming like infants instead of trying to shut the damn thing off was not helping. Finally, Azmith decided to do something about it himself quickly letting go of what had been keeping him stationary and with perfect timing landing on the scanner JUST right to shut it off. A frightening number of seconds passed with the vortex raging on before thankfully it started to slowly die down and eventually stop altogether. The Galvins all fell to the ground, panting heavily to help settle their bodies down after the ordeal. Azmith sat up, fully intending to personally kick Blukic and Driba off Galvin Prime that very second before something caught the corner of his eyes. Or rather, the lack of something had caught his attention. The Ultimatrix that had been firmly held in place and just finished before he’d be rudely interrupted was now gone with no traces at all. A dark calm overtook the First thinker’s mind as he slowly, and menacingly, turned towards the two Galvin on the floor and said just one sentence.

“Do you two realized what you’ve done?”

~ ~ ~

The dream started as it always did, with an intense vision of a bloody battle from long ago that felt far too real to merely be the product of some dreaming fantasy. Then as soon as the battle ended the scene would shift, and the Dreamer would find themselves in a dimly lit throne room of sorts with the only source of light on the tall imposing throne. On that throne sat a young girl, her age impossible to tell with the lack of light, who seemed to have been sleeping deeply with her head rested atop her arm. The sleeping beauty was making light noise, mere slumbering hums as she snoozed in content, her head drooping slightly in turn thanks to the beaded crown of sorts worn atop it. Her robes, presumed a
deep blue hue in the light, draped over herself with a woven design at the bottom akin to the ropes adoring her ensemble. Most eye-catching of all for the Dreamer was the girl’s rather pointed ears underneath her sharp light green hair, which was now slightly bristling as she started to stir awake, as if able to sense the dreamer’s presence. She slowly raised her head, the hand it was resting on now rubbing her eyes as they fully opened then covering the yawn escaping her mouth. After a moment she realized she had company, looking dead on at the Dreamer with a curious look before expressing said curiosity.

“Oh My. What could’ve brought you here?” Another yawn interrupted her briefly before she resumed her inquiries. “I wonder how you got in here... It is most rude to interrupt a moment of repose. Very rude indeed.”
She then raised an arm to beckon the Dreamer as she insisted. “Now come to me. I wish to have a look at you.”

The Dreamer then stepped forward, revealing to the young girl just who had stumbled onto her moment of repose. It appeared to be a young woman, perhaps in her twenties from the look of it, who seemed to have no true emotion on her face to show her feelings on this bizarre encounter. Though her face was stoic the rest of her did wonders to help express her sense of self to the young girl. Her hair a lovely shade of teal and resting at shoulder’s length, said shoulders also draped with a cloak of some sort that seemed to meet into a white collar on her neck. Her outfit itself was a lovely black dress that slightly exposed her navel, to the young girl’s curiously on the logic for such a design, with a golden centerpiece atop her chest area and a small knife tucked into a sheath on her hips. Her arms and legs had light metal armor on them, with designed leggings almost akin to glyphs hugging onto her long legs before disappearing into her equally long boots. The young girl sized her guest up for a few minutes more before resuming her questioning.

“Hmmm... I have not seen the likes of you before. Who are you, anyway?” Her guest blinked as if to understand the question, before calmly replying in a voice void of emotion.

“I’m a mortal.”

Trying her best to ignore just how cold this woman sounded, though the lack of real life in her words was making said task harder, the young girl carried on the conversation.

“I see. Then you must have a name of sorts. Go on.”

The woman blinked again, making the girl wonder if she was truly more confused than letting on, before answering in the same cold voice. “Byleth.”
The girl let out an amused sound as she accepted the strange sounding name.

“I shall not grow accustomed to the sound of human names, I think. You must possess a day of birth as well. Beneath which moon and what day were you born to this world?”

At this Byleth had the faintest glimmer of doubt cross their face, for just a moment, before she replied once more in near monotone. “The Lone moon, on the sixth day.”

THIS had gotten the girl’s attention for certain. “Well, wonders never cease! It seems we share our day of birth. How strange!”

The excitement at such a revelation was not long however, as the girl’s eyes began to close slightly, another set of yawns trying to be released as she tried to resume talking to Byleth.

“It all feels so... familiar. I think it may be time for another nap... It is almost time to begin...” And at that sleep once again overtook the girl, as she began to snore softly already in a deep sleep.
And once again Byleth began to feel the opposite overtake her, as she began to feel at attention and alert while the dream around her began to slowly fade from her view. Her trip once again cut short by her sudden return to the waking world of mortals.

~ ~ ~

“Hey. Time to wake up.”

Byleth slowly stirred awake at the voice calling out at her, groggily removing the warm blankets that had covered her the night before as she rose. Without so much as a yawn she got up and got to work getting dressed, moving at lightning speeds while calling out towards her room’s door at the voice.

“Getting dressed. Out in a minute.” Despite the tiredness she felt her voice barely reflected that, and only someone used to her could tell that it was indeed reflecting abit.

At the door’s other side, a loud sigh was heard as an indication the message was received. Upon getting her outfit on Byleth walked towards the door and opened it to meet with her gruff wake up call. Said wakeup call was her father, Jeralt, the captain of a band of mercenaries that Byleth was also a part of. He was a man in his mid-forties from appearance, though Byleth had often heard him muttering about his “old bones” more that she’d though likely. He wore a thick suit of chainmail armor underneath an orange tunic, said armor apparently being a gift from an old friend whom Byleth was sure she’d never met before. His hair was a mattered mess of blonde with a small ponytail in the back, not to mention his impressively thick beard that helped draw attention away from the numerous battle scars on his face. Byleth could also tell of note that despite the time she could already smell the hint of booze on his breath, no doubt from a stashed bottle he’d stolen away from the tavern the night before. The two exchanged a nod before Jeralt took a good look at his daughter and asked.

“Were you having that dream again?” Byleth nodded, explaining to him once again her strange dream about the young girl on the throne, Jeralt lightly shaking his head as he replied. “You’ve described her to me before. I don’t think I've ever met anyone like that.”

He placed a hand under his chin, as if in thought, before shaking his head once more and continuing. “In any case, just put that out of your mind for now. The battlefield is no place for idle thoughts. Risking your life is part of the job for mercenaries like us. Letting your mind wander is a sure way to get yourself killed.”

Byleth nodded at her father’s words, not feeling like mentioning how very unlikely it was for her to be killed by stray thoughts given her skill in battle. His impromptu advice session seemingly over, Jeralt waved an arm behind him as he motioned for Byleth to follow.

“Ok, time to get moving. Our next job is in the kingdom. I’ve told you before it’s far from here, so we’ll need to leave at dawn.”

Byleth nodded and gave a brief. “Of course.”

To which her father had barked a laugh as he countered with. “Good grief. You say that but everyone’s already outside waiting on us.”

Byleth stared at him for a few moments before dryly retorting with. “Yet you made sure to get a quick drink before checking to see if I was awake?”

Jeralt tensed abit before his brow furrowed in annoyance and he huffed out a sigh. “A quick drink takes only a few seconds...”

Byleth's stare did not falter as she furthered her assault by saying. “Wasn’t it you who taught me a few seconds is all that it takes for someone to slip a knife into your back?”

Jeralt let out a huff of air, failing to hide the small grin he was now sporting at his daughter’s jab. “I’d call you a smartass if I didn’t know you better. Enough small talk though, we’ve got to go meet with the others and start making headway to the kingdom.”

The two made to leave when suddenly one of the other mercenaries barged into the doorway out of breath and slightly panicked. “Jeralt! Sir! Sorry to barge in, but your presence is needed.” Almost instantly Jeralt’s stance shifted into one of authority as he demanded to know what happened before following the man with Byleth in tow.

~ ~ ~

Outside of the inn Jeralt’s band of mercenaries had been resting in, a quick glance showed Byleth that three teenagers, two men and a woman, had shown up and were in the middle of a huddle of Jeralt’s men. They seemed to have been together, she surmised based on the near identical uniforms of black with slightly differing golden trimmings. A colored cape on each one’s shoulder with the shades of red, blue , and yellow respectively being among the major differences in attire. One of the young men had been talking to one of Byleth’s fellows when he took notice of the approaching captain and moved to meet. While he wore a uniform of similar note to the other two, save the bright blue cape adorning his shoulders, he seemed wise to also be wearing light armor in the form of gauntlets and Greaves on his limbs. He stood slightly smaller than Byleth, though still firmly built to an extent she noticed, and had a fair complexing underneath stark blonde hair and sharp blue eyes. In his hand was a spear, one that Byleth instantly took note was slightly damp with blood that was only now starting to dry, and the lad was carrying himself with a slight limp as if injured.

“Please forgive our intrusion. We wouldn’t bother you were the situation not dire.” He bowed before Jeralt, wincing slightly with the action, before quickly raising his head back. No doubt holding back an irritated sigh as he did, Jeralt grumbled out.

“What do a bunch of kids like you want at this hour?” If the boy took note of the man’s slightly sour attitude, he didn’t show it, instead explaining the situation.

"We’re being pursued by a group of bandits. I can only hope you will be so kind as to lead your support.” That caught Jeralt’s attention, his eyes widening a touch as he exclaimed.

“Bandits? Here?” At her father’s questioning one of the other trio, the young woman, stepped up to chime in.

“It’s true. They attacked us while we were at rest in our camp.” Byleth took her in and took note of the regal air the young woman had about her. She wore a similar black uniform like her companions, but nice red leggings underneath that matched the blood red cape she bore on her back. As well as having a foppish white cravat on her breast. Her completion was so pale, Byleth almost assumed she’d been wounded and suffered blood loss, her bright white hair being slightly askew with a ribbon loosely tying it up further proving such may be the case. In her hand was an axe of basic quality, but she was gripping onto it so tightly one could swear her knuckles were but seconds away from blistering open. There was a steely gaze in this young lady’s deep violent eyes. One that Byleth had seen in very few people, but the few she had seen it in were ones of formidable valor to be certain.

“We’ve been separated from our companions, and we’re outnumbered. They’re after our lives...not to mention our gold.” While Byleth had been studying up the young lady the third of this troubled trio finally spoke up. He was the most unique looking of the lot, his basic black uniform having his cape of brilliant yellow seemingly tucked into it slightly and acting as a collar. His skin was far darker tanned than that of his two comrades, something rare to see in this part of the world, and his messy hair adorned in front with a single braid ended with a small bead. He had earrings in each ear, nothing fancy but still far more expensive looking than what a commoner could wear, as well as very fine leather boots that seemed of similar quality. Although on closer look Byleth could see quite a few scuffed marks on the boots, and the boy was holding a hand to his side gently as if nursing a wound.

Hearing the trio’s explanation, Jeralt nodded at the details and swiftly got his words out.

“I’m impressed you’re staying so calm considering the situation.” He then blinked, and a puzzled expression covered his face as if he’d only just now gotten a look at the three of them. “I... wait. That uniform...”

Before his strange train of thought could be resumed, one of the other mercenaries approached the five of them with a status report. “Bandits spotted just outside the village! Damn...there are a lot of them.”

The report instantly knocked whatever puzzled thoughts filled Jeralt’s head out, and he growled slightly. “I guess they followed you all the way here. No way we can abandon this village now.” Having said this, he then turned towards Byleth and spoke. “Come on, let’s move. Hope you're ready.”

A quick nod from his daughter and the two began to move out and prepare for the coming fight. Before they could get very far however, they were stopped.

“W-Wait! Please let us help you! It would be unbecoming of us to simply sit by and watch you risk harm for our sakes!” The young woman had stepped forward with this proclamation, steps slightly woozy but that steely gaze never faltering. The young man draped in blue followed suit, stepping beside her and hoisting his spear with a shaky hand.

“That’s right! We led the blasted curs, endangered you, and the innocent villagers here. The least we could do to make up for our folly is join you in driving them back!” Seeing his two friends make such bold claims, the yellow clad boy sighed before shrugging and standing beside them.

“They do have a good point. doesn't sit right with me to lick my wounds while you’d be out there risking it all for our sake. Would need to borrow any bows you’d happen to have though, afraid the dastards caused me to drop mine on the run here.” Jeralt paused for a moment, letting their words sink in before in turn giving them a glare as he gave them a once over. To the trio’s credit despite the older man’s steel glare boring into them like a drill, not a one of them so much as blinked at him. After a few more tense moments, Jeralt closed his eyes and signed before addressing them.

“I should tell you to sit here and make some of my men make sure you stay put. It’s obvious you were caught with your pants down and they got a few hits on you. You’d clearly be at a disadvantage and more importantly be a liability for us.”

He quickly raised a hand to stop the Immediate arguing and continued.

“That’s what I should do. But it’s clear as day even if I did that you three would likely find some way pass my men and into the thick of it. So, against my own judgement I’ll let you brats go out there and risk your own hides if it means that much to you.”

He then jabbed a finger towards Byleth , the steel gaze in his eyes returning as he resumed.

“This one is going to be going with you though, no arguments. She’ll keep your heads on your shoulders and make sure you don’t make fools of yourselves out there. Losing students of the officers Acadamy is one thing, but I’m pretty sure Lady Rhea would kill me if you made it look like your lessons have been falling on deaf ears.”

The three seemed surprised at that last comment, the girl in red even growing a puzzled expression on her face as she asked.

“You know Lady Rhea...just who-”

Jeralt hastily cleared his throat in the middle of her question before quickly cutting her off.

“Later. Right now, we need to handle these bandits before any of the villagers get hurt or worse. Sooner we chase them off or get them captured the better. Save any questions until AFTER we’ve cleaned up your mess alright Princess?”

Ignoring the girl’s now shocked look he turned to Byleth and gave her a firm nod.

“Keep them safe kid. I know it’s not your normal M.O, but I know you can handle yourself well enough to have it not be an issue.”

If Byleth was upset at this sudden change of plans her face wasn’t showing it, nor really was it showing off ANY emotional reaction to this entire ordeal. She instead simply nodded and told her father.

“Understood.” Before walking over to the three and telling them in just as brief a tone. “Follow me. Once we get closer and assets the situation, I will plan to engage the enemy and tell you exact what to do.”

Her lack of emotion in tone seemed to have put the three at odds given the perplexed and possibly concerned looks, but nevertheless they nodded and quickly made way to follow her towards battle. As they left Jeralt looked at their leave with mild concern, a look he just as quickly dropped as he breathed steadily and began to head out himself and alert his team what to do. He could only pray to the Goddess that his faith in his daughter’s abilities was well earned.

~ ~ ~

The bandits had already begun to swarm all over the outskirts of the village like an infestation of gnats. Jeralt had already went ahead on horseback to ensure they remained in the outskirts, barking orders to his men to form a perimeter around the village to prevent any accidents. The sight of the mercenaries surrounding the place did give pause to the bandits, but they appeared to be the rare kind of bandit who were stubborn enough to risk it for a good payout. Byleth and the three youths, all readied with weapons and seemingly itching for combat, were right at the village gate just a few strides behind Jeralt. Upon reaching the gate Byleth scanned the horizon before setting her eyes on a nearby watchman's tower a little bit away from the village. After a moment she turned to the youths, quickly giving them a once over, before telling them the plan.

“It’s clear most of them will head towards the watch tower to reach the village. Two of us will need to head that way as well to take care of the ones in front first.”

Her monotone voice did little to ease the tensions of the youths, but the girl in red stepped up upon hearing this part.

“I will go. My skills should suffice to cull any frontal attacks, and I imagine seeing me in the front lines might convince them to risk charging ahead and underestimate me.”

Byleth nodded, seeing the logic in the girl’s words. “I will join you then. As for you two...”

the monotone mercenary looked at the two boys and pointed at the yellow clad one.

“I want you to go towards the side into the thicken of trees and shrubs. They should help keep you hidden and give safe vantage point for your bow, take out anyone lingering on the sides to keep them from swarming us.”

She then pointed to the boy in blue.

“And you head off on the opposite side, there’s fewer men there from the look of it so it should be easy for you to clear it off and meet us at the tower to cage the main group in."

Both nodded, and the three were about to start walking off when Byleth raised a hand to stop them.

“One more thing. The leader is likely in the back letting the others handle things but could just as easily be among them. If you see them take cation and do not try to attack them unless you are certain you can kill them.”

At the word “kill” the three of them grew startled expressions, but only for a slight second before nodding and then walking off to begin the battle. Byleth wasted no time following after the girl, who had already run afoul of a bandit who had gotten closer than he ought to. She’d have to scold someone for letting one so close later, if her father didn’t do it himself upon her report. But for now, she had to deal with it.

She breathlessly drew her blade from its sheath as she ran towards the bandit, the girl dodging nimbly out of his reckless knife swing, and without hesitation swung it at the bandit’s arm. With a sickening and wet splat, said arm soon found itself detached from its owner and falling uselessly to the ground as blood began to geyser out from where it was once attached. Needless to say, almost instantly afterwards the bandit she’d disarmed started screaming his head off and trying desperately to stop the blood pouring out of him, the girl in red stopping her assault on him to gasp in responds.

Byleth took this in stride and, without stopping at all, allowed the momentum from her sword swing carry her hand onward as she clenched her fist tightly. Forgoing another slash entirely to instead punch the bandit full force in the face, knocking him clear to the floor in one motion while also rendering him unconscious in the process. With their foe properly taken care of, Byleth didn’t linger and instead resumed rushing ahead to the tower while quickly shouting

“Come on!” Behind her at the girl in red. Said girl took a moment to process exactly what she had just witnessed before a faint red blush covered her face. Quietly muttering out “Magnificent...” to herself before quickly shaking her head and following after Byleth.

~ ~ ~

“Damn. Why are there mercenaries in the village? Guess we’ll have to deal with them too.” The leader of the bandits was a man named Kostas. And today had been proving itself not to be Kostas’s day.

The job he was hired for should have been simple, to find the brats from the monastery and rough them up abit. Hell, he didn’t even need to kill any of the damned tykes just scare them off or something. Given the current headache he was sporting thanks to losing said brats thanks to no one telling him the knights of Serios would be protecting them, he may just kill one to get SOMETHING akin to a win today. The fact they were dealing with goddess damned mercs now on top of it just made the idea of slitting a throat all the sweeter. It’d been about ten minutes now since he sent his boys in to grab the kids so they could get out of here and collect the pay. Five minutes in and he’d heard Wilhelm screaming his bloody head off, though given the report he’d gotten seconds later it may have been more apropos to say he’d been screaming his bloody arm off. That hadn’t rung any warning bells, Wilhelm certainly wasn’t the sharpest of his boys so frankly this was bound to happen sooner or later, so Kostas thought nothing of it and told them to resume the attack. This then instantly bit him in the ass once he was told that just ONE of the mercenaries had already taken down a third of his men. And once he got the report of just how grisly it’d become, he had only one thing to say.

“...oh sh*t it’s the Ashen Demon. OH sh*t IT’S THE ASHEN DEMON!!!” Panic filled him almost instantly, he was sweating like a glazed hog for sure, and his lungs stopped taking in air.

The Ashen Demon was known all throughout Fódlan as a living nightmare among man. A coldhearted killer in the guise of a mercenary, one who brutally and emotionlessly slaughtered all who stood in her way. No one who ever crossed her bad side ever lived to tell the tale they had said, struck down with no hesitation or even so much as a ghost of emotion on the demon’s face. Kostas had even heard tell that the Ashen Demon had once encountered a demonic beast as tall as a castle, and used her sword to tear into its chest to rip the still-beating heart out while her face was as featureless as stone. The bandit leader had to admit he’d been extremely tempted to hightail it out of there men or no men, wrath of his employer be damned. But in the end, he belaid such thoughts and instead decided to go out on the battlefield himself if only for one reason.

“If it’s the last thing I'll ever do, I'm going to at least slit one of those damned brat’s throats tonight! “

~ ~ ~

Byleth was never one to keep count of her kills, no she left that to the group’s greenhorns. The path of the mercenary had taught her from an early age that sometimes it was kill or be killed. She understood the logic, never really getting why her father had seemed so concerned over how effortlessly she took to it. As such she always ensured to never falter or go easy on an enemy unless strictly told to for some reason, because there was never a guarantee the enemy was do such a thing for her. Using that logic, she’d already mowed down another three bandits effortlessly, one of which she’d stabbed clean through and used as a makeshift shield to block some arrows for a bit. She’d been doing fairly well when she suddenly heard one of the bandits cry out and spun towards the noise to see that said bandit was now nursing an arrow in his throat.

She took the chance to rush at the bandit, quickly raising her knee as she broke the distance between them and slamming it full force into his stomach. The bandit attempted to cry out in pain, the arrow in his throat making him instead gurgle out a large puddle of blood before falling to the ground. As Byleth stood to see him slowly bleed out she heard an impressed sounding whistle from somewhere near the thicket, no doubt the boy in yellow given the arrow must have come from him. She had to credit him, he was hidden so well even her eyes couldn’t find him and yet he’d fired off the arrow with such precision at such a small target with seemingly no trouble.

Another loud cry alerted her, and Byleth turned ahead to see that the blue clad boy was in need of help. He had followed the plan and seemed to have been almost at the watch tower ahead of them even, but it seems he ran afoul of a bandit who was not going down easy. Or at least, that’s what it would look like to an untrained eye. In reality, it looked like the blue boy was struggling with more than just the bandit that was trying to grapple him. The bandit had a bleeding wound in his leg, so Byleth assumed the boy had at LEAST used his spear to wound him into submission. But given he was now using said spear to struggle against the bandit’s sword and trying to keep even footing,

Byleth could tell he was holding back. She noticed the red clad girl finally catching up and looking to go help, but she wouldn’t get there in time before the boy would likely lose his struggle. To prove her point the bandit had already used his sword to knock the spear aside and used the momentum to catch the boy off guard with a punch to the face. Byleth quickly rushed forward as fast as her legs would carry her, just barely making it to block the bandit’s sword from stabbing the downed boy.

“Grr! Outta the way you blasted bitc-” However the bandit was going to finish that sentence Byleth would never know, as she used his talking to catch him off guard by landing a headbutt that hit head on with a loud crunch. Byleth’s head was ringing after the impromptu attack, but luckily for her the bandit was in a much worse case given the blood gushing from his now broken nose. Unfortunately, the headbutt had also pushed him back abit and Byleth’s head was still ringing leaving her disoriented and unable to resume the attack.

“D-Dammit! That was dirty! I’ll kill you for that you-!” The sound of the bandit angerly getting ready to attack made Byleth curse lightly under her breath, still not able to focus and trying to move away to hopefully miss the attack.

Thankfully for her, she ended up not needing to move so much as an inch as the bandit was once again cut off mid-sentence. This time, due to a VERY sharp axe that was currently digging into his chest cavity as messily as possible thanks to the timely arrival of the red clad girl. The bone chilling scream that was sure to follow said axing of the chest was never uttered however, thanks to the blue boy managing to recover himself and stab the man in the gaping hole the axe left.

It may have still been the raging headache she was now rocking, but Byleth could swear she saw nothing short of pure rage in his eyes as he thrusted the spear in deeper. As if for a moment he’d forgone any rational thoughts in exchange for sheer animalistic wrath. Byleth shook her head, forcing any lingering ringing to settle down, as she looked at the two youths who had dispatched the bandit. The fire in the boy’s eyes had started to die down, seemingly he noticed such given the slightly agasted look he was sporting, and the girl was...calm. Calmer than even Byleth was some would say, if such were possible. Before they could catch their breath and decide how to find the leader, a brash and rude voice rang out.

“Oy! You damn brats!”

The three of them turned their heads towards the source of the voice and were met face to face with perhaps the unsightliness looking man Byleth had ever seen. He had a rather bulbus head that most would say consisted mostly of his forehead, a filthy beard that bled into equally filthy muttonchops and ponytail caked with dirt. He wore a common leather ensemble with a furred collar that was just as disgusting, covered in stains of who knows what just about everywhere on it. He had a thick chain acting as a belt, with a large burlap sake hastily connected to it, and much more importantly he had an axe in his hand and murder in his eyes.

“You damn noble brats!! You think you’re hot sh*t because you were born with a silver spoon in your little mouths! Can’t even allow a few measly coins go without killing my boys! WELL THAT TEARS IT!”

The man started violently swinging the axe around, a vulgar display that Byleth had seen before in many a desperate man, and his eyes seemed to bulge out as he resumed his rant.

“My name Is Kostas! Leader of the Iron King’s Thieves!”

He slammed the axe down into the earth, its blade digging into it hungerly as he then stared at the trio with pure rage and roared out.


Without warning Kostas lunged forward, pulling his axe from the dirt with frightening ease, and instantly went towards Byleth.

She cursed, going to raise her sword despite knowing she’d been too slow to do so, and braced herself for the impact. That impact, however, was instead taken full brunt by the boy in blue who’d leaped ahead of her and used his spear to try and cancel the attack’s momentum. Unfortunately given his buckling knees it was clear he’d only JUST managed to do so and was seconds away from buckling down and getting an axe in the arm. He was quickly forced to his knees by the maddened bandit who started an onslaught of axe chops attempting to break the spear and wielder in one go. Thankfully for the boy said fate was avoided for him due to the timely arrival of both the boy clad in yellow, and an arrow he had fired right as rain into Kostas’s arm. Upon impact the bandit hissed violently, his mouth starting to grimace and foam in rage, as he struggled to keep his hand on his weapon and not drop it.

“He’s open! Strike now!” The boy in yellow shouted quickly, already drawing another arrow as his companions started the counterattack.

The girl in red took charge, hefting her own axe upward and slamming the blunt end of the blade down on Kostas’s fingers hard. Kostas finally dropped his weapon, cursing violently and holding his presumably broken fingers with his other hand as he stomped around in pain. The boy dressed in blue took this golden opportunity to steady himself, and with no pause he hurled his spear as hard as he could into the man’s leg. It went straight through, Kosta’s howling near deafening them with how loud it got, and the bandit was forced to his knees despite his tying to remain in the fight. Byleth decided it was time to end this, she raised her sword and rushed at Kostas with the intent to cleave him in twain. The Bandit leader was struggling in vain to try and defend himself, try to let his rage push through the pain and stop the sword from taking his head.

It was mere moments before said sword had met his head that he got his wish for it to stop, although not at all how any would have guessed. A tense moment before the blade hit flesh, the very air around the group started to hiss and crackle with what only could be described as jade lightning. Seconds later, the sky above them split open as if like a page in a book being ripped apart and all the fighting ceased to gaze on this strange abnormality. Within the split sky a cyclone of air began to push out of the opening, causing all on the ground to shield their eyes and firmly plant weapons into the ground to level themselves from the harsh winds that were blowing in a haywire.

“W-What’s happening?!” The girl in red tried to shout above the roar of noise, her concerned question dying out before it could reach anyone.

The other youths tried to shout something back, each also died by the sheer noise of the cyclone, and Byleth was doing all she could to just stay standing. Just as the sudden mayhem had started, it appeared to reach the apex as the cyclone increased its speed tenfold. The three youths were knocked flat on their faces, and Byleth was forced to take a knee while still struggling to maintain composer. Suddenly, she could see something in the eye of this storm. She couldn’t make out exactly what it was, but she defiantly could see that it was hurtling towards her at breakneck speed with not much she could do to prevent its collision with her. The other three were likely shouting something given she could barely hear their voices, but before she could even attempt to decode what they might have been saying she lifted an arm in defense and was hit by something hard.

She felt something cold and strange clamp onto her wrist, and the second she did the sudden storm from the skies died just as quickly as it had started. Once the wind fully died down, Byleth finally opened her eyes to see just what had hit her. Upon opening them, she gazed down onto her wrist and was met with the strangest sight she could have seen. On her wrist now was some sort of... gauntlet she supposed? It had the same general shape as one, save that it seemed to have two openings for the arm to slip into as opposed to one and an armored glove. It was also a sharp shade of green, with deep indents on the side with strange glowing green lines feeding into it. In the dead center of this ‘gauntlet’ near her wrist’s end was a large symbol like that of an hourglass, but whatever this symbol was it felt heavy as if it could be pressed or pushed in. Byleth stared at the strange gauntlet for a moment more, before she tried to pull it off her arm...only to find it very much was NOT moving an inch. A strange sensation began to bubble up in her chest, something that she very much was confused by, and just as she was going to ignore it and turn to see if the others were okay the gauntlet lit up. A light humming emitted from it, and the strange symbol seemed to rise up abit, and Byleth felt that strange sensation in her chest grow to her further confusion.

“What...what is?” Startled, Byleth finally looked away from the gauntlet to see that the girl in red had managed to get back up. She was hovering just above Byleth , looking perplexed at the strange gauntlet likely as confused as Byleth was given her words. Byleth opened her mouth to speak, before the gauntlet let out a low spark of lightning that instead caused her to gasp in pain, the sensation in her chest swelling greatly now.

“A..Ahhhhh!!!” Byleth’s voice had never risen this high before, she was so confused. What was happening to her? Was this strange gauntlet from the sky doing it to her? She tried desperately to get it off her once more, pawing and tugging at it in a panic while the girl in red was saying something. But Byleth wasn’t listening, no she was just focused on trying to get the damned thing off her NOW.

“Get off! Get off!! GET OFF ME NOW!!!” She was screaming, honest to goodness screaming, for probably the first time in her life. If she was in the right state of mind she may have questioned that, questioned a lot of this really, but now all she could focus on was how this gauntlet was doing something strange to her. She tried yanking on it hard a few more times, feeling the skin underneath it bruise and maybe even cut a little bit, before the girl in red finally reached down to grab her hands.

“Please! Calm down! I can tell you’re scared, but I need you to calm yourself!” Byleth looked up at her, seeing the concerned look on the girl’s face oddly enough did seem to quell a little of the sensation in her chest. She tried to settle her breathing, when had she started hyperventilating? And slowly swallowed and squeezed the girl's hand. The girl was startled by the sudden contact, but did seem to understand that clearly Byleth was trying to steady herself and allowed it. Another sound broke through the tense atmosphere, the sound of a horse’s hoofs beating down onto the ground, and the two soon sported Jeralt heading towards them on his mount.

“Kid what the hell was that!? I got over here fast as I coul-Kid??” Jeralt’s inquiry upon his arrival was instantly stopped when his eyes met the sigh of his daughter very clearly having a panic attack, something he had NEVER seen her do once in her entire life. Quickly getting off his horse he joined the red clad girl and placed a hand on Byleth’s shoulders. “Easy kid easy, it’s okay. You’re okay, I'm right here.”

The voice of her father squashed down even more of the strange sensation in her chest, and her breathing was slowly starting to steady.

“I...I’m sorry dad I just...this Gauntlet came from nowhere and isn’t coming off, and now there’s...there’s SOMETHING inside my chest bubbling up and it won’t fully go away and-” Jeralt did little to hide his shock at how his daughter was speaking, but he quickly collected himself and went to comfort and sooth her.

“Hey, it’s okay. Deep breathes kid, take it slow and you can tell me what happened when you’re ready.” The gentleness of his words started to settle into her, soothing her and making the invading feelings in her chest ebb away more. She was about to take a deep breath before talking again when she saw something out of the corner of her eyes and froze. In her apparent panic, Byleth and the others had forgotten all about Kostas, and it seemed he took offence to that. Somehow in all the chaos of the sudden storm, he’d pried the spear out of his leg and got back up through the pain. Axe back in his hand, leg furiously bleeding and his left hand’s fingers bruised and swollen he was about to lunge straight for the girl in red.


Time seemed to slow to a crawl for Byleth, but without hesitation she pushed her father out of the way as she dove to shove the girl to the ground before Kostas could hit her. The feeling in her chest skyrocketed back to being front and center as she did, the seconds before he reached her making it grow and grow. Finally after what seemed like eternity Byleth had safely dove on top of the girl and used her body as a shield , unfortunately too late to safely push the both of them down given the axe that was milliseconds away from carving into her back. Byleth shut her eyes and braced herself, hoping she would take most of the axe and not the girl, but the second it touched her she heard a loud shatter akin to breaking glass. Time froze entirely, the light quickly fading away into a deep black as Byleth felt herself slip away into nothingness. The feeling in her chest only growing as the darkness overtook her senses.

~ ~ `

It took several long minutes before Byleth realized the axe hadn’t pierced her back as it should have. It took her one minute more before she gathered the courage to open her eyes and was welcomed by the sight of nothing. A pure void black as night stretched out as far as she could see, and that foreign feeling in her chest began to rapidly rise again as she tried to keep her breathing steady.

“H-Hello?” Her voice sounded so small, so timid, she was almost convinced it wasn’t even hers for a moment. As her greeting seemed to fade into the darkness, she was somewhat relieved though mostly startled when she was answered.

“Honestly! What are you accomplishing with that little stunt?!” A loud booming voice replied to her, causing Byleth to jump in fear as she wildly looked around for the source of it.

She turned directly behind her and was greeted by a familiar, but very surprising sight. There, in the middle of this dark void underneath the only light she could see, was the stone throne she’d seen hundreds of times in her dreams. And resting atop it, looking just as tired as ever though seemingly abit peeved as well, was the strange girl from the dreams as well. Now seeing that she had Byleth’s attention, the girl yawned quite deeply before resuming her tirade.

“It’s like you’re trying to get me killed, you fool! The girl sighed loudly, though Byleth could tell it was also suppressing another yawn and let the girl resume. “Well, it’s fine. After all, if you don’t know the value of your own life, you’re not going to protect it very well, are you?”

That got under Byleth’s skin a little and she decided to talk back to the strange girl.

“And what do you know?? No one should know my life’s value but me! I protected it just find before this madness started!” Byleth’s emotional cry seemed to have startled the girl awake a bit more, her eyes now peering at the mercenary as if seeing her for the first time.

“Is that so...? I wonder at that.” She sat up abit, staring down Byleth more before chuckling to herself and then quickly standing up from the throne and clapping her hands. “Well then, if that is how you feel perhaps it’s up to me to guide you through this madness from now on. Right?”

That gave Byleth pause, and she gave the girl a stern look as she answered.

“A guide? Bold of you to offer such a service without even telling me your name!” The girl made a small tsk noise, though ultimately smirked as she indulged in Byleth’s demand.

“I suppose that is a fair demand. You can call me Sothis... but I’m also known as The Beginning.”

Sothis. That name struck very familiar to Byleth for some reason, though it seems as if the girl wasn’t entirely too sure on the matter, given she now looked deep in thought.

“Sothis... Yes, that is it. My name is Sothis. And I am also called...The Beginning. But who once called me that?” Byleth grew confused and chose to once again pipe into the conversation.

“What are you talking about?”

Sothis, as she so claimed, looked back at her and began to explain.

“I was not able to recall my name...until just now. And just like that, it came to me. How odd.” Byleth rolled her eyes a little at this, something Sothis noticed and instantly got huffy over. “That look upon your face... Did you think me a child? A mere child who forgot her own name?!”

At this Byleth sheepishly looked to the side, kicking her foot abit as she muttered under her breath. “...a little bit yes.”

That caused Sothis to puff her cheeks up and retort in an annoyed tone. “Phooey! That ‘child’ just saved your life! And what does that make you hmm?”

“Are you implying that I’m less than a child??” Byleth grew more annoyed at this, not liking the tone or the implication Sothis’s words held. Sothis puffed her chest up and nodded at Byleth’s own question, seemingly getting the reaction she’d wanted.

“Correct! Though only just barely, it seems you understand! You threw yourself before an axe to save just one young girl, only to endanger the two of you with how poorly done it was!” She yawned again, seemingly not paying attention to how the conversation was started to upset Byleth, and continued on. “And yet all is well, as I have stalled the flow of time for now. The two of you would have died had I not intervened.” Byleth’s eyes widened as she took Sothis’s words in, gathering her thoughts as she asked.

“You...stopped time? How is that possible?” To her surprise Sothis actually seemed confused, though she did nod and explain herself.

“Yes. Though it is only momentary, time has stopped. However did I manage that...” As she trailed off Sothis seemed to have noticed the strange gauntlet on Byleth’s arm, gazing at it deeply and rather concerningly to Byleth. “That...gauntlet? On your arm...I sense something within it that is resonating with my own abilities. Where did you get it?”

Byleth did a double take upon realizing the gauntlet was still firmly attached to her, her chest bubbling up with feeling again, but she calmly told Sothis exactly what had happened prior to the gauntlet appearing. After she finished her tale, Sothis seemed to accept it with no real issues, a thought then crossed her mind.

“Sothis... what will happen when time resumes?” Sothis grimly looked down, but nonetheless answered.

“When time begins again, the axe will tear into your flesh, and you will surely meet your end. I suspect as well, it likely will resume onward and end the life of that girl as well.” She then sighed deeply. “How rude of you to drag me into this! Now what are we to do...”

Byleth ignored the first half of her comment and thought deeply on what could be done, as best she could with her head swimming in a myriad of new emotion. After a moment, she gasped, and then addressed Sothis with a possible answer.

“Could it be possible for you to turn back the hands of time? To before we were hit with the axe?” Sothis clapped her hands again, eagerly nodded as she heard Byleth’s idea. “Of course! I must turn back the hands of time!”.

She then snapped her fingers, and a yellow circle appeared before her filled with strange mystical runes. After fiddling with the circle for a moment she looked at Byleth and started to speak.

“Yes... I do believe it can be done. You really are rather smart when you wish to be!”

“What do you mean when I wish to be? I didn’t hear YOU coming up with the answer!” Sothis choose to ignore Byleth’s childish retort, instead explaining what the plan was. “I cannot wind back time too far, but all is well. You are aware of what is to come, so you can protect yourself this time.”

She then took one more look at the gauntlet resting on Byleth’s arm and after a moment resumed. “If you happened to want any sound advice from someone wiser than you? That gauntlet... I sense it holds great power within it. Perhaps even more power than myself, if I have to be honest. Use it, however you can find the means to. It can surely help you change the tide of battle.”

Byleth looked down upon her wrist at these words. This gauntlet, whatever it was, had power? Moreover Sothis, who seemed to be able to bend time to her own will, was admitting it was likely holding even more power than that within it? The thought of that frankly scared Byleth, more than she ever thought she could be. This was still something she knew nothing about, save that it was causing her more problems ever since it appeared. Yet even still... she knew Sothis’s words were true. Even with time rewound, there was no guarantee she could safely block the axe from hitting the her or the girl. And then Kotas himself had proven to be far more stubborn than she had expected, who was to say blocking the axe would end things then and there? So scared as she was, confused at so much of this ordeal as she was, Byleth nodded and firmly raised her arm in agreement. Sothis smiled softly, apparently understanding how big a task she had demanded truly was for Byleth, then shut her eyes and raised both hands atop the circle.

“Now go... Yes, you who bears the flames within. And now bears something more, whatever it may be. Drift through the flow of time to find the answers that you seek...” Byleth felt her eyes grow heavy, slowly shutting as Sothis and the throne faded away once more.

~ ~ ~

“Hey it’s okay. Deep breathes kid, take it slow and you can tell me what happened when you’re ready.” Byleth snapped to attention almost instantly. Taking just a moment to realize where she was now and seeing that Sothis had indeed turned back the hands of time.
As promised, however, it didn’t seem to be very far back at all given what Jeralt had just said. Giving a very quick. “Sorry dad!”
Before pushing the older mercenary away, Byleth leapt up in front of the girl in red once again. Just in time to hear the haggard and winded cry of.


With no time to draw her sword, Byleth chose to use Sothis’s advice as best she could. Thus, she raised the arm that had the Strange Gauntlet affixed to it in defense of Kostas’s attack. The second the axe struck the gauntlet two things happened.
Firstly, the axe’s blade shattered upon impact with the gauntlet. Staggering Kostas greatly and surprising everyone else nearby, most of all Byleth herself. The second thing that happened upon contact, was a bit of the axe’s blade striking the hourglass symbol on the gauntlet pushing it inward. The second the symbol was pushed in, the Gauntlet hummed greatly, and a bright green flash went off that blinded everyone and caused an intense feeling to hit Byleth instantly. When the flash had died out, Jeralt and the girl rubbed their eyes and turned to look at where Byleth had been standing moments ago. To their utter shock however, Byleth was no longer standing in front of them.

Or rather... something ELSE was now standing where she had been. What was now standing there was much taller than Byleth had been, easily towering over even Jeralt by a few feet. It was most certainly not human, given it’s extremely pale almost grey colored skin and the razor-sharp nails it had on it’s hands. Despite that, it still had a rather enticing female frame. A slim and slender waist, with long luscious legs, and apparently an ample bust about as big if not bigger than Byleth’s was. It was also wearing a dark green robe, though perhaps it was a gown, that reminded Jeralt very much of the ones those who practiced black magic wore. The big poufy shoulders, combined with the fairly sized cleavage window and belt of flower like ornaments further cemented to him it was some sort of imitation of Warlock’s robes. It’s face was as pale as the rest of it’s skin, though smoother looking and fairly feminine still. Though most of it was covered with a mask of some kind, one that resembled a bat’s wings that covered the slit-like green eyes and left a nasty impression. Jeralt couldn’t help but also notice it’s lips, while soft and warm looking, couldn’t hide the thin yet most certainly animal like fangs within it’s mouth. Finally, in the center of it’s belt of flowers was a badge of some sort that had the very same hourglass symbol that had been on Byleth’s Gauntlet.

“W...What is it??” Jeralt turned around and saw that the two boys who had been knocked to the ground earlier were now up and beside them. He couldn’t tell which one had asked the question, but either way he had no real answer for them. The girl beside him that Byleth had seemingly saved, however, seemed to have an inkling.

“Could it be...that symbol...?” Before she could possibly answer the question of what this creature was, it blinked it’s eyes then slowly opened it’s mouth and emitted a low hiss.

Kostas for the most part, had still been staggered after his weapon had shattered upon his attempt on Byleth’s life. But upon the creature hissing, he froze as he stared at how it was staring at him dead on and looking very upset.

“S-Stay the hell back!!” He managed to wheeze out, trying to run away despite the still bleeding wound on his leg.

The creature wasn’t having any of this however, and with superhuman speed it quickly grasped onto his arm and squeezed it hard. Kostas screamed out in pain, the claws of his captor digging into his flesh with ease and cause a fair bit of blood to leak out. The creature lifted him over itself, the bandit clearly filled with terror as it raised him up like a slab of meat at the market. His blood slowly dripped onto it’s face, which seemed to have quite the effect on it as it lapped up a drop and seemed hungry for more. As it dug in deeper into Kostas’s arm, his cries growing louder, he finally managed to scream out.

“H-HELP!! BY THE GODDESS, SOMEONE HELP ME!!” And as if waiting for such a cue, a few remaining bandit’s that the group hadn’t slain started to rush out from the woodworks.

One of them hastily shot an arrow at the creature after managing to steady his shaking hands, only to pale when it hit the creature dead in the chest and merely bounced off like a Pebble. Though it wasn’t hurt in the slightest by the attack, it did seem to have become upset at the attempt to harm it. Thus, with what must have been the strength of ten men it easily tossed Kostas towards his comrades, hurling him near as fast as an arrow and ensuring the poor man he had landed on would not be getting back up. The creature hissed again, much more loudly this time, and spread opened it’s arms to reveal a small pair of bat like wings under each arm. With a sudden leap it outright flew towards the remaining bandits with a snarl, causing most of them to faint if not attempt to run for the hills. When it reached them, one of the bandits still seemed bold enough to strike at it with a knife.

“K-KILL THE DAMN MONSTER!!” his cry fell on deaf ears however, as the monster then hissed again before it closed it’s mouth and spat out something towards the bandit.

It landed right on his forehead and appeared to be a small glob of flesh with an eye in it’s center and bat wings on the side. The second it landed on him, the bandit’s eyes went blank and upon the creature snarling at him he started to attack his comrades.

“It’s controlling him! Don’t let those cursed things touch yo-”

As one of the bandit’s allies seemed to catch onto what was going on, the creature spat out another of the corrupting flesh bits onto him, forcing him to join his fellow in attacking their once comrades. The creature than turned attention to Kostas once more, who had somehow not broken any bones or died upon getting tossed like a rock, who paled and started cursing loudly. The few bandits that hadn’t been stabbed or killed by their mind-controlled friends had started to run, abandoning the so-called king of iron thieves leader to his fate. He was shaking in fear as the creature slowly walked towards him, picking him up once again with ease. It stared at him for a moment, as if considering what to do with him, letting the man soak up even more fear. Jeralt and the three youths were watching from the distance, wondering just what was going on. The elder mercenary looked ready to draw his weapon on the creature, when the girl in red raised a hand to stop him. At his demanding look she simply shook her head and replied.

“She won’t kill him. Much as he’s earned that, I can see she’s struggling to control herself.” He raised an eyebrow at her words, before it dawned on him why she had called the creature she.

“Is that...? But how in the goddess's name did she..?” At that softly spoken question the girl sadly shook her head, apparently having deduced the creature’s identity but not how it had become such.

As if to prove her point though, the creature then raised Kostas so it was at eye level with it. Seconds later as he was gazing into it’s eyes, he saw them start to spiral and soon his mind went blank. After a tense moment he was placed down, though standing seemed to be an issue still given all the damage he had taken, and the creature simply pointed towards where his men had fled and spoke in a thickly accented voice.

“Go. Before I change my mind.”

Kostas mindlessly nodded, slowly hobbling along towards the woodlands, the creature seemingly satisfied with that.

As it turned to return to the group however, it was instead met by the very sharp end of a spear. And that spear’s wielder was none other than the young boy dressed in blue, who was staring it down with that deadly fire in his eyes.

“Don’t take another step monster! In the name of the Goddess and of the kingdom of Faerghus, I, Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd shall strike you down!!”


Thanks for reading! Please feel free to leave any comments or helpful criticism to help improve my writing. And here's some lore-based tidbits
* I instantly removed the Ultimate feature on the Ultimatrix since as fun a concept as it is, I figured Byleth would have enough fun with a base Omnitrix move set.
* I considered this to take place just prior to Omniverse , but for simplicities sake Byleth will access to every canon Alien up to Omniverse, and possibly a few surprises as well.
*Even though the Vladat's are considered extinct, and Whampire came about due to sampling one that was revived, the DNA sample for him is already collected here again for simplicities sake.
* As some Omniverse aliens had outfits made for them via the Omnitrix, I decided to do the same but making them the class outfits from Three Houses to better fit the setting.
*This will primarily be set in Fódlan and focused on Byleth, but that isn't to say characters from Ben 10 may not appear down the line.

Chapter 2: Chapter 2


With the mysterious Gauntlet now in full tow, Byleth sets out towards Garreg Mach Monastery with some hesitance. Along the way, however, the gauntlet is used once again and Byleth starts to get an inkling as to what power she now wields.


First off, thanks so much for all the positive feedback! It means a lot that my idea of giving Byleth an Omnitrix turned out to be the surprise no one expected, but have gladly decided they liked! I was going to take a bit longer to get this chapter out, but once I got a general idea how it was gonna go I started writing it up in no time. So hope everyone enjoys this second chapter!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The atmosphere was thick with tension at the outcry from the boy, Dimitri evidently, who wasn’t looking to back off with his spear anytime soon. The creature interestingly only had a puzzling expression on its face, seemingly not at all upset at the very sharp blade pointed at its heart. The others for the most part were frozen stiff witnessing the event play out, Jeralt looking to draw his own blade given how his hand was fidgeting. After a tense moment, the creature’s mouth started to bulge abit, Dimitri tightening his grip on his spear as he cried out.

“HOLD FOUL MONSTER! I told you not another ste-” He was then interrupted when the creature’s mouth opened wide, everyone bracing themselves for the pending mind-controlling fleshlings.

To their utter shock and bafflement, however, instead of that something else came out of the creature's maw: A loud and very disgusting belch. Dimitri swiftly moved the spear away, holding his free hand upwards to cover his face. The others in turn backed away a few steps more, taking even more steps back when they could start seeing the belch visibly distorting the air. The creature buckled abit, its chest heaving in tune with the act, before slowly wiping its mouth with a hand and then looking up at Dimitri with an embarrassed look.

“I’m So sorry!” It began, it’s thick accent not sounding familiar to any of them. “That’s new and I didn’t really expect it to just...GO like that, you know?”

Dimitri stumbled a bit at how sheepish the creature was sounding, confusing filling his face as the creature looked at him. After a few seconds of silence, the creature's own face began to grow confused as it spoke once again.

“Is... Is there something on my face? You’ve been giving me this REALLY weird look.” Giving a sudden cough to help collect himself, Dimitri quickly answered the question.

“I apologize. I... Well, I didn’t expect you to sound so...human I suppose?” The creature’s confusion grew as it raised a clawed hand to its chin to ponder the boy’s words.

“What do you mean you didn’t expect me to sound human? You’ve heard me speak a few times before we started attacking the bandits earlier!” THAT caught the boy off guard, his eyes blinking in rapid fever before he hesitatingly asked.

“Are...Are you that mercenary woman that helped us fight off the bandits?” Now it was the creature’s turn to be off guard, a huffy look adoring its face as it spat out in an annoyed tone.

“Did you hit your head too? I’ve heard that frantic battles can make the little things slip away from people, but I'm pretty sure I’M not one of those little things!” A sigh piped up from behind them, and the two turned to see Jeralt had walked up to them.

The older mercenary was unarmed, suggesting he was more agitated than threatened by the creature. He gently pushed Dimitri to the side and looked the creature in the eyes, the creature looking slightly unnerved by it. Jeralt stared for just a few moments, everyone giving a brief pause to watch him do so, before slowly he said just one word.

“Byleth?” The creature slowly blinked, the confusion on its face at an all-time high, before nodding back.

“Yeah? Is there something you needed father? Er... wait it’s Captain while we’re working right? Wait, IS this considered work? I mean I know we were heading off for the kingdom before this, so we ARE working but...” As the creature rambled on, Jeralt cursed under his breath before sighing once more and cutting it off.

“Kid. I need you to look at your hand for a second.” The creature stopped, raising one of its hands up as it hesitantly resumed talking.

“Okaaaay? Did I get some kind of wound on it or something? Cause it looks perfectly normal to m-” The creature then blinked. It stared at the clawed hand it had raised up, wiggling a few fingers, before suddenly screaming its head off. “WHAT IS THIS?!!! WHAT HAPPENED TO MY HAND?!! WHY ARE THESE CLAWS HERE?!!”

Jeralt winced at the sudden spike in volume, quickly grabbing onto the creatures' shoulders before it started franticly pacing around.

“Kid! Take it easy! Just take a deep breath and CALM. DOWN.” At the authoritarian tone in his voice Byleth, as was now revealed, stopped panicking.

Looking at him for just a moment, then tried to breathe deeply. After a few shaky inhales, she slowly turned to Jeralt and asked. “What...What’s happened to me?”

“If I were to hazard a guess, I imagine that strange gauntlet that fell onto you is responsible for this. The symbol that was on it is near your waist now, and you appeared in this form after it was hit by the axe.” Jeralt hadn’t had a chance to answer the creature’s question however, as the girl in red had stepped up and answered in his stead.

“The Gauntlet?”Byleth raised her arm up as she took the answer in, noting how it was now bare. “That’s what turned me into this...thing...?”

The boy in yellow finally stepped forward, having apparently gotten over the initial shock of the whole ordeal, and gave a quick glance.

“I’ve heard that there are men who can use stones to transform into beasts in some parts of the world.” He gave her a through once-over as he spoke, curiosity filling every word. “But even still, I’ve never heard of a gauntlet that would allow such a transformation... even more so the kind of creature you’ve become. I’ve never seen anything like you before.”

Byleth seemed a little weirded out at the tone of his voice, unable to really read what it was conveying, but thankfully Dimitri chose to pick up where his associate began.

“There are legends back home in Faerghus, old wives' tales mostly, of a creature like this. A man or woman with the features of a bat and pale skin, who feed on the blood of the living in the chill of night. They are called Vampires if I recall right.” He himself gave Byleth a look before quickly adding. “Though even still, no tall ever mentioned a gauntlet being cause for it. Never mind the fact you’ve also gotten an entirely new outfit on as well...”

BYleth groaned, slumping onto the ground as she placed her head in her hands. Jeralt knelt down and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, causing her to look up at the kind expression he had.

“Hey, don’t beat yourself up over this kid. Whatever this is, and whatever it is that turned you into, you’re still MY daughter. No gauntlet is ever going to change that.” Tears started to well up in Byleth’s eyes, and she quickly stood up to wrap her father up in a hug.

Jeralt was shocked at the sudden embrace, but instantly returned it as best he could given her new physicality. The heartfelt moment was soon to be ruined, unfortunately, thanks to a very loud sound of armored footsteps approaching them. The group tensed up as a squad of armored knights suddenly entered the former battlefield, with their leader announcing their arrival very loudly.


“The Knights of Serios are here! We’ll cut you down for terrorizing our students.” The knight’s leader was a rather older gentleman, perhaps around his late 30s at youngest, who was wearing a rather striking set of armor.

A sterling silver set, with a flowing cape attached to his back and a massive spiked shoulder pad on his right side. Despite this impressive looking armor, he chose to forgo a helmet, showing his clean shaved face and windswept brown hair. Jeralt groaned as he began to get up from the hug, Byleth hearing him muttering

“Ugh...why him?” Just as the mercenary was going to address the knights, one of them shouted upon finally seeing Byleth in her new form.

“Sir Alois! A monster! A monster is attacking the students and that man!” Jeralt’s mood instantly soured at the scared knight’s exclamation, instantly drawing his blade as the knight’s started to surround them. The leader looked at Byleth with shock, a nervous sweat pouring down his face, but nevertheless he drew his own sword and readied to attack her.

“S-Stay strong men! Lady Rhea chose us to protect the students no matter what may happen! Even a Demonic Beast such as this cannot defeat ALL of us!” He’d gotten about halfway into his rallying speech when he tensed up, finally noticing Jeralt was there and blocking his way towards Byleth.

“C-Captian Jeralt?!! Is, it IS you!” The knight’s eyes bugged out upon seeing Jeralt, apparently someone the mercenary knew given the reaction, but even still Jeralt raised his sword in defense. This caused the knight to frown, his brow furrowing as he tried to understand what was going on.

“Don’t you recognize me? It’s Alois! You’re old right-hand man!, that’s how I always thought of myself anyway.” Jeralt groaned, though not letting up his stance at all as he replied.

“You haven’t changed a bit, Alois. Just as loud as ever.” He then raised his sword and took a step closer, Alois hesitatingly lifting his while stepping back. “ You should drop that ‘captian’ nonsense though. It’s been twenty years since I’ve been your captian, now I'm just a mercenary.”Jeralt stepped closer, bridging the gap between him and Alois while the remaining knights slowly started to back off at the aura he was giving off.

Alois himself was sweating faster, his grip on his weapon loosening with how shaky his hands had gotten. Jeralt took one more step, and was readying his sword to swing, his eyes glaring daggers at his old friend.

“ Although...right now, I suppose I'm your enemy.” The sheer venom drenched in Jeralt’s words made Alois pale, his weapon slipping out of his hands as his breathing began to hitch.

Jeralt stared the knight down, taking one more step so his sword was mere inches away from Alois. He then without warning yelled out and swung his sword down, Alois shutting his eyes and his men shouting as they finally began to rally to his defense. Only to be stopped as Jeralt had seemingly missed his mark, his sword buried into the dirt just shy of Alois’s feet, and his expression calmed.

“I don’t care much for people threatening my daughter, even if it IS you old friend. So first warning, put the sword down.” Alois gasped, looking behind his former captian at Byleth who was now standing and had her claws out ready to defend herself.

“Daughter?! Captian Jeralt I don’t understand what do you-?!” Alois’s justifiable confusion at Jeralt’s proclamation was then cut off, by a very sudden very shrill beeping coming from Byleth.

All eyes turned to her, as the hourglass symbol on her waist was beeping loudly, and flashing a dull red light around her, before one final shrill beep sounded and a red flash blinded everyone else. Once they were able to open their eyes again, everyone was stunned to see that Byleth had returned to her normal self. It took her a few tender moments of looking herself over before relief flooded her, instantly falling to her knees with a groan and a sharp inhale. Jeralt instantly turned around, dropping his sword outright and rushing to his knees to check on his daughter.

“Is... Is it over now?” Byleth’s voice was so weak, so tiny and frail, that Jeralt almost convinced himself she hadn’t asked that.

He looked over her carefully, making sure to examine the blasted Gauntlet first off and seeing the hourglass symbol was now a dull red. He gave the thing a few sharp tugs, apologizing when all it provided was a few sounds of pain from Byleth, then softly addressed her.

“... I can’t say for sure kiddo. Whatever this thing is, it’s not coming off of you anytime soon. I think for right now at least you’re good...” Her eyes watered abit at his words, tears of joy he imagined given the softly spoken thanks she gave him. It was good for him to see she was fine, well as fine as she could be in this mess at least, but he couldn’t deny seeing Byleth like this was...unsettling.

In all her years of growing Jeralt had never once seen so much as a tear form near her eyes, yet here she was all but casting waterfalls as if she’d been doing it her whole life. Her voice was so full of life now too, obviously it was sounding more frantic and scared given this ordeal, something else he’d never expected to hear from her. Whatever was happening to his daughter, however, he could find out later. For now, he embraced her again in a calming hug. One that she seemed more than grateful for given how strongly she hugged back.

“E... Er Captian Jeralt?” Jeralt pondered for just a moment how quickly he could reach his sword, before groaning in annoyance instead and saying.

“I suppose you’d like an explanation then, Aloise?” He turned, seeing his former ‘right-hand man’ bug-eyed and slack jawed but still nodding. With a sigh, Jeralt rose to his feet and went to explain the situation, looking back to Byleth with a gentle smile. “I’ll be right back kid, don’t worry. May want to get up and make sure those brats didn’t get a scratch on them while I'm gone.”

Byleth nodded, still looking abit too nervous for her father’s liking, but willing to get up and dust off. As she looked at her father move away to explain to the confused, and likely still terrified, knight she heard a very familiar voice pipe up.

“The Knights of Seiros...They do seem rather skilled.” Byleth gasped, quickly looking around for the source of the voice, before she quietly called out.

“Sothis?” Before she could get an answer, however, the girl in red and her two companions waved her over with intent to talk.

“Ah. It seems your presence is required. Get going!” Once again hearing the voice of Sothis from somewhere unseen, Byleth jumped abit before slowly making her way to the trio.

“For the record.” She whispered under her breath, assuming that Sothis could hear her. “I’ll want an explanation later.”


The three youths had been waiting for Byleth a little way away from the knights, and to the mercenary's relief they looked no worse for wear than she was. Once she got closer, the three looked up and the girl in red chose to speak first.

“I appreciate your help back there. Your skill truly is beyond question.” She shared a soft smile with Byleth, one that Byleth saw no reason not to share back.

“Think nothing of it.” Byleth cheerfully replied.

“I’m just glad you’re all safe considering how hectic things got.” The younger girl’s smile grew abit, clearly approving of the response. “You’re clearly an experienced mercenary. And your father...that would be Jeralt, the Blade Breaker?” Confusion once again adorned Byleth’s face at the girl’s next words.

If she noticed the confused look on Byleth’s face though, she simply ignored it and resumed her inquiry.

“Former captain of the Knights of Seiros. Oft praised as the strongest knight to ever live. Have I missed anything?” Byleth frowned, that finally got the girl's attention, and she shook her head as she explained.

“I’m...not entirely sure to be honest. I DO know he use to have a title that people would refer to him as, but he’s kept it and the fact he was a captain hidden from me.” The three took note of her voice, how confused and crestfallen she sounded, but before the girl in red could retort her comrade in yellow butted in.

“Hey! You are coming with us to the monastery, right? Of course, you are. I’d love to bend your ear as we travel.” His chipper tone seemed to convey he was trying to change the subject. Whether that was to avoid further discussion of Jeralt, or perhaps even to brighten the somber mood up abit Byleth couldn’t tell.

“Oh, I should mention that the three of us are students of the Officers Academy at Garregg Mach Monastery!” He added this rather important piece of information with a smile, one that Byleth’s eyes keenly noticed didn’t seem to match his tone at all.

“Students from a monastery? Well, I can’t say for sure we’d accompany you there when we had a job to do before you approached us, but that raises a question. What were you doing out here in the first place if you’re all students?” At Byleth’s question the boy in yellow gave a sheepish grin, rubbing the back of his head as he hesitantly gave the answer.

“Well, we were out here with some classmates doing some training exercises. I... may have suggested we go a little off the beaten path and got us separated from everyone when those bandits attacked. Defiantly got the worst of it I think.” At hearing this, the girl in red got huffy, quickly spitting out.

“That would be because you ran off.” To his credit the boy didn’t argue with her, rather nodding with that sheepish grin still plastered on his face as he agreed with her.

“Too true! I was the first to make a strategic retreat.” His expression then got muddy as he then grumbled. “Everything WOULD have worked out if these two hadn’t followed me and ruined everything. Because of them, every single one of those bandits chased after us. Utterly ridiculous.”

Dimitri, who seemed to have been keeping silent with abit of a shamed look on his face, blinked at his fellow student’s words.

“Ah, so that’s what you were thinking, Claude. And here I thought you were acting as a decoy for the sake of us all.” His words seemed to have gotten under the girl in red’s skin, as she nudged him a bit and chided.

“His intentions were as clear as day. You will prove a lacking ruler if you cannot see the truth behind a person’s words.” Dimitri scoffed at her words, brushing a hand threw his hair as he not so subtilty nudged her back.

“Hmm. You will prove a lacking ruler yourself if you look for deceit behind every word and fail to trust those whom you rely on.” His words stung Byleth like the lingering embers of a wildfire, the scene from earlier of him aiming a spear at her heart vividly playing in her head.

“He was also holding back during the fight with the bandits...” She thought, slowly hugging herself as the two bickered. “But... He didn’t hesitate to go for my heart. even after I had stopped the bandits from killing them.” As she hugged herself closer to try and sooth her nerves, the boy apparently named Claude noticed her mood shift.

He projected a very loud sigh clearly to break through the gloomy mood and shrugged as he smugly butted into the two’s argument.

“Oh, joy. A royal debate between their Highnesses. I wonder how being completely predicable affects one’s ability to wield power.” He then placed his hands on his hips, giving a playful wink as he continued. “Personally, as the embodiment of distrust, I’d say your little exchange smacks of naivete.” That had seemed to get Claude’s desired result, as the girl in red gasped in offence as she glared daggers at him.

“Me? Naïve? Tell me, are you actually incapable of keeping quiet, or is your lack of self-awareness a condition of some sort?” The pout she then sported broke through Byleth’s nervousness, letting her spill out a tiny giggle at the antics.

Something that Claude noticed for sure, given the small smile on the corner of his mouth as he took the verbal lashing. Dimitri too, seemed to be holding back a chuckle, as he had to force a cough out to steady himself before he turned to Byleth.

“In any case, forgive our digression. I must speak with you, if you can spare a moment.” The shameful look that he had been sporting earlier prior to the digression returned, as did the butterflies in Byleth’s stomach as she grew concerned over what he could possibly want.

"Maybe he’s going to apologize for almost attacking me?" The thought rang hopeful in her head, only for the boy’s next words to all but dash that hope.

“The way you held your ground against the bandits’ leader was captivating! You never lost control of the situation. It showed me I have much to learn still.” Byleth bit into her lip, if only to ensure she didn’t lash out at the boy here and now.

A fire started to bubble in her chest, foreign and unknown to her, and it was taking all she had to not slug him in the face right now. Here he was, looking ashamed after all this, only to then gush about how she’d handled Kostas as if seconds after he wasn’t there with intent to impale her. And to make it about how HE still had much to learn to boot! It vexed her and she bit into her lip harder, drawing a small drop of blood as she simply nodded. She was then saved from this vexing anger, by the girl in red who had actually noticed her mood shifting and abruptly cut in.

“Your skill is precisely why I must ask you to consider lending your services to the empire.” She offered Byleth a small smile, one that to her credit was enough to stifle the raging fire within Byleth’s chest for a moment. “I might as well tell you now. I am no mere student. I am also the Adrestian Empire’s-” The girl’s revelation was cut off, when a rather irate Dimitri pushed himself in front of her and cleared his throat.

“Halt, Edelgard. Please allow me to finish my own proposition.” He then ignored both the look of annoyance that the girl, Edelgard it seemed, gave him and looked to Byleth. Further ignoring the now returning look of bubbling anger that had settled on her face. “The Holy Kingdom of Faerghus is in dire need of exceptional individuals like yourself. Please, do consider returning to the kingdom with me.”

Byleth was all, but shredding into her lips now, droplets of blood spilling onto her tongue as she heard Dimitri try and recruit her. Claude jumped in again, this time dropping all subtlest and outright getting Dimitri to stop talking least Byleth murder him on the spot.

” Whoa, there! You two sure are hasty. Trying to recruit someone you just met. Tactless, really.” He looked to the side to avoid the glares Dimitri and Edelgard shot at him, instead gazing skyward as he resumed. “I was personally planning to develop a deep and lasting friendship on our journey back to the monastery before begging for favors.” He shot another playful wink at Byleth, who finally stopped biting into her lip to smile.

She still wasn’t approving of how he assumed she’d be tagging along with them to the monastery, but she could at least appreciate that he was trying to defuse the situation.

“But it seems there’s no time for niceties in this world. So, capable stranger, let’s get right to it. Where does your allegiance lie?” Byleth paused.

Being a wandering mercenary, she never really had thought of such things before, nor had Jeralt ever really instilled such into her. As she was pondering what to say, she was startled again by the phantom voice of Sothis piping up.

“Hmm. It seems one’s place of birth is quite significant to them. Yet they are so impressed by you, that you may take your pick. Well?” She hissed a curse under her breath, not letting Sothis’s amused chuckle or the stares the three were giving her get to her. After thinking on it for a moment, she nodded her head and answered Claude’s question with what she felt was right.

“The Adrestian Empire, if I had to choose one.” As expected, Dimitri and Claude didn’t seem happy with her choice, though Claude at least had a look of understanding on his face, while Edelgard beamed with pride.

“A wise choice. Though the Empire has fallen from its former glory, the other regions are merely offshoots that pale in comparison. “She was radiating such a smug aura that Byleth almost assumed the sun had risen early, while now both Dimitri AND Claude had a bit of a stink eye on them.

“Alright, that’s enough small talk. It’s time to head back to the monastery!” The four jumped in surprise when the booming voice of Sir Aloise suddenly sprang up behind them, turning to see that he and Jeralt had finished talking.

Byleth walked up to her father, though stopped when she saw he was in a dour mood.

“Is everything okay dad?” She asked him softly.

His grump facade lessened abit at her concerned tone, though he stilled abit surprised to see her concerned at all. He sighed before grumpily explaining to her what was up.

“It’s fine, kid. We’re just... following them to the monastery is all.” She could tell he was hiding something, the fact he was grumpier than normal when saying that clearly showing such. Jeralt clearly didn’t want to actually tag along with them, and with how pleased Aloise looked with himself, Byleth suspected it wasn’t even his idea to begin with.

“What’s wrong Captian? You aren’t getting cold feet now, are you?” Aloise’s bellowing voice once again barged in, Jeralt rolling his eyes at his old friend.

“Even I know better than to run from the Knights of Serios. I’m not exactly thrilled about it, but you had a point. Lady Rhea may well know something about this gauntlet on the kid.” Byleth’s eyes lit up upon hearing her father’s words.

“Would she really know what this is?” She asked, arm raised to display the Gauntlet. Jeralt shrugged, pointing back to Aloise who was smugly chuckling to himself.

“I can’t say for sure kid. But despite appearances Aloise here has merit suggesting she may. At any rate, It’s likely our best shot for answers.” He gently placed his hand on her shoulders, the notion calming her greatly as she softly smiled.

She placed her hand on his and nodded, taking the moment to appreciate how the act was cheering him. Part of her wanted to outright ask him why he was clearly against going to the monastery, but she shushed that part for now just to enjoy the moment. Jeralt then gave her a nod, before setting off to tell the rest of their troupe the change in plans. As she watched him leave, a sudden cough from Claude brought her back to the conversation.

“Well, it seems you’ll be joining us after all! I suppose I'll be able to bend those ears of yours after all.” His chipper mood was soon dashed, when Edelgard "politely" interrupted him.

“While that’s all fine and dandy Claude, we should make way to leave ourselves. We do still need to rejoin with the others before we head off, and I shudder to think what they may be doing without our guidance.” He looked as if he was going to argue that, but a split-second later he sighed and acknowledged she had a point.

“You got me there. Much as I suspect Hilda and the others aren’t in danger, it likely is best we hurry and reunite with them.” He then gave a suave smile and quick salute to Byleth as the three started to saunter off. “ Looks like we’ll have to pick this up another time then, see you on the trail Miss Mercenary!” And with that, the three of them left to ready for the travels ahead. Byleth watched them go for a few seconds, ready to turn and head off to Jeralt, when once again Sothis’s ethereal voice chimed in.

“My, my. They are in such a hurry. You know... Each of the three is most unique...” Byleth gave a small shout, grateful everyone was long out of ear shot, before grumbling to herself.

“Can you PLEASE explain where you are? And why I can hear you so clearly?” A disembodied chuckle filled the air, Sothis clearly amused at Byleth’s confusion.

“Worry not, I shall explain.” A moment later Sothis appeared before her, or rather a ghostly afterimage of the girl appeared in front of her. Seeing the mercenary’s eyes widen and look around, she quickly chided her paranoia. “Be at ease, be at ease. None may see or hear me in this form save for you.” Byleth took in a breath she hadn’t realized she was holding, nodded and stared at the ghostly girl.

“ really IS you. But why are you here? can I still hear you when no one else can?” At Byleth’s question the ghostly Sothis shook her head, raising a hand to her skull and pointing as she explained.

“The details remain...scarce I'm afraid. But I do know this! For some reason It seems you and I are connected, Byleth. Through your soul I can interact with this world and bare witness to events unfolding!” She then dropped her holier than thou attitude and sheepishly rubbed her head. “At the least...that is what I ASSUME is the reasoning.” Byleth nearly stumbled over herself at the sheer causally Sothis admitted this, before just shaking her head and dropping it.

“Well...I suppose it’s just something else we’ll have to figure out.” Though she tried to hide it, Sothis noted how her eyes instantly darted towards the Gauntlet on her wrist.

“Come now, we will have the time to worry about such things later. For now, sake my curiosity. What are your thoughts on those three?” Byleth pondered on her words for a moment, grateful for something else to focus her thoughts on.

“The girl, Edelgard was it? She’s certainly a refine young woman, clearly not afraid to get into the thick of it ether... But I feel as if she is always evaluating me.” Her mind then wandered towards Dimitri, a ghost of a frown peppering her face before she continued.

“As for Dimitri, he does seem quite sincere all considered. Although... I do sense a darkness lurking underneath his surface that concerns me.” She flashed back to the battle, how the boy had seemingly gone from in control to just barely managing not to gorge out like a savage animal. She shook herself away from those thoughts, choosing to dwell instead on the final of the trio.

“Claude... his easy smile was striking to be sure. But even though he was clearly helping to brighten the mood when he noticed mine sour, that smile never reached his eyes once.” Sothis nodded at Byleth’s spot on impressions, before letting off a big yawn and rubbing her eyes.

“Yes, I thought much the same... so very sleepy though.” Her spectral form began to flicker, her eyes drooping as she struggled to keep them open. “I may be sleeping...but I...” Whatever the girl was going to tell her, it was now lost as she vanished. A light snoring all Byleth heard before Sothis was once again slumbering, a bemused smile on the mercenary's face as she turned to find her father and began the long journey ahead.


After a little under an hour to ensure any wounds gotten in the battle were treated, and the villagers safe, the party had made their way towards the monastery. Though originally the plan was for the Knight of Serios to lead the three students back to their peers, Aloise had instead sent a few men to run ahead. He had stated his reasoning was to ensure the other students were informed of the situation so as not to worry, but everyone figured the real reason was to stay back and chat up Jeralt. Despite the older mercenary still looking sour about the trip, he did at least indulge his old friend as they traded stories and caught up on lost time. Edelgard, Claude, and Dimitri meanwhile had gone to walk alongside Byleth to get to know her better. After a few stories shared, and the insistence they could simply call her by name, the Gauntlet had made a loud beeping noise and the symbol on it back to green.

At first, everyone had stopped to stare at it. Worry and concern clearly spread to everyone as Byleth had hesitatingly touched the symbol. Upon doing so, it popped upwards again and lit up to display some form of mystical image of the creature she had transformed into. After sharing a quick look with Jeralt, who gave her a firm nod, Byleth fiddled with the symbol more. A quick second later, she found it could turn like a dial and many more images of strange creatures. Byleth gazed deeply at all of them, counting a total of ten images that she presumed the Gauntlet would turn her into.

“I have to ask Miss Mercenary, is it wise to be messing with that Gauntlet?” Claude’s sudden words broke the silence, some of the Knights looking at him before looking to see Byleth’s answer. She inhaled deeply, before looking at the image she had selected and nodded.

“This Gauntlet will be with me for some time, maybe even forever.” She mused. “As much as I’d rather not, it’s better to understand what it can do now. After all, if it turns me into another creature in a dire situation better to know how to deal with it first.” Edelgard nodded after hearing Byleth’s logic.

“A sound notion. It is far better to see what it can do now while we aren’t in peril. I admit, I'm also curious to see just what you can turn into...” Byleth was glad to see Edelgard was on the same page, she then allowed everyone to back away a few feet before she gently pressed down on the image she had selected.

A bright green flash went off, startling a few of the knights who hadn’t expected such, and once it died down several gasps went out at what was now standing before them. Byleth was now standing slightly shorter than most of the party, and her skin had been replaced with pale blue fur. Her neck had extended greatly, leading to her head which was now a drastically different horseshoe-like shape. Said head was also now feline in appearance, with a smaller nose and a slightly rugged underbite hiding a few fangs. Her ears now were atop her head, easily mistaken as her hair, as they were now pitch black as acting as a mask for her sharp green eyes. Her chest had become abit broader, her breasts even becoming slightly slimmer to convey this, and her limbs were a lot more gangly with her hands gaining slightly sharp claws. Her outfit was familiar to the knights and students, however. a dark blue blouse with light red garnish on its side, with twin leather belts and an ordinal sheath of some kind strapped to her hips. Underneath that her legs were covered mostly with dark stockings that fed into thick leather boots, any skin they’d normally show instead showing thick blue fur. Her arms normally would have been fully sleeved, instead bare to allow her fur to breathe. A thick pair of gloves lined with fur were on her hands, metal bracings atop them, though they lacked the cloth on the fingers seemingly to allow her use of her new claws. Lastly, under her neck was a hooded clasp that connected to a sturdy leather shoulder pad atop her right shoulder. And of course, in the center of her chest laid a badge that held the same hourglass symbol the Gauntlet had, as if to tie it all together. Aloise, after calming down from seeing the transformation, almost instantly spoke on the outfit.

“Why that’s the outfit students wear upon passing the test for Archery! How curious... It would seem you changed clothes as well as your skin! I guess considering young miss Von Hresvelg is here you’re-” Jeralt and the student’s eyes suddenly widened like dinner plates as they all reached a hand out with a loud cry of “NO!!” as the Knight finished his sentence. “Dressed to Empress!

The second the horridly cheesy pun fell from Aloise’s lips, nearly everyone in the group let out a pained groan as their shoulders sank in defeat. That is, all did this save for ONE particular person.

“...P...Pfffttt~ W-Was that a joke??” Byleth’s new form spoke aloud, spooking some of the Knights who hadn’t expected such, clearly struggling to hold in laughter as Aloise’s joke was processing.

She managed to last another couple seconds before giving way, a barrelful of laughter pouring out of her as she held her sides and let it all out. The knights who had been spooked by her speaking were now blinking as they stared at the laughing cat creature, Jeralt pinching himself as if to ensure he wasn’t in a fevered dream. Aloise on the other hand, had a surprised look that quickly turned into cheerful smugness.

“Aha! Glad to see you’ve raised your daughter well in appreciating the finer things in life Captian! Why I daresay if she liked that one, my REAL heavy hitters will be sure to leave her in stitches for sure!” He gave a hearty laugh, not noticing Jeralt was silently glaring daggers at him.

Byleth meanwhile had finally started to settle down from her laughter, Edelgard giving her a concerned look as she then gave a strange look.

“Is everything alright?” The red clad student’s question was then answered non-verbally as Byleth simply rushed away from the group towards the woods.

Said rushing was also near instantaneous as within seconds of moving Byleth’s form was already a blur, and everything that was near here had been blown back by a sudden forceful wind. Edelgard in particular found herself on the ground, very confused when she realized that and quickly got up.

“What on earth just hap-” Edelgard’s question was once again given an unorthodox answer, as a sudden push of wind hit the group and Byleth re-appeared.

She had a large number of wild berries in her hands, though a few had fallen given she had apparently stumbled abit upon stopping in front of the group.

“Ah sorry about that!” She told them in her higher pitched voice. “I just all of a sudden smelled something REALLY good a few miles that way and kind of just...ran over to see.” As everyone processed what she had said, Claude was the first to raise the question on their minds.

“D... Do you mean to say you SMELLED those berries from miles away and simply...ran to go get them in mere seconds!?” Byleth nodded, not really understanding why they all had such dumbstruck expressions and popped a few berries into her mouth.

Upon doing so her ears went straight up, and her catlike eyes widened greatly, a distinctive purr emitting from her as she eagerly gobbled up more.

“Wow! These taste incredible!!” Her delighted statement was then followed by her scarfing down more of them with childish glee, everyone else blinking at the display.

“Excuse, Byleth? Could us your running speed again?” Edelgard cautiously slipped in another question as Byleth finished her snack, gleefully licking her lips as she did.

“Hmmm? Oh, I get it! You wanted some too! Sorry, guess I got caught up with how good they tasted.” Byleth then grabbed ahold of Edelgard’s arm to her surprise, and quickly hoisted her up in a bridal carry as she then said. “No worries! There were plenty more in the thicket! I can get us there no problem!”

Edelgard’s face was flushed in a bright red, barely managing to stammer out “W-Wait just a moment!” Before Byleth rushed away again, leaving behind nothing but a strong wind and the slack jawed group watching her run faster than any horse in Fódlan could dream of going.


Edelgard Von Hresvelg had faced many dangers and trials in her path to becoming Empress of the Adrestian Empire, some of which no one would have ever seen coming. She would be the first to admit that perhaps a bit too much blood, sweat, and tears had been shed down this road she walked. All of this being said, she now found herself in an equally unexpected circ*mstance that was quickly making several of those past dangers pale in comparison. The second Byleth’s new form had run off with her in tow, she felt nothing but intense wind hitting her face. A wind far stronger than any spell she’d ever seen cast, one forcing her eyes shut and leaving her mouth wide open as she screamed her head off in fear. Part of her was glad none of her fellow classmates, or worse professors, could hear this very out of character screaming from her. A much larger part was currently trying very hard to focus on anything, anything at all, other than the sensation she was currently feeling. It was as if she’d been fired from a catapult, or at least she imagined this was what such a thing would feel like, and the intense pressure was getting to her. Then, just as sudden as this hellish encounter had started, it ended with everything coming to a skidding halt and a far too cheerful Byleth saying.

“Here we are! Feel free to grab as many as you want!” A few seconds passed before Edelgard felt safe to open her eyes, her entire body screaming and shaking in relief, and she cautiously peered out.

Byleth had been true to her word, and they had somehow gotten to a very small thicket bustling with wild berries within seconds. She turned her head to see behind them and gave a small gasp when the truth fully hit her.

“This... This was miles away from where we were! It should have taken at least half a day’s traveling to get here on foot! How is this possible?!” Byleth’s face scrunched up as the question hit her, something Edelgard had to mentally command herself NOT to find cute, and she gently put Edelgard down as she thought.

“I mean, I guess this form is just REALLY fast? I didn’t really feel different when I moved, apart from it being kind of hard to stop for a second there.” She then pointed to her nose, which was twitching lightly. “If anything is different it’s my nose! Everything smells a lot more...detailed I guess would be the word? Same for my tongue, I’ve had berries before but none that have ever tasted this fresh before!” She then quickly picked a few off a nearby bush and popped them in her mouth, Edelgard noting with amazement that her hands had gone through the motions of such in a blur.

She stared at the mercenary’s new feline-est nose and after a moment it dawned on her.

“I see, I think I understand. This new...form I suppose we should call it; it must have heightened senses. Your likely more akin to a tracking animal now, able to smell and taste things that humans simply can’t.” Byleth moved her hands in front of her, finally taking a moment to get a good look at her new self. “So, I can track things really good, and I’m incredibly fast? A... Tracker that’s fast?” The Empress-to-be silently watched as Byleth looked over herself, her mind thinking several things at once even as it was still settling down from the intense run. To her hidden embarrassment, however, one thought in particular seemed to be thriving in her mind.

‘...She looks so soft. I’d love to pet her.’ Her thoughts were immediately broken, when Byleth reached down and grabbed a dozen or so berries, then looked at her and chipperly said.

“We should probably head back before I change again, wouldn’t want to have to walk back normally!” She then quickly scooped up Edelgard again, whose eyes instantly widened as she let off a very soft whimper knowing what was about to happen. “Hold on tight! This’ll be over in a flash!” Byleth laughed cheerfully as she started to run, immensely picking up speed as she headed back towards the group and laughing harder once Edelgard started screaming again.


A scant few seconds later, the two had regrouped with everyone else. After they had calmed down upon Byleth’s instant return startling them, she filled her father in on what they had figured out of this new form.

“I see, a tracker then? Could be useful kid, the fact you were running faster than anything I've even seen is even a bonus.” Jeralt’s eyes lingered on his daughter as he spoke, likely already imagining a dozen scenarios her newfound powers could help with. “ do look abit scrawny now. Maybe not the best to use this one in heavy combat.”

She nodded at the advice, the group now at last ready to resume the journey to the monastery. For a while it had been back to normal, save for Claude and Dimitri not so subtly eyeing Byleth and asking questions on her new form. That awkward peace would soon be broken, as a few minutes later a horse was galloping towards them, its rider one of the Knights Aloise had sent ahead.

“Sir Aloise! The rest of the students!” His breath was haggard, a clear sign he’d been pushing himself and horse to find them quickly, Aloise and Jeralt instantly got serious upon his entry.

“What’s happened? Are the students in danger!?” The knight took a moment to catch his breath, then nodded at his superior officer's inquiry.

“Yes! We found them a few miles ahead already heading back to the monastery! Unfortunately, we ran afoul of some bandits in the woods! Most of the students managed to escape, but they’ve cornered five of them! Three of the Black eagles and two students from the blue lions and Golden Deer!” The three students winced at his report, more so on Edelgard’s behalf as she had grown anxious at the knight’s report.

“Could it be the bandits that ran off after Miss Byleth took them out? Would they truly be so bold as to attack someone again after that?” Dimitri pondered aloud, Claude making a tsk sound in reply.

“I’m still wrapping my head around what happened to be honest, I wouldn’t put it past them to insist it was a bad dream and try to go on as normal.” The yellow clad boy then donned a sour look on his face as he continued. “Still, I don’t doubt our classmates could handle a few bandits normally. But if these ARE the same ones Miss Mercenary scared off, I can’t deny there’s a chance they’re off the deep end now and more dangerous.” Aloise nodded at the boy’s words, a look of concern on his own face as he looked towards his men.

“We must make haste then! We can’t let even a single hair be harmed on our wards!” His fellow knights seemed motivated by their leader’s speech, but Jeralt was shaking his head.

“Even if we went as fast as we could, we’re miles away from them. That’s too much time between us where something could happen Aloise.” His old friend grimaced, though he held his tongue. He knew full well his former captian was right, as bad as it was to hear.

“Then we must figure something out Captian Jeralt! Surely there must be some way we can get there in time!” Jeralt sighed, putting a hand to his temple as he thought. His eyes then widened as he turned to Byleth, who was busy snacking on berries.

“Kid. I hate to put this on you so soon, but you’re literally our best bet here. I need you to go on ahead as fast as you can and help those brats out!” Byleth froze, unsure if she could really be the key they needed, though it was Aloise’s words that ultimately pushed her.

“You’ve got to save the kids!” He cried out, a fierce fire in his eyes. “I know if anyone can do it, it’s you Miss! We’ll get there as soon as we can, but please go and save them!” Byleth was touched by his words, and even Jeralt seemed stunned yet impressed at his friends' passionate words. Byleth nodded, ready to go on and rush to the rescue when someone else pipped up.

“Please! A moment!” They all turned and saw Edelgard approaching with a slightly hesitate look on her face. After a moment, she swallowed before looking Byleth in the eyes. “Please take me with you! As house leader, the Black Eagles are mine to watch over! If all three who came with us are in danger, it would be shameful of me to not go along and help!” The other two students looked at ends with her, though likely wanted to go as well.

It was finally Dimitri who spoke up after a tense silence.

“You should take her Miss Byleth. Though I wish I could go as well, I’d rather not slow you down. I simply ask that you help our classmates and keep them safe!” Byleth stared at him for a second, a quick bubble of anger almost getting to her, before she instead softly smiled and nodded.

She looked to Claude who nodded, his being on board with the plan conveyed with the simple motion.

“Alright then, Edelgard hop on!” Edelgard paled abit at Byleth’s words, but quickly gathered her courage and allowed herself to be picked up again. Before they could get to going, however, she quickly reached into a hidden sheath near her leg and presented Byleth with a small knife.

“You should hold onto this for now, just in case. I’m not sure it would be wise to assume you could handle them unarmed even in this form.” Byleth nodded, putting the knife in the leather sheath strapped to her hips, and then began to run. Edelgard in the meanwhile was using everything she had to hold back the scream that was about to come out as the wind started to pick up again.


Elsewhere in the woods, a group of Officer Academy students were not having the best of days. After the Knights of Seiros had regrouped with them, and informed them of their house leaders' whereabouts, they had settled on returning to the monastery. Unfortunately, they had quickly run into a group of bandits who seemed extremely hostile if possibly abit afraid. The Knights had managed to subdue most of them, and get the students to safety, but a choice dozen had managed to separate five of the students from the pack. And now, those five were knee deep in combat, only just barely keeping the crazed bandits at bay. One of those students was attempting to lead the assault... the keyword being ‘attempting’.

“Hold it right there you villains! I am Ferdinand von Aegir! And if your intent is to harm my fellows, then I will not back down one step!” The embolden student who was trying to lead them was a young man, standing firmly in front of the bandits with a lance in hand.

He wore a uniform much similar to the others, albeit with a white neckerchief tucked into his shirt and a few more golden frills here and there. He also wore a pair of bright white gloves, with bright orange hair neatly styled atop his head. He raised his lance and readied himself to defend from attack, only for an ‘attack’ to hit him from the side.

“Honestly, must you be so over the top Ferdinand? They’re already seem settled on killing us, the least you could do is not rile them up?” Ferdinand scoffed as he looked towards his side, one of his fellow students having made the snide comment.

He was a boy a few years his senior, wearing a near identical uniform as his sans the white neckerchief, who was wearing a nasty frown on his pale face. His hair was a dark black, with part of it neatly combed over one of his sharp yellow eyes in his hands floated a glowing tome, rippling with a dark energy that was flowing into his right hand.

“You say that Hubert, but I’m sure you would rather have used magic to attack them without warning! Would that not have riled them up more? Such an un-noble mindset you have sometimes!” The boy, Hubert, rolled his eyes and sighed evidently used to this behavior.

He raised his right hand and fired a magic spell right at the nearest bandit, it quickly covering him and seemingly draining him of life as it flowed back to Hubert. As the now dead bandit fell, Hubert gave a satisfied grin that gave Ferdinand a bit of a chill down his spine.

“Need I remind you that this is not some childish contest we find ourselves in? This is a battlefield Ferdinand, and I shan’t have you soil it with your usual demeanor. I would loath it if I am gutted here any my final moments are plagued by your prater.” He then ignored the offended look the other boy was giving him and motioned his head behind them as he resumed. “If you wish to make yourself useful, I suggest you go help Bernedetta before she tries to climb up that tree. I’m willing to commend her for having such fine aim with her arrows even now, but that cowering she’s doing will give us no aid here.” Though he clearly didn’t agree with the tone Hubert was using, Ferdinand nodded and quickly raced back towards their comrade.

Said comrade was a young girl, who was doing her absolute best to huddle up in a ball and remain hidden from the danger. She wore a uniform much like the others, save for trading the dress pants for a mousey skirt and tights combo. She also had a light blue hood intergraded into her uniform, which she was currently nuzzling into in terror. Unlike the other two her violet hair was very messy, seemingly barely kept up given her frazzled nature. She DID have a bow and arrow in her hands and was even firing it off here and there with fantastic accuracy, but even then, she was focused entirely on making herself look small.

“T-This is why I told Edelgard she should have brought someone elseee! P-Petra or Caspar would have been a lot more useful here than meeeeeeee!” Ferdinand had a small frown on his face as he approached her, carefully ensuring none of the bandits got near them, and gave her a confident smile.

“Nonsense Bernedetta! Your aim is as true as always! I know you weren’t fond of Edelgard choosing you to accompany us, but you can rest easy!” He then waved his lance in front of him, forming a guard in front of the timid girl as he made a bold declaration. “You have my word as an honorable noble, that no bandit shall harm you on this day!” For a split second, Bernedetta raised her head up to look at the boy, looking as if to believe him. The next second, a very loud cry of “INCOMING!!” jolted them into action, as a wayward bandit was sent flying their way courtesy of another student.

Ferdinand just barely managed to doge out of the way, shooting a quick apology as he pushed Bernedetta out of harm's way as well. As the timid girl squeaked in horror at the sudden contact, Ferdinand glared at the direction the bandit had been flung from and loudly called out.

“Raphael! I can understand wanting to use your full might in this situation, but please watch out when you do something like that!” A loud booming laugh then emitted, and the student who had tossed the bandit there made himself known. He was a large lad, easily towering over the others by a wide berth, easily much more muscular than the other two boys.

This showed most prominently with his uniform, as he was outright forgoing the vest and blazer the others wore. The shirt he was wearing was even barely fitting his hulking frame, looking as if the buttons were always seconds away from snapping off. In preventing this he had a pair of suspenders firmly on, connected to his dress pants that further lead down to a heavy pair of boots. His hair was a firm golden brown and slightly spiked, and to fit his large physic his weapon of choice was a pair of iron gauntlets. Gauntlets that were currently being used to help him punch a few teeth out of another bandit who he had in a headlock.

“Sorry about that Ferdinand! You too Bernie! It’s just so easy to toss these guys around!” To prove his point, he released the bandit he had from the headlock. Only instead to instantly grab him by his shirt and heft him up overhead for a devastating body slam into the ground.

Raphael then let out a large whooping cry, as he followed it up by slamming into the poor bandit elbow first to knock him out cold.

“Man, all this is getting me hungry! Say I don’t suppose you have anything to snack on with you, do you Mercedes?” He turned, effortlessly cold clocking another bandit who’d tried to sneak up on him as he spoke to the final student who was with them.

Said student was a girl who looked to be the oldest of all of them, and was currently gracefully dodging a few bandits herself. Much like Bernedetta she had a different uniform than the boys, though hers acting was more akin to a dress rather than a shorter skirt instead of pants. She had sharp blue leggings spilling to slightly oversized boots, and a soft looking shawl with blue trimming and a design stitched onto it. As she moved to and fro to avoid a bandit’s knife, her blonde shoulder length hair tied up in a large ponytail threatened to cover her eyes. She paid it no mind however, quickly ducking under another wild slash from the knife and addressing Raphael as she brushed her hair over her shoulder.

“I believe I actually have a few baked goods with our supplies we dropped off earlier, you’d be more than welcome to a few if you’d like!” She then backed away from the bandit who’d been trying to slash at her, pulling a tome out from a satchel she had on herself and opening it.

A bright orange aura covered her hand, flickering for a moment, and a large ball of flames began to form in it. She aimed it at the bandit she was facing and it flew straight at him, hitting him right in the chest and burning him. He screamed for a moment as the flames consumed him but after a couple seconds the fire went out and the bandit snarled at her, singed abit but not in any danger. Mercedes pouted, readying another spell when Raphael intercepted via slamming into him with his arm as he rushed pass. Mercedes bowed in gratitude as he made sure the bandit stayed down via a swift kick in the ribs, but a small frown covered her face.

“Thank you, Raphael, it would seem I need to practice more on my Reason spells though...” Her down crested look caused the boy to frown himself, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder in comfort.

“Hey now, don't beat yourself over it! I can’t even use magic at all, and you’re hands down the best healer in the academy!” Ferdinand chose that moment to add his own two cents, clapping his hands in an over-the-top manner as he did so.

“He’s right! Why, even compared to Linhardt, your healing magic is sensational! Dare I say you could even outshine Hubert here in the magic department if you tried hard enough!” In responds Hubert looked like he was going to snidely object to his classmate’s’ statement, but then he took a gaze over to Mercedes and paused.

She was staring right at him, the kind of stare he had only seen a handful of times in his life. For a moment his breath hitched as he realized she wasn’t blinking, no she was ensuring he knew she was giving her full attention to him. A cold sweat started to creep down his skin, and he forced himself to swallow hard as he clear his throat and changed course.

“...Certain people have some magic come to them more naturally. I would be unwise to not admit that my own healing magics pale in comparison to Mercedes’.” He looked towards the girl in question again, the dangerous stare now replaced with a beaming smile.

Hubert then mentally reminded himself to ensure not to do anything to risk seeing that stare again. As the students gathered together to firmly stand their ground, weapons and spells primed and ready, they all started to hear a peculiar noise approaching them. Everyone, students and bandits, froze for a moment as the noise started to get closer and closer. Hubert scrunched his eyes, trying to gaze at to whatever could be making the noise.

“How odd... for some reason I feel as if I’ve heard this sound before. But whe-” His musing was abruptly canceled, when the source of the noise was finally revealed: a scream.

Everyone tensed up as the scream was suddenly upon them, and something moving faster than an arrow ran right into Ferdinand with a loud crash. Everyone, student and bandit alike, grew deadly silent as they turned to see just what had run into the boy. After the dust from the impact settled, they were met with the strangest sight, and one that caused quite a spike of dread in the bandits. Upon the floor in a heap next to Ferdinand was Edelgard, who was looking quite green in the face and muttering to herself about ‘how this was her choice to come.’ And in between the two students was a blue feline-like creature, a creature that to the utter shock of the students was speaking as well.

“Owww... Sorry about that Edelgard. I guess it’s a bit trickier to stop running like this than I thought. Edelgard for the most part brushed the creature off, slowly standing up and brushing herself off as she went to help the others up.

“You’ve nothing to apologize for Miss Byleth, It IS possible my weight could have been a factor in the delay after all.” She then realized who they had accidentally ran into, a hot blush covering her face in embarrassment as she helped Ferdinand up. “You uh...may want to apologize to my classmate though. It seems he wasn’t as lucky as the others in regard to our sudden stop...” By now the battle had lulled to a stop, the students cautiously creeping closer to their peers and most of the bandits having full on panic attacks upon seeing the creature getting off the ground.

Hubert almost immediately went to Edelgard’s side, and given the look he gave her she was quick to stop him.

“Everything is fine Hubert. I know this is a...well, strange look, but trust me I have brought us an ally.” He seemed to balk at her words, but after a moment he relented.

“As you wish, Lady Edelgard. I.. assume you’ve an explanation for us?” She nodded, but before she could fully explain Byleth’s condition someone else beat her to speaking.

“A-AH!” It was Ferdinand, who’d finally gotten back up and gotten a look at who had rammed into him. Upon seeing Byleth in her new form, he’d instantly raised his lance and put on a show of bravado despite the clear fear in his voice. “Monster! You move no further here! I am Ferdinand Von Aegir! And you will pay for attacking me, on this I swear on the noble house of Aegir!” Byleth paused, fulling taking in the boy’s cry, before outright ignoring him and turning to Hubert.

“Excuse me, but is he ALWAYS like this?” Hubert blinked, a very rare look of genuine surprise on his face, as it dawned on him he was conversing with a talking cat for all intents.

He recovered rather quickly though and answered Byleth with just a hint of snark in his voice.

“Unfortunately, yes. I’d say you get use to it after so many days, but he truly is like a wasp. Always buzzing loudly nearby without any sense of decency for the timing.” Ferdinand made a sound of objection at the pale boy’s remark, lowering his lance just a little as Edelgard took charge.

“Ferdinand that is enough. I understand she may not look it, but I assure you Byleth is as human as you are.” She then turned and motioned towards the bandits, who had seemed to get out of their panicked stupor and itching closer to the students. The students all readied themselves, weapons and tomes drawn.

“Uh, excuse me Edelgard? Not to be rude to you and your new friend, but we do still seem abit outnumbered here.” Raphael spoke up, noting how there was at least a dozen or so bandits left despite their efforts to thin then out. Edelgard nodded, gazing at the enemy before turning to Byleth. The two exchanged looked then nodded, Edelgard crying out .

“Now! Everyone be ready!” As Byleth zoomed out of sight right into the bandit’s. Before the students could even figure out what they were to get ready for, five bandits were instantly taken out via Byleth rushing past them with her knife.

Fear and panic once again returning to the remaining bandits as they saw their allies suddenly bleeding out with no clear sight on how.

“What the hell hit them?! Quickly! Get back before it-” One of the more sane bandits had tried to rally his allies back, only for Byleth’s fist to ram into him at blinding speeds and cut him off.

The sheer momentum from the blow hitting him all at once and throwing him miles away into a tree, a tree that splintered in half upon impact which allowed the poor bandit to remain sailing onward for some time. Byleth had taken this moment to stop moving, her arm still pulling back from the punch, as she gave a cheeky wink to the bandits.

“Just so you know, I’ve got really good ears now. And he is STILL going through a few trees over there, if you still think you can fight us?” To absolutely no surprise, the bandits chose to drop their weapons and either run away or outright surrender.

The students on the other hand, were gob smacked by what they had just witnessed. Raphael looked to be in sheer awe at Byleth’s actions, grinning madly in approval as he looked about ready to ask her to teach him how to punch like that. Ferdinand was looking down at his lance in shocked horror, as if silently understanding just how close he’d gotten to being just like that bandit who was sailing through half the forests now. Edelgard wasn’t surprised, given she knew what to expect, but she did have a look of pride on her face as she watched Byleth return to the group. Hubert had a poker face on, clearly in awe as the others were, but hiding his reactions and mostly looking at Edelgard with slight concern. Mercedes had her hands covering her mouth, concern all over her face as she watched Byleth rub her knuckles . It was when Byleth rejoined the group, however, that it became apparent someone was missing. And that someone chose now to scream in terror a little ways away.

“A-AAHH!! SOMEONE HELP!!” The students turned towards the shout, seeing that they had forgotten all about Bernedetta who was currently on top of the tree that Byleth had broken. The tree was only barely hanging on, still somewhat connected to it’s trunk, but splintering further apart by the second.

“Bernedetta?! When did she?! Gah, I told you NOT to let her do this very thing Ferdinand!” Hurbert cursed loudly, glaring at Ferdinand who had sheepishly backed away towards Byleth.

“I-It surely couldn’t be my fault!” The noble student was waving his hands about, trying to defect the blame least Hubert’s stare burn him to a crisp. He then pointed towards Byleth, Edelgard noting where he was pointing at, as he tried to resume. “Besides! Our new friend can simply run up and get her dow-” His words were abruptly cut off, when his finger pressed onto the badge on Byleth’s and a bright flash went off .

When it vanished he turned towards Byleth, only to gasp when he saw she had once again transformed into a new form. Her size hadn’t changed much, but instead of fur or skin she now had a green leafy foliage on her body. Her chest and waist had slimmed down, looking near identical to that of a stem from a plant though apparently her breasts were still with her in this form. Her arms had gotten thinner, possibly even longer, and her elbows had strange pads a lighter shade of green than her ‘flesh’ that almost looked like they could open. Her fingers in turn looked much more elongated, and even seemingly barbed given the slight prickles at her fingertips. Her neck now had segmented parts, leading up to her head which was now barren of hair and only had her soft lips and a singular giant pupilless green eye in the middle. She also had two bulb-like fixtures on the side of her head, each one opening up at the end and spilling out vines that were acting as her ‘hair’. Among the most notable features were her shoulders, which were now replaced by giant protruding flaps very similar to that of a venus flytrap, including the very teeth-like indents at the end and how they were concealing her head abit. The other most notable feature was her legs, or rather the lack of legs. Instead of her legs Byleth’s hips now looked similar to a plant’s bud save the hourglass badge in it’s center, and had four very thick vines spewing out of it that she was tending standing on as legs. Byleth blinked, very slowly at that given her one eyes, and moved her ‘feet’ before saying in a raspy voice.

“Huh...that’s new.” The students meanwhile, had all backed up in shock at seeing the transformation, most of all Ferdinand who was stammering in confusion .

“W-What is this?? You’ve become... a vine creature? Some kind of beast made of wild vines?!” Byleth frowned at his use of beast, but she his use of ‘wild vines’ did seem to resonate with her.

“Wild vines? Hmmm...Wild Vine? I think I like the sound of that actually...” Byleth’s musings were cut short however, as Bernedtta’s scream once again rang out reminding her of the crisis.

Without pausing she moved towards the tree and , as if by instinct, moved an arm out and watched in surprise as it stretched outwards and wrapped around the tree. The others quickly got over their shock, sensing the opportunity Raphael and Ferdinand made to grab Byleth’s arm as it wrapped around the tree to pull and keep it steady. Bernedetta screamed again when she saw what was going on, although for some reason Byleth could swear it almost sounded more like an excited scream than one of terror, and Edelgard quickly moved under her.

“Bernedetta quickly! While the tree isn’t falling you must jump down!” The empress-to-be's words seemed to do little to sooth the girl, the notion of jumping making her stammer and blubber in fear. Byleth then had an idea, the form’s instincts kicking in again possibly, and she shouted out.

“Keep holding onto my arm!” towards the students as she moved her other arm’s fingers backwards towards her elbow.

The strange pad on it opened to reveal two black ‘Seeds’ that she quickly retrieved then tossed towards the tree with her free hand. Once they made contact with the ground, they buried themselves into the soil and rapidly began to sprout, spitting out a makeshift ladder via a pair of twisting vines. The vines latched onto the branch, startling Bernadetta who wasted no time going down them and back to safety. Once her feet were firmly planted on the ground, Byleth pulled the arm holding the tree back and allowed it to gently fall onto the forest floor. As her arm snapped back to it’s original length, Byleth winced hard as a sudden sharp pain came to her. Everyone flooded to her upon seeing such, and someone shrieked upon seeing what the cause was. The knife that Edelgard had given her in the last form had stuck around, unknowingly buried into where her shoulder ended in this form now. It had seemed to have come out during the commotion with the tree and was slowly digging it’s blade into her arm . And now said arm had cut clean off, fallen to the ground with a thud and withering into a brown husk. Byleth soon had everyone crowding over her, until Mercedes pushed her way forward with her tome opened.

“My apologies miss! I ...I don’t know if this will work, but my healing magic might be able to save your arm!” Before she could cast the spell, however, Byleth suddenly felt a very tingly sensation where her arm had been. And within seconds a brand-new arm had ‘sprouted’ out of her body, growing back to the exact size and shape with nary an issue. Exclamations were shouted and Mercedes blinked, looking at the spell that was still primed in her hands.

“Huh...I guess I’m my own healing magic then!” Byleth noted, moving her newly grown arm slowly. She gave a gentle nod to Mercedes, who still looked abit frazzled at being addressed by a living plant, and turned towards Bernedetta...who was staring a little too intensely at Byleth.

“Oh my goshhhhh! Did you turn into a giant Dionaea muscipula?! Oh you must have! I’ve never seen such a large crown! Oh oh oh! Are you carnivorous now? Do you need to ingest trapped food ?” The formerly timid girl was bombarding Byleth with questions, showing more energy than any of the others had ever seen her show before.

Edelgard silently crept towards Hubert, quietly whispering to him as she stared at the display of emotion her classmate was showing.

“Hubert have you ever seen Bernedetta like this before? I don’t think I’ve ever seen her choose to talk to a stranger upfront at all! We had to pry her out of her room for this trip for goodness sake!” Hubert shook his head, his own eyes firmly fixed on the girl in question.

“For my life, Lady Edelgard, I cannot say I’ve seen her like this no. It is most...curious indeed. “He then shifted his look onto Byleth, her current plant like form raising so many questions. As if picking up on his cue, Edelgard decided to speak up to everyone. “It’s good that you’re okay now Bernedetta, but we shouldn’t relax yet.” She jabbed a finger at the few bandits who had surrendered earlier after Byleth’s attack, some of which seemed to have fainted after seeing her transform yet again. “We should find the means to subdue these bandits while we wait for the Knights to catch up to us.” The others all nodded, Bernedetta suddenly realized she’d gotten overzealous over Byleth and had returned to her typical shrinking violet persona.

“Actually, I think I might have a solution for that!” Reaching back into her elbow pads, Byleth pulled out a few more black seeds.

With a quick glance she tossed them into the center of the bandits, waiting just a few moments before ‘calling out’ to the seeds with her mind. Once they sprouted more vines, she waved her hand abit and willed the vines to ensnare and capture every single bandit. Once they were all secured, she turned to Edelgard and gave a thumbs up, something the girl awkwardly returned in kind. Upon seeing this Hubert frowned abit, and was about to finally ask exactly who Byleth was when a very familiar voice boomed out.

“NEVER FEAR! THE KNIGHTS OF SEIROS ARE HERE!” A collective sigh was heard, and quite a few heads dropped in sheer embarrassment, as Aloise and his knights finally arrived on the scene.

As expected, they paused for a moment after seeing Byleth’s new form, though they quickly brushed it off and began to collect the captured bandits for detainment. Aloise walked up to Byleth, hovering just a moment near her to take her new form in, then proudly beamed a smile at her.

“I knew I could count on you to help our students! And I see you’ve even changed forms again! The wonders never seem to cease with you!” Byleth blushed abit, at least she felt she was doing such given her plant like nature, but humbly accepted the praise. Aloise then turned towards all the students and began to address them.

“It’s been a long day everyone, but I’m glad to see you aren’t seriously hurt! Once my men have ensured the bandits are in custody, we’ll all start heading out to the monastery again! I suggest while we have a moment to ask our new friend here about her, er, current sense of self let’s say!” As if on cue, the badge near Byleth’s hips began to beep and flash red again, instantly reverting her back to human after a couple seconds. As the students marveled at this, Hubert’s frown deepened abit. "Oh yes." He thought to himself, eyeing the way Edelgard was looking at her. "I imagine there is MUCH to ask our new friend here indeed..."


The next day, the group was finally nearing the end of their argulus journey. It had taken them longer than expected to reach the monastery, but after a few hours of walking and a short break for sleep in the night they were close to the end. Most of the knights and students had gone on ahead at their own pace, leaving only the original group Byleth had started out walking together. Although Hubert had all but insisted, he stayed near Edelgard, something the girl seemed huffy to agree to but couldn’t exactly deny him given her wandering off had started this whole mess. At the moment, Byleth was walking in tandem with him and the three house leaders, her father and Aloise a little ahead of them chatting.

“This will be your first time at the monastery. I’d be more than happy to show you around.” Dimitri was speaking to Byleth, having spoken with her during the trip quite adamantly.

While she was still slightly on edge around him, he’d at least shown that ultimately, he was a fair person. Though he did seem to still be hiding something, his eyes keeping those flames they’d sprouted earlier at bay. She politely nodded at him, Claude beside her wistfully sighing.

“It really is Fodlan in a nutshell.” He said, a whimsical tone carrying the words out before he quickly puffed out. “The good and the bad.” Edelgard rolled her eyes at this, something Byleth had soon realized was likely a common occurrence with her and Claude.
“Like it or not, we'll be there soon enough.” Her abrupt and to the point responds was laid out matter of factly, Hubert amusingly chuckling at her tone.

She and Byleth exchanged a brief look, and looked on ahead as they finally passed the last of the trees and could see the monastery at last. Byleth had to blink at first, though still a ways away its vast imposing size was almost overwhelming her. She could see two giant stone walls up ahead, gateways from the look of it that led towards the place. Though she couldn’t see many details, the monastery itself was huge and so full of many pointed towers at all corners. She swallowed, wondering just how much bigger it would look when they fully arrived shortly.

“There it is...” Edelgard’s words stirred Byleth back into focus, the house leader’s words sounding as if she too was stunned at the sight before them. “Garreg Mach Monastery.” The group walked onwards, Byleth noticing how the closer they got to their destination the more anxious her father looked.

After another hour they finally made it to the monastery, and everyone began to disperse. Aloise went to the gatekeeper to give his report, delegating his men who were leading in the captured bandits. The students in turn returned to their rooms, with the three house leaders giving goodbyes to Byleth and Jeralt as they left. Jeralt’s anixiety seemed to have been drastically rising now that they were in the courtyard of the monastery, something Byleth was concerned with.

Before she could go to try and sooth his worries his head suddenly shot straight upwards, and his eyes focused on the overhanging balcony above the main building's doorway. “Rhea’s here...” Byleth frowned, but slowly followed his gaze towards the balcony. Standing atop them, and clearing watching them from the higher vantage point, was a woman. Though her lower half was hidden from their perspective, Byleth could tell this woman was someone very important given how she looked. She wore a very plain looking white robe that spilled to the floor, although its plainness was overshadowed by the very detailed and elegant blue shawl she wore over top. Said shawl was covered in golden loops and intricate decals, and a blue center that covered her torso and spilled out a golden cape of sorts with more etched designs on it. Her pale almost porcelain skin was in contrast with her light green shoulder length hair and eyes, a color that instantly reminded Byleth of Sothis upon seeing them. Finally, alongside a single white flower the woman had a Brillant golden headpiece atop her head a tiara of sorts Byleth imagined. She stared at the woman, who in turn seemed to be staring down at her as well. For a moment, everything stilled. And then Byleth felt something within her, a stirring of sorts, that was making her feel something bad. She couldn’t comprehend what it was, but she felt it as if something was tossing and turning within her. Jeralt nudged her, breaking the trance she seemed to have been in, and motioned for him to follow him inside. As the two went into the hallowed halls of the monastery, the woman who’d been watching them made to turn back inside herself. "I wonder..." She thought to herself. "Did the flow of time bring you here?"


Jeralt had led his daughter to the audience chamber, having been told on the way by Aloise it seemed to head there upon reaching the monastery. Though his face still worn his uneasy emotions on it, Byleth could tell he was trying to calm himself to preserve face. When they made it to the room’s center, he exhaled the breath he’d apparently been holding in, his eyes moving across the room as if lost in memory.

“It’s been years I've last set eyes on this place. To be forced to see her now...” Byleth turned to her father, curiosity pouring into her eyes, and she spoke that curiosity aloud.

“Her?” He started abit as he faced her, still not used to her more expressive identity, but quickly answered her.

“You saw her in the courtyard earlier, didn’t you? The archbishop... Lady Rhea.” Though he had uttered the name in a hushed tone, almost as if afraid to speak it louder, Byleth’s eyes widened in recognition.

“The archbishop? That she’s the leader of the Church of Seiros then?” He nodded, looking ahead of them as a door suddenly opened and two people stepped inside.

One was the aforementioned, Rhea, who seemed to be gliding towards them given how graceful she was moving. The other person was a middle-aged man who was dutifully following Rhea. He wore a fancier dress uniform than the students Byleth met had, an elaborate buckle on his hips atop a few tassels and clasps for the bellowing beige cape he wore being the major differences. Like Rhea he too had light green hair, though his was a shade or two darker and a neat short cut brushed to both sides as well as a small goatee. The man walked up to Jeralt and offered his hand, which was accepted and shaken as he made introductions.

“Thank you for your patience, Jeralt. My name is Seteth. I am an advisor to the archbishop.” Jeralt nodded, giving a firm but to the point “Right. Hello.” Back to the man. Rhea stepped forward, clasping her hands together as she looked at Jeralt with fondness.

“It has been a long time, Jeralt. I wonder... was it the will of the goddess that we have another chance meeting like this?” Jeralt bowed, pointingly making sure his eyes didn’t meet hers as he did so.

“Forgive my silence all these years. Much has happened since last we spoke.” The two then looked to Byleth, who did her best to bow as her father did despite her nerves making her jittery. Rhea paid no mind, even softly chuckling as she saw Byleth’s awkward bowing.

“So I see. The miracle of fatherhood has blessed you. This is your child, is it not?” Jeralt nodded, clearing his throat before he continued.

“Yes she is...born many years after I left this place. I wish I could introduce you to the mother of my child... but I'm afraid we lost her to illness.” His eyes closed for a moment, a deep frown and sign following. Byleth felt a sharp pain seeing her father like this, though she understood why.

Though she never truly knew her mother, the one time she had deemed to ask him about her he had mentioned that illness took her. At the time she never really paid mind the emotions he showed when she had asked him, though now she clearly saw why it was he rarely mentioned her. The loss had affected him, deeper than she had been able to comprehend until now. Rhea frowned, seemingly also seeing the effect Jeralt was having from recollecting. Although for a split second, Byleth swore she saw something else within the archbishop’s eyes. As if her father’s story was something she was doubting upon the mention of her mother. The look, if it even was there, soon passed however and she lowered her head as she spoke.

“I see. My condolences. As for you... I heard of your valiant efforts from Aloise, and of the strange powers you seem to have received as well. What is your name, dear child?” Byleth froze for a moment but managed to introduce herself smoothly after a moment.

“My name is Byleth, your grace.” Rhea smiled warmly, nodding as she accepted the information.

“A wonderous name to be sure my dear. Now, while I did wish to speak to your father foremostly from what Aloise informed us you may have something of a more pressing matter to address.” Byleth raised her arm, the Gauntlet still shining a dull red, as she showed it to the two members of the church. Seteth looked to Rhea, who nodded, and he cautiously stepped before byleth and asked.

“If you don’t mind, may I?” Byleth hesitated a moment, looking towards Jeralt who nodded, before gently moving her arm closer to Seteth so he could examine the Gauntlet. The man peered at it for a moment, taking a second to touch and get a feel for it before settling on the currently red symbol.

“Fascinating...Though rare for me to admit, I can say I have never seen such a thing in all my time. And it can...change your form if I recall what Aloise said correctly?” Byleth nodded, taking the time to once again explain to the two what had happened ever since she got the strange gauntlet. After regaling her story, the two seemed abit loss for words for a moment. Rhea was the first to respond, gently placing her hands together and smiling at Byleth.

“I see...It would seem indeed that you’ve had quite an eventful day. Yet even with such a confusing ordeal, you chose to selflessly save our students with no hesitation.” The archbishop bowed, an act that elected a shocked gasp from the two men in the room and a startled look from Byleth. “From the bottom of my heart, I thank you for saving those students of the Officers Academy.” Having Rhea sincerely thank her gave Byleth’s stomach butterflies, but she accepted the thanks. Jeralt made a disgruntled noise at the show, which earned him Rhea’s attention as her eyes locked onto him.

“Jeralt. I assume you already know what I wish to say, do you not?” Jeralt sighed, raising his arm to his head as if to nurse a growing headache.

“You want me to rejoin the Knights of Seiros, don’t you? I won’t say no, but...” His eyes wandered to his daughter, who still looked to be abit nervous. “Tell me Lady Rhea, this gauntlet that’s affixed itself to my daughter. Does the church have anything at all that could explain what it is?” The archbishop’s eyes lowered abit at his words, the apprehension at her request seeming to sting at her. Nevertheless, she sadly shook her head as she turned her gaze to the gauntlet in question.

“I sadly must admit to you Jeralt, this is something I am unsure the church of Seiros has ever encountered. There may yet be some tomes we may read that could shed some light, but even then, it would be a time-consuming matter.” Jeralt scowled, but ultimately nodded at Rhea’s words. Rhea herself, then gave a stern look onto him and then spoke loudly and with authority. “ Jeralt. I promise you, if there is an explanation for this ordeal, I will see to it being found. I ask of you then, in the meantime, to once more lend your aid to the Knights of Seiros as its captian!” The sudden firmness of her tone surprised Jeralt for a second, but he nodded. Rhea then turned to Byleth, her face easing up abit but still holding firm.

“And you, my dear, I also will ask to remain within these halls. Though it was mostly by sheer chance, there is a task here I would ask of you aid us in as you stay here.” Byleth’s face grew confused again, as did Jeralt’s, but they remained silent as Rhea explained. “As it happens one of our professors at the Officer’s Academy was...indisposed let us say. I admit I was at odds end in finding a solution, when Sir Aloise suggested that perhaps you could help us with our problem.” Jeralt’s scowl returned, no doubt wanting to find Aloise and give him a good talking to Byleth assumed. As for Byleth herself, confusion peak on her face, she inquired for more information.

“Pardon me, Lady Rhea. But I’m not quite sure I'm following where you are going with this?” Rhea lightly chuckled, Seteth beside her looking more annoyed at Byleth’s interruption, but she explained to the mercenary.

“I would ask you to become our new professor at the Officers Academy. It is not often Sir Aloise gives high praise to others, and as it is wise for you to remain here, I see no reason to disagree with him.” Once the last word was uttered from her lips, the remaining three people in the room had vastly different reactions. Byleth, being the one told directly, had let out a very loud exclamation before starting to stammer over how:

“I don’t even know how to teach!”

Jeralt’s scowl started to devour more of his face, overtaking it as he looked ready to raise his voice at the archbishop. And as for Seteth, he apparently hadn’t known this was Rhea’s plan given the shocked expression he wore. He had instantly bitten down his lower lips, as if to prevent himself from making any outbursts as he tried to calm himself. Rhea raised her hands, settling them all down before giving a gentle look to the still frazzled Byleth.

“I understand this may come as a surprise, Byleth, but I am more than certain your skills are up to par for this.” She then looked towards Seteth, who had mostly managed to calm himself down now. “Unfortunately, I am needed to assist in dictating where the bandits you helped capture are to go. As such Seteth and I must step out now, but I have asked our other two professors to explain things to you.” She placed a hand on Byleth’s shoulder, soothing the girl a bit as she smiled. “I suggest you listen carefully to their explanations. There will be a room made for you in the meantime, rest there afterwards and worry not about anything until tomorrow.” With that she turned, Seteth slowly following her outside the room after offering a strained bow at Byleth and her father.

Once the two left the room, Jeralt loudly groaned. His hand went to his temple, doing his best to massage away the splitting headache he was now suffering.

“I can’t believe it. Forced back into the Knights of Seiros.” He looked at his daughter, offering a gentle look as he continued his rant. “Looks like I’ll be stuck here awhile... and I suppose they’re intending to use your services as well. No clue why the fool Aloise would suggest you to Rhea to teach these brats, but I guess it doesn’t matter now.” He placed a hand on her shoulder, firmly patting it as he spoke.

“So long as this helps us with understanding what this gauntlet is, I guess we’ll just have to grin and bear it awhile.” Byleth gave her father a quick hug in thanks, before a loud knock on the door made them part.

The door opened, and two people walked in quickly. One was a middle-aged woman who was leaving quite the impression on Byleth. Her outfit left little to the imagination, consisting of a green dress that showed off PLENTY of her voluptuous body and skin. Her hips peeking out from the exposed sides of the dress, and her shoulders almost bare if not for the furred white coat she had draped over them. Most strikingly to Byleth the dress itself was barely hanging on, as it was loosely connected by two thin straps that led to a golden hoop just under her neck which itself was connected to a choker on her neck. This had led to her torso being exposed, showing off frankly an insane amount of her cleavage that was causing Byleth to blush. The newly christened professor forced her eyes to look up at the woman’s, seeing her own hazel eyes that were covered in makeup and had a small beauty mark underneath the right eye. Her hair was a lovely light brown, cut in a short bob style that fit her very well, and the final thing of note to Byleth was the pair of heels she wore that were making such sharp noises with every step.

The other person who had stepped in was a much older gentleman, given his short grey hair and facial hair, who was much more modestly dressed compared to his companion. His outfit considered of a nicely tanned suit and loafers, the suit itself having a set of lines near the collar and diamond shaped button and a green ascot in the crook of his neck. Like the woman he also had a coat over it, although it was a full-on coat with a furred collar that he was fully wearing instead of it draping it over shoulders. The last thing of note Byleth noted of the man was the fancy looking monocle over his left eye, and a pair of white theater gloves that completed his regal and dapper air he had about him. The woman eyed Jeralt, sizing him up as she not so subtly licked her lips like she was eyeing a prime cut of meat.

“So. You must be the new professor. My, how stern and handsome you are!” Jeralt took a step back, awkwardly rubbing the back of his head as he corrected her.

“Er, no. I’m not the one you’re looking for. That would be this one here.” He then patted Byleth on the back as he turned to leave the room. “You can handle things from here. Good luck.” Before he left though, he quickly leaned in towards Byleth and whispered to her.

“And... Watch out for Lady Rhea. I don’t know what she’s thinking, making you a professor like this. She may be up to something, maybe even something regarding the gauntlet. Stay on your guard.” Byleth nodded, trusting in her father's wisdom on the matter. Once he left, the woman eyed Byleth with a slight pout.

“Oh, it’s you then? So young... Though I suppose I will admit not without some ‘merits’ to you.” The older gentleman beside her scoffed at her words.

“Competence and age are not necessarily correlated, as well you know.” He then bowed to Byleth as he introduced himself. “I am Hanneman, a Crest scholar and professor at the Officers academy. I have been informed of your more unique situation, and am inclined to believe this gauntlet of yours may be some form of Crest. If you’ve a moment free tomorrow I would highly suggest coming to my office so we may yet see if that is indeed the case.” Byleth nodded, not entirely understanding what Hanneman meant by Crest but grateful that he might be able to help shed some light on her mystery.

The woman in turn, also bowed and proceeded to introduce herself as well with a flirtatious wink.

“I’m Manuela. I’m a professor, a physician, a songstress, and very much available. It’s nice to meet you.” While Hanneman rolled his eyes at his coworkers flirting, Byleth was putting two and two together on just who Manuela was.

“A songstress? Oh! Were perhaps the same Manuela who was with the Mittlefrank Opera company? Our mercenary troupe worked a job for the boss there once when he ran afoul of a crooked noble. We got a free showing of your performances as thanks!” Manuela’s eyes sparkled as she eagerly giggled in approval.

“Why yes, I remember now! So that was your group that helped us out, my how small the world is!" Sensing that things were about to get off topic fast, Hanneman cut into the conversation with a cough.

“Now Manuela, there will be time for such conversations later. Lady Rhea did insist we give our new colleague this information post haste so that she may rest for the night.” The former songstress pouted again, but waved her hand to let him continue without delay.

“Now then, it seems you’ll be taking charge of one of the academy’s three houses. I expect you haven’t yet been briefed on the nature of each, have you?” Byleth shook her head, earning a moan from Manuela.

“Do you really not know? Fine, I'll do you a favor and explain. The officers academy is comprised of three houses of students, each of which is closely affiliated with its region of origin.” She then pulled out some papers , handing them to Byleth to examine as she resumed. “The Black Eagle house is for students from the Adrestian Empire. Their house leader this year is Edelgard, the Imperial princess, who is in line to be the next emperor.” Hanneman carried the conversation onward, picking up where Manuela left off flawlessly.

“The Blue Lion house is for students from the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus. Their house leader this year is Prince Dimitri. He is to be the next king of Faerghus.” He brushed a hand through his mustache as he spoke, abit of pride filling his voice as he spoke of Dimitri’s house. Manuela rolled her eyes at the aged gentleman, picking up the slack and explaining the last house.

“Lastly, there is the Golden Deer House, which is for students of the Leicester Alliance. Their house leader, as you may have guessed, is Claude. Grandson to Duke Riegan, the leader of the Alliance.” Hanneman let out an airy laugh as she finished, putting a hand under his chin.

“To think that the next emperor, king, and sovereign duke are all here. Not to mention our new colleague's transformational abilities! It looks to be a promising year for the academy.” Manuela nodded with a slight grimace. “I’ll say. I just hope none of those little treasures cause any trouble. I’d rather not the local barmaids consider me a regular QUITE yet.” Given the rather dry look he was giving Manuela, Byleth had a feeling she was already late for that horse race.

“Hmm, quite right. For now, Byleth, I would suggest you not worry about anything. Lady Rhea was quite insistent we only give you the brass taxes as it were, so that you may retire to your room given how eventful your day has been. I suspect she will give you a more detailed idea of your duties tomorrow. “ Byleth hadn’t really noticed given how nervous she’d been meeting Rhea, but her body was feeling far heavier than normal, and she was fighting to keep her eyes opened.

“Thank you, both of you. I think I’ll take your advice Sir Hanneman and find out my lodgings for the night.” Both smiled at the younger professor, Manuela gently reaching a hand out to her.

“Think nothing of it dear, you are going to help pick up some of our slack after all. Though in that regard, only the house leaders have been informed you’re our new professor. I figured it’d be more fun that way~. I’d suggesting spending some time with the students tomorrow, a few odd ducks to be sure, but they’re good kids.” She then led Byleth away, presumably to the room Rhea had prepared for her. Byleth followed slowly, the tired mercenary softly smiling as she was led away by her new co-worker.


Elsewhere in the monastery, in the secluded personal chambers of Rhea, a heated argument was underway.

“Have you no intention of changing your mind, Rhea? Appointing a stranger- a child no less! - as a professor at our esteemed academy is-!” Rhea closed her eyes, having endured Seteth’s onslaught of concerned argument for a good hour now. Finally having enough of it, she opened her eyes and firmly raised her voice to her advisor.

“I have made my decision, Seteth. I know worrying comes naturally to you, but there is truly no need. That “stranger” is Jeralt’s flesh and blood after all.” Seteth tried to hold it back, but he scoffed at the archbishop's words and made a counter.

“I can’t say that’s all too comforting. How trustworthy is this Jeralt character? Is he not the man who went missing after the great fire twenty-one years ago?” Rhea bit her lip, not saying a word which let him get more words in edge wise. “Not to mention that gauntlet the girl has! Rhea, I have never seen such a device in all my years and if Aloise’s report is to be true it’s transforming her into monsters far beyond our comprehension! I would remind you that Fylan is with us here now as well. I beg of you... please consider if this is an unnecessary risk.” Rhea frowned, understanding his worries as unfounded as they were. She placed a comforting hand on his shoulder as she spoke softly.

“Seteth. I understand. But that have my trust, let that be enough for you as well.” He took a moment, letting her words soak in, before hesitatingly nodding in agreement. She sighed, knowing full well this would not be the end of the conversation. Thus, she decided to change the subject to a matter of equal importance. “More importantly, I have received a report from Shamir. I am increasingly concerned about a matter regarding our suspicious individual. We cannot ignore those who harbor ill will towards the church, especially if they are frequenting Garreg Mach.” Seteth’s hesitation vanished in an instant, his duties as advisor winning over his concerns for the time.

“Yes, that matter is of great importance as well. I shall continue my investigation, of that you’ve no need to worry.” As he turned to leave, Seteth’s hand paused on the door. Without looking back, he spoke once more to Rhea. “Rhea... For now, I will have faith that you are placing your trust with the upmost care. I prey to the Goddess that nothing occurs to shake that confidence.” With that said he left the room, not noting the look Rhea gave him as he did.


Byleth stood in the room Manuela had led her too, a simple near barren one by the student’s dormitories. Apparently, that placement was so as to ‘encourage interactions’ with the students. Or so Manuela had told her was the reasoning Rhea gave her at least. Byleth didn’t pay any mind to it, thanking Manuela for guiding her there and almost instantly changing her clothes so she could lay down. Though her body was still tired, more than she’d ever felt she thought, her mind was still racing through today's events. Her eyes constantly drifting back towards the gauntlet, which was now back to its normal shade of green, and wondering just what it would bring tomorrow.

“...It’ll probably be a good idea to head to Hanneman’s first thing in the morning. Well, perhaps after I find some breakfast that is...” Her stomach chose that moment to lightly growl, making her lament not asking for something earlier in the day to snack on.

A very small part of her was tempted to change into her ‘Fast tracker’ form and blitz over to find some food, but in this instance sleep was the more appealing option. Letting out a large yawn, she managed to finish changing into sleepwear and then quickly get under the covers of the modest bed she’d been given. Within seconds of her head hitting the pillow, she was out like a light. With neither darkness, nor dreams, reaching her now. As such, she did not see the spiritual form of Sothis slowly materialize beside her bed, the ghostly child smiling as she pulled the covers over her ward and spoke.

“Goodnight Byleth. May the goddess give you nothing short of blissful dreams.” She then faded away, back within the sleeping professor who was now smiling as she slumbered.


And there we go~! A bit longer than chapter one, but I knew i'd want to end it just prior to Byleth's first proper day at Garreg Mach. And now some fun tidbits on the chapter!

1.I've seen a lot of fics and general fan things for Ben 10 use Fasttrack a lot more than the series ever did, and a lot of those did him justice imo. So i figured i'd make him one of Byleth's first ten, and even used the official (but never used) Omniverse design for him to boot. As for his powers, i've mostly kept him being quick but hard to stop the same. But added some enhanced senses ala Wolverine from Marvel to really put some emphasis on the "Track" part of his name.

2.Wildvine is another of my faves from the OG series, and while objectively Swampfire is the more handy plant alien I had to give it to the first one. I WAS toying with using the reboot design for a bit, since it's an okay enough look and i can understand giving him legs proper, but ultimately the omniverse design won out.

3.I decided to change it so that Rhea tells Byleth and Jeralt about wanting the former to be the new professor. It's kinda odd how she leaves after part of the conversation, then the game cuts to Jeralt mentioning it to Byleth as if somehow told offscreen. It also makes sense since the later scene of Seteth concerned about her doing such has a bit more impact if she told them while he was there, which likely would have been the first time he heard it too.

Chapter 3


With Byleth now becoming a professor at the esteemed Officer's academy , she takes some time to get to know some of her new students and explore her new home. little does she know , such a simple task can become much more chaotic with her mystical Gauntlet in tow


Once again, a million thanks for all the comments and kudos so far! I'm really glad to see this story is resonating with people alot so far, and glad to see my roster picks for aliens have been welcomed so far. I will note, for those curious, that yes every single canon alien is going to feature in this story. That being said, most of them will be delegated to something I'm planning to do once the full initial roster of ten is revealed in a few chapters. But that will be for another time. For now, enjoy chapter three with a whole three new alien forms! Including one i've been waiting to introduce since I finished chapter 1.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Byleth rose relatively early the next morning, much to her chagrin given how tired she still felt after the prior day’s escapades. Even still she knew the day was going to throw a lot at her, so she had quickly changed into her normal outfit and went about exploring. Thankfully, she had only spent a few moments looking around the large courtyards before she ran into Seteth.

“Ah good morning, you’ve appropriate timing. Lady Rhea had just asked of me to fetch you so she could explain your duties for the day.” Byleth nodded, taking care not to frown at the slight disapproving look the man was giving her.

She couldn’t find it to fault him for such a sour look, given her circ*mstances for being professor. He’d the right to be abit skeptical of her, though understandable or not she at least hoped he’d stop glaring at her soon. The two walked for a bit before reaching their destination of the audience chambers, walking inside to find Rhea talking to Aloise. Upon hearing the doors open, the two turned to see the advisor and newly minted professor walk in. Aloise giving Byleth a brief nod in greeting before gracefully bowing to the sides, Rhea smiling gently as Byleth walked towards her.

“A good morning to you, dear professor. I hope you found your room to your liking.” Byleth nodded, allowing Rhea to resume. “I have asked Seteth to bring you here in short, to give you a task of utmost importance. As your fellow professors no doubt explained to you, I wish you to take lead in teaching one of our three houses here in the officer's academy. As such, I would ask you to take the time today to explore the monastery and meet the students. So as to allow you more information before choosing which house you wish to teach.” Byleth nodded again, feeling grateful for the chance to explore her new home right away. A thought quickly occurred to her, however, and she politely spoke to Rhea.

“I will go and make sure to meet everyone I can, Lady Rhea. But pardon me if I may ask? Could you tell me where I can find Hanneman? He wanted to examine my gauntlet as soon as possible to see if we could figure anything out about it.” Rhea took Byleth’s words in and nodded, a small smile on her face as if to say she was proud of Byleth’s forward thinking.

“Of course. I cannot say for sure if Professor Hanneman could truly make any discoveries with your gauntlet, but we cannot truly say such until he tries. I will have Sir Aloise escort you there to ensure you do not get lost and when you have finished your tasks for the day, please return here to speak with me.” Byleth bowed once Rhea finished speaking, thanking her before following after Aloise who had already made headway outside the chamber.

She took up a brisk pace behind the knight, her eyes wandering to the gauntlet affixed on her arm as she did. Hoping that perhaps Hanneman would indeed have the answers for her. As they walked Aloise chose to speak up, his pace slowing to a leisurely one as he did so.

“I imagine it came as quite a shock to you that I recommended you to be our new professor, eh?” Byleth nodded, her own pace slowing down to match his.

“It did, I assume I made a decent impression on you then?” Aloise laughed, taking a moment to stop walking, and explained.

“That is part of it to be sure, you went and saved our students without pause. That takes commitment that I can honestly say few have, and even fewer use wisely. Though being frank with you, the main reason I recommended you was that we DID have someone for the job in mind. Unfortunately, the coward ran off the second our dustup with the bandits started.” The jovial knight then had an uncharacteristic scowl across his face as he continued. “The braggard is lucky your arrival ultimately made things turn out okay, and even more so lucky that Lady Rhea is a kind soul who insisted we not rout them.” Byleth made a small noise of understanding as they resumed walking.

She had seen her own fair share of despicable cowards during her time with Jeralt’s mercenaries and could share Aloise’s attitude of them. After a few more minutes, the two made it to Hanneman’s office with Aloise saying his farewells as he left to resume his own duties. Byleth knocked on the door, needing only to wait a few moments before Hanneman’s voice bellowed for her to come in. Inside the office, Byleth saw Hanneman standing by a strange device with a book in his hands. He saw who it was that entered, and a warm smile spread on his face as he greeted her.

“Ah, good morning Byleth! Perfect timing my dear, I’ve just about gotten my Crest detection device warmed up for you!” He patted the device in question, a strange looking box that had a transparent screen atop it glowing a dull light with several levers and straps attracted onto it.

“A... Crest detection device? I admit I don’t know that much on Crests, but do you think perhaps my gauntlet is one?” The older gentleman’s eyes widened, a most curious shine covering them as he almost gleefully latched onto to her confusion.

“You don’t know that much about Crests? Well, allow me to tell you everything-absolutely everything- about them. Is your calendar clear? This will take a while.” Byleth balked abit at how suddenly his tone grew excited, the topic of Crest clearly meaning a lot to him. She was going to tell him that her calendar was indeed full today, but already the olden man was beginning to ramble most excitedly.

“Crests are a fascinating topic, but before one can dive deeply into said topic, one must first understand what Crests are. They are power incarnate. They are said to have been bestowed upon humans by the goddess countless ages ago. They exist within the flesh, and are passed down through bloodlines.” He paused, taking a deep breath in before resuming his rambling to Byleth’s amusem*nt. “Those who carry Crests may excel at magic, display exceptional strength, or any number of boons. Each Crest has its own power, the nature of which is beyond mortal understanding. For now.” He pouted at bit at the last words, earning a small chuckle from Byleth at how earnest his disappointment at such was. She then chose to get a word edgewise in, least the professor lose himself in his speech.

“And you believe perhaps the gauntlet is some kind of Crest?” Hanneman brushed a hand through his mustache, nodding slightly as he answered.

“To be honest, It is only a pending theory. As I said Crest are normally something within a person and passed through the bloodline. While carrying a Crest does not always mean your descendants will inherit it, I have never heard of a case of a physical object housing a Crest nor of it appearing from the sky. And yet, the abilities you’ve managed to produce with it MUST be related to a Crest.“ He then looked towards the device he’d been preparing and motioned for her to move closer. “At any rate, I suppose you may yet still have a Crest even if this gauntlet of yours is not one. Please, hold your arm over the device and it will determine if you have a Crest of not.” He then moved aside as Byleth did just that, hesitating only a moment before holding her arm over the device, making sure the gauntlet was firmly overtop the screen.

For a moment, nothing happened, then the screen lit up with a pattern of lines looking similar to netting. Hanneman’s eyes widened considerably, his mouth hanging ajar as he moved closer to see the pattern.

“What is this?! A pattern I've never seen before...Is it possible an as-yet undiscovered Crest has been detected? To think there are Crest out there that even I am unaware of! How thrilling!” Before she could ask what this all meant, Byleth and Hanneman were interrupted by the gauntlet letting out a shrill beeping noise. The hourglass symbol atop it lighting up before an exact replica of Byleth’s own voice spoke aloud from it.

“Warning. Genetic repair function is currently running. Unknown interference has been detected. Please remove interference from this unit so genetic repairs may resume.” Both professors looked at the gauntlet with wide eyes, unsure if they had heard that correctly.

“It...It spoke? Using my own voice?” Byleth softly whispered, not daring to raise her voice least it break the tension in the room.

“It did indeed, though... I am afraid to admit I’ve not much a clue on what it said. “ Hanneman also spoke softly, looking at the gauntlet with curiosity in his eyes.

“It seems to be doing some...repairs? And my crest detector seems to have interrupted it... most curious indeed. I think it may be safe to conclude that this is NOT related to Crest at all then.” He then took a sharp exhale before looking Byleth in the eyes. “It would seem this mystery has deepened still, and on top of it all you’ve a Crest of unknown origins. I’ve much to ponder on indeed, But this hasn’t been for nothing. I would ask for you to use the gauntlet if you don’t mind, though my equipment may not be necessary anymore seeing your transformations first hands may yet bare fruit.” Though still abit shaken up, Byleth agreed with her coworkers logic, raising her arm up ready to use the gauntlet.

Just as she went to twist the dial, a sudden knock jolted the two professors up and Hanneman quickly composed himself before going to let his new guest in. Upon opening the door, the two saw Edelgard had been knocking, the girl surprised to see Byleth here.

“Oh! I didn’t expect to see you here Professor . This may actually be perfect, I came here in need of a teacher’s aid and yours may just be perfect.” She quickly entered and bowed to the two, Hanneman quickly picking up her intent.

“Has something happened miss Hresvelg? I assume you came here for me, but I’m curious as to how professor Eisner may be better aid?” Edelgard gave a brief nod then began to explain. “I was looking for Linhardt when he failed to show up for our chores this morning, and when I found him he was up a tree branch taking a nap! I tried to get him down, but he’s managed to get up fairly high and I’d need some assistance to reach him.” Hanneman put a hand to his chin, thinking as he heard her explanation.

“Ah I see. For someone who prides himself on lazing about, Mr.Hevring does put the efforts into not being interrupted. I suppose I can commend him there. But you are correct , this does seem a job for our newest professor indeed!” He then quickly ran to his desk, grabbing a note pad and writing utensils as he then told Byleth. “It seems we’re making this a field test now professor! Let us go and see if your powers could help rouse our sleeping lad!” He then ran out the door without so much as waiting for the others to agree, the two women sharing a bemused glance at his antics before following him outside.


“Linhardt come onnnnnn! You know once she gets back here with Professor Hanneman, Edelgard is going to skin you alive for skipping chores again!” Meanwhile, in the monastery's courtyard, a young boy was shouting up a tall oak tree to another boy laying down on a branch.

The boy who was shouting was a student, naturally, who stood fairly tall next to the tree. Like the others he had his uniform on although while he wore a dress jacket, he seemed to forgo their own sleeves instead having his white dress shirt’s sleeves be the only ones. His dress slacks and boots, however, were the same as the others even having a white neckerchief around his neck like Ferdinand if a bit looser looking. The boy’s most striking feature was his bright cyan hair and eyes, his hair made up in a faux mohawk style with a row of tuffs in the middle. Just as the boy was going to fruitlessly call up again, he turned upon hearing someone walking up to him. He signed in relief when he saw it was Edelgard and the two professors, giving a quizzical look at Byleth.

“Is he still not responding Caspar?” Edelgard asked the boy, who looked away from Byleth and shook his head.

“Nah, been shouting since you left. He’s either actually out cold, or he’s just ignoring me again. Do you have any ideas?” Edelgard groaned but nodded nonetheless as she turned to Byleth.

“I hate to impose Professor, but could you possibly be able to drag him down here? Perhaps using that plant form from yesterday?” The boy, Caspar, looked even more confused now which Byleth couldn’t really blame him for.

She paused a second to look up and find the boy in question, her eyes settling on the sleeping form of him near the very top. She couldn’t really make out his form from down on the ground, the fact he had a book covering his face didn’t help, but she supposed she’d get a proper introduction to this Linhardt once she got him down. Her hand went to the gauntlet’s dial again, giving it a twist as it lit up and showed the images of the transformations popping up. Caspar and Hanneman both took sudden interest in the act, Caspar’s confusing turning abit bewildered at the gauntlet’s mystical showings. Meanwhile Byleth could swear Hanneman was all but salivating at the sight of the image eagerly awaiting her to press down. Byleth took a moment to twist the dial, more than willing to go with Edelgard’s suggestion of her plant form, but another form’s image caught her eye first.

“Actually … I think I'll try this one out.” She then pressed her fingers down on the gauntlet, the telltale green flash going off as her transformation began. Edelgard had braced herself, shutting her eyes for a second when she saw her new professor press down on the symbol

The other two weren’t as lucky, getting blinded by the bright green flash and forced to cover their eyes. The flash was enough to even stir Linhardt, who’d slightly raised the book and gazed down with a sleepy “wha..?” spoken before he too was blinded by the light.

When the flash died down, Byleth once again was in a brand-new form, the sight of which had naturally earned surprised shouts from Caspar and Hanneman. The new form was extremely insectoid in nature, looking like a giant grasshopper in the most basic sense. Her skin becoming slightly Scaled and turning a shade of light green, with talon-like hooks coming out of her now elongated limbs. Her torso had merged with her lower half into one solid pear-est shape, a light iron plate armor covering her chest with a chainmail skirt covering what little of her lower half could be covered. Her arms and legs had grown longer, with her hands now down to three clawed digits instead of all five fingers her human form had. Said hands were covered with armored gloves, though unlike the ones in her ‘fast tracker’ these were full gloves keeping her clawed fingers trapped within. Given her arms now also came out of her new torso much lower, and at an angle she also seemed to lack shoulder pads or any other armor on her arms. Her legs, meanwhile, were perhaps the most drastically changed. The only armor on them being metal kneepads nestled firmly on her knees, underneath said knees was also a thick webbing that connected the knees to the rest of her legs. The legs were also easily helping her look much taller than before with how much longer they were, easily making her tower over the others at twice their height with three clawed talons digging into the earth beneath her. Lastly her neck had extended abit, leading to her head which now was shaped like a cone albeit with two segments pushing out of the side for her bright green eyes. Byleth stood tall, her eyes scanning the new form and spying Hanneman staring right at her lower torso at the badge with the hourglass symbol.

“Incredible!” he said, hurriedly jotting down something in the notepad he’d brought. “Simply amazing! Such a sudden transformation! Ah, but tell us professor! How does it feel?” Byleth chuckled abit at his eagerness, feeling abit bashful at how he was ogling her.

“Not bad, but it’s kind of weird looking at stuff. My eyes are seeing things all...segmented I think is the right word?” Her voice had changed, becoming abit higher pitched and jovial, which seemed to further excite her fellow professor as he hastily wrote down more.

“Which would make perfect sense given your now insect like form! Some species of insect have eyes that split their visions into a filtered view, so as to allow them to see in much more directions than humans!” He jotted down more notes, which seemed to have finally broken a straw for poor Caspar who finally managed to shout out.

“W-What the hell happened?! She just changed into a giant talking grasshopper and you’re taking notes Professor Hanneman?!” Hanneman paused, realizing exactly what this would look like to the boy, and put his notes down in shame. Byleth laughed, startling Caspar, as she went for the simple solution.

“Sorry about that, this is all kinda new to me still. I can explain everything but first, I should get your friend out of this tree. Now then...I think I can just bend down a bit and-” As she’d been talking to Caspar, Byleth bend her new legs down towards the ground.

With one swift motion she leapt up, a loud noise accompanying her jump, and she soared miles above the tree and near past the clouds within seconds. Everyone gapped at the feat, Byleth herself giving out a joyful sounding shout as she rocketed pass the tree top, the sound and mere force of the jump fulling waking Linhardt who stumbled to the ground with his own shout. Lucky for him, Edelgard had managed to quit staring at the now distant form of Byleth and catch him if only just barely. The boy seemed shaken, standing after a second with her uniform all dusty. Said uniform was unlike most of the other male students in that he ditched a full jacket for a half jacket and small cape on his shoulders. Instead of pants he also had a long skirt of sorts that made him look like he’d worn a dress, with a few golden Linens to boot. His dark green hair in a short bob cut was also now dirty, with a few leaves and twigs imbedded into it, only one violet colored eye open as he looked around in confusion.

“What...what on earth was that Edelgard??” The princess of the Adrestian Empire failed to hide a smug chuckle, about to try her best to explain when a sudden shout came from above them.

“LOOK OUT BELOWWWWW!!!!” Instantly the group scrambled, being mere seconds in time before Byleth came crashing back down to the ground with a heavy impact that shook the entire monastery for a moment.

Getting there Barings back, Edelgard and Caspar went to check on Byleth, only to find her face first in a large crater of her own making. She quickly raised her head back up and shook off the dirt, giving out a hearty laugh as she did so.

“Man! That was really fun! You guys gotta try it!” Edelgard’s brow furrowed, looking over her professor’s body to see not so much as a scratch was on it.

“ fell head first from goodness knows how high, and yet you don’t even look bruised!” Byleth laughed again, raising an arm and tapping her head hard with no hesitation.

“Yep! Guess I'm a bit more...Hardheaded now!” Her arms then went straight to her sides as she proceeded to cackle at her own joke, everyone else groaning at it. For a moment even, everyone swore they heard the all too familiar chortles of Aloise from elsewhere in the monastery.

“Ugh. The horridness of that pun aside I must ask, who are you and what enabled you to transform into this form?” Byleth’s laughter had thankfully cut short, thanks to a curious Linhardt who was staring at her as if under a microscope. His question’s answer was delayed a second, as Caspar side eyed his classmate with intense dumbfoundedness.

“Really Linhardt? She transforms into a... a giant crashing grasshopper to get you down, and you INSTANTLY go to interrogate her??” Linhardt brushed aside his classmate’s own question, eyes fixated on Byleth’s insectoid form, waiting for his answer.

“Well the who is the easy part. I’m your new professor, Byleth Eisner. As for the what, I can explain that but first!” She then lifted herself up from the crater her crash had made, a smile on her face as she looked at them all. “Anyone want to join me up top? I promise I'll hold on real tight, so you don’t fall!” The group shared a collective grimace, Byleth not noting on that with how chipper she was. It was ultimately Edelgard who stepped up and answered for them.

“Er... That’s a kind of you to offer professor, but I for one think I’m perfectly fine on the ground.” The others nodded, which gave byleth a brief crestfallen look before replacing it with a smug smile and cheerfully saying.

“Ah that’s fine! It’s a good thing you aren’t going to fully realize what I’m saying right now until we’re already in the air!” Before Edelgard could give any more than a puzzled expression and a barely uttered.

“Wait...wha-?” she was quickly scooped up by Byleth, who gave off a far too delighted giggle as she bent her legs down and then quickly shot up towards the sky with a screaming Edelgard in tow. Hanneman, Caspar, and Linhardt watched with various expressions on their faces as the two flew up at a rapid pace. Hanneman then frowned and held a hand near his eyes to block out the sun, looking at Caspar after a moment.

“Mr. Bergliez? By chance was there anyone in the training grounds this morning?” Caspar thought for a second before he answered.

“Uh, I think Dimitri and Felix were sparring when I walked by earlier. Why do you ask professor?” Hanneman signed, before pointing towards the training grounds.

“Because if my calculations are correct, and very rarely are they not my boy, Professor Eisner jumped towards there in her excitement. And I very much doubt his majesty and Mr. Fraldarius would like their morning spar interrupted by a crash landing.” Caspar gulped, instantly envisioning how bad things were likely to get, and dashed off towards the training grounds. Hanneman followed suit, as did Linhardt to the surprise of the other two.

“Wait you’re tagging along Linhardt? I would have thought you’d use this to sneak off and go back to sleep!” Linhardt scoffed as Caspar shouted behind him at his classmate, his breath abit ragged due to how hard he was running to keep pace.

“This is no time to be sleeping Caspar! I MUST figure out how Professor Eisner changed her form into that creature! Sleep can wait until afterwards!” The second those last words were uttered from Linhardt’s mouth, the other two nearly stumbled over from how hard they had suddenly stopped. Linhardt ignored their reaction to his outburst, resuming onwards to the training grounds, while Caspar stared at him slack jawed.

“Did...Did he just say that sleep can wait?!” Hanneman for the most part wasn’t faring better, just as slack jawed as his student was and blinking heavily.

“I... I do believe he did say such a thing Mr. Bergliez. I daresay Professor Eisner has stacte been here a day and already she’s made such an impact!” He then gave a hearty laugh as he followed after Linhardt, taking care to pat the still stunned Caspar on the back as he left. The young student stood there for a few more minutes frozen in shock, before abruptly laughing and running after them with a smile.


The skies above Garreg Mach were crystal clear, and even though this was only her second time here Byleth was still awestruck at how amazing it felt to be this high up. Her present company, on the other hand?

“PROFESSOR!!! THIS IS HIGHLY INAPPROPRIATE AND EXTREMELY DANGEROUS!!! GET US DOWN THIS INSTANT!!” Edelgard was screaming her head near off, panic spreading all over her face faster than jam on bread and her eyes firmly shut. While Byleth couldn’t exactly blame her, she was still jovially laughing the girl’s screams off.

“It’s fine Edelgard! You gotta calm down and check out the view before we start falling down!” Edelgard, in fact, did not calm down as they rocketed further upwards into the air. She did at least stop screaming and hesitantly opened her eyes to see the so-called view her professor was insisting on.

Her eyes were greeted by the sight of clouds parting as they moved up, and the ground below growing smaller and smaller with each passing second. She forced her eyes elsewhere, before her panic could grow any larger, and instead focused on a sight few could claim to see: The still rising sun below them. For a moment, all the fear and panic she had from being suddenly taken so high faded away. The brilliant warm glow of the sun almost mesmerized her even though she was technically towering over it for once. It was at this moment, where Edelgard felt perhaps the safest she’d even been in a while, that Byleth decided to burst her bubble.

“So Edelgard?”

“Mm? Yes, professor what is it?”

“So first off, thanks for easing up on the screaming. Secondly, you remember how you wanted me to get us down a second ago?” Dread instantly filled Edelgard, her breath hitching as she instantly looked down as she said just one word.


The two started falling back down to the earth at an alarming rate, Edelgard feeling the friction from the descent within seconds of the free fall as she was forced to shut her eyes again. Byleth instantly pulled her student closer, curling up into a ball as best she could and aiming her head downwards to hopefully take the brunt of the impact again. It was at this moment she caught a brief glimpse of the ground and started to sweat a little when she realized something very important.

“Oh...that Isn't where I jumped from... HOLD ON TIGHT EDELGARD!” The insectoid professor then felt her student tightly hug into her torso for dear life, trying very hard not to question the sudden strange feeling she got from the action, and tried her best to steer her falling. As the duo got closer to the ground, she managed to see where her trajectory had shifted to and where she was about to land. Unfortunately for her, it was a place very much occupied at the time.

“DIMITRI! HEADS UP!!!” Shouting quickly to her student down below, Byleth shut her eyes and braced for the ensuing impact.


Dimitri tensed, swiftly blocking the wooden sword that was being swung at him with his own wooden lance. He pushed it back, trying to use the momentum to get his own counterattack in. He soon found his weapon just as swiftly blocked, though given the aggravated growl his opponent was giving off he wasn’t quite able to try for a counter himself. When he had woken earlier in the morning, Dimitri had almost immediately been hounded by one of his fellow Blue Lions to join them for training. Normally Dimitri would have brushed such a brutish request off, he hadn’t even so much as had breakfast yet. But considering the student who had insisted on such early training, he could only sigh and agree, least the boy’s attitude end up causing problems for others. It was for that reason that Dimitri found himself with practice lance in hand, struggling to keep pace with his opponent: Felix Fraldarius.

Felix was hardly the friendliest of faces on a good day, and he made no effort to show otherwise in his day to day. He was also, as Dimitri was learning the hard way, one of the very best promising swordsmen at the officer's academy. It had scarcely been a few minutes into their spar, and already Dimitri was forced to use all he had just to keep even with counters, let alone trying to get an attack in. They crossed weapons once more, Dimitri grunting with effort to get a leg up on Felix. Felix for the most part wasn’t fairing any better, his own practice sword near splintering with the force he was pushing onto it. His uniform was also worse for wear, the black vestment and white dress shirt he wore already dirtied and stained with his sweat. His thick leather belt that normally kept his black dress pants was also eschewed, and his sharp white boots were scuffed and caked with dirt. Lastly his navy-blue hair that was typically in a messy bun with loose bangs was all loose, some of it getting into his eyes much to his irritation. Felix went for an overhead slash, growling in anger as Dimitri once again blocked his sword.

“Come on Boar! Enough with the blocking and show me how monstrous you can be!” Dimitri flinched at his classmate’s aggressive shout, frowning at how he’d once again been called a boar.

He would be first to admit he respected Felix’s skills as a warrior, but he’d also be first to admit that it was a VERY begrudging one. Though the two would consider themselves friends, and despite it all they very much were, Felix often was rude and insulting to Dimitri. Though he always took it in stride considering Felix rarely expressed anything other than rudeness to anyone, Dimitri would be remised to say it didn’t always sting to be called ‘monstrous’ so many times. Still, he chose to comply with Felix’s demand by increasing the effort in his lance to push through the brash boy’s defense. As Felix grinned at the increased effort, the two were suddenly interrupted by a very loud cry from above them.

“DIMITRI! HEADS UP!!!” The two broke apart, heads instantly looking up to see what appeared to be a giant grasshopper hurtling towards them at a rapid pace.

Without so much as a warning, apart from the brief utterance of “sh*t!” Felix darted forward and shoved Dimitri away, raising his sword just as the grasshopper crashed right into the ground... a few inches away from the boys. The impact still caused both of them to be knocked right onto the ground, and a huge crater was formed that the grasshopper was slowly standing up out of. Once the dust had settled and Dimitri saw the familiar hourglass symbol on its torso gave out a confused.

“Professor?” While an enraged Felix stood up and took one look at Byleth before giving out an outraged roar. Before Dimitri or Byleth could explain Felix already had his sword in hand, or what little of the weapon wasn’t splintered off from the impact, and lunged towards Byleth.

“Don’t interrupt our fight beast, I’m not done yet-” Felix had shouted out at Byleth as he went on the offence, only to quickly lose his words as Byleth almost subconsciously avoided every slash with lightning reflexes.

Her new insectoid head easily bobbed and weaved with each slash, contorting and bending away from each attack faster than Felix could even process. He was then given a push as Byleth raised one of her legs and lightly kicked him back, even her going easy on the boy still having enough force to knock the wind out of him.

“Hey take it easy! I know we almost crashed into you and all, but at least wait until AFTER I put Edelgard down! You could seriously hurt her you know!” She then moved her arms away from her torso, revealing a relatively unhurt but extremely dazed Edelgard. The poor girl’s hair was a mess, and her uniform had been covered in dust, her eyes spinning abit as if readjusting to the proper place.

“No, no Hubert it’s fine... I’m sure Dorothea wouldn’t have given them to me if they were expired it’ll be fiiiiiiiine.” The empress to Be's dazed speech earned her a stifled snicker from Byleth who helped her up. Dimitri, who also was struggling to hold in a laugh, coughed before addressing his new professor while helping a dazed Felix up.

“Apologies for Felix professor. He’s...very passionate about his training is all.” Byleth laughed, waving her hands down as she finished helping Edelgard.

“It’s fine Dimitri honestly, I'm surprised he’s the only one who’s tried to take a swing at me so far. I guess I haven’t been bugging enough people yet eh?” She then laughed at her joke, while Dimitri and the others groaned in pain, Edelgard shaking her daze off to make the mental note to ensure Byleth never used this form near Aloise. Felix, however, had shaken off his daze and taken a closer look at Byleth before turning to Dimitri and giving the prince a stern stare.

“...You called this thing professor. Is THIS the new one you mentioned to everyone last night?” At Dimitri’s nodding, Felix then settled his eyes on Byleth. The cold, almost predatory glare he was shooting at her actually gave Byleth pause. If it wasn’t for the fact she was an insect at the moment, she could swear he was making her skin crawl. After a moment of awkward silence, he spoke up.

“That kick...I could tell you were holding back. I don’t know if this is just you, or some transformation or whatever. Honestly, I don’t really care, I just have one question.” He then raised his broken sword again, scowling at its condition as he pointed it at her. “How strong are you if you go all out?” A cold sweat fell down Byleth’s back, the almost feral look Felix as he took a step towards her reminded her FAR too much of a wild wolf cornering wounded prey. Lucky for her, just before the wolf in a lion’s pelt could pounce on her, she was saved by the timely arrival of Hanneman and the other two students.

“Marvelously done Professor Eisner! You managed to jump all the way here in less than two minutes! The sheer distance traveled alone is a feat that surely will break records! And just think of what else you could do with your other transformations!” The elderly professor’s praise had managed to get Felix’s attention away from Byleth, although upon hearing of her other forms his eyes snapped right back towards her with that same feral glare.

“Er... Thanks Hanneman.” She mumbled, taking a step back towards Edelgard as Felix’s hand started raising his sword again. She then ducked behind Edelgard, quickly brushing behind the girl as she resumed speaking to her peer. “You also have a VERY lovely point, and I should try changing into something else!” Felix growled abit at that, though his expression did change slightly hinted he was eagerly curious to see another form. Caspar and Linhardt were also eager, Linhardt in particular having his eyes squarely fixed on her, though Caspar did groan abit .

“You’re changing from Crashhopper already professor? I kinda wanted to try jumping up with you too...” He pouted abit, earning him a sigh from Edelgard at his childish behavior. Byleth, on the other hand, picked up on something the boy had said.

“Crashhopper? Is that...supposed to be me?” His eyes perked up and he eagerly answered with zest.

“Well yeah! You’re a giant grasshopper, and you were crashing all over the place! I figured it was a fitting name all considered! Unless you already have a name for this form?” Byleth tilted her head to the side, confusion filling up and spilling over her face.

“I haven’t really thought about naming my transformations actually.” She then looked towards Edelgard and Hanneman before adding. “Would giving them names be beneficial?” The two she addressed pondered the question for a moment, Hanneman speaking up first.

“While it certainly may sound superfluous given it is still you Professor Eisner, it may be handy to name these transformations. I fully intend to study and write my findings on each of them so as to keep a record for you. And a name is as essential as it is simple.” Edelgard nodded at her professor’s words, before she pipped up her own.

“Not to mention it may have tactical advantages on the battlefield. Say we needed your plant-like form in the thick of a fight, telling you to change into it with a name will be quicker for you to understand than a description. “ Byleth nodded, taking a ‘small’ hop that sent her a good few feet up in the air before crashing back down with a laugh.

“That works for me! And so does Crashhopper for this one’s name! Thanks for that one Caspar!” Caspar nodded bashfully, a small blush forming on his face as he rubbed the back of his head. The mood was then soured by Felix clicking his tongue and rudely snapping.

“Yes, yes you have a name now! Can you hurry up and change already?” Byleth ducked behind Edelgard again, the girl giving off an amused chuckle at her professor, before quickly raising her hand to press on the hourglass symbol. Just as she did, however, that strange imitation of her own voice once again spoke up to the surprise of all present.

“Warning. Possible genetic damage has been detected in a nearby lifeform. This unit is currently in the middle of using the genetic repair function however and cannot fully commit to a scan to determine if said lifeform is altered. Please wait until genetic repairs are finished and scan the lifeform again.” Everyone’s eyes widened at the sudden voice, most of all Edelgard who had started to pale when she realized just how close she was to Byleth.

“It used my voice again...and I still couldn’t understand any of that.” Byleth’s frustration at the mysterious voice was clear, but it quickly changed to concern as she saw just how frazzled Edelgard had become. “Is everything okay Edelgard? Did the fall from earlier actually do more to you then you were showing??” Edelgard quickly moved away from her professor, a tense look on her face as she quickly stammered out a retort to the concerns.

“I-It’s nothing Professor. Please, do not worry about me. You should change quickly before Felix grows more impatient.” Aside from her fellow student growling at the mention of himself, no one truly took her words at value. Least of all Byleth, whose brows had furrowed as she stared at the empress to be.

Still, she did not raise any more concerns and instead pressed her hand down on the hourglass symbol. The bright green flash catching the students off guard before quickly dying out and revealing her new form. What got everyone's attention first and foremost was how human this one looked compared to the others. Her skin had turned a dull grey and she’d lost a decent bit of muscle mass for a scrawnier build, but otherwise her basic figure was much more human. She’d gain abit of height now, standing just shy of six feet and towering over the others, and her outfit once again resembled one students used upon passing class tests. Her torso was covered with a black dress of sorts, though it was ripped at her shoulders and near her waist. Leaving her sleeves separated exposing her shoulders and the sleeves themselves frayed and puffed up at the ends. Her arms covered in thick leather straps connecting a pair of gauntleted gloves to them, with a few more straps on her legs and hips. Her hips had a couple pouches on said straps, hanging off them like it was a belt, and the bottom of the dress’s frayed state revealing one leg was fully exposed while the other had black leggings covering it down to the leather boots she wore. A dull pink line centered the dress, leading all the way down from her collar which had a frayed almost furred-like section of the dress covering her neck. The hourglass symbol has snuck itself here, loosely connected to a stray strip of fabric that would have covered her right shoulder, her hair covering it abit now that it had gone from flowing shoulder length to twin pigtails that messily hung over her head.

At last, Byleth opened her eyes which were now once again a brilliant green. Her mouth opened with a crooked grin as she spoke, a thick accent no one could quite pin down escaping as she did.

“Well now. That’s a mighty diffren’ kinda feeling all together yessir. None bad I think, but I reckon my what you might call intellect seems to have taken a dive of sorts.” She then raised her hand and flexed her fingers abit, seemingly amazed by the simple action much more than she should have been. “Though this may require further research, of a considerable amount.” Hanneman and Linhardt had moved closer, examining Byeth’s new form with intense focus.

“Remarkable! Such a quick transformation from the Crashhopper form! And this form! Why, I daresay it’s altogether more human than the others reported thus far? Wouldn’t you agree Mr.Hevring?” The elderly professor was poking and prodding Byleth, something she didn’t quite seem to mind much, while Linhardt was using Hanneman’s notepad to write down notes as he overlooked Byleth.

“Indeed, Professor Hanneman!” The young boy said, with far more enthusiasm than any of the others had heard him used before. A slight unnerving chill spread down his fellow Black Eagle’s backs as they witnessed him eagerly chat away with Hanneman. “Aside from the greyish skin tone, and possible malnourished body, she’s neigh undisguisable from a normal human being! And we still haven’t seen if she’s any abilities like the grasshopper form did!” He then looked up to Byleth, who had a confused expression on her face, as he addressed her directly. “Professor Eisner! Or, whatever name you’ve given this form I should say. Can you tell us if you’ve any special abilities, and if show display them for us?!” Byleth backed away at bit at the over eager student but managed to collect herself and start explaining.

“Well y’see here Linhardt, If’n I may refer to ya’ll as such that is, I do believe this here transformation is already named. Or at least from what I can figure, it effecting my mental composers is hinting as to an altered state . If that may be the answer what which you are requirein’.” Linhardt and Hanneman’s eyes near shined at the news that the transformation was affecting her differently, but before the two could ask more questions a loud snapping sound was heard followed by a shout.

“ENOUGH! I’ve humored this too long now! Ether you hit me with everything you’ve got right now Eisner, or I’ll take the first shot!” Said shout had been from Felix, who’d finally lost his Patience and crushed the remainder of his wooden sword in a rage. While Dimitri had tried to hold his classmate back, he was quickly shoved aside as Felix began to lunge towards Byleth bare fisted. Byleth...simply blinked as she saw the oncoming attack. She then reached a hand out towards Hanneman and quickly snagged his monocle off his face to his confusion.

“Beggin’ your pardon Hanneman, If’n I could borrow this for just a second to ensure this here youngin learns himself a valuable lesson.” She then twisted the monocle clockwise twice, earning a confused look from everyone, and quickly shouted out. “Y’all might wish to consider taking a couple steps back now if’n you want to remain within a safe distance!” She then gently tossed the monocle at Felix, who awkwardly caught it in confusion. Before any questions on Byleth’s actions could be taken, the monocle suddenly started to smoke aggressively and hiss loudly.

Everyone else took this as cue to take Byleth’s advice and started running back a couple feet, upon the last of them getting clear the monocle decided to stop smoking. Felix hesitatingly went to go poke it, only for it to INSTANTLY explode with a loud roar and a huge smoke cloud bellowing out following the large explosion that quickly enveloped Felix. If the Blue Lion was shouting, it was hard for any of them to hear it from within the explosion let aloud over it’s own loud boom. Several of them such as Edelgard tried shouting something, but they too were muted by the loud roar of Byleth’s impromptu explosive. After several seconds passed, the explosion died out and the billowing smoke cloud began to slowly part away.

When the last of it cleared away, the group gasped to see that for the most part Felix was in tact. Though saying the boy was completely unharmed would have been lying, as his entire person was covered head to toe in thick black soot now. A few small fires had broken out on his uniform, most of which seemed to have tattered now, and the boy was clearly shaken up despite the minimal physical damage. Moments passed, no one daring to walk towards him to fully check his status, before he slowly fell to the ground with a small whimper. Everyone instantly shifted their eyes to Byleth, who was now eating a large sandwich that she had SOMEHOW acquired in the middle of the chaos. She paused mid-bite, looking at everyone as they stared at her, before perplexingly asking them.

“There something makin’ itself home on my face? Ya’ll look like I caught a touch of something what might be considered strange.” Dimitri was the one to step up and ask, with a very hesitate tone, the question they were all thinking.

“Professor...what...what exactly did you do to Felix?” Byleth then made a noise of understanding, before taking a sloppy bite of her sandwich and swallowing as she answered.

“Oh right, as it stands I used what ya’ll might consider as an ability on that there rude youngin over there. T’would seem to reason that most anything I touch with these here hands of mine tends to turn into a mighty powerful explohesive. Youngin should be fine though, rude as he was I just ensured that was a smoke bomb.” She then took another bite of sandwich and made a satisfied hum as she added. “Still make a right pretty boom though~ Music to my ears I can tell ya what~.” Everyone took the information she’d just given them in, Hanneman and Linhardt looking boggled at the fact she just casually admitted to making a monocle explode as if talking about the weather. Edelgard and Dimitri countered them by looking absolutely done with the day already, with Dimitri in particular pinching the bridge of his nose in irritation.

“That...That is...” He sighed before just giving up altogether and motioning for Edelgard to help him pick up Felix off the ground. As they did such, Byleth let out a hearty chuckle before going in for another bite. As she did, however, a small glob of mustard fell off the sandwich onto her dress. Her eyes widened, everyone else stopping what they were doing when they saw the small hint of fear slowly spread across her face.

“.... This is gonna hurt I suspect.” Was all the gray scaled professor let out before being enveloped in an earth-shattering explosive that blew EVERYONE away a good couple dozen feet, and did major damage to the area they had been standing in. As the smoke from the explosion cleared, and the rumbled of at least a dozen more students started to grow closer to see what had happened, the students and professor who had been at ground zero managed to shake themselves off no worse for wear.

“P... Professor? Are you oka-” Dimitri had managed to stand up first, coated in soot and dust but otherwise mostly unharmed. His concerned question for Byleth had died on his tongue however, as he froze upon seeing the spot she had been standing at. Only to instead find a large pile of dust with the sandwich she’d been eating on top, no clear sign of Byleth anywhere.

He instantly dashed forward, ignoring the other’s concerned looks, and quickly grabbed the dust pile to see any sign of his professor. Panic grew in the young prince’s heart, his blood turning cold as ice water as it dawned on him what had happened to Byleth.

“ happened to Professor?” He turned his head instantly, seeing a concerned and slightly hurt Edelgard walking up behind him.

“I think...I think that explosion...I’m sorry to say that she’s...” He tried to spit it out, tell her what had happened, but his voice failed him as he sunk his head in shame and grief. Edelgard took his actions as message enough, a sharp cry escaping her mouth as she began to tear up abit. The tense atmosphere grew even as other students began to pile into the training grounds to see what had happened. It was then, at the height of it all, that a very familiar voice spoke up from behind the two house leaders.

“’S’cuse me youngins. Not to be as rude to interrupt you in this tendered moment, but I feel I am obligated to inform you that I am in fact going to be needin’ that there sandwich back.” The two students’ heads did an instant 180 towards the sound of the voice, shocked gasps emitting from them as they saw Byleth in the flesh perfectly fine and digging through the ashes for her sandwich. The two stood there dumbfounded, not saying a word, letting that responsibility instead fall to Caspar who asked Byleth in a dumbfounded voice.

“Professor? Didn’t...didn’t you just get turned into that pile of ashes from that huge explosion?!” Byleth shrugged at the Black Eagle student, mostly focuses on her task at hand. After a moment though, she did in fact begin to explain her miracle recovery.

“Ah well that there is a simple answer youngin’. That there pile of ashes IS in fact my body, all done atom-monized with that accidental explosive on my end. It would seem to my understanding that I in fact am what you might consider a clone of sorts. As I was to explain before being so rudely interrupted earlier by that there Felix, I also seem to be able survive just about anything I reckon’ via cloning myself to appear elsewheres.” She then fished the sandwich out of her own ashes and blew on it before taking another bite. “Though, that may indeed require considerable research. Which I do admit, I would not exactly frown upon if not for the fact that did indeed hurt as I suspected.” She then spat abit of sandwich out, before lightly tossing it behind her. Ignoring the looks of dumbfound shock aimed at her from the two house leaders, or the fact Hanneman and Linhardt looked about ready to faint from sheer information overdose. Upon the sandwich she tossed causing another explosion, thankfully a VERY small one that was mostly just loud noise, she then crinkled her face before muttering.

“I would think now should be an amble time to get us all to the infirmary now Caspar.” She then quickly went to go grab the still knocked out Felix, while a surprised Caspar quickly agreed with her and went to help Dimitri and Edelgard shake their stupor out and follow their professor. Hanneman and Linhardt soon followed suit, though hurriedly talking amongst themselves over this new form of Byleth’s. As they all left in a hurry, just barely avoiding the new students arriving, Caspar looked at Byleth and asked something that had been bugging him.

“So professor, what’re you naming this transformation?” Byleth smugly grinned, adjusting her grip on Felix as she turned to Caspar and cheerfully answered.

“The name’s Decagon Vreedle, youngins! Pleasure to be making ya’lls acquaintances.”


The walk to the infirmary was surprisingly uneventful, save for Hanneman’s departure and Lindhart’s constant questioning of how Byleth had apparently ‘cheated death.’ Byleth, or rather Decagon Vreedle, for the most part put it all in stride. Not really thinking too hard on the logics behind it, or as she had so bluntly put it.

“Ways I sees it, If’n I bite a big one while in this here form I'll just come on back after a few. I suppose I may have some kinds of limitation to that there, but considering It still hurts like the dickins I ain’t in any rush to be testin’.” Lindhart had tried countering by asking the most logical question.

“But...But when you were reduced to dust this clone as you put it just...walked back up to us! Were you just waiting in the hallways by the training grounds? Did you simply pop into existence once the original you died? How does it work professor?!” The professor turned demolitions expert gave out a hearty laugh at her student’s questions, putting her free arm that wasn’t carrying Felix around Lindhart’s shoulder causing the boy to flinch at the sudden contact.

“Tell you what Youngin’. The next time I see myself faced with the inadvisable but surely unavoidable grim demise that awaits us all in the end, you keep a good eye on me and see for yerself.” She then gave out another hardy laugh as she patted the Un-bemused boy on the back, the group finally reaching the infirmary. A quick knock from Dimitri and the door opened, revealing an irritated Manuela who looked seconds away from diving into the nearest liquid cabinet.

“If it isn’t life threatening, PLEASE go back to your business because I do not have time for fun and game...Goddess what on earth happened here?!” She cut herself off just as she was starting a rant, seeing Felix still limply hanging off Decagon and the others still covered in dust and tired.

“Apologies Misses Manuela, that would be on me. Youngin Felix here got just a tad too lippy with me, and I frankly had no other choice then to ensure he would learn.” As Decagon explained the situation and followed the gob smacked teacher inside to put Felix on a bed, she sheepishly clicked her teeth.

“I made sure it wasn’t THAT big a kaboom so he should be fine...although I also admit that I have yet to do research to articulate those claims, and as such have brought him to you.” Manuela blinked for a second as she watched her colleague speak.

“And you are...looking very pale yourself dear. Are you sure you do not require my aid first? Actually, who exactly are you?”

At the beguiled teacher’s expression, Decagon grinned and waved a hand as she introduced herself once again.

“Ah beggin’ yer pardon. Guess this is new for you, apologies. You can call me Decagon Vreedle, but ya’ll best know me already as Byleth Eisner. Either one works for me, so whichever yer fixin to call me by I’ll catch onto yer.” A look of understanding broke through Manuela’s irritation, though it seems it was quickly replaced once more by a look that screamed ‘I need more alcohol in me before I deal with this’. She quickly went to look over Felix, though gave a quick side-look to Decagon and spoke.

“So... This is what Lady Rhea meant by that Gauntlet of yours holding special powers. Well, I can’t say I’m not jealous over how much younger you look now, but it certainly isn’t as strange a look as I was told.” She then focused on Felix and after a few seconds hummed and went to her cabinet to grab some supplies as she resumed speaking. “And don’t worry about Mr.Fraldarius. You indeed didn’t do much more than leave him with some light bruises and a couple burns, nothing I cannot help with. Even he wouldn’t be stubborn enough to deny he’s come in here with far worse done to his body after his insistence on overdoing the training.” She grabbed a spool of gaze and went to tend to Felix’s wounds before quickly giving a concerned look at the group. “I would suggest for your sakes taking your leave now. I thank you for bringing him here, but I suspect Mr. Fraldarius won’t be quite as thankful once he wakens.”

A collective shudder covered the group as they all nodded, Dimitri wasting no time to book it towards the door and open it to leave. As he did though, he nearly bumped into a trio of students who were walking in lead by Claude. The yellow clad boy rubbed his shoulder as he entered the room, giving a false harmed look towards Dimitri as he greeted him.

“Well hello to you to your highness, I’d ask where the fire is but given the look of it, I suspect you already know.” He then looked at the group gathered within the room and let out a while as he continued. “Quite the crowd here today, and I have a strong suspicion given all the soot you lot may know what that loud noise from earlier was?” Dimitri had the tact to bashfully look away, but it appeared Decagon did not share the same embarrassment in her current form given how cheerfully she answered Claude.

“That’d be my handywork for sure youngin’! Quite the boom, wasn’t It? Mighty right proud of it myself, even if’n it did end up temporarily shufflin’ me off this here mortal coil.” Claude gave a quizzical look at Decagon Vreedle before noticing the hourglass badge on her shoulder and realized who he was talking to.

“Ah Teach! Didn’t recognize you for a moment there. Is this form new? Gotta say at a glance I wouldn’t have guessed this one was a transformation, but if you say that loud noise was due to you...well I’ll just trust that you didn’t intend to leave any lasting damage.” As he and Decagon shared a laugh, an impatient huff sounded from behind him, and Claude was suddenly shoved forward as a voice rang out in irritation.

“Gossip on your own time Claude! Some of us need serious medical attention here!” Said voice belonged to one of the two students who had accompanied Claude, his sudden movement further inside revealing them to be two young girls. The one who had spoken, and presumably shoved him, was a bit smaller than him and looked rather irritated at the boy. Her uniform looked mostly the same to the others, save her black dress hugging her body abit more closely and hiked up to her chest with some golden lines sewed onto the skirt under her belt. Said golden lines were even sewed onto the white blouse she wore, and a few on her long black boots that were underneath a pair of dark blue thigh high socks. Her skin was a soft looking white, and like Decagon her bright pink hair was tied up into twin pigtails though hers were much neater. The most notable thing about the girl, however, wasn’t her pink hair or even matching pink eyes. No, what everyone took note of was the fact the girl was carrying a large ordinate axe over her shoulder as if it was no big deal. The axe wielding girl then pouted as she resumed to berate Claude.

“I’d say I can’t believe a fine upstanding man such as you would leave us two delicate flowers out here while you chat away, but then I’d be lying. And it’d be a shame if you made me a liar, isn't that right Lysithea?” She turned towards her classmate beside her, who was a much younger girl that looked quite unhappy to be involved in the ensuing hijinks.

She was significantly shorter than the other students, her uniform helping convey the image by looking abit too big for her with her thin arms poking out from her oversized sleeves. She looked a fair bit paler as well, perhaps paler than it ought to be even, further empathized by her pure white hair that draped over her shoulders. The girl, Lysithea, scoffed as she answered her pink haired classmate.

“Yes of course, it would take Claude to make a liar out of you Hilda. Why don’t you explain to Professor Manuela why it is you’ve come here and see what she has to say on the matter of you lying?” Manuela picked up the cue from Lysithea and instantly zeroed in on Claude and Hilda.

“Yes, miss Ordelia makes a wonderful point. Why ARE you all here? Miss Goneril you in particular look just as healthy as ever.” Hilda bit her lip, glaring daggers at a smug looking Lysithea, as she pleaded her case to Manuela.

“Well, you see professor, I was instructed by Professor Jeritza to meet him in the training grounds this morning. But you see, when I arrived there it was in huge disarray! Something had left a huge crater in the ground, not to mention several others that were smoldering from something exploding it would seem. Why was I so startled I tripped and badly damaged my arm! I can scant carry my own axe at this rate!” She dramatically swooned, waving her ‘injured’ arm around perfectly fine while everyone blinked at her display. Without missing a beat, Manuela looked to Claude and simply asked.

“And you, Mr.Riegan?”

“Oh, I’m fine. I just wanted to escort Hilda hear to see what you’d do when she tried giving you that spiel.” A loud laugh spilled out from Decagon, greatly amused at Claude’s boldness while Hilda looked ready to murder him.

She instead chose to angerly pout and glare at her new professor, who in turn only laughed harder at her student’s expression. Trying her best to ignore her colleague, Manuela then shifted attention to Lysithea.

“And you Miss Ordelia?” Lysithea instantly balked, awkwardly shuffling her feet as she replied.

“Y-Yes that’s it. I’m perfectly fine, these two just ran into me in the halls and dragged me with them!” Almost instantly Claude adopted a stern and serious look, the sudden shift not going unnoticed by any of the others.

“She’s lying Professor. We found her in the halls hunched over and near retching, shaking more violently than anything I’ve ever seen. I insisted she join us, and I refuse to let her leave here even if Hilda and I have to.” Manuela gasped at the sudden tone shift from Claude but nodded and made to bring Lysithea to a spare bed. Lysithea for her end wasn’t having any of it, started a tantrum right away.

“He’s exaggerating professor! I’m perfectly fin-!” Her objections were harshly cut off by a very hard and wet sounding cough that had her double back. Manuela tried to usher the girl towards a bed, but even through the violent hacking she tried to struggle.

That is, until a firmer grey hand was on her back gently rubbing it and helping Manuela guide her to a bed. The girl turned, seeing Decagon was the owner of that hand, and tried to object again. Before she could get a word out though, Her grey scaled professor gently eased her onto a spare bed with a firm hand.

“Now none of that Littlin’. You just sit here a spell and let Miss Manuela cure what ails ye.” The white-haired girl gawked at Decagon for a moment, a brief flash of anger coming over here before it changed into curiosity as she watched Decagon move a hand towards one of her pouches and pull out a brightly wrapped bar and hand it to her. She gently took it , looking up at Decagon who just grinned at her.

“Best bar’a chocolate straight from the planet Peptos XII. Don’t rightly know how I exactly know all of that, but I can rest assured ya it’ll be the best dang chocolate ya ever did try I tell you what!” Lysithea blinked as she processed that information, before gently smiling and putting the candy bar down.

“..Thank you professor. Truly.” She then smiled and finally allowed Manuela to oversee her, closing her eyes as she laid down on the bed. The others gawked at Decagon, save Claude who gave the newly crowned professor a genuine smile at her actions, though Edelgard brought up the elephant in the room.

“Professor? Where did you get that chocolate?” Decagon scratched her head in confusion as she looked at Edelgard.

“I grabbed it from my pouch right here for the Littlin’. Didn’t you see that youngin’?”

“No, I understand that part Professor. I mean where did it come from in the first place?”

“The planet Peptos XII. Were yer ears full’o wax when I told that to the Littlin’??”

“Planet? Peptos XII?? Professor how do you know that information?”

“I don’t rightly know how I know that youngin’! I’m starting to think I’ll have to check your homework extra hard like.”

“ do you not know that you know that profes-” Eldegard’s inquiries were cut off by an annoyed groan from Hilda, who marched over to Decagon in annoyance.

“Okay that’s enough of your comedy routine! We should all leave so Lysithea can rest up and-” Hilda’s exaggerated rant was soon cut off by her giving a sudden yelp as she tripped and fell to the ground hard . “Ugh.. What did I trip over? Is that the wrapper from the chocolate? Lysithea when did you open-?” The pink haired student slowly got off the floor, making sure to pick up the wrapper she had tripped on, and was welcomed back several shocked gasps from everyone else.

In confusion, she looked at them only to see a stunned Caspar pointing behind her. She turned, and gave a loud shriek as she saw what the boy had been pointing to: Decagon Vreedle with Hilda’s axe firmly embedded into her skull. Decagon gave a look to the sharp blade currently digging into her forehead, lightly poking the axe handle before giving a calm.

“Hmm. Well that right there is just about the most unbearable pain I ever have experienced, I tell you youngin’s that much.” She then instantly fell over onto the ground with a loud thud, blood oozing out from underneath her as her body grew limb and the others started screaming their heads off.



“Would you Youngin’s mind easin’ up on the noise? The Littin’ is trying to enjoy her chocolate heres!”

The loud panic was silenced as all heads turned towards the bed Lysithea had been laid down on, seeing the young girl eagerly eating the chocolate bar she was given earlier while another Decagon sat on the edge of the bed perfectly fine. Lindhart’s mouth opened and he pointed at Decagon, looking to where the axe embedded body should have been on the floor. Upon seeing the body gone, with only Hilda’s axe left on the floor in pristine condition, he shouted near top of his lungs.

“HOW?!! WE WERE ALL LOOKING AT YOUR BODY, HOW DID YOU GET ON THE BED AND MAKE THE DEAD BODY VANISH??!” Decagon opened another chocolate bar up, took a large bite, and then shrugged her shoulders as she cheekily said.

“I told ya if’n ya wanted to know Youngin’ you had to keep good eyes on me, now didn’t I?” Lindhart could only open his mouth agape in sheer dumbstruck expression, Caspar taking pity on his friend and gently placing an arm over his shoulder as he slowly lead the boy to the door.

“Come on Lin, let’s get you back for a nice nap.” Lindhart allowed himself to be lead away, the others looking on in concern. Hilda instead was looking at Decagon, her face filled with so many emotions it was hard to settle on which one was most prominent.

Decagon sensing the storm of thoughts within her head, just playfully patted her head and gave a chipper.

“Don’t fret now youngin. If’n it’s any consolation, that was only the second most painful death I have yet to experience.” Before Hilda could fully process what her new teacher had said, a familiar beeping started to sound out and a red flash filled the room to once again reveal Byleth returning to normal. The mercenary turned teacher shook her head, a hand pressing to her temple as she gently massaged it.

“That one definitely felt strange... I think I'll have to be careful when using it.” She then furrowed her brows as she moved a hand to her skirt, somehow producing another sandwich similar to the one Decagon had eaten. The curious teacher then offered it to Hilda with a neutral sounding .

“Would you like it?” Before ‘politely’ being escorted out of the infirmary by a very begrudged Edelgard and Dimitri, Hilda left behind with sandwich in hand and confusion on her face.


Once the trio had left the infirmary, Dimitri politely bid the two girls farewell as he returned to his quarters. Byleth finding great amusem*nt in how he had not so subtly dashed off, most likely to ensure he would not be around when Felix woke. Edelgard was also amused, though she hid it well, and suggested they go to the Greenhouse so as for Byleth to familiarize herself to it. As the two walked, Byleth used the downtime to chat with her student and get to know her.

“I have to admit you handled that well Edelgard. I’m most impressed.” Edelgard lightly blushed at the praise from Byleth, coughing into her hand to hide it from her teacher.

“I won’t deny I was not expecting... well all of today's events to be honest. Especially that last form, Decagon Vreedle you called it? I did not expect you to have such a drastic shift in personality...not to mention your unfortunate accidents.” Byleth awkwardly laughed, the two of them approaching the monastery's greenhouse that was right next to the rather large fishing lake.

Once they were inside, Byleth was floored by the vast array of flora and fauna the greenhouse had within. Dozens of flowers as far as she could see, with some of them growing their vines all over the place and even overtop the support pillows of the building. As Byleth went about looking at all the plants and flowers, Edelgard couldn’t help but chuckle at how giddy her professor was acting. As Byleth went to more closely inspect some lovely hyacinths she was suddenly spooked by a small noise near her and found that they weren’t alone in the greenhouse. Huddled on the floor in the corner, trying her damnedest to not be noticed it would seem, was Bernadetta who it seemed had been tending the plants judging by the watering can she had in her hand. Edelgard for her part gave a soft sign as she kneeled down to the trembling girl and gently spoke to her.

“Apologies if we startled you Bernadetta, but you didn’t need to hide from us. I was simply showing our new professor our lovely greenhouse.” Bernadetta slowly peaked her head up to look at her house leader, still trembling and muttering softly to herself.

Upon seeing Byleth she tensed for a moment, until her eyes wandered and saw the gauntlet on her wrist and made a small noise of recognition. The purple haired girl shot up at once, startling and nearly causing Edelgard to fall from how fast she got up, and hesitantly asked Byleth a question.

“E-Excuse me? You’re the one who helped us with those bandits yesterday, the one who changed into that beautiful Dionaea muscipula?!” Byleth was floored for a second at how invigorated Bernadetta had become, but quickly adopted a warm smile and nodded at the girl.

“Yes, that was me it’s a pleasure to properly meet you, Bernadetta. My name is Byleth Eisner, I’m the new professor here at the academy.” She then took a look around the room and then back to the timid girl. “Were you in here by yourself tending to the plants?” Bernadetta nodded, her hands nervously hovering in front of her as she fiddled with her hoodie’s strings.

“I was assigned to help out here with Dedue. He left to get something a little while ago, a-and I thought you were him when you came in.” As if on cue, loud footsteps sounded from behind them with Bernadetta looking over Byleth’s shoulder to see who had entered the greenhouse.

It turned out to be a student, a boy who easily towered over the girls as he gently stomped inside. As with the others he wore the officer’s academy uniform with little variation, save for thicker looking sleeves that further helped expose his bulky frame. What Byleth noticed right away of the young man besides his intimidating size was his skin, which had a deep tanned tone to it that everyone else she’d seen in the monastery lacked. That combined with the boy's grey-white hair neatly trimmed with a small ponytail, and the rather exotic looking golden earring hanging off his right ear gave her the air he was not from here. The boy gave a stern look at Edelgard and Byleth, before looking at Bernadetta and speaking.

“Apologies, Bernadetta. It seems that whoever was last assigned chore duty here used the last of the fertilizer and did not inform Seteth.” He bowed his head, seemingly not noticing the panicked look on Bernadetta’s face as he did so, before raising it and staring at Byleth. He said nothing for a few moments, simply looked at the new professor with his piercing green eyes. After a moment he then spoke again, a simple question uttered from his lips with no hint of his tone.

“Would you happen to be the mercenary who helped save his highness yesterday?” Byleth nodded, waiting to see where the boy was going with this. When he then bowed deeply before her, she was stunned by the act. Given the shocked expressions on Edelgard and Bernadetta’s faces, they too were surprised by the boy’s action.

“I am grateful to see you are still here. My name is Dedue Molinaro, and truth be told I wished to express my gratitude for your actions in helping his highness.” He then grimaced abit before he continued. “Alas, I did not expect to encounter you here. Given our chores here have been halted due to the efforts of whomever was here last, I’m afraid my repayment will have to wait.” Byleth smiled but shook her head at the boys' words.

“You don’t have to repay me; it was my pleasure to help Dimitri and the others. As for your chores getting sidetracked...” She then raised her arm, the gauntlet choosing the perfect time to return to its natural green glow as she fiddled with the dial.

Dedue watched her with a puzzled expression, while Edelgard and Bernadetta watched in wonder as Byleth pressed down on the gauntlet. Within seconds the telltale green flash filled the room, and Byleth was replaced with her plant-based form once again. As she flexed her membrane like fingers, not seeing Dedue’s understandable fear-stricken face at her sudden transformation, she gave a thumbs up to her students.

“I think this Wild vine should be able to help with your predicament!” All three students gave different reactions to her transformation. Bernadetta gave a barely contained joyful squeal as she saw the plant-based humanoid, Dedue’s fear had grown as he stepped back and raised an arm up in defense, and Edelgard signed deeply as she looked at her professor.

“Really Professor? Wildvine? Isn’t that name...a little TOO on the nose?” The Black Eagle’s leader rolled her eyes abit, while Wildvine simply clicked her tongue, or about as close to it as she currently could, at the comment.

“I think it’s a fine enough name. Besides that classmate of yours is the one who suggested it, Ferdinand if I recall correctly? I feel it’d be nice to let you students help me with naming these forms.” She then winked at Edelgard, or blinked given her current forms solo eye, and added. “Unless you had a name you’d prefer for me Edelgard?” The empress to be did little to hide the obvious blush forming on her face, as she awkwardly looked to the side and answered her teacher.

“N-No, that is fine. If that is your logic it would be rude of me to take a name another classmate has given you.” Wildvine laughed and gave another thumbs up, finally prompting the startled Dedue to speak up.

“What...What on Fódlan Is this?!” At the large youth’s concerned tone, Wildvine turned to him and began to explain.

“It’s a long story, whose details we’re still...barely scrapping at to be honest. But that gauntlet you saw on my wrists allows me to change forms for a time when I press onto it.” Dedue took the information given in slowly, as if soaking in the fact his teacher-to-be could transform was too big of a bombshell to take in all at once. Upon seeing his classmate’s more reserved faces, or in Bernadetta’s case her face was full of restrained glee, he forced a deep breath out as he calmed himself.

“I... see. I cannot say I have ever heard of such a thing in my years professor, but I am curious. You said this... Wildvine could help us with our issue?” Wildvine nodded at Dedue's inquiry, expanding her fingers towards her elbows to release a handful of seeds. She then put a seed into each finger, stretching them into different sections of soil around the greenhouse and burying them among the plants. Once all the seeds were within the dirt, she closed her eye and focused as the students looked on in quiet awe. After several seconds of silence, she pulled back her elongated fingers with a grin.

“I think...THAT should do it!” Once Wildvine’s chipper boast was said, all of the plants in the greenhouse instantly sprang into overdrive and bloomed. The trio of students standing in awe as they saw one by one all the flowers, fruits, and other crops blooming at once despite the timing for such being impossible. Dedue in particular drifted his eyes to a particular corner, feeling them widen as the flowers he’d been looking for were also in bloom.

“Those are!” He bolted towards the flowers, kneeling down to examine them. “Impossible! These flowers are from Duscur! They required a dryer environment, and most certainly were months away from blooming.” He stood up and looked at Wildvine before resuming. “You were able to make everything inside here bloom at once! How...How was this possible??” The living plant chuckled at his dumbfounded confusion as she explained.

“I’m not sure I fully understand honestly. It was like...once I was in the soil they all just spoke to me and told me what they needed to boom. And then I just made it happen, easy as that.” As the boy reeled at that revelation, Bernadetta shouted loudly as she suddenly ran up to Wildvine and grabbed onto one of her arms to examine it.

“Really?! You were able to understand the plants needs to grow?! Professor that’s incredible, just think of the possibilities! You could talk to them and tell us what they need, what they FEEL and-” The young girl then cut herself off as she realized what she was doing , a huge blush filling her face as she quickly released her grip on the arm and shrank into herself while kneeling to the floor.

“B-Bernieeeeee! You can’t just do things like that! N-Now professor is going to think I'm weird and lock me and my room and-!” As Bernadetta started quickly mumbling and degrading herself, Edelgard went to get her classmate off the floor with a sad sigh. She was quickly beaten to it however, when Wildvine’s arms stretched down to pick the girl up.

“Hey now, none of that. It’s okay, I didn’t mind at all.” As Bernadetta looked up in shock at her words, Wildvine shot one of her hands towards a nearby rose and embedded an orange rose into her finger as it returned to her body. “I can tell, you really like plants. I can also tell you really want to ask me a lot of questions so go ahead and ask away!” As she said this, the plant based professor gently lifted Bernadetta’s head up and fixed the orange rose into her hair.

The young girl’s face was frozen for a moment, uncertain of what expression to display at the tender act from her professor. It then exploded in raw emotion as tears fell down her eyes and she blubbered an incompressible mess of words before hugging Wildvine, who was only surprised at the sudden gesture for a moment before gently patting her head and smiling. She the slowly turned to see Edelgard and Dedue, who were shocked to see the sudden outburst from Bernadetta. Edelgard in particular looked as if her jaw was moments away from falling off to the floor, an expression that told Wildvine there was a story she was missing. She then looked down to see Bernadetta had once again come to her senses, tear stained face realizing where she was, and she slowly and begrudgingly removed her arms from her teacher. Before she could say anything as she looked up in embarrassment, Wildvine simply shook her head to cut her off ahead of time.

“You don’t have to say anything. It’s okay.” The violet haired girl nodded slowly, hugging her arms to herself as she slowly walked to Edelgard and motioned for the other girl to kneel down so she could whisper into her ear. As she whispered, Edelgard’s raised her eyebrow before softly smiling at the girl and nodding as she went to address Wildvine.

“Excuse me professor? Have you chosen which of the house’s you’ll be teaching by chance?” Wildvine furrowed her brow, or the approximation of such, and shook her head.

“Not yet no. Not that I haven’t been thinking about it since I've been meeting all of you, but I figured I'd get the lay of the land here first since Lady Rhea gave me all day.” She then put a hand behind her head and sheepishly smiled. “Although I guess it did kinda slip my mind after the whole dying twice as Decagon thing earlier...” The other two gave concerned looks at her words while Edelgard just groaned from the memories. “I think after this though...I may have an idea which house I'll pick.”

At Wildvine’s words, Bernadetta’s eyes beamed and even Edelgard’s had a bit of a gleam to them. Dedue took note of them and smiled, understanding the meaning behind the words. The group then spent a while seeing how the plant’s sudden blooming thanks to Wildvine had affected them, Bernadetta and Dedue in particular still awe over it.

It was shortly after Wildvine’s time had run out and she reverted back to Byleth however, that disaster struck. As the students were talking, or in Dedue’s case asking more on the gauntlet from Byleth, a sudden loud splash and scream from outside caught their attention. When it was almost instantly followed by the familiar voice of Seteth shouting out in alarm, all four of them rushed out the door without hesitation.


Upon the four going outside the greenhouse, they followed the desperate cries of Seteth towards the large fishing lake. Once there, they saw the green haired advisor franticly at the water’s edge trying to remove his heavy clothes while in the lake a series of splashes broke the water’s surface. Upon getting closer, Byleth saw the source of these splashes was a person. More specifically, it was a young girl with green hair like Seteth’s who was splashing around and bobbing up and down while struggling to remain afloat.

“Seteth! What happened?” Upon hearing her question Seteth flinched and turned to see the group, a panicked look on his face as he hurried to explain to Byleth.

“It is my sister, Flayn! We were fishing and a particularly large bite was too much for her and she fell in!” He then resumed trying to remove his upper clothing so as to dive in but was quickly stopped by Dedue.

“With respect Sir Seteth, perhaps this is a job for Professor Eisner or myself?” Seteth glared at the boy, much harsher than any of them had seen before, and tried to resume as he was doing.

“While I appreciate the sentiment young Molinaro, I assure you I can dive in faster than you or the professor can.” Byleth balked at the undercoated amount of stress he epitizide onto her part, completely throw off at his remarks.

Dedue too looked at Seteth with unknown curiosity at his words, but coincided and was willing to let him be. Within seconds Seteth was sans his upper garments, and wordlessly dove into the waters and began to swim towards his sister. Said sister,Flayn, was still struggling to remain over the water as he swam to her. Her head going underneath the chilling waters for seconds at a time as she tried to swim upright, with each time adding more seconds she was forced under. After a while, Seteth reached her and grabbed ahold of her while trying to comfort her. When he tried to help guide her back to the shore though, he was met with the young girl crying out in pain as she refused to budge. He grew a puzzled expression and took a quick breath before diving down to see what the problem was, resurfacing after a moment with a muttered curse as he turned and shouted towards the shore.

“Her dress is caught on something sharp! Quickly! I require assistance!” He then focused on helping Flayn needing her head above water, the poor girl shivering and coughing out mouthfuls of water as he did. Dedue wasted no time to undress to jump in and help, Byleth as well about to simply jump in as is before the welcoming chime of the Gauntlet let her know it was active again.

“Great timing! I think I know exactly which one to use for this!” As Byleth turned the dial on the gauntlet, she turned to address Dedue. “If I'm right this one should help, but please go in and help keep her head above the water!” The tall youth nodded, running towards the water’s edge after a moment and boldly jumping in and swimming forth to help Seteth.

Byleth in the meanwhile turned the dial on the gauntlet until she got to the image she was certain would help and hovered her fingers about to press down when one more shout cried out towards them.

“EISNER!!!!”Everyone turned upon hearing the bloodcurdling scream, even the three in the lake, and gasps were uttered as the source of it was revealed: Felix. The boy had apparently followed them from the infirmary, although most of his uniform was still badly burnt off or singed. Most of his upper body was still exposed, though now covered with a thick layer of gauze it seems, and he also had a REAL sword in his hands clutched tightly within.

Manuela was behind him, fruitlessly trying to hold the boy back as she was dragged with each step he took. Once his near bloodshot eyes spied Byleth, he knocked Manuela aside hard and drew his blade with an animalistic snarl as he pointed it at Byleth.

“You! I had to lose that spar with the Boar today thanks to you! So now you’re going to transform into that grey one again! And you’ll going to take me on right here, right now, until one of us is on the ground!” As he spoke, a foreign concept began to overtake Byleth.

It slowly crept over her skin, chilling it near to the bone, and made her throat dry like it had been filled with sand. A cold sweat went down her back as Felix stomped forward, his eyes never leaving hers for even a second as he advanced. When he was only a few steps away, Byleth was completely overtaken by the foreign invader and did the most sensible thing she could do.

“I’m going to jump into the water now.” Without letting what she’d say fully be processed by the students Byleth full on sprinted towards the water as she slammed her hand on the gauntlet.

As she landed in the water, the tell-tale green flash of her transformation appeared alongside a trail of bubbles that slowly moved towards Seteth and Flayn. As she did so, Dedue had managed to reach them and was helping Seteth keep his sister's head above water. Seconds later, the stream of bubbles presumed to be Byleth reached them and with a shrill shriek Flayn was suddenly freed from whatever she’d been stuck to. As Seteth quickly grabbed his sister, he too was soon grabbed by unseen hands and dragged forward towards the shoreline.

A perplexed Dedue paused just a moment as he saw the siblings seemingly jet towards the shore before he quickly tried to swim after them at his own pace. When they reached the water's edge, the siblings seemed to have jumped into the air as whatever had helped them was now jumping onto the shore with them firmly in its arms. The following large splash of water made Edelgard and Bernadetta back away quickly, but once the torrent stopped the two got a good look at what Byleth had transformed into.

The new form like Decagon Vreedle had grey skin, or rather grey scales given the texture on her body. Her limbs were long with her forearms getting much more muscle mass compared to her rather thin arms, which now had black armor-like padding on them and transparent green fins sprouting out of her elbows. Her calves were much thicker as well, with thinner legs, but as well they seemed to be growing as an outright tail similar to that of a fish was receding into her body as they grew. Her hands and feet were now down to three digits each, with transparent webbing between each one and long black talons on the end of them. Her torso had become slightly huskier, appearing to give her a bit of a hunched back, but also looked much thinner to the point her ribs were visible. Her shoulders were much broader, and also coated in the black ‘armor’, and her neck was slightly elongated and sporting what looked to be gills. The most eye-catching part of her new transformation had to be her head however, as it was now mostly consisting of her jaws which had grown over in a massive underbite with rows of sharp fangs going over her lips. Finally on the top of her head was a long fleshy horn of sorts that ended with a thin translucent bulb that was emitting a thin light.

The newly fished Byleth gently laid Seteth and Flayn down onto the ground, the water still dripping off all of them.

“There we go.” Byleth said, a strange almost gurgling echo accompanying her voice. “Are you two okay now?” Seteth for his part looked torn, on one hand he looked shocked and maybe even appalled at seeing Byleth’s transformation firsthand. On the other hand, he also was looking at Flayn who was still coughing up water but was otherwise fine with relief filling his face. He quickly went to hug his sister, being careful not to overwhelm her, and gave a hesitant look to Byleth before mumbling a quick.

“Thank you.” Byleth nodded, turning her head when a sudden splash behind her got her attention as Dedue finally reached the shore.

The boy looked shocked to see Byleth’s new form, but quickly shook any thoughts anyway as he nodded at the fish formed professor. Flayn, having finally cleared all the lake water out of her system, looked to Byleth presumably to thank her only to freeze upon seeing her. Unlike her brother, she didn’t look appalled. She looked relatively young, possibly the youngest person Byleth had seen here thus far. Like her brother she had green hair and eyes, though a lighter shade and currently said hair tied up in front twin tails was soaked. The black dress like robes she wore were equally drenched much to her ire. She was also staring at Byleth with a look that could only be described as an odd mixture of delight and hunger.

“Brother. Brother where is my fishing pole?” Flayn’s eyes never moved an inch away from Byleth as she asked her brother her question, one that earned an uncertain reply.

“Flayn? Are you okay? You are...staring rather oddly at Professor Eisner..” Once the younger girl had heard Seteth refer to Byleth by name she gasped, an embarrassed blush flushing over her face as she bowed deeply.

“Oh, so YOU are the new professor! I apologize, my brother mentioned you’d arrived yesterday!” She then gave another once over on Byleth before resuming. “ He failed to mention you were so...unique however.” Byleth gave a bubbly laugh at Flayn, kneeling down to reach eye level with the girl as she spoke.

“Thanks. I don’t normally look like this, so that’s probably why your brother didn’t mention it!” As the two shared a laugh, another issue choose to rear its head back into the picture.

“Eisner.” Byleth froze, slowly looking up to see a very enraged Felix hovering over the two of them. The blue lion’s sword still firmly in a death grip in his hand as he stared down at her with a smile that was far too sinister for her liking. Felix then aimed his sword at her, his eyes boring into her as if to stare right into her soul.

“...That’s enough of this then.” Before he could get his awaited revenge, however, Felix was quickly disarmed by Dedue who had managed to sneak up behind him and pluck the sword out of his hand.

The tall lad then looked at Byleth and nodded, which she took as a sign to follow up on his kind act. She quickly rose, picking Felix himself up and ignoring his startled yelp, and ‘gently’ tossed him into the lake. Not even hiding the full-on belly laugh from coming out when she heard the loud splash followed by a VERY long sting of curses. The others joined in, even Seteth couldn’t keep himself from letting a dry chuckle escape his lips as he watched Felix flop about trying to get out of the lake. As said boy was flopping about in the lake, Byleth looked to Seteth and spoke in her new gurgled voice.

“Seteth, would Lady Rhea still be in the audience chambers now?” The advisor nodded, clearing his throat as he answered.

“Yes, I do believe she should be there at the moment. May I take your inquiring to mean you’ve chosen which house you wish to teach?" Byleth nodded, taking care to look at Edelgard and Bernadetta as she did. She was then interrupted by a massive growling noise from her stomach, which everyone was now staring at while she bashfully avoided eye contact.

“Though...I guess I should have some lunch first. I feel like I could eat anything!” She laughed again, her new teeth clanging together for a clattering noise that unnerved everyone a little as they all made their way for the mess hall. Not noticing Felix had finally managed to swim back out of the lake, cursing up a storm as he attempted to chase after Byleth only to slip and slam back down into the water.


After enjoying a well-earned meal, and likely giving the cooking staff a fright when she arrived in her fish form, Byleth followed Seteth back to the audience chambers. Manuela had also tagged along, though she was grumbling under her breath regarding how Felix had ‘Mishandled such a delicate flower such as I!’ with every step. Hanneman in turn met up with them halfway, with all three professors and Seteth soon stepping into the audience chambers to find Rhea patiently waiting. Rhea smiled warmly at Byleth, waiting for the group to bow to her before greeting the newly minted professor.

“Good evening Byleth. How are you enjoying your time at the academy thus far? I hope you have found our halls brimming with the vitality of well-intentioned souls.” Byleth nodded.

“It’s been an... interesting day here for certain Lady Rhea. But I have met a lot of the students already, and they’ve left a very good impression on me. I believe I know which house I wish to take charge of.” Rhea beamed, motioning towards Manuela and Hanneman who stepped forward with Byleth.

“The Black Eagles. The Blue Lions, and the Golden Deer... All so different. I hope you’ve made a point today to get to know each of them.” Manuela gave Byleth a playful wink as she said this, Hanneman rolling his eyes as he spoke up next.

“Since you are new here Professor Eisner, we have decided to allow you first pick. Manuela and I will take charge of the remaining two houses.” Byleth nodded at the older gentleman, closing her eyes and pondering her choice for just a moment before addressing Rhea.

“I choose the Black Eagles house, Lady Rhea.” Rhea smiled and then clasped her hands together as if prayer.

“Your heart has made its choice, then. All I ask is that you guide these open minds with virtue, care, and sincerity.” Seteth then loudly cleared his throat as he followed up Rhea’s words with his own.

“They are all promising youths who bear the weight of Fódlan future upon their shoulders. I hope you appreciate what an honor it is to lead them.” Though Byleth gave a small frown upon how condescending he spoke the last part, Seteth gave her no time to complain of them as he resumed. “There is however something important I should note. In a few days' time, there will be a mock battle between the three houses, intended to gauge the current progress of the students. We will be using this battle as an opportunity to ascertain your own abilities as well. Please do not disappoint the archbishop. That is all.” The three professors nodded, Manuela and Hanneman talking amongst themselves for who would get which remaining house while Byleth turned to leave. As she did, Rhea turned to Seteth who was watching her leave with a curious expression.

“Is there something on your mind Seteth?” She asked, startling the man who seemed to realize he’d been staring.

“No, nothing at all Lady Rhea. I will admit, I still find it hard to allow someone with such a lack of trackable history to teach our students. But... I find her actions today at the least have eased my concerns with her regarding the student's welfare.” He then coughed into his hand and looked away, Rhea smiling as she turned to see what the other professors had chosen.


“Oh wow, so you ended up choosing our house then Professor Eisner! Didn’t see that one coming!”

Upon finding the Black Eagles classroom to properly introduce herself, Byleth was met with the whole ‘nest’ of Eagles and was eagerly met by Caspar who seemed surprised to see her there. Though she had met most of them that day already, as it turned out there were two young girls among them, she had not met. One was beautiful and had the air of a performer about her, with several bracelets and bangles adoring her as well as a black flat top hat atop her flowing brown hair. She wore the standard uniform as well, Byleth noting that her dress shirt was opened due to her rather sizable chest pushing the poor buttons to the limit.

The girl had one of her emerald eyes closed as she glared at Caspar, signing as she chided him for his outburst.

“Easy, Caspar. Aren’t you being a bit rude?” While Caspar groaned at the girl’s words, Linhardt dryly snarked.

“You know it’s a waste of time to expect politeness from him Dorothea.” He then nodded at Byleth. “It will be quite the pleasure learning from you professor... especially with that gauntlet of yours.” He then yawned and started to trudge off towards the door. “If you’ll excuse me though, I’m running late for my nap.” Once he moved, Byleth took a good look at the other Eagles.

She made sure to give Bernadetta, who looked happy to see her although she was still shyly hiding in the corner, a small wave and smile as she did. The timid girl waved back, the small act being enough to elicit a gasp from Dorothea as she saw it. The girl then gave Byleth a look of approval as she walked over to Bernadetta and quietly began speaking to the girl in conversation. As they did the boy Byleth recalled meeting yesterday, Ferdinand, stepped forward and puffed up his chest as he began to talk to her.

“I hear we are rather close in age, Professor. I would hope you don’t mind if we treat you like one of us.” He then raised his arm as he spun around, a boastful move he’d apparently done a lot given his classmate’s groans. “In our class, we try to treat each other as equals, despite any differences in our age or status.” He then pointed his arm towards Byleth in a flashy way as he finished his declaration. “Personally, I would love to include you in that inner circle.” Byleth put a smile on her face, the boys over the top act making her feel abit uneased. Even still, she could feel his intent was genuine enough, so she answered him earnestly.

“I wouldn’t mind that, Ferdinand.” He smiled at her acceptance, and the other girl she hadn’t yet met chose to speak up.

“You have a gut professor, I will take great joy from your teachings.” Eyebrows raised at the phrasing, Byleth took a good look at the girl as she tried to make sense of what was just said to her.

The girl was fairly tall, likely just a foot or two shy of Dedue based by Byleth’s estimations, and much like Dedue her skin had a fair tan to it. Her uniform was much the same as the others, though she had forgone the dress shirt and simply kept the white blouse with a waist high skirt and boots accompanying it. She had a leather strap connected to a sword sheath across one shoulder, the other shoulder having the draping end of her deep purple hair tied in an intricate braid. The most curious thing Byleth noted of the girl, was the small marking under her left eye of a magenta triangle.

Dorothea seemed to choke back a laugh at the girl’s words, gently putting a hand on her shoulder as she explained her mistake.

“Petra, I believe you mean to say that our professor has guts. That’s abit different from having a gut. You can’t go around saying someone so slim and attractive has a gut!” The girl, Petra, gasped and bowed deeply towards Byleth as she began to apologize for the mistake.

“Oh? Please take my apologies. I have not yet mastered this language.” Byleth chuckled at Petra’s action, spying Edelgard moving forward out of the corner of her eye.

“Professor, I want you to know that it’s perfectly acceptable for you to treat me as you do the others. I may be the Imperial princess, but here at the academy, I’m just another student.” Byleth nodded.

“Of course. I never intended to give you any special treatment Edelgard, no worries there.” The Imperial princess warmly smiled at her teacher’s acknowledgment, but quickly regained her no nonsense look as she spoke once more.

“That said, know that I have high expectations of you. And high hopes. But I’m certain you can lead the Black Eagle house to greatness.” The earnest look Edelgard gave Byleth made her tear up abit, the strange sensation filling her and compelling her to live up to these new expectations. Naturally such new feelings were dashed instantly, when an impatient Caspar barged in front of everyone.

“Sure, sure. Now, let’s break the ice more with a training session! I want to see more of the Professor’s transformations up close!” Everyone groaned at the boy’s failure to read the room, save Petra who seemed confused at his wording.

“Why will the ice be broken? Is this a custom I have missed in my studies?” Her confusion broke through Caspar’s eagerness, as he stumbled to try and explain the phrase to her.

“Not real ice, just the ice Well, it just means let’s get to know each other.” Bernadetta whined abit at this, picking a book off a nearby table and hiding her face with it.

“I... I don’t think training would be a good idea. Maybe we could just stay here? And learn...from this book?” Dorothea took pity on the timid girl, gently patting her back.

“There , there Bernie it’s okay. No one’s going to force you if you don’t want to.” She then furrowed her brows and looked to Caspar. “And what did you mean by the professor’s ‘transformations’ Caspar?” The boy’s eyes lit up at the question, panning to Byleth with a pleading look that she sighed at before she went down to activate the gauntlet.

With a press the room was filled with green light, and Byleth was replaced by the fish-like form she’d donned earlier in the day. Dorothea instantly started screaming her head off, Petra’s eyes widened in surprise but also had a hint of eagerness to them, and Caspar was giving off excited shouts as he saw the new form. Edelgard and Bernadetta were a bit surprised, but otherwise didn’t react much. Hubert raised an eyebrow, Byleth noting that being the first thing he’d done since she walked in besides glare at her. And as for Ferdinand’s reaction, the noble student expressed his surprise as best he could.

“I know we all agreed to treat each other as equals, but there is a limit to what I can tolerate. The esteemed Black Eagle house requires order!” As the classroom started to fill with the loud noises of the students, From Ferdinand and Edelgard’s sudden bickering, to Dorothea and Petra’s questions, Hubert emitted a dry chuckle.

“Looks like your first job will be to quiet down this racket. I don’t envy you.” He chuckled again, Edelgard glaring at him as she tried to help get everyone settled down.

“Ugh... They're not normally this...rowdy. I do hope you can manage professor.” Before Byleth could ease Edelgard’s concerns, Caspar raised his voice and aimed a question at her.

“Oh! Professor! What was this forms name?” Byleth blinked, the act seemingly unsettling Dorothea, before she answered.

“Didn’t think of one yet actually. Did you have a suggestion Caspar?” He nodded vigorously before he boldly exclaimed.

“You should name this one Fish Fingers!” He then wiggled his own fingers as he smiled at his suggestion. The classroom was instantly dead silent, everyone staring at Caspar as if he’d suddenly sprouted a second head. Byleth put a hand on his shoulder, causing the boy to flinch abit, and looked him dead in the eyes as she said just one word.

“Nope.” She then turned to the others asking for suggestions, ultimately accepting Petra’s name of “Ripjaws” while Caspar awkwardly laughed his name suggestion off.

The classroom was soon filled with laughter, as well as the sounds of Byleth choking when she unfortunately found out that Ripjaws needed water to remain on land for long and son was on the floor flopping about while everyone else shouted in panic.


Several hours later, when most of the staff and students had retired for the evening, Edelgard was in her room finishing the last few pages of a book when she heard a sudden sharp knock on her door. Without looking away, she calmly called out.

“You may enter, Hubert.” And then closed her book as the door quietly opened to reveal the grim looking boy entering. He bowed to Edelgard, then silently closed the door.

“Apologies, Lady Edelgard. But I’ve some concerns regarding our...plans.” Edelgard’s eyes widened, and she motioned for him to come closer so as to not be overheard.

“... It's not like you to be so upfront with concerns...” He frowned at her words but couldn’t argue with her.

“I feel I will need to be blunt here my lady. I grow concerned our plans may have hit a snag in the form of our new professor.” Edelgard frowned at him but understanding soon dawned on her.

“Ah. I suppose I can understand your concerns. Her abilities...could indeed become a problem for us.” He nodded, before going into more detail with his worries. “The plan with the bandits was already a failure when she stumbled onto the scene as is. That gauntlet appearing from nowhere and granting her powers I feel we cannot fully comprehend... that has only made things worse. That she’s become the new professor instead of Jeritza as we planned is the absolute worst-case scenario.” Edelgard bit her lip, she knew Hubert was right. But still, she felt the urge to argue for the sake of her new professor. “I agree, had Jeritza been planted as we planned it would have lifted a lot off our shoulders. But...I do not think we are entirely in the red with Professor Eisner. I... I feel as if possibly we could even recruit her to our cause.” She braced herself the second the words left her mouth, and as expected he scowled for a moment before reeling it back in and taking a deep breath.

“...I will not deny that there is a chance we could lure her onto our cause.” He then looked directly into her eyes as he finished. “But the odds are looking slim for her to be against the church. And even if you were to try slowly tricking her into thinking otherwise...if it were to fall on deaf ears the results would be deadly.” He opened his palms and clutched his fist. “It would take just ONE of those monstrous forms to render our entire operation null and void. And from what you’ve said she’s ten of them at her disposal. I can understand you’ve become smitten with her my lady, but I feel trying to convert her to our side may already be a lost cause.” Edelgard felt her face grow extremely flush as it turned red, stammering out a retort to Hubert as she tried to calm herself.

“I-I am not smitten with her Hubert!” A ghost of a smile ran across Hubert’s face for a moment, he allowed himself a dry chuckle as he countered.

“Is that so? With all respect lady Edelgard, the three drool-stained handkerchiefs I’ve discreetly replaced on your person today say otherwise.” Edelgard’s blush grew hotter as she suddenly realized that he spoke the truth, as digging out the handkerchief she’d had on hand revealed it was bone dry.

“When did you???” He pressed on, ignoring the bewildered question from her entirely.

“You should also be advised when enjoying cream puffs lady Edelgard. You’ve started to develop a bad habit of biting with just enough force it leaves a mess on your lower left jawline.” The young Empress to be wasn’t sure her face could get any redder, but she somehow managed to exhale deeply and glare at him.

“Hubert. Do we need to talk about boundaries again?” To her dismay, he simply chuckled once more before saying.

“If I were concerned with such trifles, I fear I would not be worth serving you, my lady.” His expression then turned cold as he addressed her. “To be blunt. I would not raise my voice were you truly smitten with the professor. Such matters are not mine to judge on, least of all towards you, my lady.” He then kneeled down to look her in the eyes. “But I must remind you. We are always on the verge of war with the church. Your dreams, your visions and ideals, have long required they are no longer in the picture. I will implore you, if you truly think you could convince the professor to our side, then by all means seize it. Her abilities would be a significant boon to us, possibly even allow us to fully detach from those detestable vermin we’ve been forced to work with.” His voice then lowered, with a hint of cold venom in it as he spoke to her. “But you must not lose yourself. You must not allow one person, however valuable they may well be to our cause, to lead you astray and cost you everything.

Edelgard swallowed hard. A cold sweat went down to her back as his eyes stared deeply into hers. After a moment, she nodded, then stood up and looked down on Hubert.

“I promise. I will do all I can, for the sake of a Fódlan that is free from the tyranny of Crests.” She looked down at her hands, pausing briefly before slowly closing them firmly. “And no matter what, no matter how many bodies I must step over to reach this goal...” She shut her eyes; a determined look emerging once she opened them. “Even if I must step over the Professor herself, I WILL free Fódlan!” Hubert looked up at her, allowing a genuine smile to cross his face as he fell to his knees in a bow.

“As you command, so shall it be Lady Edelgard.”


Well now, wasn't that a good chapter? Let's get down to the brass tact's with some fun facts!
1. the Ultimatrix IS using the genetic repair function on Byleth near 24/7 which is in turn kickstarting her getting proper emotions. It also of course DOES detect that a certain someone has two crests and can tell that's wrong, but given Crests are biological and inherited at birth it's likely confused on exactly how it's wrong. I've likened it to scanning a human and a Tetramand. It can see in comparison an extra set of arms isn't right for humans but for a Tetramand that's just how they are. So Crests being a part of humans here would be considered "normal" for their species even if it's a foreign object otherwise.

2. Crashhopper is very likely one of , if not, my favorite alien. I don't know why considering how simple an idea he is, but he just is. So naturally I had to make him one of Byleth's first ten. He was also the perfect one to be named first, since having Caspar there means he'd likely assume the giant talking grasshopper that's crashing into things would be a "Crashhopper." Which fair, that's kind of how Ben named him in Omniverse .

3. So when I first sat down to think of what Byleth's first ten aliens would be I tried to make it diverse. Whampire was the very first I settled on, since I liked the idea of the very last alien in canon being the first used here. Crasshopper following suit alongside Fasttrack. I figured I should add an alien that changed Byleth's mental status, much like how Ben started with either Greymatter or Brainstorm for the "smart' alien. But then, an idea hit me. What if I did the opposite of that? And as it happens there IS an alien that fits that mold: Decagon Vreedle. Now he was never in Omniverse, but officially Decagon IS considered canon and even has a full proper design to boot so he counts for me. We don't really know about his powers other than " he blows stuff up REAL good." so I rolled with that. Anything Decagon touches when tossed or placed down can and will explode unless they will it not too, provided they remember to will it not too of course. I added the cloning ability when killed as a nice shout out to the Vreedle brothers, as well as mimicking her speech after Octagon's, not to mention it seemed a fun addition. Ben 10 fans may notice since I'm using Decagon, there is one other alien who's considered canon and has a design but never was in the show proper. And yes that one will be here too, a bit further down the road though.

4. I almost wasn't going to use Ripjaws this chapter, figured I'd leave the new forms just to Crashhoper and Decagon for now. But i figured hey, Byleth's gonna be exploring the whole monastery and they have the fishing lake. What better place to use good ol' Rippy than here? Fun fact Ripjaws was actually the very first alien I imagined Byleth using when i was just jotting this story down as quick little paragraphs so naturally she was gonna have him in the first 10. I like Ripjaws, wish he'd been used a lot more in the series but it is understandable why he wasn't. Kinda hard to justify using him when he needs water to stay on land for more than a couple minutes . He was also perfect to use as he's the first alien i'm using (besides Whampire) who has a Ben 23 name. And I figured that'd be a fun thing to use , in particular for Caspar to be the one to suggest them.

but anyway that's chapter 3! Next time it'll be the mock battle and of course another new alien or two to boot!

Chapter 4


As the mock battle draws near, Byleth trains her class while getting to see some of her students in a new light. And as the Mock battle at last appears, Byleth will pull out all the stops to ensure victory for the Black Eagles.


Hello dear readers! Apologies for the lateness of this chapter, I fully intended to have it out much earlier than this. But things popped up and writing some parts ended up taking a bit longer than expected. Still quite a lot of this came out quite well, so here's hoping you all enjoy the chapter! Also as an aside, I've updated the tags to include the fact spoilers are going to be apparent now. Though soon enough things will be changing quite drastically~

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Come on Caspar! I telegraphed that attack FAR too easily! You should have ducked it no problems!” The next day, Byleth was holding her first official class as the professor for the Black Eagles. Though calling it a ‘class’ was a bit of a stretch, given upon entering the classroom that morning she instantly told them to follow her to the training grounds.

Not because she still didn’t really have much of a class plan worked out, so she was insisting to a heckling Sothis at least, but because the upcoming mock battle all but demanded she did so. The night before she had privately called Edelgard aside to ask the house leader for more information.

“Each house is allowed five people to participate in the mock battle. On that note, house leaders and professors are required.” She had then put a hand to her chin as she pondered. “Although I’d avoid to suggest you bring Bernadetta along as one of the three. While she’s made surprising progress since your arrival...I fear the poor girl may not be ready for such an event yet.” Byleth nodded, her plans for the mock battle never once considered throwing the shy girl into the lion's den.

“Hmm... I’d trust your judgement on that then. Who do you propose I bring along with us then Edelgard?” The white-haired Heiress seemed slightly caught off guard by the question, but after a moment answered.

“I would assume the others would bring someone they’d trust to be on point, likely Hilda and Dedue. Perhaps an archer and mage as well. I’d be remise to not suggest we bring along Hubert, his magical capabilities are among the best in the academy.” Byleth nodded, not seeing any flaw in her logic. She thanks Edelgard and let her go about her day, saying she’d figure who would participate in the mock battle soon enough.

Thus, she found herself in the training halls with an overeager Caspar sparing the next day. The boy had promise for sure, even if the fisticuff fighting style he was using was far rustier than any she’d seen. It’d been barely fifteen minutes since they began, and she’d already gotten quite a few fits off of him with the practice sword she was using. Whereas Caspar hadn’t gotten her so much as winded with how wildly he was trying to rush her, leaving himself wide open for her to counter.

“Easy for you to say Professor!” Caspar huffed out as he reeled back for a right jab, only to hiss when Byleth easily batted it aside with her arm and smacked him right on the head with her sword.

“Yes, it IS easy for me to say. You’re rushing in halfco*cked and leaving yourself too open!” Byleth proved her point immediately by ducking a quick swing from the boy, and instantly slashing at his exposed torso. When he started to kneel down in pain, she sheathed her sword and went to help him up.

“And that’s what we’ll be working on for you Caspar. But for now, go ahead and take a seat, I’ve still have work with everyone else.” He grumbled abit, embarrassed over how easily he’d been taken out, but didn’t argue with his professor. Once he was out of the way, Edelgard attempted to step forward next only for Ferdinand to rudely cut in front of her and point his practice lance at Byleth.

“I’ll go next professor! Allow me to show you the prowess of House Aegir!” Byleth glared at him, his normal persona slightly faltering upon seeing how stern she looked, but she was soon in front of him weapon drawn. She motioned for him to go ahead, and he hesitated for just a moment.

That was all Byleth needed before she lunged at him, catching him completely off guard as he barely managed to move his lance up to block her sword. As they clashed, he swiftly moved a hand as he pushed her back, grabbing his lance to twirl it in front of him as a makeshift shield. His face lit up with a satisfied grin when he saw Byleth couldn’t advance anymore, taking a slow leap forward to thrust the lance at her. She scowled as she barely dodged the weapon, Ferdinand laughing as he saw he was giving her trouble. His laughter died within moments, as Byleth then smirked and swung her sword at his face with lightning speed. As Ferdinand went to block, she knocking him off balance by quickly kicking his foot away. Once he was on the ground with a startled yelp he struggled to get up, only for Byleth to quickly dash his hopes by pinning him down with her sword.

“Well Mr. Aegir. If that is the extent of your house’s prowess, I can see why you’re here.” Ferdinand’s face was flushed in embarrassment, a grumble bellowing out from his mouth as he struggled to get himself up. After a moment, Byleth offered a hand to him which he begrudgingly accepted. “That was a cowardly move professor! Sweeping my legs while I was blocking your attack, highly unfair!” The boy’s whining remakes earned him another steel gaze from Byleth, who took the his sudden flinching at said gaze to counter him.

“There’s no such thing as a cowards move in battle Ferdinand. When you’re out on the battlefield you’ve signed yourself to be stuck down at a moment’s notice. Every action you take should be to ensure you survive that battle, no matter how underhanded it may seem. I’ve watched men of honor get slaughtered for refusing to use ‘cowardly’ tactics. I would hate for you to be among those men.”
Ferdinand’s face grew flushed, though he also looked torn on her words. “That spear technique you used was also clever I’ll admit, but you need to be less flashy about it. If you had been faster on the draw with that thrust at the end you could have actually gotten me.”

His professor’s advice had a small wince spread over him, but her praise did help regain the smile on Ferdinand’s face. As he nodded and gracefully bowed, Byleth motioned for him to stand aside as Edelgard stepped forward. The white-haired girl looked at Byleth, training axe at the ready, before pausing and lowering her weapon.

“Professor? Not to sound overconfident, but why have you not yet used your gauntlet on any of us?” Byleth blinked before shrugging, feeling her student’s eyes drift to her wrist.
“I didn’t want to go all out for simple training. Besides, I do plan to use it during the mock battle, but I shouldn’t rely on it. A good sword has saved my life hundreds of times.” She then slowly raised her arm, staring at Edelgard before finishing. “...Did you want me to use it?”

Her student pondered for a moment, before slowly nodding as she raised her axe once more. Byleth smiled, then turned the dial on her gauntlet before slamming her hand down on it and letting the transformation overtake her. Once the flash was over, the students began to gawk at their professor as she revealed her newest form.

She was now towering over everyone else, easily twice her normal size, and a slightly bulkier physique. Said bulk mostly came from the fact her skin had been changed into solid green gemstone, her shoulders and forearms in particular looked like oversized armor than skin now. Her head resembled a smoothly cut gemstone now, a smooth flat surface on top with a chiseled “mask” of sorts in the middle for her green pupil less eyes. A bold lantern jaw rested underneath her face, with a smoothly cut neck going down to her new outfit. Once again, the gauntlet had christened her with one like a student’s class outfit, this time rather appropriately with one for the mercenary class.

A dark blue plated dress shirt filled her torso, surprisingly not cut despite resting over gemstone, with light pink lines and buttons going upwards towards a furred collar. Leather straps covered her waist, holding up plating that connected a set of iron grieves on her legs as well as a small container on her back. A single shoulder was covered with an iron armor piece, the other was barren given it was solid gemstone chiseled into an armor-est shape as is. Her arms in turn did not have the outfits typical steel armbands, given her bulking gemstone forearms looked far more solid than even steel armor. As Byleth looked herself over, a light glass shattering noise accompanying every movement, her students reacted with outbursts of approval.

“Whoa! You’re really looking sharp now professor!” A few groans emitted from Caspar’s joke, while Dorothea gaped in awe at the newly transformed professor.

“Goodness professor! Such a marvelous sheen you’ve acquired! I’ve never seen such beautiful diamond before!” Byleth chuckled in bashfulness at her student’s words, also trying to not note the stern glare Hubert was tossing her way.

“He’s been staring at me like that since last night. I know Edelgard told me he’s just like that, but I'm starting to wonder if that is the case here...”Edgard coughed, bringing Byleth back down to earth, as she fearlessly raised her axe. “Shall we then professor?” Byleth grinned, before smacking her fist together with a loud clang.

“We shall.”

With that said, Byleth darted forward with more speed than her bigger frame would suggest, shocking Edelgard who only barely managed to duck under an uppercut. She then quickly attempted to slash at Byleth’s chest with her axe...only for the blade to helplessly clang against the rock-hard flesh and nick the blade. Losing her advantage, Edelgard was quickly dealt with via Byleth ‘gently’ punching her backwards. Though even with pulling her punches, Edelgard soon found the punch from Byleth had her winded and on buckling legs. Before her professor, who’d stopped attacking out of concern, could suggest they stop she gave a loud shout and raised the axe while charging. Byleth raised her arms in alarm, and just as the axe made contact she flinched and soon a loud splintering noise rang out. When Byleth’s eyes regained focus she found the source of said noise: The axe had broken on Byleth’s arms, which had shifted into extremely sharp pointed blades. The Black Eagle’s leader froze, the broken hilt of her axe in her hands as she stared at Byleth’s sword-hands. The awkward silence was soon broken by Petra, who simply spoke out with.

“I am to be believing that our training weapons may not be, as you say, snuffed to the up for this?” Caspar suppressed a snort as he gently corrected the Brigid native.
“It’s ‘up to snuff’ Petra...but yeah, I think those hands of Prof’s are a BIT sharper than anything we use for training.” Byleth moved her hands, in awe at their new shape, and then slowly closed her eyes and focused. She opened them, and saw they’d reverted back into proper hands instead of blades.

She then aimed a finger at the nearest wall on a whim, and with a quick shout of “Heads up!” her finger was fired off clean like arrow and imbedded into the wall. As surprised shouts from the students went off, Byleth’s finger quickly reformed to her amusem*nt. “THAT’S a handy little trick! I wonder though...” She then focused again, and soon a stream of raw crystal flowed from her hands, and she willed it to form a sizeable ball. She lightly tossed it up and caught it, the massive heft of the material it was made out of seemingly being as light as a feather to her now. Another thought came to her, and she began to focus once more in a different way. A glowing circle soon covered the ball, and as it slowly spun around it a small fire began to form within.

“A most impressive feat indeed professor. To use magic in combination with your strange abilities...” The calm yet chilling tones of Hubert snapped her back to attention, having not noticed her class circling around her in wonder at her feat. Hubert in particular was looking at the crystal ball as if it was a relic with a gleam in his eyes she wasn’t entirely sure how to feel about. Her thoughts once again were interrupted, though this time by Bernadetta.
“E-Excuse me professor?” The timid girls nervously shimmied in place as she spoke, Byleth noting she still had the orange rose from yesterday neatly tucked into her hair. “W-Why hasn’t the spell gone off yet? N-Not that I really know how magic works or anything!” She then buried her face inside her hood while her face turned bright red. Byleth smiled at the girl, doing her best to gently pat her on the head while she answered.

“Simple Bernadetta, a fire spell like this keeps burning until it makes contact with something it can burn. And I'm guessing whatever I'm made of now isn’t exactly flammable... in fact...” She then went to the center of the room and placed the crystal ball onto the floor, putting her hands onto the ground as she did. Within seconds more crystal started to erupt from the ground, shaping into four makeshift pillars holding the orb up. Her task completed, Byleth turned to her class and smugly grinned. “Next part of today’s training. Everyone stepped up and see if you can break the spell open from the crystal!” She then walked to the side and watched as her class went to town of the crystal orb, a proud smile on her face as she saw them put their all into it.


A couple hours, several dozen broken weapons, and about as many cuts and bruises acquired later; Byleth’s first class went off without a hitch. Well save for the hitch of having to endure the wrath of Manuela once she saw just how much of the Black Eagles needed to visit the infirmary. Luckily, she’d been calmed for now thanks to Byleth offering her a finely crafted jewel courtesy of her new transformation. That and the promise of an entire month’s worth of wine, much to Byleth’s chagrin. She’d been heading to the classroom to start figuring out who would partake in the mock battle when instead found the sight of Dorothea and one of the knights mid conversation.

“Well, I had fun today. Very much needed after what the professor had us do today, so you’ve my thanks for sure. Of course, you’ll want to see me again, yes?” The knight she was talking to earnestly nodded in trembling excitement as he exclaimed.

“O-Of course! I’d love to, Dorothea!” Dorothea giggled and gave the knight a saucy wink as she cheerfully replied.

“Well, until we meet again!” As she waved him goodbye, she noticed finally noticed Byleth approaching. “Oh! Hello, professor. Were you...watching that?”

“I suppose I did, you’re quite popular Dorothea. I could have sworn I’ve seen you with another knight before even...” Dorothea chuckled at her professors inquires.

“Yes... is there a problem with that?” At Byleth’s shaking head she continued. “Look, I know what I'm doing. My acclaim as a diva won’t last forever, after all. I must look to the future. You might think about doing the same thing professor. Your beauty- and you’re gorgeous- won't last forever.” Byleth felt her face flush at Dorothea’s compliment, trying her best to hide such from her student whose keen eyes were already locked onto her with amusem*nt.

“That’s right, I believe Manuela did mention you worked with her at the opera. But even still, you’ll see no judgement from me. We all feel anxiety about aging after all.” That seemed to surprised her student, as the brunette ‘s eyes widened.

“Really now, even you professor?” Byleth nodded, though she grimaced abit afterwards.

“Yes...although I suppose I’ve a more pressing concern to worry about lately.” Her eyes then drifted to her gauntlet, Dorothea following suit.

“True enough. Honestly, I’ve seen you use that twice now and I still can’t fully understand exactly what happens to you professor. One second, you’re my new professor, the next you’re a giant living diamond! I have to ask professor, what’s it feel like?” Byleth pondered for a moment before doing her best to answer.

“It’s...strange for sure. It actually doesn’t feel weird when I change forms, as if whatever I’ve turned to IS what I've always been. Even earlier when I was made of diamond, it felt the same as if I was flesh and bone. Some of the other forms were abit more intense, I’m still not entirely sure I'm handling ‘dying’ as Decagon as well as I should be.” See eyed the gauntlet once more, currently red once more at the moment, before somberly finishing. “I still want to know what this is... why it’s attached itself to me.” Dorothea frowned at her words, but just as quickly changed to a smile when Byleth looked back to her. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to change the subject. You’ve the right to seek someone out Dorothea after all, provided of course it doesn’t lead to your grades slacking!” The two giggled at the joke, Dorothea’s smile growing as she began speaking once more.

“Thank you, professor. I very much want to find a good partner here at the academy. Someone who will take care of me for the rest of my life. I’m glad you understand that. Not everyone appreciates the necessity of taking initiative while you’re still in your prime.” She then gave a flirty wink to Byleth and an airy laugh as she resumed. “I value your option professor, but not even you will interrupt these plans. Unless you’d be willing to be the one to take care of me in old age, eh professor?” Once Byleth’s face was lit aflame in a bright red, and her speech replaced with stammering, Dorothea was howling with laughter as she witnessed her teacher turn into an embarrassed schoolgirl. A loud cough from Byleth and stern, or as stern as she could muster at the moment, glare nixed the laughter from Dorothea instantly.

“Alright then miss Arnault, if you would do me the favor of collecting your classmates now that you’ve found yourself with free time?” Byleth’s use of her teacher voice let Dorothea little choice then to politely bow and give her a quick.

“Yes professor!” As she then scurried away to find her fellow eagles, leaving behind a bemused Byleth who made her way inside the classroom.


A little later, once all the Black Eagles had been assembled in the classroom and settled down Byleth began explaining why she’d called them here.

“As you all know, in just three more days the mock battle between houses will be here. Today’s training session has given me an inkling into how each of you currently fares.” A dull hush filled the room, her students possibly getting an inkling into where she was going with this. “Most of you did good, giving me perfect insight into how you fight and where you need to improve.” She then cleared her throat and ensured to look directly at Ferdinand and Caspar's directions as she said the next part. “Some of you showed marked potential, though also showed areas you are struggling with. Rest assured in time those will be dealt with together.” Byleth then took a step forward, all eyes on her as her speech began to get to where they all assumed it was going. “That all said, it is high time I choose who will be participating in the mock battle. I’ve already been informed myself and Edelgard are required, so that leaves three of you to choose.” The students’ eyes lit up, various emotions on their faces as they leaned in eagerly. “I’ve no doubt the other houses will have at least one mage or archer. Possibly both to be honest.” Several of the students stood at attention at that part, Hubert in particular all but grinning in anticipation.

On the opposite spectrum upon hearing the word ‘archer’ uttered from her professor's mouth Bernadetta let out a timid squeak and began to try and hide under the table they were all sitting by. Byleth failed to hold back an amused giggle and quickly kneeled down to Bernadetta’s level.

“No need to be scared Bernadetta. I understand you aren’t entirely comfortable outside your own circle. I won’t force you to participate if you truly don’t want to.” The violent haired girl looked up at her, a small smile crossing her face as she nodded. A few stares from the others then elected another scared squeak from her, causing her to ball up under the table even more. As Byleth stood back up, Ferdinand stood as well and raised an arm as he began to speak.

“Ranged support aside professor, you’d surely need someone else besides yourself and Edelgard in the front lines, yes?” Byleth’s eyes narrowed as she looked at her student, the boy clearly not picking up on her earlier cues. Not waiting for him to resume, she nodded and began addressing the class once more.

“That is correct Ferdinand. To that end I’ll just list who’ve I’ve chosen. Myself, Edelgard, Dorothea, Linhardt, and Petra will be participating in the mock battle.” As expected, an outcry came from this decision, most notable from Ferdinand. Though in the corner of her eye Byleth even saw Hubert with a dourer scowl, one more pronounced than normal at least.

“Professor! Surely you are jesting! My skills with the lance are second to none, never mind my skills on a mount! It would be foolish to not have me to ensure our victory!” Ferdinand's outburst wasn’t unexpected, though Byleth had been hoping he’d at least be civil enough wait until after she’d dismissed everyone.

“Be that as it may Ferdinand, your attitude today has shown me that you simply are not ready for battle. Petra has shown me she’s more than skilled enough with lances AND swords to have earned a spot in the mock battle.” The noble son of house Aegir scowled deeply; his lip curled up as he angerly bit his lip to hold back a bitter retort. Byleth simply stared him down, not backing off at all as she continued. “Do you recall, Ferdinand, what you did earlier today during training?”

The boy’s eyes darted away from hers, shame likely filling them as he recalled the event prior. Byleth meanwhile had her eyes closed, mind drifting back to the moment she knew she could not pick Ferdinand for the mock battle.


“Alright class! It’s almost time for us to stop, so we’ll have one more person try to break the orb!” The class had, predictably, not so much as made a dent in the crystal orb Byleth had created.

Broken weapons scattered the training hall floors, and quite a few of the students were bruised up after trying their best to break it. At her words for one more try, many of the students gave a winded cry or simply chose not to step up and try once more. Edelgard, on the other hand, gave a determined grin and grabbed a fresh training axe as she walked up to the orb once more. As she walked to the orb, no one managed to notice a tired Ferdinand lagging behind her with a dented lance and determined look in his eyes. As Edelgard readied herself, he slowly crept up from behind and did the same, aiming his lance right at the heart of the crystal orb. As Edelgard raised her axe and gave it a mighty swing downwards, Ferdinand quickly dashed in front of her with a cry that startled her.

“FERDINAND?! MOVE OUT OF THE-!!” The princess of the empire tried to move her axe out of the way, but the momentum of her swing was forcing it down towards him faster than she could stop it.

Lucky for him, just as he realized what was happening a large wall of pure crystal sprouted up between the two. Once Edelgard’s axe made contact with it and shattered, the two looked to see a very displeased looking Byleth behind them. Their professor’s diamond-based form having an imposing stance as she glared down at the noble heir of house Aegir.


The boy gulped and started to nervously sweat as he heard the sheer venom in his teacher’s voice, trying hard to look her in the eyes. “What exactly do you think you were doing just now?” Edelgard was also glaring daggers at the boy, making him pause longer than he expected before he managed to stammer out a reply.

“I-I was just trying one more attempt professor! It would be a disgrace to house Aegir! Not to mention if Edelgard were to take one more swing, then surely, I should have-!” A loud stomp from Byleth broke him off mid-sentence, her foot angrily grinding and digging into the ground as she coldly stared at him.

“You should have what, Ferdinand? Gotten in the way of Edelgard? Risk hurting yourself, or worse having her deal with the fact her axe carved a hole in your back?” Her foot dug deeper into the earth, raw crystal popping out of the ground as she took a step forward and jabbed a finger at his chest. “No, what you SHOULD have done was simple. All you needed to do was wait, let her take one more stab at it then take yours. Is that not right, Mr. Aegir?” A cold chill crawled down Ferdinand’s back, his breath hitching and eyes beginning to blur in and out of focus. His legs refused to stop shaking, and he was certain his arms were starting to fill with lead with how heavy they’ve become.

“Y-Yes, of COURSE professor! I-I should have done rightly so just that! I-It's just tha-!” A loud shattering noise once more cut the poor boy off, Byleth’s rage having boiled over as now twin spires of diamond were jutting out of her back, like swords ready to be drawn.

"It's just what, Mr. Aegir? What could you possibly use to justify your actions here?” He tried to take a step back, tried to move at all, but fear froze him in place, and his lips opened before he could stop them.

“H-House Aegir would be shamed if I did not do my best-!” Another loud stomp, this one neigh earth breaking, was his reward for the words. His teacher all but fuming at him, the other students growing concerned if not equally frightened looks on their faces. After a tense moment Byleth spoke just one sentence. But that sentence would soon carve itself into Ferdinand von Aegir’s soul for as long as he lived.

“This is notHouse Aegir, and you are to remind yourself that the next time you try anything remotely like this again!” He nodded, barely but surely, he did, and with a huff she walked away. The shrill beeping and bright red flash following after her as she returned to her human form, face now a mire of rage and anger. Without a single word she motioned for the class to follow her, not a single sound uttered as they did so without hesitation.


Back in the classroom, Byleth signed before gently placing a hand on Ferdinand’s shoulder. The boy froze for a moment before she softly spoke to him.

“You have tremendous skill and potential, truly. But until you can show me that you can use them without things like ‘pride’ or ‘shame’ being your motivations I can’t let you join us in the mock battle. Do you understand?” The boy frowned but solemnly nodded, Byleth patting his shoulder as she then moved her attention to Hubert. “Do you have an issue with my choice as well Hubert?” To her relief, the grim-looking student shook his head and propped it under his hands as he began to explain his apparent disdain.

“On the contrary professor, I've no qualms with your choices. In fact, I quite agree with the logic, and in particular adding another mage to substitute an archer. No, I’m more curious on how you settled on Dorothea and Linhardt in particular? ”

His calming tone was a huge relief to Byleth, grateful he wasn't truly making a fuss over her decision, and she was more than willing to explain herself.

“For starters, Linhardt was all but mandatory given his healing will be a boon on the battlefield. Even I only know the most basic of healing magic, so going in without him likely would not have ended well...” Hubert nodded in agreement, raising his hand slightly to allow a small circle form within it and flicker with darken magic.

“Understandable. Even I, for all my training, have only truly mastered Nosferatu. And that is less healing and more a means to ensure I do not join my enemies on the ground as a cold, lifeless husk.” He allowed himself a dark chuckle, seemingly not noticing his classmates concerned looks as he did so. He then collected himself as he looked at his teacher. “And Dorothea?”

“Between you two, I’ll admit it’s an even divide when it comes to your variety of spells. However, from what I've seen from our training today I feel that she’s the slightest edge in terms of raw power.” Hubert slightly bit his lip to keep from grimacing, but he begrudgingly had to admit she was correct. The smug grin Dorothea was radiating the room with, on the other hand, was doing little to improve his mood. Byleth then, as if to help keep him from getting too dour, almost instantly followed that up with a sheepish. “Plus, you’ve shown nothing short of excelling at your practice. So, I should allow Dorothea a chance to gain some experience and show she can handle it.” Laughter filled the room, and Dorothea’s grin faltered for a moment before she puffed out a bit of air and laughed alongside everyone else. After the laughing died down, Byleth turned series again.

“Okay. For now, it’s time to talk about strategy. Those who are part of the mock battle please stay here, everyone else go ahead and head to lunch.” A murmur arose as the students who weren’t participating left, everyone giving a wide berth to Ferdinand who was muttering under his breath as he stomped out. Byleth gave a frown as she watched him for a moment before returning her attention to those who stayed behind, making a mental note to seek the boy out later.


A few hours later, Byleth was giving farewells to her students as they left the classroom with their strategy talk finished. She’d chosen not to follow them, instead opting to stay behind and straighten the room up for the next class. After several minutes passed, she soon felt a very familiar sensation overtake her and waited before an equally familiar voice spoke within her mind.

“You know, far be it from me to offer advice for how to treat your wards. But were you perhaps too harsh on Ferdinand?” Byleth would have been lying to say she wasn’t mildly glad to hear Sothis again, but she shook her head at the spirit’s words.

“I didn’t like it...but he pulled a dangerous stunt today. He could have very easily gotten himself hurt, or worse. All because of his strange obsession with Edelgard...” Sothis made a noise, if it was one of amusem*nt or disagreement was hard to tell, as she followed up on the comment.

“So. You noticed it too then?” Byleth nodded, finishing up cleaning the classroom and taking a seat as she conversed.

“It’s hard not too, even for me. He even all but told me earlier, he only did what he did BECAUSE he saw Edelgard was making one more attempt. I can’t understand why though...”

She sighed, placing a hand on her temple as she began to gently rub it to ese the headache she was starting to grow. When Sothis chuckled a bit, she was tempted to knock on her head hard to see if that would rattle the ghostly girl. She ultimately decided against it, if mostly due to not wanting to make her headache worse.

“Perhaps he sees her as a rival? It would make sense; he seems very driven by honoring his home. So naturally someone as revered as Edelgard would be someone to aspire towards, likely he sees her as someone to defeat.” Byleth frowned and shook her head, Sothis’s words rang true enough, but she still sensed something else was going on. “That isn’t entirely the case, I think. Maybe Ferdinand sees her as a rival, I can see that much. But it’s clear Edelgard most certainly does not see their relationship that way. I’ve seen her face when he’s done things like this before, she does not approve of it in the slightest.” She groaned out loud, frustration slowly pouring out of her before she could stop it. “And then there’s what he said earlier! House Aegir is miles away from us, and yet it holds so much power over his thoughts! I can’t understand it! Would such a thing as shame or disgrace truly be the worst to endure?”

As she gnawed on her lips in a mild fury, she was caught off guard when Sothis chose to materialize her ghostly body outside. The spirited girl lightly patted Byleth on the head, or tried to at any rate, before she spoke.

” I don’t claim to understand it either, and I wonder if even Ferdinand himself truly understands. Even still, be that as it may...” She then aggressively flicked Byleth’s forehead, somehow still emitting pain towards the professor despite it not physically touching her and gave off a snarky laugh. “You should be careful letting such ugly emotions pepper your face. It may become permanent, and I'd HATE to see the result of that!” She let out a devious cackle, fading away as Byleth went to swat her away in a huff. The professor tried her best to ignore the resumed cackling from her ‘roommate’ before tossing her hands up in defeat and leaving the classroom entirely to join her students for a late lunch.


Before anyone knew, the few precious days before the mock battle had passed and it was the night before the big event. Byleth had done all she possibly could to help her class, but even still nerves were eating away at her like maggots on rotting meat. Currently, she’d found herself wandering around the monastery’s grounds after dusk to clear her head. The fresh night air was doing its best to soothe her, but even with its aid the newly minted professor found knots forming in her stomach.

“You really should just retire to your room. All this pacing will just make things worse, and surely keep you from sleeping.” Sothis’s chiding, yet still concerned, voice did little to help her. A grunt of acknowledgement pushed itself out of her mouth before she signed and found a small bench to sit on. Once she was firmly seated, a longer sign escaped her as she allowed her shoulders to shag and body to sink down into herself. Sothis made a small “Tsk.” As she saw this, quietly forming into her ghostly body outside to gaze at her host.” You’ve done everything you could possibly do to prepare them for this. And suffice it to say, even I would be willing to agree they’ve a solid chance for glory thanks to you.”

She then pouted and ‘stomped’ a foot as she pointed right at Byleth. “So enough with these butterflies in your stomach! Swallow them fully and let us return to your room! It won’t do your troublemakers good if you aren’t well rested for your part tomorrow!” Byleth looked away, embarrassed abit but also glad that Sothis was clearly concerned for her well being.

“Maybe you’re right... I’m still not use to any of this, but I need to trust in them.” She then sat up and looked to Sothis with a smile. “Come on then, let’s go on back and-” Byleth’s words were quickly cut off, when the two of them heard a soft but very loud crying coming from nearby.

“Uhh...Agh...Fath...Save...” Byleth immediately was on alert, Sothis following suit by furrowing her brows as she looked about for the source of the voice. As Byleth slowly crept along the hallways, she began to murmur to herself.

“Who could that be? It sounds...familiar.” Sothis cracked a smile, taking a mild joy as she answered back. “A ghost, perhaps? No, that is surely not the case. The day a ghost would roam these halls would be quite the day indeed!” Byleth paused, even coming to a full stop mid-step, to look to Sothis with a look that conveyed a myriad of emotions to the spirit. Sothis, in turn, bunched her face up in a displeased look as she replied. “What is that look upon your face? I am no ghost, if that is what was on your mind!”

She then puffed her chest up, Byleth taking full note of how she was currently floating and leaving behind a mild chill as she made such a claim. Instead of countering, her attention was once more stolen away when the strange voice cried out again. Without delay she went forward to find the source, Sothis rolling her eyes as she once more faded away within Byleth’s mind. A few steps further down the source was discovered, a door in the student’s dormitories that Byleth instantly recognized as Edelgard’s. Though she paused for just a moment, another cry of pain from within allowed Byleth to discard her worries and firmly knock on the door.

“No...Agh...Huh?! Who’s there?!” The loud and startled shouts from within caused Byleth to jump back, her heart pounding as the door was quickly opened from within and a hyperventilating Edelgard now standing in the doorway. The girl calmed abit once she saw it was her professor at the door, though she still held back as she questioned her late-night guest. “Professor... what are you doing here?”

“I apologize if I scared you Edelgard, I was nearby and heard a lot of painful cries from here. Are you okay?” The empress-to-be froze abit upon hearing her teachers' words, clearly embarrassed and ashamed of being heard.

“Ah... So you heard me, then.” She then lowered her head before motioning for Byleth to follow her inside, walking towards her bed and sitting while Byleth followed suit. After a tense moment of silence, Edelgard began to explain. “I was having a nightmare. I’ve had them since I was a child.” She then looked down at her hands, closing them into fists as she resumed with a harsher tone. “Stupid, pointless dreams I can’t control... It’s terribly frustrating.” She growled a bit, clenching her fists harder as she spoke. It was then that Byleth surprised the girl by gently laying a hand on her fist, causing the student to flinch at the sudden contact. She looked ready to object until she looked at Byleth’s face and was caught off guard by the professor’s look of concern and worry.

“Is there anything I can do to help?” Hearing her teacher’s voice at such a whisper and with such care put into it, Edelgard couldn’t stop herself from blushing and looking away. After a moment, however, she regained her composer and shook her head as she answered.

“No. They’re just worthless dreams of the past. Talking about it won’t change a thing.” She looked to be trying to convince herself of that more than she was trying to convince Byleth, who easily saw through the ruse. Her hand once more found itself on her student’s, and she softly said.

“You don’t have to. But you can trust me with anything, Edelgard.” Conflict once again rose on Edelgard’s face, as if her own mind had suddenly gone to war on itself. Eventually, the side that fought for Byleth seemed to have won, as she exhaled before quickly saying.

“I had a feeling you’d say that. I suppose I could try...” She then firmly looked at Byleth, directly staring into her eyes as she followed up her statement. “But only if you swear not to tell a soul.” Upon seeing Byleth nod, her expression softened. “I appreciate it.” She then looked to the ceiling, not saying another word due to likely trying to figure out where to begin.

After several moments, she looked down and slowly started to speak. “I dream of... my older brother, paralyzed, helpless... my older sister crying for help that never came...the youngest babbling words beyond meaning.” She paused, her voice hitching slightly as the words left her lips, Byleth slowly rubbing her hand to sooth her. “I see my family dying slowly, waiting in the darkest depths for a glimmer of light. I once had ten siblings, eight older and two younger. Such a large family, and yet I became heir to the throne. Do you know why?” Not wanting to break her student’s stride, Byleth simply shook her head to answer. Edelgard closed her eyes, a grimace covering her face for a brief moment before she forced herself to continue. “Every last one of them was crippled by disease or lost their mind or died.” She opened her eyes, fully taking in the look of shock on her teacher’s face as she resumed. “I was the only one left who could inherit the throne.”

Not pausing at all, Edelgard moved to hold Byleth’s hand. As if the simple act would act as an anchor to keep her centered and focused. “Things kept getting worse. The darkness kept getting darker. In the end, I was the only one who survived. The nightmares are a reminder... to never forget. To never allow such terrible things to happen again.” She gently stood up, a firm but sad look on her face. “Even now, I'm the only one who can carry the weight of the Adrestian Empire. The future of the Empire... of everything... depends on me.” As sadness washed over the heiress, she was startled by Byleth suddenly standing behind her and pulling her in for a hug. The warm embrace soon washed away the sadness, Edelgard too stunned to do any more than simply stand there and let it happen. It took only a few seconds before she managed to at least, albeit hesitatingly, hug her teacher back. When they eventually parted, Edelgard had a faint blush on her face as she awkwardly tried to regain her composer. “Hm... I shared more than I intended to. I suppose there’s something in the air tonight.”

She then blinked before snapping her head towards Byleth with a quizzical look. “That reminds me. Why exactly were you still out so late professor?’” Her question now made Byleth the shy one, as she looked down and kicked the ground before quietly mumbling.

“I... was too nervous about tomorrow to sleep.” Edelgard blinked once again, tilting her head to the side as if processing if she’d heard correctly.

“You were...nervous about the mock battle and couldn’t sleep?” Byleth rolled her head, refusing to look her student in the eyes, as she let out a small and begrudging.

“...yes.” Her professor’s embarrassed response, added onto her unexpected shy behavior, was the straw that broke the camels back. And thus, the heir to the Adrestian throne was soon clutching her stomach and laughing herself to near tears. Her kneejerk reaction had earned her a pout from Byleth, the professor looking moments away from stomping her foot down even. Sensing this, the young student calmed herself as best she could and managed to apologize amidst a few chuckles.

“I-I apologize professor. I did not intent to insult you at all.” She then wiped the forming tears from her eyes as she took in a deep breath. “It’s just surprising to hear that even the Ashen Demon can be afflicted by pre-battle nerves.” She almost instantly regretted her wording when it caused an aggressive hiss to emit from the older woman’s lips. Said hiss was quickly followed by a deep sigh that filled the room, Byleth looking crestfallen.

“That never bothered me before. So many things never truly bothered me before....” She didn’t finish her sentence, but judging by the fact her eyes drifted towards the gauntlet Edelgard had a suspicion what she’d meant to say. For a moment the younger girl moved her arm upwards, intending to reach a comforting hand to her teacher. She hesitated right at the last moment, however, and instead opted to simply speak her mind.

“When I first met you, I would have agreed with that sentiment. It truly did appear as if you would not have cared in the slightest no matter what happened. Truly, you were akin to an emotionless demon.” Edelgard felt as if an ice-cold dagger had ripped straight into her chest when she saw Byleth wince at her words, she cursed herself for even having said them even with knowing where she was going with her speech. “That being said, you’ve clearly changed. I very much doubt the Ashen Demon would have kidnapped me and recklessly jumped into the sky without concern for our safety.” The dour mood that had filled the room was lifted with that comment, with Byleth stuttering in shock before childishly whining.

“It’s not kidnapping if we didn’t go anywhereeee!” The two women stared at each other after the outburst, before giggling like schoolgirls. Byleth gave her student a smile once the giggling stopped, the warmth of it spreading over her. “Thank you, I needed that. This whole...ordeal is still taking a lot out of me to be honest. I’ve been doubting myself since Lady Rhea gave me the teaching position. But I'd like to think I've at least been doing well in regards to the Black Eagles.” She smiled when Edelgard agreed with her via a simple but firm nod, a yawn then bursting from Byleth’s mouth as she finally felt the lure of sleep calling her. Edelgard waved her off, going to get the door for her, hesitating just a moment before speaking aloud.

“I’ve never told anyone about my past before. Please... forget I said anything. Thank you for checking on me, and for keeping me company.” Byleth nodded, slowly walking out of the room. As she left, she turned back for a brief moment.

“Pleasant dreams, Edelgard.” The younger girl blushed again, but quickly nodded as she watched her teacher leave. After a moment, she shut the door and returned to her bed. As she attempted to once more drift off towards slumber, she whispered ever so silently to herself.

“Sleep well, my teacher.” Before her eyes slowly shut once more for sleep to take her.


As Byleth retired to her chambers, conversing with Sothis about what Edelgard had just shared with her, she briefly paused mid-step. She turned her head to the side, towards a darkened corner of the hall near Edelgard’s room. She waited for several seconds, squinting her eyes as if seeing something within the shadows, then slowly turned to resume walking away. Once she had left, a figure slowly walked out from the corner with an arm slowly rising. A small violet wisp of fire formed on the figure’s hand, lighting the darkened hall slightly to reveal the figure to be Hubert. The pale boy had a scowl on his face, deeper even than the one normally adorning it, as he walked into the light. He turned to where Byleth was walking to, still able to faintly see her in the darkness, and his scowl deepened.

“...Very clever professor. I suppose I’ll have to keep a sharper eye out towards you.” He mumbled to himself; tone somewhat conflicting on his meaning. His eyes briefly darted towards the door to Edelgard’s room, perhaps debating on confronting her on the events he’d been eavesdropping on. His face was torn on the matter, his mind likely going to war on what to do. He eventually signed and turned away from the door. “...I trust that Lady Edelgard knows what she is doing.” He whispered aloud, if only to convince himself.

He then turned once more to where he had seen Byleth, now long gone from his sight. His brows furrowed as he started to leave. “But you, dear professor... you are another matter altogether when it comes to trust.” The fiery wisp that had been lighting the halls for him flickered as he spoke, his attention returning to it as he slowly raised his hand up towards his face. With one quick motion, he snuffed the spell out. As the shadows once more consumed him, he looked once more at Edelgard’s door and whispered a somber.

“Goodnight, Lady Edelgard.” He then turned to leave, his body sinking into the darkness as he walked off. The sounds of his footsteps echoing in the night before slowly fading away into silence.


The next morning, the air was charged and a buzzed with sound in the monastery. Byleth and Edelgard had met up in a hallway, waiting for the others as they talked. Though the two looked calm on the surface, a closer look would reveal that the two were pacing and fidgeting abit.

“It’s finally time for the mock battle. This is my chance to measure your worth as an instructor. To measure MY worth as your student. Do you think we can rise to the challenge?” Though she was posing the question to her teacher, Edelgard’s slight nervous shimmy made it appear as if she was asking herself as much as Byleth. To her credit Byleth only took a moment to pause before answering with an eager sounding.

“Leave it to me!” Edelgard smiled, her nerves settling down thanks to Byleth’s answer.

“So confident. This will be interesting.” She then looked at Byleth with a determined glare. “Each of us has undergone strict training. We’re prepared for anything that comes our way. That means there’s no need to hold back. Show us what your capable of.” Byleth nodded.

“No need to worry, we’re ready for this! Now let’s go get the others and-!” She was soon cut off by the sudden arrival of Claude and Dimitri behind them, the golden clad boy announcing their presences ahead of time.

“Hey there! Did we miss our invite to this strategy meeting? Oh, no worries-we'll just join now.” Claude gave off a laugh, while Dimitri had the tack to at least politely nod in greeting to the two women. Edelgard actually chuckled at the interruption, choosing to take the bait Claude had given her.

“Simply tell me your weaknesses, and you’re welcome to stay. But is there enough time to cover them all?” Claude in turn gave a fake pained grunt as he stepped back ‘wounded’ from her attack.

“Ah, so you can’t win unless you know my weakness? Poor princess. You really should believe in yourself more.” He gave off one of his trademark winks which earned a tired groan from Dimitri and a roll of the eyes from Edelgard.

“I spare no effort when pursuing victory. As a master of schemes, I should think you would understand.” The so-called master of schemes started laughing even harder now, holding his stomach as he bowed over.

“Schemes? Me? I have no idea what you’re talking about! I plan to fight fair and square, as ever.” Dimitri, who’d been silently watching until now, finally cracked as he held back a hissing laugh. “Hearing the words “’fair and square’ from Claude can only be a bad omen.” Everyone else had a good laugh at the prince’s words, even Claude who seemed to take the jest in good fun.

“Your highnesses haven’t known me for very long, but you’ve already have me figured out, don’t you?” His playful banter seemed to fall on deafened ears, as Dimitri’s face soon adopted a determined expression.

“No need to poke fun. I will fight with honor. That said, I will fight to win.” The blue prince’s bold declaration lit a fire in the other two students’ eyes, Edelgard in particular accepting his implied challenge head on.

“Yes, and the same is true of us. Right, Professor?” Byleth nodded, a determined smile on her face.

“Of course. I don’t intend to lose at all.” Dimitri and Claude exchanged a look, before Dimitri nodded.

“If that is how you feel, then I will not hold back.” Claude on the other hand, shared a similar expression for a brief moment before he then took one look at Byleth and grew a concerned expression.

“Er...that being said Teach, you ARE gonna go easy in regard to using your Gauntlet, right? I mean even pulling your punches I feel you’d still be a BIT above our handling.” Byleth did not answer him, simply smiling at the young boy instead.

The cold sweat that went down his back at the sight of this smile would forever haunt Claude Von Reigan forever. And whispers would persist that alongside him, Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd had turned as pale as a sheet and stiffer than a plank of wood. Thankfully for the two of them, any lingering terrors brought upon by their professor were soon dashed aside by the timely arrival of Hanneman and Manuela.

“Aw, how precious. Looks like you and the students have become fast friends.” Manuela’s crooning eased the tension in the room, even Hanneman let out an amused chuckle at her before speaking up himself.

“While I am pleased that you are taking the initiative to acquaint yourself with the students, I'm afraid it’s about time for the faculty strategy meeting.” With a nod Byleth went to follow her fellow professors, giving a quick nod to the three students.

“Ah, how time flies! In that case, I'll see you later Teach!”

“Edelgard. Professor. Be careful out there.” The two boys left with parting words, each going back to no doubt prepare for the coming battle.

Byleth in turn gave a stiff nod to Edelgard, who nodded in turn and left to get their own plans ready. As she stepped side by side with the other professors, Byleth did her best to calm her buzzing nerves. Because now, it was time for battle.


“I’m sure you understand, but the house that defeats the other two is declared the winner. Incidentally, I'll be overseeing this mock battle. So go show those brats what it looks like when you’ve gotten your feet wet.” After the strategy meeting, she’d gone to refresh with the Black Eagles as well, Byleth was walking with her father. Jeralt had been tasked with leading the students to the field where the mock battle was to be placed, having zeroed in on his daughter to offer a bit of advice.

He’d had a horse laugh when he saw just how nervous she was, but quickly changed tunes to a more supporting role. Byleth took it in strive and took his advice to heart. Soon she was with her class in a small clearing, the other houses in their own areas nearby. They had only a few moments before the horns would blow to signal the battle’s start, and the Black Eagles were a smorgasbord of emotions. Edelgard looked calm and collected, Dorothea mimicking such but clearly hiding her true feelings given her nervous fidgeting, Linhardt looking moments away from nodding off as he stood, and Petra had an eager expression as she looked ready to prove her place here. Byleth meanwhile was still nervous, the butterflies in her stomach were mostly dead, but she was remised to find the few still alive were now devouring the corpses left and right. She looked at Edelgard, the two exchanging a look before Byleth clapped her hands to get their attention.

“Alright everyone! This is it! We all know our roles, we’ve trained, and we’ve an inkling on what the others skills are at. We will do this!” Her students gave a mild cheer, some still clearly unsure of that claim but trying their best to stay positive. Before any other words could be said, the starting horn blasted out and the group tensed up.

A loud war cry from the other students rang out as they slowly but surely started to advance to battle. Without a moment to lose Byleth drew her sword and pointed it forward with a rallying cry of.

“BLACK EAGLES FLY!” She then heard Linhardt groan aloud from behind her, which lead to her whipping her head back and glaring at the boy so intensely he instantly flinched and rushed ahead with a frantic cry of.

“Sorry, sorry, sorry professor!!” A few spares chuckles were spared at the sight of the green haired boy running ahead like a headless chicken, but they soon died out once they made it to the center of the field.

The second they did, all four students broke formation and split up. Byleth made to follow after Edelgard when she tensed and ducked to the left, barely avoiding an arrow that had been soaring towards her. She looked ahead and saw not the source of the arrow, but a source of conflict. A student was currently rushing towards her with a lance in hand, and determination in his eyes. She recognized him easily, though she’d only briefly chatted with him before.

The boy was rather tall and lean, with faintly pale skin despite good completion. Like the others he wore the academy uniform with only mild changes, mostly a connected cape draped over his waist and a bright red rose firmly adorned his chest. His hair was the other noteworthy thing about him, a sharp shade of violet cut into a rather neat bowl cut that exposed a decent bit of his forehead. Byleth rushed to meet him halfway, their weapons clashing as they met.

“Hello there...Lorenz, was it? I don’t suppose this was part of Claude’s strategy, was it?” Lorenz scoffed as he tried to push her back, his lance just barely keeping her at bay.

“Apologies professor, but I don’t NEED to rely on such trickery from Claude! I can handle you with no issues, as any heir to house Gloucester would be able to-!” The Golden Deer’s smug boast was then abruptly cut off, when Byleth rolled her eyes and decided to end their conversation early.

She accomplished this by violently kneeing the poor boy in the stomach full force, Lorenz violently heaved and gasping for air once she did so. Without pausing she then followed up by lifting her sword and slamming its hilt down full force at the now exposed back of his head. Upon impact Lorenz instantly crumbled to the ground with a whimper, his body going fully slack like a puppet with cut strings and his eyes rolling to the back of his head leaving a sheer white behind.

Byleth began to kneel down to ensure he wasn’t seriously harmed, though she doubted the battle would resume if such was allowed, when a small gasp ahead of her captured her attention. Her sword was back in the air before the rest of her, and readily aimed at the source of the gasp she’d heard. Said source was another student from the Golden Deer she had brief met days before: the rather timid Ignatz Victor.

The boy’s dull brown eyes hidden behind his spectacles were growing wide as he watched Byleth’s movements. His dull green hair that was normally cut in a tidy bowl cut was now slightly frazzled and unkempt, the white neckerchief that was part of his uniform also ajar. His uniform itself was slightly dusty and scuffed, the shorts he wore even tearing a little at the seams. There was a bow and arrow in his hands, far from steady given how badly said hands were shaking, and he was looking at her as if he’d seen a wild animal.

“Ah hello there. Pardon me, Ignatz yes?” The gentle tone Byleth used to talk to the boy seemed to scare him, given how his shaking now transferred from hands to legs.

“A-Ah! Y-yes that’s me Professor Eisner!” She beamed a smile at him, the blood slowly draining from his face as the smile grew wider.

“Wonderful! I’m sorry, there’s still so many names to remember I didn’t want to be rude and assume. Now then, I take it you were dragged along with Mr. Gloucester here for his ill-advised ploy?”

Ignatz gulped, nervously rubbing the back of his head as he struggled to answer for a moment. “Er...well that’s PARTIALY true actually professor...”


“None of your shallow tactics are required, Claude. Ignatz and I will dismantle the opposition.” No sooner had the starting horns gone off was Claude met with an impatient Lorenz rushing out to battle. A frazzled Ignatz giving a frantic.

“Me?! But I’m not ready!” As he nearly tripped over himself trying to chase after the boy. Claude grimaced, not entirely surprised at the heir of Gloucester’s foolish actions.

“Are you making light of our new professor? If you drop your guard, you’re gonna get hurt...” The house leader’s words fell on deaf ears, but he’d at least been able to dash after Ignatz and catch him before he’d left. “Ignatz, hold on!” Ignatz stopped with a sharp inhale, turning to his house leader to address him.

“Y-Yes Claude?”

“Keeping tabs on Lorenz is fine and dandy, in fact major appreciation for doing that. But whatever you do, don’t engage with Teach unless you absolutely have to.” Claude’s warning was then followed up by him placing both hands on Ignatz’s shoulders as he looked him dead in the eyes. “She can and will take you two out in seconds. And if she uses that Gauntlet, it’s over. So don’t hesitate to run if you need to!” Ignatz frowned, but nevertheless nodded at Claude.

“Understood Claude! I’ll make sure Lorenz is safe! I doubt the professor would REALLY go all out on us, but I’ll ensure to be careful!”


Ignatz’s knees were knocking together as he explained his situation to Byleth, her calm demeanor as she listened unnerving the boy. She seemed to not notice however, as she resumed checking over Lorenz.

“Ah oops. Seems that blow to the head left a nasty welt...Manuela is going to chew me out for this.” She then lightly smacked her forehead as she then looked to Ignatz, the boy paling further as she did. “Forgive me Ignatz, I almost forgot. We ARE in the middle of a battle!” She then raised her sword and aimed it at the golden deer student.

Ignatz took a deep breath, steadying himself and tightening his grip on his bow. He then shouted towards the sky and began to lunge towards Byleth...and then ran right past her while his scream turned to one of terror. Both his scream and his feet did not stop, as he dashed like a madman well beyond the borders of the mock battle. Byleth tilted her head as she watched, confusion on her face.

“I... I think that means he’s considered defeated? But what frightened him so much?” The only answer she received came in the form of manic cackling from Sothis who was laughing her head off. Byleth sighed at her ‘guest’ and shook it off, giving one more glance at the prone form of Lorenz before dashing back into the fray to find another opponent. It didn’t take long for her to find such, in the form of Petra needing some assistance as she was fighting off Dedue. Without hesitation she jumped into battle by lunging at Dedue with her sword. The tall student was ready for her however and had managed to bring up the short axe he was wielding just in time to block the blade.

“Greetings professor. A pleasure to see you again.” Dedue let out a groan of effort as he pushed Byleth back, using the momentum to close the gap between them and slash at her arm with his axe. Byleth winced as she only just dodged the blade, getting grazed for her efforts. She bit down on her lip as she saw the thin trail of blood starting to ooze out of her arm, the sharp sting following making her bite down harder.

“The pleasure's yours Dedue.” She then hefted her sword up and lunged at him again, getting intercepted once more as they locked weapons. They struggled for a moment, Dedue having the slight advantage, until he suddenly cried out in pain. Moments later, Petra appeared from behind the Blue Lion with her spear dripping lightly with blood. Dedue turned and swung his axe, which Byleth took advantage of and slashed his exposed back. Petra kept the pressure on by tossing her spear towards Dedue, who managed to grab it mid-air and toss it to the side. The dark-skinned Black Eagle took it in stride and chose to rush at Dedue instead with a rallying cry. Once she was closer, she smirked and gave a shout of.

“Professor! Now!” Byleth reacted with record timing, ducking down fast and hitting Dedue with a sweep kick that didn’t knock him down but DID mess with his balance. Balance that Petra ensured would soon be lost as she full on tackled the Duscur man to the ground. The air was knocked out of him at once, but even then Byleth took the initiative by aiming her sword directly at the boy’s throat.

“I’d suggest staying down Dedue, for your own safety of course.” Dedue grunted in irritation, his eyes focused on the sword even as he struggled to break free of Petra’s hold. His eyes soon locked onto Byleth’s, a tense stare down between the two for several minutes. After a moment, he finally let out a weary sign filled with the tension that had only just filled his body moments ago. A smile briefly flickered onto his face before he at last spoke.

“I yield. You’ve won professor, well done.” The two Black Eagle ladies exhaled in relief at his admitting defeat, Petra slowly climbing off him and helping him up.

“You sure didn’t make it that easy... even with holding back. I’d hate to fight you when you WEREN’T just being a distraction.” Dedue stiffened, a bewildered look on his face as he looked at Byleth as if she’d grown a second head.

“You...You knew I was only meant to occupy you until Asche was prepared to launch an attack?”

“Well...yeah. It was pretty obvious that you were just drawing attention to yourself to cover someone else’s advance. You aren’t the type to rush ahead or leave Dimitri’s side unless he’d asked you to do it for a plan.”

Dedue shook his head, though he couldn’t stop the small smile that was slowly spreading over his face.

“Incredible. I underestimated you professor, and for that I apologize.” He then bowed, earning a bemused giggle from the bluenette professor. “It’s okay Dedue. I haven’t been a mercenary for this many years without a good head on my shoulders after all. And you still put up a good fight even holding back, you should be proud.” She then turned to Petra, taking careful note of the bashful expression on Dedue’s face as she did. “You did good as well Petra. Go see if you can find Dorothea or Lienhart and give them a hand if needed.” Petra nodded at her teacher, accepting her new task with zestful energy.

“Yes professor! And thank you for giving me the helping of hands as well! I did not realize that Dedue was parting of chasing the goose gone wild!” Byleth laughed, though for just a moment she swore she could hear the anguished groan of Caspar on the wind.

“It’s wild goose chase Petra, but you’re welcome. I’m going on ahead to get started on the plan now, good luck on your end!” With a quick wave the two women parted ways, Petra going westward while Byleth pressed onward north. Her mind began racing as her eyes scanned, looking for signs of her target. After a while of nothing, her mind began to dwell on the mission at hand.


“Did...Did I hear you correctly professor? You wish for ME to take on Dimitri alone?” The strategy meeting for the mock battle had mostly been going fine for Byleth. Most of the Eagles had agreed with her ideas and even complimented some of them. It was when she got to the most important part, however, that a bit of turbulence began to shift things. She had suggested that given they were up against two houses, splitting up to deal with the leaders made the most sense. Hence, she had chosen to go after Claude, while Edelgard would go after Dimitri. Although it soon seemed that the empress to be didn’t entirely mesh well with the idea.

“I did. Edelgard in the short time I've known you I’ve seen your skills in battle, and I am more than certain you can do this. Even discounting that, you’ve a strong inkling of Dimitri’s combat style and probably how he thinks.” Edelgard frowned at her teacher's words, doubt filling her head. But to her surprise it wasn’t Byleth who spoke next.

“Professor’s right Eddie! You’ve got this in the bag! You can get inside Dimitri’s head and take him out no sweat!” Dorothea had taken up the mantle of psyching up Edelgard, her loud boast stunning everyone else on top of it. Everyone that is, except Byleth who eagerly took the bait to hook Edelgard.

“Dorothea is right. I wouldn’t ask you to do this if I didn’t fully believe you could handle it. If you truly don’t think you can, then I can take care of Dimitri and have you handle Claude.” The room grew silent as all eyes turned to Edelgard, whose own eyes had closed as she was deep in thought. A smirk graced her lips, and her eyes were opened to reveal a determined fire burning within them.

“Thank you, Dorothea, Professor. I suppose I needed to hear that. I would be more than willing to follow this plan if you think it’s our best course of action.” A whooping cheer erupted from her classmates, Edelgard blushing from the suddenness of it. Byleth just smiled, before resuming to address the class on their next course of action.


Getting to Dimitri hadn’t been entirely difficult for Edelgard. Unlike Claude, who’d slinked off into hiding himself somewhere, the young prince was boldly standing out in the open in front of Hanneman. Whether it was to act as shield for the older professor as he stood in a set of ruins, or simply to show he was ready to take on any who faced him was hard to say. Edelgard was even stunned to see that aside from Hanneman there were no other Blue Lions providing support. Though she was concerned for a potential hidden sniper or the like, the leader of the Black Eagles ultimately chose to simply walk right up to Dimitri.

“Ah, I was wondering who it would be. Well met Edelgard, I assume you’re here for me then?” She chose to answer him via pulling out her axe from behind her back, letting it clang onto the dirt with a loud noise.

Dimitri in turn snorted before drawing out his lance and getting into a combat stance, then leaping towards Edelgard. His lance was denied the chance to meet her stomach via an abrupt meeting with her axe, which she’d kicked up to defend herself the second he leapt. Sparks flew as the weapons clashed, both wielders trying their best to gain the advantage and make an opening.

“Impressive! I see Professor Eisner has been teaching you well Eldegard! But I am no slouch!” With a grunt of effort, he flexed his arm to allow his lance to quickly slash downwards, Edelgard biting her lips to stop a shout when it grazed her leg and drew blood. Not wanting to be outdone, she shoved the prince back with her axe and followed up with a chop that landed on his right arm.

Dimitri failed to keep his pained shout in, jumping backwards with a painful grimace as the axe’s blade was pulled out of him with the motion. Fighting through the pain he spun his lance in the air, a glyph martializing behind him as he did with the symbol of his Crest within it. He spun the lance faster, then with a loud roar he lunged forward swinging the lance in front of him. It gathered wind as it did so, coating the weapon as if it had intercepted a wind spell, and hit Edelgard square in her chest. The blade itself stabbed into her causing her to flinch, but the wind that followed dispelled and ripped into her like knives. Each second passing caused another cut that soon had her uniform soaking lightly in blood as she tried to remain steady.

"Tch... a combat art. He’s hoping to end this quickly. But I cannot allow that...the professor is counting on me to win. I have to win! I WILL win!"

Edelgard stomped her foot down to force herself steady, her vision slightly blurring as her mind raced. Her axe was raised once again, a sigil with her Crest glowing within, and she gathered all her strength. Dimitri stood his ground, lifting his lance up and summoning the power of his own Crest once again to meet Edelgard’s. For a moment time seemed to stand still, the swirling energies from the two’s Crests crackling as they stared each other down.

Then with a loud cry the two leapt forward and clashed. The impact created an explosion of friction that nearly blew both teenagers back, only their sheer determination kept them steady even as their knees began to buckle. Soon enough even their own weapons started to bend and the handles slowly but surely cracking as they fought for dominance. Just as the tension was reaching its climax, and it seemed Dimitri was going to get the attack in, a very familiar bright green flash covered the battlefield and startled Dimitri.

“What?!-” When he tried to cover his eyes at the last second on impulse, Edelgard gained the advantage as her axe went through and chopped into his chest and through his now broken spear. Dimitri cried out in pain, a minor spray of blood spilling out of his mouth as he fell to his knees.

The young prince grit his teeth, anger flashing in his eyes as he struggled to stay up and reach for his broken spear. A spew of foam and blood gathered in his mouth as he managed to grab the half with the blade and went to aim it.

“E-Eldegard!! I won’t let you-!” His words, filled with rage and spat out with bitter venom, fell on deaf ears as his opponent already had a plan to finish him off. Said plan being her violently elbowing the boy in the chest wound with all she could muster in her exhaustion. The blow knocked the wind out of the boy, among other things, and before he could attempt again to recover, he was met by the flat of her axe blade smacking him across the face and pushing him down on the ground fully.

To her dismay though, the heir to the empire saw the boy still insist on trying to get up even when it was clear he was done. Without a sound she lifted her weapon once more, and slammed the wooden hilts end right onto his back with her remaining strength. Dimitri let out a gargled gasp, teeth gnawing and hands desperately clawing at the ground for leverage. But in the end, his body at last gave in and his head fell to the floor just as Edelgard herself fell to her knees gasping for air. The princess inhaled deeply, lungs taking in much needed fresh air, and her axe fell to the ground with a clang as her victory was finally confirmed.

“I... I did it my teacher!” Pride filled her speech as she finally spoke, exhaustion clearly taken its toll on her. Her victory was soon taken away, however, when she was hit dead center by a lightning spell. She screamed in pain as she fell to the floor, trying in vain to get up as the spell's caster revealed themselves.

“Ah, my apologies Miss Hresvelg. Far be it from me to be so uncouth as to attack someone behind their back, but I DID allow your duel with his highness to carry on without interfering. So, I'd imagine that would make up for such an underhanded move.”

Edelgard’s assailant had turned out to be the forgotten Hanneman, who’d finally stepped forward with tome in hand now that Dimitri was out of the picture. He raised a hand over his tome and a circle appeared, a powerful lightning spell quickly forming within. Once finished he aimed towards Edelgard who was still struggling in vain to move away to no avail. The older professor frowned, a sigh escaping his lips as the spell was preparing to fire.

“If it’s any consolation my dear, you truly did earn victory today with that display against his highness. It warms my heart to see Professor Eisner has been teaching you well...but alas, this battle shan’t be yours today.” His hand raised, thunder spell moments away from being released and a solemn expression on his face. It was now, at the last seconds, that his expression quickly turned to one of confusion as his eyes darted towards the sky. “What is...? Is aria??” The gentlemanly professor’s confusion spread to Edelgard, as she forced her eyes to look where his had drifted towards.

Even through the pain that was coursing through her body, they soon widened as she saw exactly what had caught Hanneman’s attention: Dorothea Arnault flying through the skies on what appeared to be the back of a giant flying turtle. Hanneman rubbed his eyes, blinking a couple times as he watched the scene unfold.

“Well now. It would seem Professor Eisner still has a few surprises up her sleeve. Quite fascinating!” He then turned away from Edelgard, preparing to aim the spell meant for her towards the oncoming threat. Said spell ended up being for naught however, as the giant turtle Dorothea was riding made a beeline towards the elderly professor. And the cause of its flight was revealed once it flew in closer: It’s limbs were spinning at a rapid pace and generating an intense amount of wind that were pushing it skyward.

So once Hanneman released his spell it was met by the turtle moving itself upwards and allowing the wind it created to simply push the spell right back at Hanneman. When it was mere itches away from his face all Hanneman could think to say was a simple.

“Ah. This is a bother.” Before he was engulfed in flames.


While Edelgard had been taking on Dimitri, Byleth had been scouring the battlefield taking on foes left and right. She’d finally gotten a hint where Claude and his Deer were holding up, when she’d run into one of her students in need of aid. Said student had been Dorothea, who was struggling against a rather irate looking Lysithea who was flinging spells left and right.

”Ugggh! Come on and sit still already!” The white-haired mage was aggressively advancing on Dorothea, not giving her many options but to try and avoid the spells being sent her way. Though the Black Eagle spellcaster was gritting her teeth, trying to focus and fire off a spell of her own, but wasn’t given much room to do so.

“Sorry Ly don’t feel like getting my clothes ruined today! Think you could let me go if I get you some sweets later mmm~?” That had been the wrong thing to say it seemed, as the second it was uttered Lysithea’s face turned red with rage as she howled in anger.

“Don’t think you can try and bribe your way out of THIS!” she then pulled out a tome that radiated a dark aura as she pressed a hand onto it. The aura slowly crawled its way up Lysithea’s arm, taking the form of a dark cloud that was constantly nipping and ‘biting’ at the exposed arm. It reminded Byleth of a swarm of gnats with how it was constantly moving, her face paling abit as she recognized at last what spell it was.

“Dorothea! That’s a Swarm spell be caref-!” Her warning was cut off when she suddenly winced in pain, looking downwards to see an arrow sticking out of her leg. Before she could process what that meant, she heard the telltale signs of another arrow approaching and quickly ducked down while ignoring the stinging pain in her leg as she did so.

Once she hit the dirt, she forced herself to roll away, biting her lips hard to ignore the searing pain her leg had, and then looked to find out where the archer that had shot her was. She soon found said archer, a young boy with dusty silver hair and dull green eyes who was staring at her down his bow. A dark blue hood that was woven into his uniform over his head to help keep him hidden, though she imagined at the moment he’d wanted her to see him. She knew who he was, admittingly only by name and fact that he was a Blue Lion, but she knew from what little Dimitri had spoken of him he was someone she had to overcome now.

“A-Ashe!” His name came out followed by a harsh cough and her nearly doubling over in pain. She saw him say something, not able to hear what he was saying but given the look on his face she assumed he’d said an apology of sorts. As he pulled back at the bows string, out of the corner of her eye she saw Dorothea on her knees. Lysithea having cornered her and pinned her down with the swarm spell that was currently festering all around the songstress. Byleth cursed as she saw the Golden Deer mage open another tome, one for Miasma from the look of it, and gather energy to cast it and finish off her foe. Ashe meanwhile had fired another arrow, aiming right for Byleth’s other leg from glance, so she knew she had to do something.

“...Oh Dad is going to chew my ear off for this one later.” With a pained scream from her leg and an actual scream from her, Byleth leapt up and jumped as far as she could towards Dorothea. As she grew closer and was gravitating back towards the ground, she saw Ashe had quickly drawn another arrow and aimed it true before firing it towards her new location.

She instinctively raised her arm as it sailed closer, Lysithea’s Miasma spell following suit as she fired it off towards them. The arrow hit its mark first, but Byleth’s raising her arm ended up saving her in the end. As the arrow hit her Gauntlet head on and pressed in on the dial, the welcomed green flash washing over Byleth as she once again changed forms.

When the green light died off and the students could open their eyes again, jaws went slack as they saw what their professor had become. Her flesh had changed color to a pale green with a few odd spots of brown here and there like liver spots. However, her body had drastically changed in turn with her torso being replaced with a thick brown shell that covered her body. The front of which not only had the Gauntlet's badge on it, but several large black holes that encircled her chest. Her arms had become large flippers that looked much more akin to wings given how they appeared to curve in like spoons. The tips of these new arms had two smaller holes on them where fingernails would have been, and her legs were thick stubby little things with three taloned toes on them. The only other thing that wasn’t covered by her shell was her head, a small one that almost merged entirely with the shell with a helmet-like forehead and sharp snapping jaws underneath bright green eyes.

While Byleth stood up and took in her new form, noting how Ashe’s arrow was harmlessly on the ground now, Dorothea managed to get one look in before saying what they all were thinking. “...That’s a giant turtle.”

Byleth looked back to her, the bewildered look on her face growing wider once she got a better look at Byleth, and spoke.

“Are you okay Dorothea?... oh wow, kinda feels funny to talk now. Wait, do I not have teeth anymore?!” She then opened and closed her mouth rapidly, seemingly caught up in her own little world until a small noise got her attention.

Said noise was the tiniest little thud any of them had heard, and turning around had discovered said noise was caused by another arrow. An arrow that had apparently been fired to no avail, given it seemingly bounced off Byleth’s new shell without fanfare. Byleth looked at Ashe, the blood draining from the poor boy's face as he realized exactly what was about to happen now.

Byleth took one step forward, her heavier frame taking a second to get used to, then tried to take another before slipping slightly. As she tried to steady herself, her legs seemed to fuse into one and her head found itself sinking into her shell. Confusion ran wild as she tried to move, and in doing so discovered what this new transformation could do: Her limbs had been turned into makeshift blades that were now spinning extremely fast and generating a vast amount of wind. Within seconds it started to pick up, Dorothea and Lysithea both covering their faces as the wind started to barrel towards Ashe who shouted out once it hit.

The blue lion archer tried his best to resist, even digging some arrows into the dirt as makeshift anchors, but once the full force hit him he was lifted straight off the ground. His body floated helplessly for a moment, before shootingstraight forward at reckless speeds like a human arrow. Onward he soared, until he went well beyond the borders of the mock battle and rammed into a tree. Before he could shake off the dizziness now overcoming him, Ashe gave off a startled yelp as he was soon pinned to the tree. The culprit behind said pinning being the very arrows he’d dug into the ground, apparently not as steadily as he assumed.

With a weary sign and a roll of the eyes, Ashe’s head sunk down in defeat as his part in the battle came to a close. Back with the girls, Byleth had managed to stop spinning and landed back on the ground with a dazed expression on her face as she stumbled around.

“W-Whoa...that was...different. My head’s still spinning a little.” Byleth’s airy voice rang out as she shook her head in an effort to clear it. Dorothea’s hands instantly met together in a brisk clap as she walked up to her professor in approval.

"Professor! You just took Ashe out like it was nothing! That was amazing!”

As the songstress sung out more praise, the two neglected to hear a VERY angry Lysithea rustling the pages of her tome before finding the one she needed and slamming her hand down onto it hard. The sound of magic bubbling up onto her hand finally got the attention of the two Black Eagles, their eyes narrowing in horror as they saw the younger mage’s arm become encased in pure darkness. A swarm spell again, much more potent than the last given the telltale buzzing was now deafening, Lysithea’s arm no longer visible underneath the spell as it wiggled and writhed like a creature possessed.

“Oh sh*t-!!”

Dorothea cursed as she quickly ducked behind Byleth, who herself flinched as the Golden Deer before them sent the spell hurtling towards her with a cry.


The festering swarm made a mad dash towards Byleth, its demonic buzzing growing louder as it inched closer. When it was mere millimeters away from contact, the turtled professor shut her eyes and braced herself as best she could. The dreaded impact, however, proved a failure as the second the spell got close enough to Byleth it simply... fizzled out of existence. Lysithea’s jaw hit the floor, a string of curses that the young girl most defiantly shouldn’t know spilling out of her exposed maw as she expressed her rage.

Byleth opened a cautionary eye, Dorothea peaking from behind her as well, and were soon turned slack jawed as well as Lysithea sent spell after spell after them. Only for every single one to fizzle out once they grew too close to Byleth, with the young mage’s rage growing all the more. After what seemed to be hundreds of spells, the golden deer finally gave into fatigue and collapsed on her knees as she desperately struggled to stay upright amidst heavy panting.

Dorothea, in a bold move even by her standards, slowly walked forward away from Byleth. She stopped right in front of the exhausted Lysithea, who’s eyes looked up screaming bloody murder even as her lungs were screaming something else entirely. Dorothea stared back for a while, not making a peep, and then slowly raised a hand up in the air. Said hand quickly was balled up save a single finger poking forward, and with that finger the songstress gently poked the younger mage who crumbled at the action and fully collapsed onto the ground with aggressive breathing being her only retort. The deed done, Dorothea smiled and turned back to her teacher with a wave and cheerful.

“I got her professor!”

Byleth blinked. She simply stared at her student, who grew a slightly concerned face at the silence, before pulling her head back and letting out a wispy laugh. “Good job Dorothea! I knew you’d do good today! Now...let’s see if I can’t turn the tides on Claude before I turn back to normal.”

Dorothea beamed in pride at the praise from Byleth, but then snapped her fingers once her teacher finished speaking.

“I think I've an idea that could work professor! When you were spinning in the air like that earlier against Ashe, did you try looking down?”

Byleth’s “brow” furrowed in confusion for a moment, before understanding dawned on her face and she grinned eagerly. “I think I get what you’re suggesting. In fact, if this works...I’ve a plan in mind.” Dorothea smiled as she returned to her teacher’s side, eagerly awaiting to hear what their plan was as Byleth discussed with much energy.


“Claude! Bad news, Lorenz and Ignatz got taken out. I haven’t seen anything from Lysithea either!”

The golden deer leader grimaced deeply, an unnatural scowl on his face as he heard the report from Raphael. The taller boy frowned at the expression, but understood it’s being there was hardly uncalled for. Claude angerly clawed at the back of his head as he exhaled in annoyance, his brain trying to go into overtime as he racked it around this news.

“Ah that’s just great. I knew Lorenz would probably get in over his head but didn’t think Ignatz would get dragged down too. And it’s likely safe to say that Lysithea’s was ether downed or ran out of steam given her.”

His jade eyes then pierced into Raphael’s, the gentle giant only just barely flinching from the intense stare. “Is there any good news?” Raphael released the small breath he was holding, his concern ebbing away slightly as he answered.

“There is actually! It took some doing, but I managed to take Ingrid out! I’m pretty sure Mercedes is done too, saw Lysithea fighting her before she disappeared.”

Hope sparked between Claude’s eyes as he took the news in.

“That is good yeah. Ingrid would have been a hassle to deal with for sure, so good work on that end big guy. Probably wise to not entirely assume Mercedes is off the table, but let’s cross our fingers and hope she is.”

He then scowled again and huffed in irritation. “That all said, it’s also likely we’re the only Deer left in the fight. Not good. We’ll have to be careful, especially if Teach is out there in the thick of it still.”

“Uh Claude?”

The head of the Deer paused his plotting at the sudden nervous interruption from his fellow classmate. “Yeah Raph?”

“Sorry to bother you, but do you hear something?”

Claude froze, whatever noise that got Raphael’s attention suddenly became VERY apparent as he too started to hear it. “Yeah, now that you mention it...what is-?” His query would become answered almost instantly, as high above the two Golden Deer were Byleth and Dorothea. Byleth using her new form’s power to fly through the skies, while an excited Dorothea hung on for dear life atop her shell laughing her head off. Claude took this sight in deeply, not quite sure what emotion to convey as he witnessed the sheer impossible sight he was looking at. After watching for one moment more, he scoffed hard and pulled out his bow.

“Right. Forget the subtilties then.”

He then notched an arrow into his bow quick as rain and fired it just as quickly, aiming right for Dorothea. The budding hope that had been sparking here and there in his eyes grew cold as his arrow was nonchalantly dealt via Byleth just moving further up to allow the wind she was making to push the arrow back to the earth. Dorothea’s eyes instantly locked onto Claude at this action, and without a word pulled a spell tome out and held her hand out. As the lightning spell she was forming began to gather, Claude could only muster enough energy to say one thing.

“.... I knew she wasn’t going to pull her punches.”

He then tried to make as much space between him and Dorothea’s spell as he could. The key word “Tried” as he was soon hit dead center by the spell and fell to the ground a smoking heap. “Y-Yeah...ugh. Defiantly not pulling her punches today.” He struggled to get up, wincing greatly as he did but still able to stand on shaky legs.

“Claude! You, okay??”

Raphael’s concerned cries earned him the smallest grin Claude could muster at the moment. “I’ll be fine Raph, bit over easy but fine. Gotta admit though, not seeing a way out of this one...” Raphael grits his teeth, his hand clutched into a fist.

“Maybe so...But I'm taking a swing at things anyway! And I have an idea to do it!”

That perked Claude right up, and he turned to face his classmate. “That so? Alright, I'm all ears then big guy!” Raphael smiled earnestly, a fire in his eyes as he raised his fist in determination and boldy cried out. “I’m gonna throw you up at them!” Claude nodded, before blinking and staring at the boy with concern.

“Come again?”

Claude barely managed to be said before, the taller boy’s hands were upon him. Seconds later a screaming Claude was sent hurtling into the sky while an entirely too pleased with himself Raphael grinning down below. Upon seeing Claude’s skyward form get admittingly rather close to them, Byleth simply moved a few inches and placed the full blast of her wind right on the boy while barely holding back a laugh. Dorothea on the other hand did not hold back her laughter as she watched the wind blast Claude back towards the earth at lightning speeds. His prone body ramming straight into Raphael’s and presumably knocking him out cold while the beefier boy was now winded and on his knees.

Before the Golden Deer’s beefy brawler could attempt to launch a counterattack, he was quickly beside by a large fireball spell cursory of Dorothea. Try as he might, the flames licking at his exposed flesh which was already sore from Claude’s impact began to whittle Raphael’s will down bit by bit. Soon with one more spell of flames sent his way he was down with a harsh breath and a down crested look, signaling the defeat of the Golden Deer students.

“Great job Dorothea! Now all we need to do is find Manuela is-.” Byleth’s praise of her student was interrupted by a strange sensation near her backside, coming from a now paling Manuela whose spell she had secretly launched was now dissolving in front of her eyes.

“Ah. There she is. Dorothea? Could you?”

The songstress picked up what her turtle teacher wanted at once, flipping a page in her tome and drawing power from it. As she aimed the thunder spell right at the still-shocked Manuela, she also began to think on which wine she should get her mentor this time as apologies as said mentor was felled by the spell.

“I kinda feel bad how easy that was...but I guess we still have the Blue Lions to deal with. I would hope Edelgard managed to defeat Dimitri by now, but I admit I'm worried.”

Byleth’s worried musings from within her shell brought Dorothea back to earth. The brunette lightly smacking the shell she was riding atop as she began to chide Byleth. “Come on Professor! You and I both know Eddie can handle him no sweat! I’m sure by now she’s got him right where she wants him!” A moment of silence, broken slightly by the small smile Byleth was giving off hidden within her shell. “You’re right. I’m sure she’s doing well. Let’s go and see if we can’t help her off with any stragglers!” Dorothea answered with a cheerful laugh and kneeling down to hold onto her teacher’s shell better as the two flew off in search of their final quarry.


Flames danced and caressed Hanneman's frame, the elderly gentleman managing a single cry of pain before being consumed by the flames. Soon he lay on the floor in defeat, the very moment he did so aloud horn sounded out. Through pain and gritted teeth, Edelgard managed to put a smile onto her face once she realized what the horn signaled: the mock battle’s end. She allowed herself to finally relax, her aching body sinking to the floor as up above Dorothea and Byleth cheered.

“We did it professor! We won!”

“We did! You all did so wonderful-!”

The cheering was suddenly stalled, by a dreadful sound to hear in its place: the shrill beeping of Byleth’s gauntlet timing out. Horror was upon Dorothea’s face as the beeping and telltale red flash started to fill the air, and with only a moment's hesitation she cried at the top of her lungs.


Her desperate plea came too late alas, as with one final red flash Byleth was changed back into human form. She and Dorothea, who was still atop her albeit at an awkward angle now, remained floating in the air for one single minute. The next minute the two were shouting in terror as they quickly began to plummet down to the earth like a pair of shooting stars. Panic shot into Edelgard as she was forced to watch, her body refusing to listen to her attempts to move and help somehow. To her relief, the two had managed to hold onto each other and bunch up to mitigate the pain of impact as they drew every closer to it. Several seconds later, however, that relief would be pushed aside as her eyes grew wide realizing exactly where her two fellow Black Eagles were going to land. Dread bubbled up and filled her heart, her skin feeling as if thousands of needles were stabbing into her, and ice filled her veins as she saw them fall faster and faster...towards her current location.

“...Hubert is going to be insufferable tonight.”

That was the last thing the princess of the empire thought before her world was filled with pitch black and her body was racked with sheer pain the likes of which she would never forget. Her connection to the world snapping before she could hear the equally pained groans and likely disconnections from the two women currently atop her body.


“That was impressing, Professor! I mean...impressive. We gained a victory because of your great leadership.”

Hours later, the Black Eagles were huddled together in the infirmary as they went to celebrate their well-earned victory with currently incapacitated members. Petra in particular, who was also there due to minor wounds, was gushing towards Byleth despite her troubles with the Fódlan tongue. Byleth winced as she smiled at her student, her head struggling to look her way due to the wrappings and cast her body was now in due to her freefall. While she and the others thankfully didn’t obtain serious damage thanks to sheer luck, she and Dorothea were both still wrapped up in another gaze and thick casts that it’d be a few days before they could leave. Edelgard had the most luck between them, only having been knocked out cold for several hours and a single cast slinging her arm into place.

“Don’t sell yourself short Petra. You did amazing out there as well, without you I’d have had a much tougher time against Dedue.”
Petra smiled at her professor’s words, bowing in gratitude as the words sunk in. Dorothea tried to giggle from her bed, only getting a few seconds in before hissing in pain, and retorted to their professor’s insistence.
“Now don’t go sell yourself short ether professor! Petra is right to be praised of course, but it was you who shined the brightest. We all tried our best, of course, but we couldn’t have won without you.”

Ferdinand was next to follow up, not letting the now blushing Byleth get a word in edge wise.
"Dorothea is correct professor! I myself was curious what it would look like if you did not hold back. And you did not disappoint!”
He then scratched his head abit before adding on. “Though I also must admit, I did not expect you to show such skill by means of a... giant flying turtle.”

A laugh was shared among the class, even the three injured did their best to join in before pain denied them. Byleth took the chance to jump back into the conversation before being cut off once again.
“I would admit that of all of us Dorothea earned the most praise. Without her help my assault on the Golden Deer would surely have not gone as smooth. It was also her quick thinking that even allowed me to realize this new form could fly at all.”

It was now Dorothea’s turn to blush, doing her best to look away while her classmate’s cheering and claps at her filled the room. Unknown to them however, a soft smile and the beginning of tears were forming on the songstress’s face. The moment was sweet, but soon it was soured as Hubert chose that moment to clear his throat and add his own option onto the scene.

“Hmph, indeed we do owe much to Dorothea’s...efforts. However, I daresay the victory would not have been won if not for Lady Edelgard.”
A groan filled the room, from whom it couldn’t be said, which earned a frown from Hubert. He paid it no mind, instead eyes shifting towards Edelgard and giving her a look, she knew all too well the intent behind. He’d only been given the chance to offer her the look though, as Linhardt interrupted him before he could speak more.

“How so? For that battle, she was only a soldier following our professor’s command. Sure, she was an incredibly powerful soldier...” The green haired boy trailed off, muttering to himself rather than wait for an actual answer from Hubert. A groan once more emerged, this time solely coming from the exasperated Edelgard.

“You are all ridiculous as always. We only managed to win because we worked together.”

A hush filled the room, and all eyes instantly went to Edelgard who became flushed at the sudden attention.
"Was it something I said? Is it so odd, me talking about togetherness? If so, that perception needs to change. In fact, I'm canceling the festivities so we can discuss the topic further.”

A wince crawled across her face at this, several of the others showing concern as it did. “I’d like to say I'm kidding of course, But I do think we should disperse for now least we cut into our recovery time.” A grumble was her answer from her classmates, though none argued with her as they all bade them farewells and quick recoveries.

“Ah wait a moment! I had almost forgotten but I was curious. Linhardt, where WERE you during the battle anyway? I don’t think any of us saw you after the initial charge.”

Everyone froze in place at their teacher’s sudden inquiry, most of all Linhardt himself had practically turned into a stature. He slowly turned around again, face clearly trying to remain stoic as he nervously answered.
“Ah you know how things go on the battlefield professor. I was simply all over the place, healing who I could and trying to subdue who I couldn’t. You likely just missed me with all the direct action you were a part of.”
Everyone furrowed their brows at the boy, clearly noting how his behavior was suggesting that it wasn’t the entire story. Even then, they really had no reason not to believe him, so they nodded and resumed leaving.

“Ah! But Linhardt, did I not see you during the battle? If I am to recall correctly you were, how does Caspar say it? Counting the sheep before they hatch?”

Linhardt was once more a statue, his skin so drained of blood it may as well have actually turned into stone as Petra’s words sold him out.

“I... I uhm?”

“So. While we were fighting our hardest out there, shedding blood and tears for our victory... you were taking a nap Linhardt?”

Linhardt’s mouth closed the second Edelgard spoke up, the look in her eyes taking any and all words from his tongue. He would soon find himself surrounded by that look, as with each passing second of silence it spread to each and everyone in the room. Finally, just as courage managed to grab hold of the poor boy so as to let him try and explain himself, one new noise sounded. A gentle chirping beep coming from the Gauntlet.

“Ah. Excuse me class, could one of you help me in using this? My arms are still abit occupied.”

If there was any blood remaining in his body before, Byleth calming asking for help in using the Gauntlet with an entirely too sad*stic Hubert practically galloping forward to do so evaporated it in an instant. With a simple twist of the dial and push down, a bright green flash replaced Byleth with that of her vampiric form. The medical bindings that had been on her were gone, her transformation seemingly fully healing her as she slowly stood up and gave herself a once over to prove such. Her sharp green eyes then zeroed in on Linhardt, a slight growl escaping her mouth as she opened it to speak.


The boy’s knees began knocking together, a deathly chill covering him like a blanket as he struggled to speak to his teacher. He nearly bit his tongue before finally managing to stammer out a near inaudible.

“Y-Yes professor?”

“I certainly hope, you weren’t expecting to sleep tonight.”

That had done it. Those words finally snapped the poor soul known as Linhardt Hevring into a screaming frenzy. The bloodcurdling shriek that escaped his lips startled everyone as he made a mad dash out of the room, shoving Ferdinand and Caspar to the side as he did so. Byleth for her part, simply smiled. Her now forked tongue licking her lips eagerly as she spoke again with her thick accented voice.

“Ah, I do enjoy a good chase. Excuse me students. I need to partake of some...night classes.”

With a devilish cackle she all but flew after her student, the remaining Black Eagles stunned silently as they watched. All of them flinched hard moments later when they heard the very loud telltale scream signaling their classmate had been caught. The screaming lasted for several moments, before stopping entirely. Bernadetta was the first among them to speak up, despite her normal skittish behavior likely being twice as bad after what they had just witnessed.

“S-Should we go see what happened?”

Surprisingly, of all the Black Eagles, it was Hubert who answered her. Taking care to gently place a hand on her shoulder, with a look of genuine concern to boot, as he calmly said aloud. “Perhaps it is simply best for us to retire for the night now.”

None argued with him, least of all Bernadetta herself who all but bolted out of the room near as fast as Linhardt had. As they all left, save Dorothea and Edelgard, Hubert ensured to toss one more glance at his mistress before following his classmates outside. A small sigh emitted from Edelgard’s lips as he did, knowing full well the morning sun would bring about a most unpleasant conversation.


The next day, with a clean bill of health thanks to the Gauntlet seemingly restoring her to normal, Byleth made her way to the audience chamber to meet with Rhea. Upon entering and approaching Rhea and Seteth with a graceful bow, the archbishop beamed a radiant smile.

“Your work with the students was remarkable. I can see Jeralt trained you well. I do hope you were able to use the occasion to bond with the students.”

Byleth’s face became flushed for a split second as she accepted the archbishop’s kind words, nodding in earnest before giving a curt. “I did yes.” Earning a wider smile from the older woman in turn. Rhea closed her eyes and raised her hands, as if in prayer, before she continued.

“I am so happy to hear it. Nothing would please be more than if you used this coming year to grow closer still.” She then softly chuckled before adding. “Although from what we witnessed, I would imagine you’ve become quite close to some of your students already.”

Byleth pouted in embarrassment at Rhea’s words, the pout remaining solid when she spied that even Seteth was cracking a smile of amusem*nt towards her. Though he’d quickly coughed to stifle it in order to add his own commentary into the conversation.

“Of course, the mock battle was mere practice. The real fight is the Battle of the Eagle and Lion, which will take place during the Wyvern moon. You are expected to properly train your students so as not to humiliate the academy during the long-held tradition that is the coming battle.”

Even as she nodded, Byleth felt a small stab of pain at Seteth’s words and the look in his eyes. She had hoped her showings during the mock battle would have at least earned her some sort of leeway with the aide. And while his amusem*nt with Rhea’s mention of her escapades certainly proved such was possible, it was clearly a much longer road she had to tread.

“As for today, I have called you here to tell you of your mission for the month ahead. Your class is to dispose of some bandits causing trouble nearby.”
Byleth had almost missed Rhea resuming talking while focusing on Seteth, thankfully being able to save face by quickly rebounding with a question. “Bandits, your grace?”

To her dismay it wasn’t Rhea who answered her, but Seteth who seemed to have taken note of her lack of focus at the moment. Electing the newly minted professor to bite into her lip to keep herself steady least she see another disappointed look.

“Those affiliated with Garreg Mach Monastery have a moral obligation to help those in need, regardless of social standing. Students are no exception. Each month, before the newly birthed moon departs, each house of students must complete their assigned mission.”

Byleth nodded in understanding, pretending for the sake of professionalism not to notice the small look of conflict he’d briefly had when mentioning social standing. “You shall work to complete the task at hand alongside your students and report back to the archbishop before the deadline. Understood?”

“Understood Seteth.”

The aid to the archbishop nodded, albeit in a rather dismissive way, and carried on.
“I will soon provide you with the necessary details for your first mission. If I told you now, I expect you would only forget, and I despise repeating myself.”

Byleth instantly felt her hand curl up into a fist on instinct, but thankfully Rhea gave her aide a scolding look for his comment that did give him pause. She then discarded the look for a calming one aimed at Byleth.
“Pay Seteth no mind my dear. I sense something special within your heart... I have high hopes for you.”

She then gave Byleth a gentle pat on the shoulder to reaffirm her, before calmly walking away to leave the room. As she did, she gave another look to Seteth which caused the man to pale a bit before he nodded towards Byleth and then followed Rhea. A frown went onto Byleth’s face the second the two left, Seteth’s words clearly still having an impact on her even with Rhea’s scolding of him.

“Hmm. Bandits they say?”


Byleth couldn’t stop the startled yelp from coming out as Sothis chose once again to suddenly chime in, scaring the merc turned teacher once again. The instant smug chuckles that resonated from within her mind did not help in the slightest.

“Ah I feel I shall never get tired of that~! Apologies, but I couldn’t help but find it amusing. Do you recall how we first met? You shall not fall so shamelessly again, correct?”

The startled shock was soon replaced with irritation bubbling forth at the ghostly girl’s comment, Byleth coming to her own defense at once.
“I did perfectly well against those bandits I’ll have you know! And another thing, stop just popping up like that! What If Rhea and Seteth were still here when I yelled?”

If she could gaze within her mind Byleth would have witnessed Sothis rolling her eyes at her “Ward” saying such a thing.
"You ought to know I am always with you by now. To hear my voice should not come as a shock.”

“Right, right. Still back to the topic at hand. I’m sure things will be fine. I mean, it’s JUST bandits after all.”

Sothis hummed in agreement, taking aside Byleth’s dismissal of her perfectly sound use of logic.
“I suppose that is correct. I doubt mere bandits could truly harm your little lambs, let alone you with that gauntlet of yours. What’s the worst that could happen?”


“WHAT IS THIS NONSENSE?! All I was told was to kill as many noble pipsqueaks as possible! No one said anything about the Knights of the damned Seiros being on our tail!”

Many days later, in a far-off canyon filled with desolated ruins, the self-proclaimed leader of the Iron King’s thieves Kostas was screaming in a rage. The man himself still looked as pathetic as always, but he was now drastically changed in appearance after his fateful encounter with Jeralt’s mercenaries. His armor was at least twice as thick now, with his body being more leather than flesh at some points, and large strings of whole garlic cloves covered his torso. The raw stench of them may have been the cause for his skin’s new garish discoloring of a sickly yellow. He was also loaded tooth and nail with many sharp stakes of wood and pure silver knives, some of which were at risk of falling due to the now permanent twitch he’d seem to have developed.

“And don’t even get me started on that...that MONSTER! It killed nearly all of my men, never mind what it did to the rest of them with those damned bat things!”

In short, life had not been kind to Kostas the last few days. And he was now venting his frustrations on the person who had, in his eyes, kickstarted the entire ordeal. Said person was an extremally imposing figure, easily towering over Kostas by a foot or two. They had armor which was mostly hidden underneath a very thick black robe with blood red tassels and armaments adorning it. Their shoulders and neck were dressed in very high-quality steel shoulder pads, atop of which were two sets of bright red feathered plumage acting as a set of wings. The most notable feature for this person was their helmet, customized with a painted-on face akin to an opera mask on the helm. One half was pure white, the other a striking scarlet that gave the impression of blood. A painted-on face and a spike atop the helmet completed the look, with a plump jutting out of the spike as long and sinister looking like a scythe.

“You have proven yourself worthless. Distracted by something so trivial. I had hoped you would achieve your goal despite the setback. But now a child of the Knights’ former captain is in play. How interesting.”
The imposing figure’s speech was drenched in an uneasy echo, shielding their tone and identity fully even as they tore into Kostas with little finesse. Though judging from what little could be implied from their tone, reprimanding the bandit leader was the least of their worries.

“Hey! This isn’t what I agreed to!”

“Hiring a mercenary as a professor. What was that woman thinking...”

If the figure could hear Kosta’s incessant whining, they did not acknowledge it, rather thinking aloud as the bandit roared in outrage.
“Are you listening to me?! How do we finish this?!” At last, the figure turned their head and attention to the bandit. Hearing his outcry and demands, they only had one thing to say to him.

“You die.”

THAT got the intended reaction from Kostas, his anger fading in exchange for dumbfound shock and a cold sweat down his brow. “Wh-What?!”

The figure shook their head at him, not even bothering to do more than that as they explained.
“Underestimating the knights was an amateur mistake. One you will pay for. The road to eternal torment awaits you all. Now I must locate your replacements...”
With that parting message said, the figure teleported away in a flash of light. Kostas regained his rage when it finally clicked what had just happened.

“Wait! Get back here! Damn you!”


In a secluded corner of esteemed Garreg Mach Monastery, a dim flash of light suddenly appeared out of nowhere. And with it, came the imposing figure in red and black that had just condemned Kostas and his men to damnation. The second their feet once more touched solid ground, the figure immediately hunched over in pain and placed a hand on a nearby wall to try and steady themselves.

“D-Damn... That was close. If he’d tried to keep me there for just a second more...”

A sharp exhale was forced out as the figure tried once more to stand tall, an effort that soon proved fruitless as pain shot into their arm for their troubles. They slammed their side to the wall to keep from fully falling, the sharper bout of pain almost bringing a tense shout to their lips.

“N-Need to keep it together, just a bit more back to the dorm-!”

The figure suddenly tensed and reached into their cloak for a concealed polearm axe, yanking it free into the open air and using it to block a knife that had been barreling towards their chest. Alarm bells rang out in the figure’s mind, but before they could act on the attack, they heard the approach of soft footsteps.

“That was far too close. If either of us had been a second earlier, you’d very much be on the ground writhing in pain right now.”

The footsteps grew closer, revealing their owner and the person who’d spoken to be none other than Hubert Von Vestra. The boy had another knife in his hands at the ready, a steely look in his eyes as he stared the figure down. He took one more step forward, never moving his sight away from the figure at all. The figure in turn, refused to look away from him even as they struggled to move.

“Foolishness. It is clear as day that you are in no condition to fight, nor even to move.”

Another step forward, Hubert’s eyes never budging an inch as he grew closer and closer. The cloaked figure trying desperately to raise their weapon in defense. Hubert took no hesitation and raised his hand up before quickly moving it down towards the help it up.

“Come now. Enough of this mulling about. We’ve got to get you back quickly before you are seen.”

The figure wasted no time in accepting the boy’s hand, quickly being lifted up with a groan and leaning on him for support. Once secured, they began slowly walking back towards the student dormitories.

“Honestly, this is why I warned you that it was too soon for this. Surely those bandits could have simply been left to their own demise without you needing to inform them?”

Another groan from the figure, this time not from pain but rather irritation at Hubert’s scolding.

“It needed to be done. I could not risk them further ruining things while under my banner.”

Hubert scoffed harshly at the words, picking the pace up a bit as they slowly crept towards their destination.

“So you say. I do not see the merit in such a task, but I suppose that is why I am merely a bystander in this particular case. I still insist you should have rested a few more days at the least, you’re barely able to stand.”
“Too many days would risk that imbecile trying something, or worse yet revealing us too soon. I am mostly healed now as it stands-”

The figure's argument was stopped by a hiss from them, their arm slacking off for a moment in an attempt to ease the pain. Hubert frowned at this display, clearly not buying it for even a moment. As he finally arrived in the student dormitories, taking care to hide them in a seldom used corridor, he motioned to remove the figures helmet.

"And we would have taken care of it swiftly as ever and always. I can commend your worker’s ethics to some extent but even I must admit this time...”

Once the helmet was removed, long flowing white hair was released at last. A gasp for air following suit as the figure gulped it down like water. They turned to face Hubert, the boy seeing a face he’d known his entire life staring back at him.

“You really should have heeded my advice, Lady Edelgard.”


Ahh I love a good cliffhanger don't you? That last scene was just going to end with the small encounter with Kostas and the Flame Emperor, but I figured a bit more wouldn't hurt. That it came out with such a fantastic ending was the icing on the cake~. But now let's get to the tidbits of the chapter!

1. It was a very, VERY close tie between which OG series alien would be next. In all honestly this was going to be Four Arms for the longest time until I ultimately settled on Diamond Head for the next slot. Nothing wrong with the Tetramand of course, but you don't go toe to toe with Vilgax and not leave an impression on me. It also dawned on me when giving DH the mercenary outfit that it's made Byleth a literal blade-breaker so it seemed even more fitting. Considering her needing to lay the law down on Ferdinand it also seemed a fairly intimidating form to use.

2. The original plan for this chapter was solely going to be the Mock battle. I soon realized that...probably wouldn't have been the best option. So, I figured to use some of the support conversations to get in some more character moments starting of course with two Black Eagles. Edelgard's in particular helped flesh out abit more for Byleth too as a bonus.

3.Terraspin was my go to for a flying alien. I was toying with the idea of Jetray or AmpFibian at first until i remembered a very noteworthy fact about Terraspin: His species is immune to mana. So I instantly knew I wanted him not only for the angle of a more unique flyer, but also for the sole scene of having one of the mages go all out only for the spell to just cease to be. The fact it ended up being Lysithea with Dorothea pushing her to defeat was just all the better. Not to mention considering arrows don't work well with wind, Terraspin was the perfect choice that would lead to victory.

4. Ah Whampire, I fully intend to use Whampire more as we go on. As for this scene with Linhardt? I will fully admit it was added because at a point i realized "...oh man Linhardt was there and I forgot about him...but wait!" And then I tossed Whampire at him, to ensure he gets to be a night owl for once. Though no worries, being fair he didn't JUST take a nap when the battle started. He did some healing at a point. until the giant turtle flying overhead signaled him he was in the clear to snooze.
anyway, hope you all enjoyed the chapter! I'll ensure the next one gets posted much sooner if possible for sure. After all, next time we've got some more bandits to deal with and two more aliens yet to be revealed~

Chapter 5


Byleth further gets used to life at Garreg Mach Monastery as the days before the Black Eagle's first mission pass. When the dawn of the mission arrives, will they overcome the odds and come on top as assumed? Or will this mission have it's own daunting perils and challenges that will prove more difficult then any of them expected?


Hello readers! Chapter five is here at a, bit of, faster pace than last time! Might be a smidge shorter perhaps but I've no doubt it's good. The ending in particular has been planned for quite a bit, the first real "big" change to the Three Houses plot. As well we have alien number nine's debut as well! Just one more to go and the initial playlist will be complete! As a quick aside before the chapter starts, I've recently posted the first chapter for a My Hero Academia fic that i've put a lot of work into and will be working on in tandem with Omnipotent Demon. I really recommend it for any readers who may not have seen it when it went live!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

It was a fairly typical day at the Officers academy of Garreg Mach Monastery, the sun was shining, and students were buzzing about with nary a care in the world. Some were training, others studying or performing chores, and even still some were just enjoying the day. For two particular students, however, there was something far more important to be done.

“Bernadetta, any sight of her yet?” Lysithea spoke in a hushed whisper to her current partner, her spell tome opened in her hand ready to be used. Bernadetta, meanwhile, had her bow drawn and aimed it upwards as she looked around the monastery's yard. An uncharacteristic serious expression on her face as she whispered back to the white-haired girl.

“Nothing yet. But everyone I asked swore they saw her come by here...let’s check the building. She could have snuck into a corner.” Lysithea nodded, the two slowly creeping towards the nearest building which ended up being the mess hall. A couple of students gave them odd looks as they went about checking every nook and cranny, but a cold glare from Lysithea was enough for them to give the girls some space. “I’m not seeing anything...M-Maybe she’s not here? Maybe we should stop looking?” At Bernadetta getting some of her timid nature back as she spoke, the Golden Deer’s mage growled as she firmly stomped her foot.

“She’s here! And we’re not stopping until we find her Bernadetta! You have to stay strong; we haven’t come all this way to just to-” The girls impassioned rant was stopped, by two things suddenly cutting her off. The first was the sound of something wet dripping nearby, and the second was the source of that sound dripping right onto the young girl mid speech right on top of her head. Lysithea froze, slowly lifting her hand up and placing opt atop her head to see what had landed on her. Her hand instantly touched something sticky and wet, and with a grimace she grabbed it to reveal what it was: A large glob of solid green slime.

Once she saw this, the girl looked directly upwards with her violent-haired companion following suit. There, high up on the ceiling trying to conceal itself was a giant pile of green slime in a humanoid shape. A strange floating metal saucer hovered near it and moving in time with the slime as it looked downward. A ripple flowed through it as it opened its ‘mouth’ and spoke with a light wobbly voice.



“RIGHT!” The two students did not hesitate for even a second before Bernadetta quickly fired an arrow right at the slime creature, Lysithea readying a spell as the arrow hit the slime dead on. The arrow proved futile however, as the strange metal saucer moved towards the ground with the slime moving after it in a fluid motion over the wooden arrow. As the flying metal saucer stops in midair, the slime falls to the ground in a large puddle. The puddle quickly regains its humanoid form as the saucer spins in place to compel it to reshape, the two girls seeing their target in full at last. It stood around the same height as the girls, though given its amorphous nature they were sure a set height was a suggestion to it, and its form was only vaguely human shaped. The arms and legs were long and gangly, with elongated fingers and ‘feet’ that looked more akin to oxen hooves due to their shape. A single shoulder ‘blade’ poked upwards on the slime's right arm, and its head was as spiked up with two jade green eyes being the only facial features. The lime green color of its ‘flesh’ was beheld by the only other noteworthy feature it had: a very familiar hourglass symbol poking out of its chest that exposed who this creature was.

“Now girls” Byleth said captiously, her new forms wobbly voice hiding any emotion from her words. “If you’ll just put your weapons down, we can all talk this out like adults.” A sudden fireball just barely whizzed past her as she pulled her head down into her body. “.... I’ll take that as a no?” Lysithea shook her head at the professor turned slime’s words, a cold glint in her eyes as she opened her tome once more.

“You know what we want professor. This will all be over once you just stop running away!” Bernadetta nodded; the girl’s normal timid nature once more melting away as she drew her bow at Byleth.

“Sorry Professor...”Byleth swore under her breath, before reeling an arm backwards and letting it stretch out. The metal saucer flew right after it as she allowed the arm to yank her to safely a couple miles back, with her two students in hot pursuit.

“How did I get myself into this mess?” Byleth thought as she began to make her escape.


“My teacher, are you sure this is wise? I do not wish to doubt you but...” Earlier that day Byleth had been training alongside a few of her students. Class had been over for some time, and she figured it was too nice a day outside to just be inside grading papers or the like. So, she had decided to head to the training grounds and try out another transformation. Edelgard and Caspar had voiced their desires to join her, the trio quickly making their way to the thankfully empty training room.

“It’ll be fine Edelgard. There’s still two of these forms I haven’t used yet, and it’s better to get used to them in a controlled environment instead of the heat of battle.” The leader of the Black Eagles nodded, understanding her professor’s logic and respecting the choice.

“Also, Felix is still banned for a few days after breaking nearly all of the training weapons on that diamond orb. So, he shouldn’t pop up trying to fight the professor to the death again.” Caspar’s chiming his own two cents into the conversation got a nod from both women, Byleth in particular shuddering at the thought of the Blue Lion swordsman.

“I still can’t believe he tried to get Dimitri to empty out the royal coffers to fund more weapons. I’ve never seen Dimitri get so loud before.” she shuddered again at the memory, the other two joining suit.

“Indeed...I suppose we should be thankful Lady Catherine was the one to enforce that. But that’s enough talking, my teacher if you would?” Byleth nodded, activating her Gauntlet and turning the dial until she got to the image she wanted and pressed down. After the trademark green flash signaled her transformation, her students were face to face with a living pile of lime green slime. As expected, the two pulled back abit, the sight startling them at first, before Caspar eagerly stepped forward to investigate.

“Whooooa! Professor you turned into gelatin?? That’s so cool!” Byleth chuckled at her students’ enthusiasm, the strange wobble added to her voice confusing them for a moment, as was the fact she didn’t clearly have a mouth to even speak.

“ teacher what is that flying box near you?” At Edelgard’s question Byleth realized that the flying metal saucer was hovering near her, and reaching up to touch it only caused her arm to warp its shape.

“Oh...I think this thing Is keeping me...well me? I wonder if...” As she spoke, the saucer floated by Edelgard with Byleth’s slimy body following it by rearranging itself into a pure liquid and floating after it. Once the saucer stopped, the slime quickly regained its form with Byleth waving her hands as if to ensure she was all there.

“Incredible! You moved so quickly and managed to change your entire body! Professor, could you try changing anything else?” Edelgard’s inquiry peaked Byleth’s curiously, and with some movement with the saucer she quickly tried doing just that. Within seconds her arms had moved location to her back in an attempt to mimic wings, she took time to pull her own limbs within her gelatinous body, and her arms gained size into giant club like weapons.

“Alright, I think I'm getting the hang of this now. I’m going to try one more thing than we can get started.” The flying saucer went directly above Byleth, her entire body suddenly melting into a puddle on the floor to the shock of her students. They both calmed themselves once the slime began rising again to take shape, although it was clear Byleth was testing the limits on such because she clearly wasn’t returning to the default form.

In fact, the slime was forming a much more detailed body, insomuch as it could at any rate, with a more atomically correct body taking shape. The second the slime was done forming however, Edelgard found herself sucking in a harsh breath as her professor’s new form was fully revealed: a near exact replica of Edelgard. The future empress was stunned at seeing basically herself stare right at her, even if it was a lime green version with the only details being a slightly ‘chiseled’ face. Slime-Edelgard took a hesitate step forward, then raised an arm and shifted several of the fingers into a short ‘axe’ that was connected to the limb. A few test swings were made, with Byleth seemingly pleased with the results.

“Okay, so I can only use so much of me to imitate things, but it is possible. Hmm, okay you two are you ready to start training now?” Byleth’s voice shook Edelgard out of her confusion, making her cough to regain composer as she nodded. Caspar on the other hand, had stars in his eyes as he watched his professor change shape with childish glee.

“Wait a sec professor! What are you gonna name this one? You gotta have a name before we start smacking each other around, right?” Both women sighed in amusem*nt at the boy’s insistence, but Byleth humored him anyway.

“If you have an idea Caspar, I’m all ears. Er, well...I think I am anyway? Let’s...let’s not think about that right now.” Without pausing at all, Caspar instantly blurted out a name for this new transformation with anticipation.

“How about Muck-O- Muck? Doesn’t it fit perfectly!” Dead silence filled the room. Both girls simply stared at the boy for a few minutes before Edelgard finally broke the tension.

“Caspar that is quite possible the worse name I have ever heard.” Caspar winced at his house leader’s sheer bluntness, awkwardly chuckling as he turned to Byleth.

“Come on it’s not that bad right Profess-?” He was cut off by Byleth’s ‘Axe’ arm suddenly stretching right in front of him and smacked him right in the chest, knowing him down to the ground as he wheezed in pain. When the arm retracted itself to Byleth, Edelgard looked to see her two eyes not showing a hint of mercy as she simply said.

“Training begins now.” Before the top half of her body lunged at the students with blinding speeds. Their training went as such for several hours, testing the limits of her new forms shape-shifting powers and also the reflexes of Edelgard and Caspar. It was once a curious Lysithea and Bernadetta had shown up upon hearing the commotion of Caspar getting slammed into a wall via an arm of slime that the problems began. The two had seen Caspar stuck to the wall, amused at the sight when a glop of slime fell onto his face. When a bit fell into his mouth all the girls made disgusted faces, only for their faces to turn confused when the boy suddenly started gobbling it up with zest.

“Ewww! Caspar what are you doing?!”

“Lysithea you gotta try this! It tastes JUST like fresh raspberries and kiwis!” The young man’s eager cries created an uneasy air in the room, most of which settling on Byleth who looked...conflicted to say the least given how he was essentially devouring her ‘flesh.’

“C-Caspar...? Are you...QUITE certain that is even safe for consumption?” If Caspar heard Edelgard’s reasonable concerned question he wasn’t paying it any mind, instead fully focused on apparently eating his way free of the slime pinning him down. Edelgard signed deeply, a hand shooting up to her forehead to rub away the growing headache she was now sporting. “Let’s...Let’s just leave him be then I suppose.” They all nodded, wisely agreeing with her choice, save for Bernadetta who was instead staring at Byleth. Staring that was starting to unnerve Byleth, who addressed the issue right away.

“Bernadetta? Is there something wrong?”

“Professor? May I try a piece?” The sudden answer blew Byleth back a little, the fact that the normally timid Bernadetta was staring at her with such intensity not helping in the slightest. Still, she did her best to calmly get more information from her student despite the unease she was feeling.

“A... A piece of what dear?”

“Your slime.” Everyone let out a shocked shout at the girl’s blunt answer, even Caspar stopped what he was doing to star in perplexed horror at his classmate.

“B-BERNADETTA!!? What in the Goddess's name has gotten into you?!” Lysithea was gawking at the violent-haired girl, not believing what she was seeing at all. Bernadetta for the most part, didn’t seem to understand what the concern was. Instead, calmly retorting to the Golden deer’s mage with a simple question.

“Aren’t you at least a little curious Lysithea? If Caspar says it tastes like fresh fruit wouldn’t that mean the professor is made out of super sweet gelatin?” Lysithea froze, the words drilling into her mind for a second before she turned on a dime to Byleth.

“She has a point. Surely you wouldn’t mind parting with just a small bit for the sake of letting us try, right professor?" Byleth took a step back, Lysithea and Bernadetta took a step forward at the same time.

“For the record, you two ARE asking for me to split parts of my body apart for the sole purpose of eating it?” When both girls nodded with far too much vigor for anyone presents liking, Byleth raised her hands up to try and stop them as she quickly babbled out a reply. “I’m sorry you two, but I don’t think that’s a good idea. We don’t know what’ll happen to me when I turn back to normal after all-!” Byleth’s denial was harshly interrupted when Lysithea outright lunged at her like a cat pouncing upon a mouse, the slime-based professor only just avoiding contact by spiraling her body around the student. Even then, the mage had managed to get the smallest sliver of her slime off of her and triumphantly stuck the glob into her mouth upon landing. Once she did so, her eyes widened, and a satisfied smile plastered itself onto her face as she shivered in delight.

“Caspar’s right! It tastes just like the freshest fruits in the mess hall! Professor! You need to let us have some more!”

“Lysithea I’, well pleased you find my new form...tasty, I guess? But you’ve got to get a hold of yourself-!” Byleth was once again cut off by one of her students mid-sentence. This time being Bernadetta, who managed to slowly tiptoe her way behind the living slime and sneak a small piece off of her to taste. Once the delectable treat was tasted, Bernadetta instantly went on the offensive by giving her professor the biggest pair of puppy dog eyes she could as she shyly asked.

“Professor? Can we pleasssssssssse have just a tiny bit more?” She batted her eyelashes, Byleth feeling her heart begin to weaken at such a precious sight. Luckily for her, Edelgard still had her wits about her and was able to come in to help her professor defend herself.

“Now see here you two, you should stop this foolishness at once! The professor has clearly shown she’s against this whole idea, and you should respect that!” Byleth signed in relief, making a mental note to treat her student to a meal later as thanks for the help. That relief was instantly snatched away, however, when the two students exchanged a glance before slowly advancing towards Byleth.

“N-Now girls. Let’s not do anything hasty here!”


“RIGHT!” Byleth let out a gurgled scream as she instantly turned to run, hastily grabbing the flying saucer and tossing it ahead of her to allow her body to be pulled away faster as her students began to dash after her. Edelgard blinking as she watched the three leave, slowly turning to the still eating Caspar before speaking.

“I hope you realize, Caspar, that there will be consequences for this.” Caspar in turned let out a disappointed groan, before resuming to devour the slime holding him on the wall. quickly chewing the last bits away as he fell to the floor with a hard thud to the amusem*nt of Edelgard.


Byleth let out a hushed breath as she hid once more, not that she was entirely sure this new form even had lungs anyway. She’d finally managed to give the girls the slip, though from the sound of it they’d started to resort to just ransacking the grounds looking for her. As the sounds of destruction started to get closer, panic started to grip Byleth’s heart.

“Could try the ceiling again...gah no, I’d just drip down again. Goddess it shouldn’t be too much longer until I turn back, but at this rate those two will turn the entire monastery upside down by then! Come on Byleth! Think, think!” As a couple students ran by in a hurry, shouting about how “Those two are on the warpath, book it!” Byleth knew she was out of time. Thinking quickly, she ran out of her hiding spot near the closest building, one of the student dormitories as it happened. Just as she approached a door, she heard a shout signaling she’d been spotted. With no other options she picked up her flying saucer and tossed it up high towards the ceiling. Hoping that it was close enough she compelled her body to melt into a puddle, completely turning liquid and quickly seeping under the doorframe to slip into the room. Once she was inside, she heard Lysithea and Bernadetta walking right by and stayed as a liquid.

“She was just right here! Where could she have gone?!”

“Maybe she’s turned back to normal now? M-maybe we should stop before anyone else starts screaming at the sight of us?”

“.... Maybe you have a point...” Footsteps started to fade away, the two girl’s voices fading away alongside them after several moments. After waiting a few seconds more, Byleth willed her body to return to a solid state. A breath she didn’t realize she’d been holding in finally allowed itself out, and the pounding of her heartbeat slowly faded out of her ‘ears’.

“That was too close. Good thing this room was empty, now to just squeeze on through again and get going!” As she began the process of melting down once more, Byleth tensed up and ducked into herself, just barely missing a sword that was now imbedded into the wall. She turned ready to attack, only to sink further into herself when she saw who had used the sword. And more importantly, whose room she had inadvertently slipped into.

“Ah. Eisner. So that IS you. Good timing, I could use a workout since I can’t use the training grounds.” Standing in front of her, with a far too toothy grin that was somehow making her ‘flesh’ crawl, was Felix Fraldarius. And as he pulled the sword out of the wall with one clean motion, he stared down at Byleth with something in his eyes that made every single neuron in her scream at her to get out of there NOW. If anyone happened to be passing by at that moment, they would have met the curious sight of the door being slammed into rapidly alongside a frantic gurgle of a scream. Only for both to be stopped by a bright silver blade thrusting itself into the door, a sticky green slime on its end and more leaking underneath the door like blood.

A small metal saucer falling to the ground with a loud clatter would soon follow, the halls returning to dead silence once more.


A few hours later, Byleth was walking down the halls with a slight limp and darkly muttering to herself from outside appearances. In reality she was muttering to her ‘house guest’ within her mind Sothis, who was proving to be difficult.

“All I’m saying is you’re making a mountain out of an anthill! So he stabbed you, big deal! I’m pretty sure all your baby chicks have stabbed you at this point! Hell, I’d stab you if I had a proper body! Just to see how it feels!”

“Firstly, he didn’t just stab me. He stabbed me multiple times! And secondly, not all of my students have stabbed me! I know for a fact Hubert hasn’t!”

“Yet. He has not stabbed you yet!... As far as we know.” Byleth raised a finger as if to argue her point, only to hesitate for a moment before putting her finger down and dourly saying.

“Fair point.” Before Sothis could rub her victory in, the two of them heard some odd noises coming from the training halls. Against her better judgement considering what had happened there already that day, Byleth chose to investigate the room. Once she peeked into the doorway, she saw the source of the noise and relaxed upon seeing it was simply a student training. Said student was Raphael, who appeared to be in the middle of an intense workout given how much sweat was glistening off of him.

“Hngh...Hngh..Hngh!” As the muscular boy finished a series of pushups and stood up, he noticed Byleth’s peeping in and gave a wave to her. “Oh professor! Are you here to train?” Byleth shook her head as she stepped into the room, giving it a quick scan to ensure there weren’t any more ‘eager’ students looking for a piece of her to be safe.

“Not exactly. I was simply walking by and heard your grunts. I wanted to make sure it wasn’t anyone in need of help or hurt.” Raphael gave a boisterous laugh at that, wiping the sweat off his brow as he spoke to the professor.

“Ah I get it. No need to worry about me professor! If anything, you should join me! Training is more important than worrying about me. Legs, back, chest, arms, abs. Gotta work’em all right?” Byleth gave an amused chuckle as she watched the boy give off a mighty flex of his arms, his muscles bulging at the action. “I just finished training and I feel great! I know you have that fancy gauntlet of yours to help out professor, but you should always find some time to train!” He then flexed again, the seams of his shirt nearly burst open with how hard his muscles were pressing against them. “Another day of training and my muscles are ready to burst! Bulging muscles mean strength. I have to be strong if I want to be a proper knight!” Byleth gave him a sidelong glance, a particular bit of information she’d been told by Manuela.

“Oh? Isn’t studying also important for a Knight Mr. Kirsten? I can’t seem to recall the last time I’ve seen you in the library with a book in your hands as opposed to a morsel.” Raphael flinched, a rare look of discomfort on his face as he awkwardly shuffled in place.

“Ah, way to hit me where it hurts, professor. I know I'll be in big trouble if I don’t train my brain too. Anyone who can’t get tactics, can’t be a proper knight.” He then adopted a panicked expression as he swung his arms around, Byleth having to duck when one got a smidge too close to her head. “It’s just...I’m no good at remembering that kind of stuff. And training my brain instead of my body makes me sleepy.” He placed a hand underneath his chin and crumbled his face as he thought, seemingly using every ounce of brain power to ponder his situation. “What if I start training twice as hard? Then I should only have to study half as much, right?” Byleth sighed, taking a step forward and gently patting him on the shoulder as she spoke.

“You’ll never be a proper knight if you don’t study Raphael. I know it may not be easy for you, but I have faith you can do it if you truly give it your all.” The young man’s eyes shined for a moment, clearly appreciating her kind words.

“You really think so professor? Yeah...I can’t let it get to me! I can’t let that happen after all my hard work! I’ll prove I can do it! Wish me luck, professor! For my training and my studies!” He then picked her up in a bone crushing hug before bolting out of the door with a grin on his face, Byleth groaning in pain as her body recovered from the affection the muscular boy. As she slowly hobbled herself to the door, she noticed which direction Raphael had dashed off towards.

“Is he...going to the mess hall?”

“I think he is... Shouldn’t you go stop him?”

“Sothis from what I understand of Raphael, nothing short of all-out war would be able to pry him away from there. Frankly, I’m not entirely sure even THAT would be enough.” As if able to hear her, the very loud cries of joy from Raphael filled the hallways as he reached his destination. Byleth smiled, before wincing as her back sent waves of pain into her. She slowly left the room to head towards the infirmary, no doubt hoping Manuela had something to help ease her pain or a ‘in case of Raphael’ type of healing on standby.


Several days later, Byleth had found herself at last adjusting to life at the monastery at long last. Though she’d be remised to say she’d gotten used to the teaching angle. Practical lessons had quickly become her bread and butter, with some students like Caspar reveling in such lessons. Whereas other lessons had been a... learning experience for everyone involved. How Petra had managed to get halfway to the Holy kingdom of Faerghus on a Pegasus when the riding lesson was supposed to be around the monastery was anyone's guess. It had just been lucky Ingrid from the Blue Lions had been flying around on her own Pegasus that day to help guide them back...and agreed to help Byleth the next time riding lessons were on the agenda. At the moment she was currently taking advantage of Ingrid’s generosity by inviting her for an impromptu flight, figuring to use the chance to get use to her newly christened ‘Terraspin’ form.

Once Byleth entered the stables, intentionally ignoring how some of the horses grew skittish once she arrived, she began looking for Ingrid. She didn’t have to look far before finding the girl deep in the heart of the stables preparing her own Pegasus for the ride. Her uniform was as pristine as ever, the skirt she wore being pleasantly accompanied by her dark blue tights and dark boots. Her well-kept blonde hair tied up neatly behind her in an immaculate braid. Once she noticed Byleth approaching her, and how her own Pegasus suddenly started to reel back with the woman’s approach, she gave a wave, and she greeted the professor.

“Professor! Good evening are you ready for our ride?” As Byleth nodded, Ingrid gained a puzzled expression. “But then...forgive me professor, where is the Pegasus you’re riding?” Byleth smiled, before waving her Gauntlet arm up at the confused student. She then fiddled with the dial before slamming down on it, transforming into the turtleloid based Terraspin much to the shock of Ingrid. “Oh! Forgive me professor, I didn’t mean to offend you. I Suppose I’m still getting used to your ...transformations.” Terraspin waved one of her arms in a dismissive gesture, a smile on her face as she spoke.

“No need, I understand. I’m still really getting used to it myself. But go on ahead and take to the sky, I’ll follow after you.” Ingrid nodded, puzzled expression still on her face, but she agreed and quickly mounted her steed and found herself up in the clouds. Byleth smiled as she watched her Pegasus soar through the air, then followed after by tucking her limbs into her shell and spinning herself into the sky. Once there, she flew right by Ingrid and poked her head out to greet the student and also spook her steed in the process. “Feels good up here today! Let’s go a bit aways from the monastery and circle back!” Ingrid nodded, but also couldn’t help staring back at the giant flying turtle that was speaking to her.

“Dimitri mentioned to us how you used a flying transformation during the mock battle. I didn’t expect it to be a turtle though. How...How does it feel? Flying like that?” Byleth closed her eyes and hovered in place for a moment in thought, opening them once again when she figured out an answer.

“It feels...strangely natural. It doesn’t feel like much effort, even though I’m moving all of my limbs to do this. And just the fact I'm flying up here, on my own it’s...” She trailed off at that point, Ingrid smiled at the simple action. She basked in the moment as well, taking in the beauty of the scenery while also using the chance to help clear her mind. A wistful sigh coming from her as she took it all in, something that wasn’t unnoticed by her companion. “Seems like you needed some fresh air for sure. Troubled day?” Ingrid became flustered at Byleth’s question, nearly steering her Pegasus off course a moment before collecting herself.

“Not exactly no. I was mostly spending the day cleaning out my room and several of the Blue Lion’s rooms as well. I do cherish my classmate’s company and truly do not mind...although Felix’s room was a bit of an... issue. I swear it’s been weeks now and I still see that strange green gelatin everywhere in there.” Byleth took the chance to duck her head back inside her shell, a shudder crawling over her as the memories of that eventful day. She shook it off before pulling her head back out and addressing Ingrid, who thankfully hadn’t noticed the swift change in demeanor.

“Now that you mention it, I’ve even seen you cleaning up all over the monastery. Even some of the classrooms and stables. You’ve certainly gone above and beyond there!” Ingrid smiled bashfully, avoiding looking into Byleth’s eyes out of embarrassment as she gripped the reins on her Pegasus.

“Thank you, professor. It’s important to keep our spaces clean, after all! You’d do well to remember that too, Professor! A clean space makes for a clean mind...or some such.” She sighed deeply, staring towards the open sky as she continued. “The thing is, despite my family’s nobility we’ve never been particularly wealthy. As such my father taught me many things, among which was encouraging me to keep my living spaces immaculate.” Byleth nodded, or tried to at any rate given her current status of flying.

“He sounds like a good father.” Ingrid looked away again at this reply, her eyes looking everywhere but at her company as she briskly agreed.

“Yes. He’s... a good person. Even when managing our territory used up most of our family’s resources, he still went out of his way to ensure my comfort.” There was a faraway look in Ingrid’s eyes as she spoke, something Byleth chose not to comment on, least she ruin the atmosphere of their flight. Remaining silent as the two enjoyed the evening skies for just a bit more before gently touching back down to the earth with clear minds and a joyful laugh shared.


After what seemed like endless days of fun and mayhem, it was at last the dawn of the Black Eagle’s mission. Byleth and Edelgard were approaching the audience chambers to debrief with Seteth and ensure they knew exactly what they were getting into. As the two waited for Seteth, Edelgard noticed how tense her teacher was. She was fidgeting like crazy, shuffling in place, and her hand kept drifting towards her Gauntlet as if ready to transform at a moment's notice.

“Is everything okay, my teacher?” Byleth flinched at the sudden attention, Edelgard jumping back in surprise before Byleth took a deep breath and looked at her.

“Sorry. And … I mean I GUESS everything is fine? I’m just all jumpy all of a sudden, so many what-ifs starting to pop up in my head. It’s weird, it’s just a routine bandit clearing mission. I’ve done dozens of those the last few months alone! So why is this happening now?” Edelgard couldn’t help but let loose a chuckle at seeing how panicked Byleth was, she’d never say it out loud, but it gave her a pleasant feeling seeing her teaching express such a common conflict as nervousness.

It reminded her that even with all the transformations into strange creatures beyond understanding, that the woman before her was just as human as she was. Perhaps, if she were to be bold to admit it, it could be said she was more human even. Before Edelgard could consult her professor, Seteth at last arrived into the room. Edelgard noticed the distinct frown upon the man’s face as he eyed Byleth, seemingly disapproving of her frantic state. A cold and firm stare from the leader of the Black Eagles managed to stifle his attitude, or at the least made him cower slightly before clearing his throat to address the two women.

“As you have already been notified, your mission is to subdue some bandits. Our students have been learning about combat through study, but this is a precious opportunity to provide them with practical experience.” Seteth looked at Byleth, a slightly displeased look that he quickly dropped before Edelgard could notice, as he once more explained the parameters of the mission. “The knights will support your mission and are prepared to offer their assistance if necessary. In short, this is no mock battle. You must be prepared for anything. Although I suppose in your case professor you are more than well prepared for anything.” The two nodded, Byleth finally seeming to calm herself abit now that the details were being hashed out. “You will receive a message from the knights when it time to depart, until then I suggest you prepare yourselves and steel your nerves.” He gave one more glare at Byleth on that last part, before briskly walking away and leaving the two alone. Edelgard sighed, more than a little peeved at how Seteth had presented himself. She shook those feelings off as she turned to Byleth, a confident smile on her face.

“The last time we fought bandits, you saved me. Maybe I can return the favor this time, if fate allows.” Byleth nodded, placing a hand on her student's shoulder.

“Don’t get careless out there.” Edelgard laughed at her teacher’s advice but found her face abit flushed at the sudden contact. “The knights are well aware of our enemy’s strength. We can count on them to keep the battlefield under control for us. Not to mention if worse truly comes to wear you always have your Gauntlet to change the tides of battle. It seems very unlikely that we would lose. Still, let us away to prepare everyone my teacher.” With that said the two parted, Edelgard leaving to rally the Eagles and ensure they were ready. While Byleth was off to ensure any last-minute weapon repairs or purchases were made before they departed. Upon entering the merchant’s bazar that was nestled near the monastery’s gates, Byleth was surprised to see Jeralt put and about seemingly enjoying his day work free. Once he saw his approaching daughter, he beckoned her over for conversation which she eagerly went towards.

“You seem well. Are you adjusting to life at the monastery?” Byleth nodded before giving a quick answer.

“I think so, yes.” Jeralt raised his eyebrows at the answer, a warm grin still filling his face even with that motion carried.

“Oh? I didn’t expect that answer. When we were mercenaries, I handled everything. Outside of battle, you didn’t have much contact with people, did you?” She shook her head, the memories of how she used to be before that fateful night flooding her mind. So many days and nights passing with her face as cold as stone, and so many people avoiding her like the ‘demon’ she was. She frowned for a moment, before snapping herself out of a funk least Jeralt noticed it. “I thought being thrown into a swarm of noble brats to teach would be a bit much for you. But I guess I had nothing to worry about.”

“They’ve mostly been fine so far yes...except Felix I suppose.” She shuddered at the mention of the boy, the phantom pain of his sword slicing into her once more returning. Jeralt nodded, a slight grimace covering his face.

“Ah, the Fraldarius brat? Yeah, I heard the rumblings of him trying to put you through the ringer. Sounds like the kind of stubborn brat I’d whip into shape if I were allowed to. The fact he’s wasted so many weapons trying to break that rock you left defiantly hasn’t won him any favors with the knights.”

“Ah right, I suppose that stunt of his WOULD have gotten your attention.”

“Kind of hard not to notice when all of the training weapons are broken in a heap on the floor yeah. Should have seen Catherine when she finally cornered the brat, I almost felt bad for him once she brought out the Thunder brand.” He then blinked in the middle of his reminiscing as if realizing Byleth was there. “Ah right. You’re about to depart on your first assignment aren’t you? Taking out those bandits causing trouble?” As she nodded he resumed. “That’s fairly routine for you by now, but don’t forget it’s the first real taste of battle for those brats. It’ll be tougher to sleep at night at night if you let one of your little pupils die, so stay vigilant and lead them well.” He placed a firm hand on her shoulder, giving his daughter a look of pride as he spoke. “I wish I could offer you my support, but Lady Rhea won’t allow it. For now, I’ll try to figure out what she wants from you. I don’t mind you settling into your life here, but don’t let your guard down. Ever.” With a firm nod he left her at that, Byleth’s head swimming from the implications her father’s parting words left her.

After a moment, she brought her mind back to the present and went onwards to prepare, trying her best to ignore the constant snickering from Sothis as she ran about the bazaar like a headless chicken.


After she’d gotten all the supplies settled. Byleth went to look for her students to see if word had reached them on departure. Finding them all huddled up within the main halls, she was called over by Edelgard who seemed to have news to share.

“Perfect timing, professor. I just received word from the knights. They’ve finally located the bandits.” Hubert took over for her, a wave of his hand bringing all eyes on him. “It seems they have them cornered. They are in Zanado, the Red Canyon.” Caspar then cut in, earning an annoyed glare from Hubert as the blue-haired boy eagerly waved his fists around in excitement.

“I can’t wait to get started! I’ll strike down those heinous thieves before they know what hit them!” Before Byleth could wisely tell the boy to settle down before he hurt himself, or others, Ferdinand took the chance and warned the boy.

“Charge ahead if you must, Caspar. Just do not put the rest of us in danger.” He then exchanged a look with Byleth, the newly minted professor staring him dead in the eyes for several moments.

“He’s trying to get back in your good graces. It’s almost adorable how he thinks just stopping Punchy from running to his death would be enough to do that.” Sothis’s voice, unheard by the others as always, rang out in Byleth’ head. The professor not even trying to reply back given the current circ*mstances, just given a swift nod to Ferdinand.

“He’s right Caspar. It’s fine to be ready to face our enemies, but rushing in recklessly will only get you hurt. Or worse.” At the mention of ‘or worse’ Bernadetta suddenly whimpered, the poor girl curling in on herself in fear as she began to mutter aloud.

“I’m going back. I won’t be of any help anyway, and I don’t want to get hurt...” Byleth felt a sharp pain in her chest at seeing the young girl like this, but thankfully Dorothea seized on the chance to comfort her.

“Don’t worry, Bern. It’s just some bandits. We’ll have no trouble at all. Isn’t that right professor?” Byleth nods, warmly smiling as she kneels down to Bernadetta and softly pats her head.

“I’ll make sure nothing hurts you. Just stay close to me if you want, and keep them off me with those arrows of yours and we’ll be fine.” The timid girl blushes at the affectionate touch, looking up at her professor with a more determined look and nods.

“O-Okay! I’ll stay right by you and make sure no one gets close to us! B-Bernie's got this!” A hushed whisper of ‘Awws’ emergences from the students, the bravery of Bernadetta being well appreciated by her peers.

“Eh, don’t get ahead of yourselves. Unfounded optimism isn’t a great strategy.” Well, most of her peers. Linhardt’s dull sounding voice pipes up to voice his opinion. An opinion that is instantly met by Byleth giving the boy the coldest stare she could muster, who flinches hard and doesn’t take his chances at all as he mutters a quick. “Let’s just get this over with...” His muttering was met by the equally hard stone gaze of Petra, the girl taking none of his nonsense.

“There is nothing to get over. We will work with each other to achieve our mission.” Linhardt mutters again, his words going unheard as Edelgard finally wrestles control back onto the conversation.

“It’s time, Professor. Give us our orders, and let’s move out.” Byleth nodded, taking in her students as the crowded her. She smiled, before turning towards the gates and shouting out.

“Black Eagles! Let’s go!” She was met by a deafening roar of approval, and like that the Black Eagles were off towards their mission with zestful vigor.


“So, we are taking children into battle, are we? I am not certain I will be able to sleep soundly after beholding something like that...” The group had been riding for several hours now, the trip to Zanado Canyon having been silent and uneventful. That is, until Sothis chose to speak up after a point, the so-called goddess' voice filled with confliction.

“I’m not exactly happy about it either, but it’s out of my hands. I can only hope my training with them has helped their skills, and watch their backs as much as I can.” Byleth managed to whisper to Sothis, darting her eyes to and fro to ensure none of her students heard her.

"I suppose that is true... very well then. If that is the case, I shall allow you to turn back the hands of time, but know this power is not infinite!” A strange sensation then covered Byleth, as if she’d fallen into a pool of water and the coldness was hitting her all at once. She opened her hand, staring at her palm as she moved her hand in a trance. Nothing looked different at all, but even still she could feel the change. She mouthed a silent thanks to Sothis, before riding ahead to speak to Edelgard. Once she approached the house leader, choosing to ignore the daggers Hubert was glaring her way, she spoke to her student.

“We should reach the canyon shortly. I imagine the bandits will likely be out in the open, if not easy enough to weed out. That might also mean they’d see us coming from miles away, as such I wish for you to lead the charge Edelgard.” Edelgard expressed shock at Byleth’s plan, Byleth even seeing a rare surprised Hubert out the corner of her eyes before he quickly composed himself with a grim grin.

“Are you...certain Professor? Would it not be wise for you to lead us?” Byleth shook her head.

“Maybe. But you proved yourself during the mock battle well enough, so you’ve my trust that you can handle this. Besides, this is as much a test for you all as it is a mission. I’ll certainly step in when needed, but I’ll need to see that your training has been paying off first and foremost.” Edelgard soaked up the words like a sponge, a light blush dusting her cheeks as she smiled.

“Very well, my teacher. I’ll do you proud this day.”

“I know you will. Stay safe, and be swift.” No more words were exchanged, though Hubert resumed staring at Byleth as if to drill into the back of her head, and the voyage resumed.

Soon enough they at last arrived at Zanado Canyon, a small group of knights awaiting them with clear signs of conflict all over the rocky landscape. A few bridges connected the towering mountains of rock, several ruins scattered about with bandits trying to hide within them. An easy enough battlefield to navigate, but that meant the same for their enemies. Once dismounted, weapons were drawn, and everyone spread out. The knights that joined them formed a perimeter to ensure none would slip away in the heat of battle. Edelgard walked ahead of them all, her Axe slamming into the ground with a loud noise as she stared ahead.

“So this is the Red Canyon... A ruin of sorts by the look of it. Let’s end this quickly.” She gave a quick scan of the area before resuming. “The thieves must have been driven back. Be careful, or the cornered mice might bite us.” She then closed her eyes in thought before looking at Byleth. “Professor...I hear there’s a back road to the west. Why don’t we split up and attack from both the west and the front? If we advance tactfully, we can attack our enemy from both sides.” Byleth nodded instantly.

“A great idea. You go towards the front, take who you need. I’ll lead the rest towards the west road and lead whoever we don’t subdue to our end.” Edelgard hefted her axe up once Byleth finished dishing the plan out, a cool glint in her eyes as she nodded.

“I leave the rest to you then, my teacher.” And without so much as a word she flew onto the battlefield, motioning for those willing to follow, as she gracefully approached the enemy. It did not take long for her to engage the enemy, startling a hapless bandit who’d been hiding behind a rock by the bridge. The poor dastard tried to launch a counterattack once he realized he’d been discovered, but all it took from Edelgard to stop him was to shove the hilt of her axe right into his chest. It was hard to tell from where she was, but Byleth swore she saw the wooden tip outright pierce the skin with how hard Edelgard had thrusted. Either way, the bandit fell to his knees hard and Edelgard followed up by flipping her axe around and chopping right into his shoulder with one clean motion. A torrent of blood splashed onto her face, and the man screamed in sheer agony as his arm limply fell off his body. Said body soon followed it onto the ground, his screams stopping as the life vanished from him upon impact. Byleth blinked as she watched Edelgard swiftly move onward, Caspar and Ferdinand quickly trailing behind her without stopping at all.

“You DO know you’re drooling right now, yes?” The sudden appearance from Sothis caught Byleth off guard, thankfully her students hadn’t noticed her standing around.

“I-I am not...!” Byleth tried to defend herself, only to realize that she indeed was drooling much to her embarrassment. She quickly wiped it away, then hastily began to head westward with Bernadetta and Hubert in tow. She pulled out her sword and tried her very best to drown out the cackling laughter that was pouring out from Sothis, hoping this mission would pass without fail.

“Ah come on!” Sothis finally managed to say in between fits of laughter. “I’m sure your little hatchlings are doing fine!”


Linhardt Von Hevring was many things. A brilliant mind, Lazy, constantly tired, and a free spirit in several meanings of the term. Above all else though, he was a scholar first and foremost. That may seem at odds with his current position in life, a student in an officer’s academy and more specifically at the moment a student in a life-or-death struggle with bandits. But it was one other constant fact about him that had led to this endeavor: Linhardt Von Hevring was utterly fascinated by Crests. From a young age the boy had been captivated by the very concept of Crests. The fact they allowed their users so many abilities was simply icing on the cake. And yet despite that, there was still so little truly known about them! As such, Linhardt had made it his life’s goal to discover all he could about them!

Thus, though his nature seemed at odds with it in so many ways, he’d found himself enrolled at Garreg Mach Monastery. For it was thanks to the church that so much about Crest had already been discovered, so surely his best bet was to remain here and seek all there was to find. He’d even found himself a like-minded individual in the form of Professor Hanneman, an elderly gentleman whom Linhardt had been delighted to meet and enjoy the company of. So, in that regard, things had been going well for the young man. And then the newly found professor had simply waltzed in from nowhere with something even MORE mysterious than a Crest! A strange other-worldly Gauntlet that shifted and changed her body into creatures the likes of which no one had ever seen! He had all but salivated at the thought of getting to examine such a mystical device firsthand and figuring out its secrets! But then, amidst all these wonderful new discoveries, a very ugly truth reared its head: Lindhart Von Hevring abhorred violence of any kind. He despised the notion of man harming one another, the very thought of bruised flesh making his stomach turn. And if blood were to be spilled? The sight of the lifegiving red nectar had made him break out in hives at a young age, and that habit sadly never faded away.

So naturally, being in the midst of a battlefield with men dying very bloody deaths was not doing wonders for his stabilities. Which is why he’d made a beeline towards his friend Caspar while doing his very best to remain looking inconspicuous, the very second Edelgard and Byleth made the call to split everyone up for a pincher maneuver. He’d been lucky thus far, never been seen and even managing to toss out a wind spell here and there to help his fellows out and quite literally knock the wind out of some sails. But his luck soon ran out, mere millimeters away from Caspar to boot, when he was at last noticed by a bandit.

“Oy! The hell you think you’re going you damned brat?!” The man was one of the foulest looking men Linhardt had ever seen by far. Absolutely covered in filth from head to toe, nasty blotches all over his skin, and a foul scent about him that threatened to linger in Lindhart’s nose for days. But that wasn't what the young student was focused on, no not by a long shot. What was solely holding his attention was the knife that the bandit was currently clutching onto in his right hand. A nasty thing that was caked in dried blood, and a blade chipped from overuse and misuse. And it was currently approaching him with the intent of stabbing into his flesh and leaving him for dead. Linhardt froze. He simply couldn’t help it. Even now after the solid month of training with Professor Eisner, what little he didn’t skip to take a nap at least, he was at a loss what to do. The blade was mere inches away from impaling his heart, and all the brilliant boy could do was stare at it wide eyed.

“LINHARDT!” He was saved at the last possible moment, by the timely arrival of Caspar Von Bergliez who was staring at the bandit with murderous intent. His armed covered by thick iron gauntlets, already lightly coated in blood that was making Lindhart queasy just glancing at it. Said gauntlets soon found themselves firmly smacking the backside of the bandit’s head with a very loud and wet crunching sound. Several things happened in rapid success after this attack. Firstly, the bandit went down almost instantly. Second, a huge chunk of his flesh now found itself embedded onto Caspar’s gauntlets and a frightening sized hole appeared in the man’s scalp. And lastly, a large splash of blood rocketed out of the man and onto the two students. Plastering their shirts and faces with the thick red liquid. The second it touched Lindhart, his body went ridged. Slowly, inch by inch, his eyes panned down to look at what had happened. And once they fully processed it, things started to go downhill for the poor boy. His breathing hitched, sharp inhaling trying to push air into his lungs as panic bubbled onto the surface. His skin, especially the parts coated in blood, became ice cold and hives started to break out as he desperately moved to remove the blood. His eyes widened, full of fear and losing any semblance of focus as his mind began to shut down in order to preserve itself. He was having a panic attack, and unfortunately it was about to get so much worse.

“H-Hey! Linhardt? Buddy? Come on, you gotta calm down! At least let me take you somewhere safe first-!” Caspar had tried to gently calm his friend down, truly meaning well and only thinking with concern for Linhardt’s safety. His well-meaning concerns were harshly cut off however, when the hand he’d tried to reach out at Lindhart was violently pushed aside alongside Lindhart screaming.

“D-DON’T TOUCH ME!!” Perhaps he’d have been included to not scream his head off at his friend under normal circ*mstances. But seeing the gauntlet, still coated in blood and even bits of flesh trying to touch him was not doing his mental state any favors, and as such he lashed out harsher than he intended. Caspar flinched, concern flowing into his eyes as he helplessly watched his friend freak out. He’d know that Lindhart wasn’t the best around blood, that little fact was hard to hide when you were friends with a brawler like Caspar after all. But to see his friend just shut down like this was breaking his heart, all the more when his attempts to soothe him were met with rejection.

"Come on Lind. It’s me, Caspar. You know me, I’m not going to hurt you.” He’d lowered his voice, kneeling down to try and look less intimidating and tried again. Only for Linhardt to attempt to toss a punch his way, missing by miles but clearly not having any of it.

“S-Stay away! G-Get away-!!” “DAMN BRATS!!” Linhardt's cries were drowned out by the sudden outburst from the bandit, who as it turns was VERY much still alive! The bandit struggles to get up, blood still oozing out of his wounds and his eyes bloodshot and filled with rage as he glared at the boys. He was clearly running on dregs, his body barely able to stand without swaying. And even still, he was looking ready to use all that he had left in him to murder them in cold blood.

“I’LL KILL YOU!!!” Foam was spraying from his mouth, and he lunged straight at Caspar who was caught off guard by the sudden assault. Time stood still, and once again events went by at a lightning pace. Lindhart was shaken out of his stupor but the sudden attack, panic still filled his heart, but he knew he had to do something before the man killed Caspar. His eyes darted about, his Tome nowhere to be seen and presumed lost in the scuffle earlier. In the heat of the moment, he found a weapon on the floor and scrambled to pick it up. The trembling boy then leapt forward and tackled the bandit mid-lunge, and it was there that the problem occurred. He hadn’t looked at what weapon he’d grabbed, which was understandable given the circ*mstance, but he’d soon figured it out when he attacked the bandit. He’d grabbed the bandit’s own knife and was now slicing open the man’s throat with it with far too much ease. Blood.

Countless gallons of blood sprayed out and hit Lindhart right in the face, staining his clothes and skin with ease. His stomach was churning violently, and his eyes watered as if to try and clean the blood that was now covering it. He was dry heaving, on the verge of outright vomiting once the blood splattered onto his lips and tongue. But it was when he forced his eyes down that he saw the worst of it: His hands drenched in blood. The knife still in his hand and just as soaked in blood, before he let it go in horror with a clattering noise following as it once more found itself on the ground. And finally, as if acting as a cherry atop this horrendous sundae was the bandit’s body. Blood still pouring out of his open throat like an endless water fountain, choked gasps and half formed works spitting out of his mouth. The light was dimming in his eyes, even as he struggled and fought to stay awake. To stay alive. Those eyes would be among the many things haunting Linhardt Von Hevring’s dreams from that night forward, and they were the final straw that broke him on this damned day.

“AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!” A bloodcurdling scream ripped itself out of his Throat, pass the forming bile and blockage, as he finally sank to his knees. Pitiful sobs and wails coming from him as he sank onto the ground. Caspar finally recovered himself at the scream, and without a moment’s hesitation pushed Linhardt into a tight hug. The boy, finally too tired to try and push his friend away, accepted the hug and simply sobbed deeply onto Caspar’s shoulder.

“Shhh... It’s okay Lind. I’m right here. I’m here.” Caspar soothed his friend, the battle raging on around them as the two boys simply remained in their own world of grief and pain. Their Presence healing it little by little, knowing it would only be their first time entering such a sorrowful world.


Hubert Von Vestra was no stranger to combat. Though, it may have been more apropos to say he was no stranger to shedding blood. His life of servitude to Edelgard had him see many things in his time and perform acts behind closed doors almost akin to a hobby. He doubtless knew that even she knew exactly every little thing he’d done in her name over the years, and he’d also ensure that was one thing she never knew about. So, unlike some of his classmates, the battle of Zanado Canyon was not making him second guess or hesitate. On the contrary, he’d taken to it like a fish to water and shown the bandits just how dangerous a mage could be. Already three of them had fallen swiftly to his trademark Nosferatu spell, the sinister shadows latching onto them and draining them dry of life while keeping him in peak condition. One embolden bandit had even tried to attack him, thinking he’d been useless at closer range, only to meet the iron sword Hubert kept on hand for such occasions directly. He’d felt quite proud of himself for that one but said pride would soon be dashed by the whims of another.

“A-Ahhh!! I knew I should have stayed in my room! Stupid Bernie! Getting separated from the Professor now of all times!” Bernadetta was currently running around the canyon like a flightless bird, screaming her head off in fear while only occasionally taking potshots at bandits. To her credit, those potshots had not only hit the mark despite her flailing about, they’d also taken out whoever they hit in one shot. Even Hubert would admit it was remarkable marksmanship, possibly the best he’d even laid eyes on.

“Now...if only she could so much as look at a shadow without trembling like a leaf.” He was looking at the timid girl with pity in his eyes, her frantic pacing around distracting him otherwise. He had heard rumblings of her home life beforehand; Dorothea was never one to be silent on gossip, even Moreso when she assumed she was alone. But even still, the Black Eagles admittingly didn’t have the entire pictures so much as fragments and estimations. The girl’s unexpected appearance at Garreg Mach was one thing, her typical timid nature and unnatural fear, and frankly how skittish she could be was another thing. Hubert was not one to point fingers and label others, at least as far as his classmates knew, but even he could see the writing on the walls in regard to Bernadetta’s family life. As such, he took it upon himself to never antagonize the girl even accidentally. That had been the plan at least. In reality, every time he so much as walked near the girl even if in the opposite direction she’d run off as if he were the devil.

That had been a particularly embarrassing day when it came time to speak to Edelgard on the matter. But for now, Hubert dragged his head out of the past and into the present. He dashed forward and readied his tome, a trail of dark flames rising out of it and onto his hand. With one swift motion, he launched the spell a bit behind Bernadetta and right at the bandits that had been trying to sneak up behind her. Once the spell landed, they were naught but cindered ash, and Bernadetta galloped into him with a frantic cry. She was speaking so fast, and between so many tears he really couldn’t understand her. He sighed, a roll of his eyes as he gently pulled her off of his torso.

“Come now Bernadetta. We’ve a mission to accomplish here. I can understand being overwhelmed, but you can handle a few mere ban-.”

“Hubert! Duck!” It all happened so fast. One moment Hubert was lightly scolding the girl, the next she’d somehow drawn her bow without him seeing and fired an arrow right into the heart of a bandit who’d somehow snuck up on him. A very uncharacteristic cold glare was on the girl’s face as she fired, something Hubert would never have imagined seeing on her face in the short time he’d known her. As equally unfamiliar sensation began to creep onto Hubert as he stared at her: his face began to show more color. In specifics a very red blush had somehow stumbled its way onto his pale face. His eyes widened in horror, and he quickly slapped his face to stomp the unexpected emotion out. Lucky for him Bernadetta hadn’t seen it, but just as quickly as she’d changed her expression it was now back to her typical frantic crying.

“H-Hubert!! Are you okay?! D-Did you hurt yourself because I’m just getting in the way? Stupid Bernie! He didn’t need your help-Owww!” The young girl’s rambling had been stopped prematurely thanks to Hubert ever so gently tapping his fist atop her head, clearing his throat as he did so.

“Bernadetta, firstly I assure you that you are in fact getting in the way. On the contrary, you’ve saved me a few spells already thanks in part to your impressive shooting. Secondly...” He scooped her up in his arms JUST in time to narrowly avoid a stray arrow that had almost hit her. “Perhaps we should head towards Professor Eisner so as to offer her assistance?”

“Y-You’re right! We need to go help the professor!” Another stray arrow hit right by Bernadetta’s heel and the girl let out a high pitched squeal and bolting away towards the heart of the canyon, a desponded Hubert signing as he launched a Miasma spell at the arrows source before following after her.

“Truly. What is to be done with this girl? I can only hope my lady is faring better on her end.”


Edelgard’s axe made a sickening crunching sound as it easily slid into a bandit’s chest like a hot knife into butter. The hot splash of blood that leapt onto her furthering staining her uniform as she placed a foot on the bandit’s chest as leverage while yanking her axe out of him. A strained huff of exhaustion coming out of her as she watched her foe fall down dead, she wiped the sweat off her forehead as she looked around. Thus far the mission had been going smoothly, as expected the bandits clearly were well out of their league compared to the students. She’d easily slain or subdued at least ten men on her own, with Ferdinand and Caspar dealing with another ten combined. Granted she hadn’t seen Caspar in quite some time, but she very much doubted the headstrong boy was anywhere but in the thick of it. As for Ferdinand he’d actually been of great help, forgoing his typical antics and showboating by keeping any stragglers off her. And she’d be remised to deny his spear had gotten quite a lot down before even her axe had reached them. Still, for the moment he’d dashed off to the sides to help Petra deal with some stragglers.

While Edelgard had her eyes set on one who was trying to escape deeper in, possible to report to their leader. She’d let the bandit get a head start, no need to fully take him down before getting some information after all, and was slinking after him in silence. Soon she saw him stumble into a more intact set of ruins, dropping his weapon and struggling to breathe as he addressed someone she vaguely recognized.

“C-Chief! The knights of Seiros are here! Along with some kids from that academy! They’re slaughtering us!” The man’s chief, none other than Kostas, swore as he started to pick up an axe and started to growl.

“The knights chased us all the way here?!”

“Chief, let’s get out of here! There’s no way we can win against them! I... I think that monster is with them again!” Kostas paled, the blood leaving his body the second his comrade let it slip that Byleth was there. he’d quickly tightened the bulbs of garlic that were hanging over his neck, the raw smell of them even reaching all the way to Edelgard to her chagrin. He then drew out a wooden steak, his hand trembling as he did so, before glaring at the bandit who was reporting to him.

“S-Shut your dumb mouth! Where would we go at this point? Y-You can’t be a thief if you fear death!” It was clear from his voice Kostas was only faking a front of bravado, his trembling hands and shaky voice betrayed his fear. Edelgard almost felt pity for the man, but he’d made his own bed, and it was up to her to make him lay in it. She slowly crept up behind them, keeping low to the ground to avoid detection. As she got closer, she managed to grab the bandit’s discarded weapon, a dagger, and waited just a moment longer as she was finally within range.

Once she was certain she had the advantage, she sprang upwards and tossed the dagger right at the bandit who’d dropped it. Hitting him right in the back and dropping him to the ground with a painful shout as he writhed in agony. As Kostas reacted to his man’s sudden plight, Edelgard leapt into the fray axe at the ready. She wasted no time in swinging it at Kostas, who only barely managed to catch it with the blade of his own axe. Though given his feet were buckling from the pressure, it was clear who had the upper hand here.

“My apologies! I simply wished to return your friend's weapon!” The girl’s wisecrack earned her a harsh snarl from the bandit leader, who at last managed to push her away with a shove. Axes were hefted up once more, and both eyed each other waiting for the other to make a move first. It was here, however, that Kostas seemed to have something click as he finally recognized Edelgard.

“You! You were there! One of those noble brats we were supposed to kill before...before that damned monster started slaughtering us!” Edelgard raised an eyebrow in curiosity, before figuring out what he meant.

“Ah I see. You were one of the bandits who attacked us last month. I’m surprised you haven’t changed your ways considering last time.” Kostas snorted in rage, slamming his weapon onto the ground as he glared at the girl with bulging eyes.

“You think it’s funny you brat! All of my best men, gone! Cause of that damned monster!” He then stared at her uniform, taking note of all the blood that was currently caked in and gnashing his teeth together before resuming. “And now look at you! Covered in my mate’s blood! Walking around here killing us without a care! I know what you are now you brat!” He hefted his axe up and aimed it right at her, bloodshot eyes gazing into her own as he snarled. “You became that things pet! Covered in our blood like it’s a warm bath! Well, I won’t have it! I’m prepared this time!”

Edelgard grimaced as he lunged at her, axe swinging wildly without any rhyme or reason. She did her best to block it, but the wild Flailing ensured a few lucky shots got in which Kostas took full advantage of. Soon he’d managed to disarm her with a swing, before taking the chance to take out a wooden stake that he’d held hidden within his armor. Edelgard's eyes widened in horror, and she desperately tried to make some distance between them, only for the enraged bandit to lunge again and grab her by the hair. Harshly yanking her forward as he slashed at her cheek with the steak, a nasty cut forming and oozing blood as she screamed.

“G-Get away from me you –!” Any other protest that would leave her died on her lips, as Edelgard suddenly felt a sharp pain right in her chest. Trembling, she slowly looked down...and saw the wooden steak jutting out of her chest alongside a geyser of blood. Her body grew weak, and her vision began to get blurry. She struggled to keep her eyes open, to try and pry the weapon out of her as if that would help. As if it would save her life.

“N.... No... Not...Not here!” Blood spat out of her mouth as she tried to speak. Every word was followed by sheer agony as her body was shutting down and her life was fading away. For a brief moment, she thought she heard someone call out her name. A familiar sight of blue hair faintly appearing before her vision completely failed her. To her credit she struggled until the last possible second, fighting tooth and nail with the reaper themselves to try and stay. But in the end, it was for naught. "P-Professor!...H-Hubert! Everyone...I-I’m...sorry." And with that final thought, she collapsed onto the floor. Eyes wide opened as her blood pooled out underneath her, and Kostas laughed like a madman above her. Edelgard Von Hresvelg was dead. She went out not as a raging wildfire, but as an ember blown away by a cold wind.


“You, see? You were worried over nothing! Even the hatchlings aren’t having any issues! Half of them have just given up the second they saw your Gauntlet!” As Sothis’s cheeky tone was revealing, Byleth was having an easy time. Several of the bandits seemingly knew who she was once they saw her Gauntlet, even outright surrendering without a fight when she feinted using it. The few who didn’t know of it or just tried their luck anyway were quickly dealt with by her sword. She hadn’t even felt the need to transform thus far it was that easy, her nerves had all but settled by this point.

“We don’t know if any of the others haven’t run into issues Sothis. I haven’t seen Bernadetta after she slipped away from me, and we’re only just now within range to meet up with Edelgard.”

“Bah! At this point there’s hardly anyone left to even give them a sweat, much less a Challenge! If you’re so concerned, you could always just use that Gauntlet of yours to finish this all up!” The two’s bickering continued even as Byleth resumed taking out bandits, running left and right all across the canyon waving her sword around as needed. She eventually saw several of her students, including Bernadetta safely in the company of Hubert to her relief, and started to make her way towards the center of the canyon. As she did, her concerns started to rise a little when she noted she hadn’t’ seen hide nor hair of Caspar and Lindhart anywhere. But at the badgering of Sothis she pushed those concerns down and focused on the task at hand, hoping that the boys were fine.

Once she was closer to a more intact set of ruins, she spotted what appeared to be two people struggling in combat. Once she saw the well familiar white hair flowing behind one of the two, she instantly picked up the pace and readied her weapon to help her student. It was halfway to the fight, however, when things went straight to hell. Because that was when Byleth saw the crazed bandit Kostas violently stabbing Edelgard through the heart with a wooden stake. And once that happened, all she could see was red. She was certain Sothis was saying something, and frankly she knew she should be listening. But instead, she had her sword clenched in her hand, squeezing so tightly onto the hilt it cut into her palm, and with a roar of pure rage she slashed it down. A symbol appeared behind her within a circle, the very same symbol of the Crest that Hanneman had found within her. Byleth paid it no mind though, and simply smashed her sword down in front of her. The Crest giving the attack much more power, allowing it to create a blade of wind and fiery sparks that flew all the way to Kostas. And once it hit him, his entire head was ripped clean off his neck in one clean cut. As the now dead Kosta’s head fell to the ground, tears started to angerly bubble under Byleth’s eyes. She was about to run to Edelgard, see if she could do something for her, when her body was violently frozen in place and a very loud scream filled her head.



“FINALLY! I was shouted at you for ages! No questions! Just hurry up and do it before it’s too late!” Byleth didn’t object, or really have the time to process it really, before she shut her eyes and focused on the power she’d been granted earlier. It felt odd at first, as if her mind was slowly drifting backwards while her body remained where it was. But soon she felt herself turning back the hands of time, an almost physical feeling like she was actually moving a clock’s hands backwards. If her eyes had been opened at the time, she would have even seen her Gauntlet glowing an eerie green as the power was used. Seconds later, she felt the power begin to fade away and slowly opened her eyes. She was startled to see she’d been transported back to the part of the Canyon she’d been in several minutes ago, right down to the smallest detail. She didn’t pause to ponder this for long, the memory of a dying Edelgard spurring her forward as she ran back to where Kostas was. Already she felt her hand reaching down to her Gauntlet to turn the dial, the noise of it’s activation being most welcomed to her ears.

She’d finally made it back just to before Edelgard and Kostas had started clashing weapons, her hand slamming down onto the dial as she jumped forward to intervene. Hoping with all her heart that she’d made it in time.


“You think it’s funny you brat! All of my best men, gone! Because of that-!” Once more Kostas was rambling and ranting at Edelgard, bloodshot eyes looking ready to go in for the kill. Only this time, a bright green flash interrupted him, the man freezing with bated breath as he shut his eyes. Only to hear the sound of something heavy land right behind him, his hand instantly going for a steak when he realized exactly what the flash had meant. He turned around, eyes still squinting as he struggled to open them, and raised the wooden stake in his hand as he screamed. “DIE YOU MONSTER!!” He slammed it into the chest of the figure that had landed behind him, only for the stake to splinter upon contact and dig into his hand. He hissed in pain and forced his eyes open, looking ready to scream more, until he saw exactly who he had tried to stab. His face turned pale, and his mouth hung open is disbelief, when he saw in front of him a towering creature made of bright green gemstones staring down on him. He stammered, whimpered, and tried to slowly back away as he was processing what he was looking at. Byleth, for her part, just stared down at him and said one single sentence.

“Were you expecting someone else?” That seemed to finally be the last straw for Kostas, as he started to twitch violently as he stammered and tried to say anything to the giant of gemstone. Before Byleth or Edelgard could react, he’d started foaming at the mouth violently and his eyes rolled back into his skull. He then collapsed right onto the ground, low groans and the occasional twitching being the only hints he was still alive. The two women blinked as they looked down at the man’s body, Byleth breaking the awkward silence after several moments. “Was it something I said?” She let out an awkward chuckle afterwards, Edelgard groaning and rolled her eyes at her professor's attempt at humor.

“I’m sure that was it Professor. Now, let us restrain him so he can be interrogated for informat-.” Edelgard was pulled out of her speech by Byleth, who had suddenly pulled her into a gentle hug, though given her current state a ‘gentle hug’ from Byleth still was on the verge of bone-shattering. “M-M-My teacher?! My back!!”

“OH! SORRY!” Byleth released her, sheepishly tucking into herself as Edelgard straightened her back with a grimace as she looked up at Byleth.

“May I ask what that was about professor?” Byleth bashfully tapped her fingers together as she looked away from her student, an act that said student was fighting very hard not to blush at how adorable it is, before muttering.

“Just.... glad you weren’t hurt.” The two blushed, not looking each other in the eyes, before Byleth abruptly coughed and went to pick up Kostas. “We uh...should get him restrained before he wakes up.” She then moved one of her hands atop his, a thick shell of crystal growing over his arms to keep them from being used. She then hoisted him onto her shoulder gently and began to walk towards the knights that were waiting on them, a quick look over her shoulders to see that Edelgard was following. The two of them made it back in no time and were grateful to see everyone else had finished rounding out the bandits who’d surrendered.

Byleth gave Kostas to the knights, some of which balked at her diamond-based form for a moment, before looking around to her students. There were some bruises among them to be sure, not a single one had gone without some kind of battle damage. But it was when she noticed Lindhart that her heart ached, the poor boy was gently being led by Caspar and Dorothea towards the knights. Given the shaken-up state he was in, and how desperately he was clinging onto Caspar, Byleth could only have an inkling as to what had happened. A quick glance at Caspar, who only sadly shook his head at her, told her that now wasn’t the time to ask about it. She instead went to give a detailed report to the knights, while Edelgard had gone to check on everyone else. After all was said and done, and the knights and Eagles were preparing for departure, Byleth had walked away towards the sidelines to take a look at the Canyon. As she was gazing into the redden skies and ruins, she whispered to herself as if on instinct.

“I remember this being a peaceful place...” She then paused, wondering where that thought had come from. As if to answer Sothis appeared in her ghostly form, a raised brow aimed at her host.

“Hmmm...I wonder why is it you recall this place?” Byleth jumped back, nearly tripping when her bulking form crushed the rock she’d been standing on. Sothis chuckled, though notable much more subdued than normal.

“You must be weak of heart. It’s been so common for me to speak, and still at times like these you become so scared.” Byleth pouted and crossed her arms, the act not at all fitting her diamond-based form in the slightest.

“I wasn’t scared at all!” Sothis rolled her eyes as she responded.

“Do you think you can lie to me? It saddens me to know you wish to hide such things from me.” She then looked around, seemingly as enamored by the canyon as Byleth was. “Well, anyhow... I admit I am quite fascinated by this place. As far as I can tell this is your first time here...” Byleth picked up her cue instantly.

“Have you been here before Sothis?” The ghostly goddess shook her head.

“Here? I daresay it would be impossible to have forgotten such a place as this. I must admit I am unsure. Beyond the name and this strange feeling of familiarity, I can’t seem to remember anything about this place.” She frowned, tilting her head up to look at the setting sun. “And yet... a great depth of emotion is tied to that sense of familiarity. Like joy and sorrow. Pain and Love. All things in between. If I was somehow here before, I wonder what took place...” Byleth frowned. In all that had happened It was easy for her to forget that Sothis was without her memories. She went to consult her... friend she supposed, but she took one step forward.

And with that one step taken, all hell broke loose.

“G-GAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!” A scream had filled the air, a scream that quickly was filled with blood. Byleth and Sothis turned around to find the source of the scream, and soon regretted the choice to look. An invader had somehow snuck into the canyon while they were all licking their wounds and preparing to leave, and to say they left an impression would be an understatement.

It was a knight atop an armored horse, but to say it was simply a mere knight did them no justice. His armor was a dark grey, almost pitch black even, and covered every inch of his body. Spikes jittered out nearly every part of it, from the shoulder pads and spiked skirt atop his hips to the spikes sticking right out from behind his legs. A tattered black and blood red cloak adorned his shoulders, flowing in the wind that reminded Byleth too much of the image of the grim reaper. But above all else, the thing that truly stood out for this knight was his helmet. It was not one made of metal, but rather a skull in appearance and quite possibly a real one off look alone. It completely covered his entire head, and had two giant demons horns atop it. And his eyes were blood red, glowing as if he were a demon from the pits of hell made manifest.

Truly, if this knight were indeed a man it would be hard pressed to tell. Byleth drew her weapon, but faltered when she realized the knight WASN’T the one who had screamed. had been Kostas. Who was currently being impaled on the end of the knight’s weapon: a scythe that was twice as long as the knight himself. Kostas tried in vain to get off the blade, but it was clearly hopeless as he only made himself sink in deeper. The Knight lifted the weapon skyward, watching without a sound as the bandit leader sank deeper and deeper onto the weapon.

Finally, at last the man stopped making sound. Death claiming him at last, and the knight forcing him all the scythe with a bloody trail smearing the silver blade. No one dared make a noise, even the knights of Seiros who were by this intruder could do naught but stare in horrified silence. Then, just as Byleth regained her courage and tried to approach the knight, he looked right a her. And she froze as those glowing red embers stared right into her soul.

“It would seem you went to the trouble of capturing my prey for me.” The knight spoke with an inhuman sounding echo, a deeply hollow sounding voice that held no emotion whatsoever. He then pointed his scythe right at Byleth, the fresh blood still dripping off of it as he slowly advanced towards her. “Allow me then, to repair your kindness in full! ” He swung the weapon, the blood spilling off it to allow the blade to regain it’s silver sheen, the knight hissing and breathing heavily as he spoke just once more. “Allow me to show you, why it is that Death comes for us all!”


Oh my. Would you look at that? Death approaches~ I suppose we'll see how that will go next time. For now though tidbits as always.

1. Goop really doesn't get used much in Ben 10 proper, and frankly that's a shame. Not to mention whenever Ben does use him it's typically to avoid attacks or just turn into a big bubble to trap people in or such. Which granted, IS Goop's bread and butter but I always felt there was so much more he could do. Polymorphs are said in canon to be able to change shape at will, even their planet too, so I decided to allow Byleth to go crazy with that within reason. So she can mildly shape shift her slime into other shapes, albeit without much detail as demonstrated with Goop-Edelgard. Also fun fact, it's canon that every version of Goop has a fruit based flavor ( and one outlier that tasted like black pepper) so of course Byleth's goop has a flavor too. I went with raspberry and kiwi, two flavors since Sothis is in there too.

2. Support wise this time I went with one member each from the Deer and Lions. Raph's C support I basically used wholesale , but I had the fun idea of changing Ingrid's to a conversation in the skies. That way I could get a bit more Terraspin in, and get a different take on the support scene.

3. So the battle of Zanado Canyon was always gonna have the Linhardt scene, as the game itself does mention after you first defeat an enemy with him it naturally messes him up abit. I did end up adding Caspar's role in it afterwards, and I think that helped it out a lot more.

Chapter 6


A successful mission with the Black Eagles has been lead astray by an unexpected encountered with a deadly opponent. Will Byleth find the means to defeat this sinister foe? And even if she does, what lies beyond the encounter for her and the eagles alike?


Happy holidays to all! I managed to get this chapter done just before the year's end. Little shorter than last time, but I'd like to think I got the finer points across and made it a god read regardless. And speaking of reading, it completely slipped my mind last chapter but this story has gotten over one thousand hits, and is still going! It honestly means the world to me that you all not only like my crazy idea of " What if Byleth, but with alien watch?" but have eagerly taken to it as well. We may only be just as the beginning of thee story all considered, but rest assured I've big plans for down the road. Speaking of, this chapter may have the inklings of those big plans right at the start so without delay enjoy the chapter!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Byleth wasted absolutely no time in running forward to engage the demonic looking knight, willing one of her hands to shift into a bladed edge. She gave out a harsh shout to steady her nerves, the impromptu war cry shaking whatever had transfixed the Knights of Serios into place as well. Two of them gave off their own cries and went to attack the knight swords in hand. The sinister knight paid them no mind, his red eyes not leaving Byleth’s at all even as he turned his weapon to engage the two knights.

“Hmm. What sorry excuses for prey. Very well then.” He raised his scythe up, it’s silver blade near blinding, and with one arm swung it behind him in one clean cut motion. And with that one motion two things happened. One was the closest of the two knights instantly losing his entire head, not even getting the chance to scream as it was sliced off by the silver blade as if his armored helmet wasn’t even there. The second was the second knight dropping his part by the scythe’s blade haven gotten to the arm that had been holding it, cutting it off his body neatly. This knight was given the chance to scream, a howling cry filled with pain that everyone watching would later say sounded as if his very soul had been carved in two. “Pathetic. If you wish for death so easily, then be sated.”

The invading knight then tugged firmly on his horse’s reins, the beast snorting in responds before raising its hind legs up and kicking straight into the armless knight’s head. A sickening crunch echoing across the battlefield as the beast’s iron covered hooves easily caved in the poor man’s head within seconds. His life expurgated as his body fell to the ground next to the body of his comrade. Nearby, several of the Black Eagles had looked away in horror at the sight, only a brave few like Hubert and Ferdinand able to stomach it. Byleth had finally managed to reach the knight, the rage that had fueled her run towards this knight further grown by his callous taking of lives. She raised her bladed arm intending to cut him down, the knight not saying a word as he readied his scythe once more. The two were now inches apart, ready to clash, and Byleth assuming to come out on top.

When an echoing clang of metal instead sounded out on contact, Byleth fumbled in surprise at her diamond-like skin not breaking the weapon in contact. The fumble was enough that the scythe managed to slash into Byleth’s chest, not causing any actual damage but enough to cause her to stumble backwards.

“W-Wha? But how?!”

“No look! The weapon isn’t immune!” Byleth’s confused muttering was countered by a sudden cry from Sothis, whose words rang true as the scythe’s blade held a Knick into it now. The knight noticed this, observing his weapon with his hellish red eyes and the sound of his breath turning ragged.

“What a fascinating creature you are. I came here in search of wounded prey, something beneath my own desires. And here I find that prey already devoured, and you in its place.” He brought his scythe closer to him, the weapon hanging in front of him as he readied it once more. Byleth in turn shifted her arm into a more curved clade, in an attempt to imitate the scythe. That only got the knight’s attention more, his emotionless voice beginning to have the hint of something within it with each word spoken. “One of us will die, the other will live. I will enjoy this dance of damnation.”

The knight then harshly pulled on his horse’s reins, the animal neighing loudly as it started running forward with seeming intent to run Byleth over. Byleth for her part rolled to the side once the knight drew near, barely avoiding both horse and scythe, and managed to slash at the beast’s leg cutting into its armor. The horse neighed in pain, stopping as blood started to slowly leak from the remains of armor cut clean by the gemstoned Byleth. The knight gave his steed no heed, and simply readied his weapon again as he spurred it onwards towards Byleth. Byleth cracked a smile, apparently wanting him to do that. The moment the stampeding horse grew closer to her, the diamond-based professor slammed her unchanged hand into the ground.

The earth beneath them shifted as pillars of gemstone shot up from under the horse and trapped its legs. The animal neighed in content, trying to buck and free itself to no avail before it outright tossed it’s rider off in an attempt to lessen its weight. The knight cursed, even that action having no true emotion to it, as he struggled to get up. Byleth lifted her arm up, returning it to normal as she raised the bladed one up and began to sprint towards the fallen knight. She managed to reach him just as he finally stumbled up, her bladed hand catching onto one of his gauntlets as he instantly raised an arm up in defense. The spikes on the gauntlet shattered into dust, the rest of it being pulled off by the force and his exposed hand getting several small cuts for his trouble. The knight, however, took this in stride and instead grabbed his scythe from the ground with a humorless chuckle.

“Rapturous! Even as you hold yourself back, you cannot resist the urge to kill me! The cry that compels you to impale me with righteous fury! Just as I can never refuse the siren’s song of slaughter!” Byleth froze, the entire encounter quickly becoming more and more unhinged as it went on.

“What are you even, forget that. WHO are you in the first place?” The knight did not move, save for drawing his weapon once more, but did eventually did answer.

“I seek no name. Those who were beneath me as I slaughtered their allies, referred to me by a title I did not desire.” He then lunged forward with his weapon, Byleth just barely raising her arms to block it as he did so. “I am that which meets all men in the end. I am that which I give and give once again. the Death Knight.” And with name revealed, the Death knight pressed onwards with his attack, though seemingly to no avail.

“That’s quite the name! You know, my students gave me one too. I’m called Diamondhead!” At the end of her exchange Byleth, or rather Diamondhead, gave a grunt of effort and then gave it her all as she shoved him back and tried to break his weapon. It proved for naught as he was able to use her Momentive against her, disrupting her stance and getting a blow in underneath her chest. The attack did nothing, save cause the scythe’s blade more damage, but the fact the weapon held strong showed something was very wrong. “W-what’s that thing made out of?! Nothing should be harder than my skin right now!” As if to answer her question, the Death knight hefted his weapon once more. Slicing it in front of him to keep her away as she backed away out of habit. Something that seemed to disappoint him greatly.

“The weapon is nothing, merely a tool to carry out my will. It is YOU that is the problem. You hold yourself back, expecting no true resistance. You can kill me with ease in this guise, yet you carry yourself like a mortal.” A low hissing emerged from his helmet, then he stopped flailing his scythe around.

“I AM a mortal! And I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty sure I’M not the one who’s hurt so I’d say I'm not holding back.” Byleth’s outcry caused a roar of rage from Death knight, the first true sign of emotion from the demonic figure.

“I am wounded, but I do not bleed! My heart is still beating within my chest, instead of lifeless on the ground next to me! You talk of mortality when you have the scent of blood on you! You are a monster, just as I am! A creature who changes skin when the mood suits it, but craves for blood and death as I do! One of us will die here, and in the end the world will only lose one monster.” He then raised his uncovered hand, a magic sigil forming in it. Diamondhead’s eyes widen as she realized what it meant and raised her arm to fire out a series of crystals at him. They all hit the mark, his torso armor have several small crystals sticking out, but even still he did not relent. He cast his thunder spell, but instead of aiming it towards her, he aimed at his own weapon.

The scythe glowed for a moment, before emitting static and brimming with power, somehow holding onto the spell instead of being destroyed by it. The Death knight then pointed his thunder-scythe at Diamondhead, his voice low and ominous as he spoke. “Very well then. It seems I will have to carve the monster out of your flesh myself.”


“D-Did you hear that?! He claimed he was the Death Knight!” Back on the sidelines, the Black Eagles were torn on what they should do given the actions they were witnessing. Some who were clearly still wounded or tired from the bandit fight reluctantly stayed put, though it was clear they wished to go and help their professor. The few that were eager to go and assist, were blindsided once the two knights were effortlessly slain and even moreso once Death knight’s scythe did not break upon contact with Diamondhead. Ferdinand had then insisted they stray put the second he announced himself as the Death knight, the noble showing uncharacteristic fear.

“The Death knight?” Caspar had asked, a gleam in his eyes even as others like Bernadetta cowered at the name.

“There are rumors milling about the monastery, about a knight of unparalleled strength who stalks the area in the dead of knight. And those who Challenge him are either slain, or taken captive for some unknown reason.” The gleam in Caspar's eyes dimmed a little, the fact that Ferdinand said such a tale with a grim disposition only further dragging him down.

“T-Then shouldn’t we be helping the professor? If this guy is that bad, then we should be out there-!”

“No.” The sudden input from Edelgard caught everyone off guard, Caspar most of all.

“What?! Edelgard you’re not saying we should leave her in the lunge, are you?? Even Diamondhead is struggling with this guy!” Edelgard shook her head, with a serious look on her face.

“Of course not. But we need to be realistic. We are tired, some of us hurt, and above all else we are inexperienced. We would only get in the way of- I'm sorry Caspar, what did you call Professor Eisner?” The head of the Black Eagles was whiplashed mid-speech by the sudden use of Diamondhead’s name, several others looking at Caspar with equal confusion. The boy in question merely shrugged his shoulders as he explained.

“What, the professor had to let me have one sooner or later! And it was either that or Diamond Dude and for some reason she outright refused that one!” All the others signed, with Dorothea and Edelgard’s being the loudest among them.

“Well of course! She’s not even a ‘dude’ to begin with Caspar! Why on earth did you think that would fly with her??” Caspar just looked away as he replied.

“I dunno , I just thought it sounded cool! And for some reason I felt it was appropriate name to use at an academy...” The boy then trailed off as a sudden outburst from the battle, and all eyes firmly moved back to the battlefield to see the Death Knight’s scythe was now glowing and sparking with raw electrical power. They all gasped at the sight, but it was Dorothea who was first to speak.

“This is... no, Eddie’s right. There’s nothing we can do to even touch this guy.” All eyes shifted to her, and she eagerly explained. “There’s a theory spreading around, that it’s possible to channel a spell into a weapon or object to make it more potent. More powerful. But no one’s really tried it on anything aside from Relics and frankly, even that’s been mostly hearsay.” The former opera singer frowned as she gave a grim look to her classmates. “He’s way over our heads. If we even tried fighting back, he’d kill us no question. We have to...” She swallowed hard, as if she physically couldn’t say the words she was about to. “We have to just leave this to the professor.” Though it pained everyone to agree with that, everyone nodded. Everyone except Caspar, who was clenching his fist and shaking in anger.

“No... No I can’t just...!” Before anyone could stop him, he bolted towards the Death Knight, his gauntlets raised ready to strike even as the others called out for him to stop. It was Edelgard and Hubert who made tracks after him first, with several of the others trailing behind as fast as they could.


The Death Knight advanced forward, enchanted weapon at the ready and swinging around wildly while Diamondhead dodged. Sothis, in the meanwhile, had chosen now was the perfect time to pipe up and offer some ‘sage advice’.

“That blade should still be weak! The magic will likely just stun you and not hurt! Why not make some Gauntlets instead of blades?! ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME BYLETH!?” Diamondhead’s groan of aggravation was the only response the childish goddess received as she resumed dodging, though she did shift her arms into extra armored gauntlets as suggested. That proved solid advice, as she was able to successfully block a slash from the scythe and land a punch on the Death knight who staggered. Unfortunately, the thunder magic applied to the weapon did in fact stun her arm. A strange tingling sensation filling it and restricting her movements which denied her the chance to finish her opponent off.

“Squirm more! Let us add our blood to this red canyon! Show me where the monster within you is hiding!” The Death Knight’s constant jesting and jeering did not help matters ether, for even as much damage as she was doing, he simply refused to relent.

“I don’t get it! I haven’t had any significant damage at all! I’m the one with the advantage here! So why... why do I feel like I'm in a hopeless situation? What is this pounding in my chest that refuses to stop?” Diamondhead’s thoughts clouded her mind, allowing the Death knight’s scythe to get a few licks in. Of course, all said licks truly did was further tarnish and nick the blade and stunned its foe at best. But even still, an inhuman laugh full of nothing but deadness and stillness poured itself out of his maw endlessly.

Thus did their dance go as such, with blows exchanged and the Death knight’s blood starting to shed. At one point several brave knights of Seiros tried to take advantage of the invaders assumed “weakened” state and were met with a grisly end by his somehow still sharp blade. Diamondhead had tried to warn them, to seal them away even entirely, but she was doing all she could to keep her head in the battle. To keep him from doing any more harm before her transformation wore off and they would truly be unable to stop this monster in a knight’s armor. All the while, the pounding never stopped, if anything it only grew stronger and stronger with each passing second.

“Why were you here?! What compelled you to murder that bandit?!” She tried getting answers from him in the midst of their brawl, but as expected she got nothing in return.

“The matters of pest such as he are not for me to be concerned with! That you were able to bring him to his knees with mere whelps at your side proves he was not worthy of my blade! And yet I still graced him with it’s embrace, as I too shall now do to you monster!” He’d tried a downward stab once more, only this time the blade finally had enough as contact with Diamondhead’s arm broke the tip clean off.

“Finally! Now for the rest of it to go!” Diamondhead went to grab the scythe, only for a concerned Sothis to suddenly shout in her mind.

“Byleth! We have an incoming problem!”


“He’s got green hair, he’s a bit too dense but in a loveable way, and he’s the reason you can’t transform into that pile of Goop anywhere near the girls.” Diamondhead cursed underneath her breath and looked to her side, sure enough spotting Caspar blindly rushing towards them.

“Caspar, stand down! This is not your fight!” She tried to move her arms down to the ground, construct a wall or dorm to seal her students away from the bloodshed. But Death knight saw through her gambit and pressed onwards, keeping her attention away on from anything but dodging his relentless pursuit.

“I’m here professor! I can help-!” The second Caspar made it onto the battlefield he made to punch at the knight with his gauntlet, only for the Death Knight to easily step aside of the attack and bring the end of his scythe down on the boy’s shoulder.

“Whelp. Begone.” The Death knight then raised his weapon, intending to stab it right into his spine.

“NO!!” Diamondhead shot a barrage of crystals at the weapon, shooting it out of its wielder's hands and towards the earth. Death knight took no mind of this change, and instead choose to pick Caspar up by the scruff of his shirt. He then put the boy right in front of his face, the blood red dots staring at Caspar’s without relent.

“Tell me Whelp. Do you fear death?” Caspar was trying to keep a brave face, but clearly not holding it together well.

“N-Not on your life!” The brave boy then used all he could muster to lift his right arm, and land a solid blow with his gauntlet right onto the Death knight’s face. “Y-Yeah!! How’d you like that one?!” Caspar’s bravado would soon vanish however, when he saw that the blow did nothing at all, leaving an unfazed Death knight staring at him.

“A gnat’s bite. Allow me to show you how it is one is to kill those who are weaker than them!” Time stood still, and Diamondhead was considering using Sothis’s power to outright reverse it and avoid this battle entirely. But by nothing short of a miracle, Edelgard and Hubert arrived and with use of axe and magic distracted the knight long enough for Byleth to summon a crystal wall between him and Caspar. The Death knight took a hard look at Edelgard, and after a moment spoke clearly and almost civilly. “What are you trying to do here?” She gave him a scornful look as she hefted her axe up.

“You’re the one who should be answering that question. Stay out of my way!” The stare down continued, neither combatant blinking as they waited for the other to make the first move. In the end that ended up being Edelgard, who swung her axe right across towards the knight’s torso. To everyone’s shock and horror, he made not even the most token of efforts to dodge. No, the Death Knight simply stood there as the axe hit it’s mark true, and messily dug into his side. Blood dripped onto the blade, and the Death knight made no noise of pain as he reached down to the axe’s hilt. He then firmly grabbed it and struggled with Edelgard over whose grip was stronger, before outright kicking her in the stomach in order to loosen her grip. With hilt in hand he yanked the weapon out of him, fresh blood spilling everywhere as gazers on looked in horror at the sickening display before them.

"Now then. Allow me to deal with these gnats.” He flipped the axe upright, testing it’s proper weight in his grip, before he smacked Hubert upside his head with the dull end of the blade. The dour boy was knocked out instantly, not even a sour whimper or groan escaping his lips before he was on the ground.

“H-Hubert!!” Edelgard held her stomach in pain, panting and swaying as she tried to regain her footing and help Hubert. Diamondhead made to move forward, attack the Death knight and give her student time to recover her friends, but what she saw next changed her next move. The Death knight ignored Edelgard outright, but instead aimed those soulless red eyes right at Caspar, who was still on the ground from when he had been dropped earlier. The Axe in his hand was raised high, and his intent was made fully clear when he kicked Caspar over to get a clear shot on his back.

“Farewell.” He then slammed the axe down with all of his might...right into the sudden crystal barrier that had erupted between him and Caspar.

“That. Is. Enough!!” Diamondhead roared out, slamming her fist into the earth and causing more fissures of crystals to pop up. A group of them surrounded the Death knight, pinning the monstrous foe in until he was essentially caged by the crystals. Even then, not a single shred of emotion filled his words.

“Ah that was it. Squish out the gnats and you show your true colors. Come then! Slay me! Bathe in my blood like the monster you are!” Diamondhead, however, gave him a displeased scowl as she countered him.

“No. If you are who you say you are, which is very likely at this point, then you have a lot to answer for. The Knights of Seiros will take you in, and Lady Rhea will deal with you.” Their captive foe took only seconds to fully process the words uttered to him...before he began to laugh.

A cold laugh. A mirthless laugh. A laugh that made everyone’s skin crawl and all warmth vanish from their bodies. When at last the horrid laughter stopped, only one word left the mouth of the Death knight.

“Pathetic.” What followed was the loudest shattering sound any in Fódlan would have claimed to be heard, as the Death knight summoned inhuman levels of power and broke his way free of his prison with naught but Edelgard’s axe. Once out in the open, he then tossed the barely held together weapon at Diamondhead who flinched in surprise it shattered upon contact...but also left the tiniest chip on her chin. “How fragile you’ve become. Such a disappointment, but no matter.” No one moved as the Death knight moved forward, finding what remained of his scythe and picking it up with no resistance. “We shall resume this dance another day. Perhaps then you will have found the fire within needed to char my bones black. Until then I will consider you the same as these gnats you hold so dear. Fragile. Weak. And not worth even stepping on. Not the one who could do what no other can and kill me.” And with that said, confusion ran wild as several people scrambled to strike him down where he stood. Even some of the other students had found some courage and attempted to attack the wounded knight, only to be met with a strange glow encompassing his body.

“He’s trying to use a Warp spell! Quickly someone hit-!” The warning that Dorothea tried to exclaim fell on deaf ears, as by the time anyone got closer enough to lay a blow on the wicked knight, the spell was cast, and he vanished without a trace. Not even his horse that had been painfully restrained was left behind. A familiar shrill beep started soon after, as well as a red flash that signaled Byleth’s transformation had come to an end. But those who laid eyes on her could tell something was wrong.

The most obvious was that the small chip she’d earned from the Death knight’s parting attack had remained, only transitioning from a chip into a slight gash on her chin that was bleeding lightly. But rather than register what was on her face, a look of pure stoned anguish stared forth at her hands. Her hands shook and trembled, her breath ragged and frantic panting. She shivered like she was in the cold winter night, and screamed out in rage. Loudly she screamed and shouted, as her vision blurred a deep red, all over her hands. Red that she could see in all its horrid splendor now. Red that was washing over everything else and dulling her senses to everything else. Red that would never fully go away no matter what the young professor did next.


The ride back to Garreg Mach was dour, and filled with a tense silence that not even the bravest of souls dared try and break. Those who had been slain by the Death Knight were collected as best they could be, their final resting places waiting for them back at the monastery. As they all rode back, all eyes were on Byleth. The young professor hadn’t made so much as a peep after her outburst following the Death knight’s escape, which was concerning her students. The blank, expressionless face she was wearing now as she road ahead of them did little to ease them.

Several of the girls, most notable among them Edelgard, seemed to want to ride ahead and talk to their beloved professor. But the stifling atmosphere and the day’s events bade them to bite their tongues, least they accidentally make matters worse. Even Hubert, who’d been roused from his brief bout of unconsciousness, showed an uncharacteristic amount of concern for her as they traveled. By the time the group had at last returned to the monastery a day later, the tense atmosphere had not left in the slightest. And the grounds of the academy were just as dour, no doubt in part due to the scout they’d sent ahead informing every one of the disaster of the mission. To no one’s surprise, Seteth was there waiting for them when they reached the gates. A tense look on his face as he addressed Byleth while she slowly unmounted her horse.

“The report you sent ahead. Was it true? Did you in face engage in combat with the rumored Death Knight?” She nodded, a curt motion with no emotion as she finally spoke in a dull monotone.

“So he claimed. I’ve little reason to think otherwise given his abilities.” The archbishop's aide couldn’t stop the sneer at her tone, becoming irritated at her.

“And yet you foolishly chose to engage him in combat?! Worse yet, you allowed the students to get involved! I can commend you accomplishing your mission, but while I understand the Death knight was unexpected, you should have given the orders to retreat against such a foe!” He was then met with the sudden whiplash of Byleth’s expression turning deadly serious as she all but hissed at him with a venomous.

“Don’t you think I know that?! Do you honestly assume I went rushing into a fight with someone like him with the intent of the student’s backing me up? Do you think, Seteth, that maybe the reason I fought him was to prevent him from killing anyone else? Possibly bring him for Lady Rhea to inflict judgement onto?” Everyone stared at the scene, the sudden shift in Byleth earning her a lot of hushed whispers and concerned stares as she worked herself up into a proper tizzy. She then deeply exhaled before Seteth could manage a comeback and turned around to lead her horse back to the stables without a word.

“Professor Eisner? Where do you-?!”

“To return my horse, then to my chambers Seteth. It’s been a long trip, and I could use some proper rest. Now, if you would excuse me.” She then coldly lead her horse by the reins, not saying another word of even exchanging looks with anyone else as she did so. To his credit, Seteth took this in stride and instead addressed Edelgard with the necessary post mission debriefing. She spared a single second to glare forlornly towards her teacher, before fully addressing Seteth and explaining in more detail exactly what had happened. She exchanged a quick glance at Hubert, who noticed the look and nodded with a grimace as he lead their horses to the stables. A conversation would soon follow them in the days to come.


Byleth opened her eyes, only to be greeted with nothing but pitch black and an unnatural chill in whatever chamber she found herself in. She tried to look around, figure out exactly where she was, but was met with nothing shadows. Each one darker than the last, and not a speck of light to be found. The chill found itself seeping into her bones, her arms crossing in an attempt to stay warm and keep her mind busy least unpleasant thoughts fill it. She took a step.

The lone footstep echoing loudly in the dark chamber, soon followed by the sound of another, then another. Just as her chest started to feel heavy with the sensations of bubbles, a light finally made itself known. It was a flame. The flame was from a candle that was atop a counter, and underneath a painting of some kind. She sucked in a breath as she recognized what was on the painting: Edelgard Von Hresvelg. The painting was a self-portrait, the candlelight causing shadows to creep alongside its frame beautifully, and also allowed Byleth to notice a small bouquet of flowers underneath the painting.

“What is...?”

“My-My Teacher?” Byleth jumped at the sudden voice, her shock subsiding once she realized it was Edelgard’s voice.

“Edelgard? Where are-?!” The voice of Edelgard seemed to have not heard her, instead coming from somewhere unseen with her own questions.

“W-Where... did you go my t... teacher? I.. I needed your help. He’s... He’s killed so many alread-!” Her voice was then harshly cut off by an even harsher wet cough, the flames of the candlelight flickering with each hack. As soon as Edelgard coughed once more, the flames went out in a puff of smoke. And Byleth was once more left in the darkness, confusion and fear rising inside her. She tried to reach out to touch the portrait, only to find it had seemingly vanished alongside the flame. Before she could investigate further, a series of flames suddenly sprang to life ahead of her. She turned, and her legs began to shake at the sight of more candles lighting down the hallway. Each and every one lit up underneath a portrait of one of the Black Eagles, from Ferdinand to Caspar. The young professor cautiously approached the one for Ferdinand, eyeballing the bouquet of marigolds that was laid to rest underneath.

“F-Ferdinand??” Her voice was soft, and far too timid to truly be her own. Yet still it was, and the disembodied voice of her student answered it nevertheless.

“P-Professor? I... I’m sorry. Should have listened to you more! S-Shouldn't have tried to stop him mysel-!” Ferdinand was soon to be cut off, only this time by a painful scream, and the sound of impalement via lance. The candle underneath his painting went out much like Edelgards did, Byleth rushing to the next one of Hubert.

“Y-You...Professor...Lady...Lady Edelgard must...!” The candle went out. The feeling in Byleth’s chest grew, as did the bitter chill gnawing away at her bones as she resumed onward.

“H-Help! I...I knew I should have stayed in my roo-!” The sound of an arrow piercing her heart snuffed Bernadetta’s flame out.

“I was to be underestimating this opponent-!” Petra’s voice was soon drowned out by the thunderous noise of hooves slamming down onto the ground.

“So much blood! Why is there blood everywhere? Professor you told me there wouldn’t be blood!!” Linhardt’s frantic pleas would be stopped with a harsh yell as the sound of a knife cutting something freshly rang out. Byleth’s heart was pounding, her arms were practically glued to her body now in a feeble attempt to stay warm, her feet lagging behind as she walked down the hall.

“Dorothea? Caspar? Where are you two?? Please, I won’t be upset at this joke anymore if you just show yourselves!” She was seconds away from begging on her knees, a thought that would normally have repulsed her if fear hadn’t clouded her mind. She ran all the way to the next painting, one showcasing Dorothea in a beautiful dress instead of her school uniform. A bouquet of white roses underneath and several letters. “Dorothea?” Byleth’s hushed whisper was barely audible, she couldn’t force herself to speak louder knowing what was likely to come.

You. This is all your fault "professor"! You should have just stayed with your little group instead of trying to tell me I could be something I’m not!” The angry rant from the opera singer was then stopped, when a loud gurgling sound choked her words. Blood poured out from the painting, staining the roses a hauntingly vivid shade of red before her candle went out as well. Byleth felt the stinging of tears form on her eyelids, the normally cheerful Dorothea’s voice harshly judging her was not what she was expecting today.

“Professor?” Caspar’s voice spoke next. Only it sounded...defeated, unsure of itself. Both things that would never be applied to Caspar Von Bergliez. She turned to see the candle under his painting was already wildly flickering in and out, a cold wind blowing near it. She ran to it, firmly trying to protect the candle’s flame to no avail. “P... Professor. It hurts...I... I don’t think I can move my legs. H-He got my back real bad-!” An agonizing scream filled the room. Byleth knew exactly why Caspar’s voice had started screaming. An axe to the spine. Just like the Death Knight had planned to do. And with that scream, the final candle went out, and Byleth once again found herself alone in the darkness. She tried moving, tried to find another source of light, but all she got was a growing sense of dread as she moved forward. As if something or someone was watching her.

“Edelgard? Ferdinand? Bernadetta? Anyone? Is anyone there at all please?!” Byleth’s desperate plea went unanswered, her feet finally stopping as it slowly sank into her head that she truly was alone here. She felt her breathing began to hitch, the darkness getting to her and stifling the air with it’s crushing isolation. She tried her best to focus, to breath in and out deeply, ignore everything she had seen. But her recovery was replaced with her dread reaching it’s peak, when she heard something directly behind her approaching: heavy footsteps. The thought to run away crossed her mind, but the darkness’s constant presence made taking even one more step forward unappealing. So she waited. Each second passing, another step coming closer and closer. Byleth could soon FEEL something right behind her, a heavy breath pushing itself down her neck. Gathering all the courage she could, she turned and was immediately grabbed by the throat.

The darkness prevented her from seeing who it was that was choking the life out of her, she couldn’t even see the arm that had suddenly lifted her up. But what she could see were those eyes. Those two blood red glowing eyes staring at her like hot coals trying desperately to escape a raging fireplace.

“There you are.” The unnatural mockery of human speech reared its ugly head at her again, somehow sounding even more distorted than before.

“H-How did you get here?!” She wheezed, finding it extremely difficult to breathe now without an intense amount of pain following. A chilling and broken laugh was all the answer she received, the sound of it somehow making all the candles burst into flames once more. Now Byleth could once more see all the portraits of her students, only now they had changed. They now displayed horrific images of her beloved students butchered, slaughtered, and dead. The paint dripping down the canvases like blood oozing from a fresh wound. Byleth tried to gasp, but the grip on her throat only grew tighter as she tried, her tormentor was at last revealed.

The Death knight, only his figured had distorted into a far more sinister and demonic looking figure. His grip on her tightened further, as his hand morphed into the blade of his scythe as he laughed his hollow laugh once more.

“Come now. It’s your turn.” He then plunged the blade deep into her heart, Byleth screaming her head off as it plugged itself deeper and deeper into her. The scream rang out louder and louder, even when she finally at last woke back up in her room at the monastery. A piercing scream that no doubt woke several of the students up even as she scrambled to get out of bed and head to the door. Kicking it open to allow fresh air in as she gulped it down like water, supporting herself with the door and wall as best she could. Already she could hear footsteps again, but this time they were far gentler and from friendly faces. Several students popping out in concern, easily swayed back to bed by her informing them she was fine.

“It was just a bad dream.” She told them. “just a bad dream.” She said , hiding from them the fact that it was far from ‘just’ a bad dream. Once they returned to their rooms, convinced she was safe, she made a beeline for her desk and fished out a pile of papers. Lesson plans for the Black Eagles that week. Lessons that would be changing now. Lessons that needed to be changed now for her student’s sake.


Sothis hovered over Byleth, not saying a word as she watched her friend/host franticly rewrite several pages worth of plans. She’d been stirred awake days ago by Byleth’s nightmare, doing her best to soothe the woman ever since. But it was clear that Byleth was merely evoking the emotions of feeling better, likely to appease Sothis. But though her memory was still ‘questionable’ at best in recent times, she was still shrewd enough to see exactly what her friend was doing.

“Wouldn’t Seteth or Rhea object to you having so many training sessions instead of lessons?”

“So long as I have a certain amount of time laid out for educational matters, extra time in the training hall is permitted. I made sure to check with Hanneman and Manuela before I started.” Byleth actually answering her question was a little comforting to Sothis. It showed she was still aware and at least able to answer questions without issue. The fact she’d answer in such a dull tone of voice was...less than stellar in Sothis’s option but baby steps.

"Okay, I understand that. But what I don’t understand is why the sudden uptick in training? Isn’t there education more important?” The spirted goddess was met with silence once again, her question haven fallen on deaf ears as the blue haired professor once again scribbled away at the papers. Sothis sighed, before floating around the room as if pacing in boredom. She remained doing such for some time, until eventually Byleth stood up and grabbed the stack of papers she’d been working on as she made to leave the room. She paid Sothis no mind as she ventured forward to her classroom, only stopping part way when she literally bumped into Edelgard.

“Oh, forgive me my teacher I did not see you there.”

“It’s fine Edelgard, I wasn’t watching my own steps. But this is good, you’re just the person I was looking for.” The white-haired girl’s interest was piqued at that comment, Byleth handing over the papers she’d have as she explained. “I’ve had the liberty to change my lesson plans for the next month. I was going to discuss them with everyone in class tomorrow, but since you’re here I may as well inform you first.” Edelgard raised her eyebrow as she read through the lesson plans, biting her lip for a moment before cautiously asking a question.

“Professor, Is everything okay?”

“Of course. Why do you ask Edelgard?” The abrupt quickness of her professor’s answer caught the girl off guard, but she recovered at a fast pace and kept to her guns.

“It’s’ve increased the Black Eagle’s time in the training halls nearly tenfold. I can’t help but see that as a concern...” Byleth grimaced, but firmly stood her ground as she took the lesson plans back from her student.

“The only concern would be if you plan to slack off during training Miss Hresvelg. Which as you are not Linhardt or Dorothea, I imagine you will not.” The use of her last name rang alarm bells within Edelgard's mind, but she pushed them aside and simply nodded. She still had a look of concern and questioning on her face, but she could tell for one reason, or another her teacher would not budge on this subject. "I'd appreciate it if you started informing the others of the change. That would save us precious time in class tomorrow so we can begin training at once. As it stands, I'm heading to Bernadetta’s room after the classroom to inform her she is to begin participating more.” That comment stopped Edelgard cold, causing her to turn right around and blurt out without thinking.

“But didn’t you agree to let her study in her room more so as to let her be more comfortable?” Byleth gave a long look to Edelgard. One that clearly showed her emotions were more at odds with each other than she was showing. Nevertheless, she bluntly answered the question.

“That was for studying. Which, I will allow you all to focus on your times. She is one of the best archers this academy has, and I will not have her hiding away instead of honing that gift. All it takes is missing one day to develop a habit...” She then huffed and resumed walking to the classroom without so much as a goodbye to her student. Said student openly gapped at the action, concerns rising further as she took to seek out the others.

“This isn’t like you, my teacher...could what happened at the canyon truly have shaken you up this badly?” Edelgard’s thoughts then flashed back to the event in question. even now days later she could still remember the sheer aura of death that almost choked her when she tried to stop Caspar. The Death knight truly was someone of a higher caliber than any of the Black Eagles, but Edelgard knew with time that would not be the case. “I fear the professor may now think that time is more finite than it truly is... And I cannot truly blame her for thinking such. I must find the means to fix this!”

She soon arrived at her destination, a selfdom used classroom near the student dorms. after double checking she hadn’t been seen or followed, she slipped inside and breathed a sigh of relief upon seeing Hubert patiently waiting inside.

“My lady.” He greeted with a bow, before a frown deeper than normal painted itself on his face. “Is something the matter?” She nodded.

“A development with the professor. But first, have you found him yet?” Hubert’s deep scowl was all the answer she needed, still he properly answered her.

“No. He’s hidden himself quite well. Considering he’s been appointed ‘sick leave’ from Rhea herself I imagine he’s nowhere near the monastery grounds. Much as I’d like to chalk that up to his being a coward, I imagine he did get himself injured greatly with his fight with Professor Eisner.” He shook his head, his expression never changing from the deep scowl. “Why he thought he was a match against her was one thing, the fact he came out ‘on top’ is another. But even more importantly, why was he there.” He stared at Edelgard, causing her to stare back just as hard.

“I did not order him to clean up the remaining bandits if that’s what you’re implying Hubert.” He did not reply for several minutes, but eventually sighed and waved his hand in the air as he spoke.

“Very well then. We shall deal with him when he returns. For now, what has happened with the professor that vexes you so, your highness?”

”The professor has changed her lesson plans. Hardly any time will be spent outside the training halls now. She’s even planning to drag Bernadetta outside her room more often...” It was for just a split second, but Edelgard could have sworn she saw her oldest confidant’s face darken at that news. But if it did, it was quickly reverted to normal as he instead groaned.

“Of course. No doubt she has concerns now that we aren’t ready for the world and would keel over at the slightest scuffle. Her confrontation with the Death knight has rattled her...this is going to be a problem.” He leaned against a wall, hand on his face as he rubbed his temple to ease the oncoming headache. “This is yet more that Jeritza must answer for... Your highness maybe it’s time to finally be rid of him.”

“No.” He groaned outwardly at her instant answer, even knowing it was coming.

“I understand your concerns on letting such a wild card lose my lady, but the fact is this proves our control of him has been tenuous at best.” She winced at his brutal honesty, but she could hardly argue with his logic.

“The fact is Hubert; we do not have a choice in the matter. Apart from the fact he’s simply too wild to be let out of our grasp safely, he knows too much. Even if he’s not the type to betray us the risk would be too high to leave him to his own devices.” Hubert’s frown didn’t move an inch but he still nodded, admitting her words rang true. “There is also the matter of which dealing with him in said events is impossible...I pause to wonder if he was even holding back at the canyon when we interfered.” A shudder crawled down Edelgard’s back. The thought that she’d been closer to death’s door than she realized was not a tantalizing thought at all. “Indeed. Still until Jeritza returns there’s nothing to do mulling over this. The professor’s change of heart is still an issue we must overcome.”

“Must we though? I hate to argue with you my lady, but there is even littler we can do to change her mind if she is as set as you say. I propose we simply wait and see what develops. After all, what harm could come of these plans?” Though she doubted some of his words, Edelgard knew Hubert spoke true. And above all he had a point, what could possibly happen with this change in schedule?


“Mister Hevring, were you trying to sneak out of class to take a nap?” The next day, Byleth’s class hadn’t drastically changed much. The literature lesson she planned before a trip to the training hall was going well, until she noted out the corner of her eyes a certain green-haired boy trying to slip out the door. Said by froze mid-step as he slowly craned his neck backwards to look at his professor in the eyes.

“Perish the thought professor! I just...thought we could hurry along to the training hall a little early? I know my skills with a sword could use some brushing up for certain.” It was a bold-faced lie if ever Byleth had heard one and given how half the class were snickering at him she suspected no one else was buying it either.

“Is that so? Well, I suppose you may have a point there.” Linhardt blinked. He put his foot back down as he fully turned around to face his teacher.

“I do?”

“Of course, you do. In fact, yes let’s all adjourn to the training halls.” That was some confused murmurs in the room before one by one all the students stood up and gathered their belongings. Just as Lindhardt thought he was in the clear and went to do the same, a hand landed right on his shoulders and gripped it with mild pressure. “And Mister Hevring?” Linhardt gulped loudly as he turned, his eyes catching sight of Byleth with the most sinister looking smile on her face beside him.

“Y-Yes professor?” Her grip tightened, and she leaned her face extremely close as she told him.

“I expect good results today.” And then removed her hand and began to walk outside of the classroom. Linhardt stood frozen for a moment, his heart pounding like a rabbit as he tried to breathe and calm himself. After several moments he soon followed his classmates and found himself with the rest of the Black Eagles in the training halls. Once everyone was accounted for, Byleth began to divide them into teams of two for practicing their skills. She’d assigned Lindhart and Hubert to spar with training swords, using the logic that as mages they both needed to be sure a back up weapon was handy. “And as you two have been relying on magic thus far, I would be fair to assume you’re little more than novices with the sword, correct?” Her tone made Hubert and Linhardt blink in confusion, but both quickly nodded.

“I would say I may have slightly more experience using a sword or dagger, but you are correction in your assumptions otherwise professor.”

“Very well Hubert. I will entrust you to ensure your classmate does not try to lag behind today. By class’s end I expect both of you to have at least disarmed the other once. Do i make myself clear?”

“Yes professor!”

“Sure professor.” Byleth then glared at Linhardt, who sweated abit as he corrected himself. “Y-Yes professor!” She nodded, never letting her eyes fall far from his, but allowed the two boys to leave. They soon found a spot and grabbed their weapons, Linhardt feeling uneasy with his sword. After a moment they began, Hubert managed to get a few slashes in while Lindhart struggled to block his opponent's sword.

“This is embarrassing Linhardt! Have you no shame for such a poor performance?” Hubert’s outcry got the attention of some of the others, who’d stopped their own training to look at the unfolding scene.

“Shame for what? Not being the best at something that’s supposed to be a last resort? If it were up to me, I’d rather not have such a detestable thing near me at all!” He swung lazily at Hubert, who was easily able to parry to sluggish blow and strike back hard. Linhardt winced and nearly dropped his blade, before growling in anger and wildly slashing in front of him with no rhyme or reason. Hubert scoffed, parrying each and every blow before managing to disarm his opponent entirely and aiming the weapon at his chest.

“Do you yield?” Linhardt didn’t say anything, just stare at Hubert with as look of contempt. He flicked his hand, and a tome appeared in it, a spell just waiting to be unleashed on Hubert.

“I don’t think I will, no I’ll just get this over with now so I can get back to my nap-!” The circle for the spell was in his hand, Hubert’s eyes widening as he readied his sword in defense. Several onlookers were starting to call out but it was too late. Lindhardt held out his hand, channeling the spell most familiar to him and began to call it forth.

“WIND-!” His spell was stopped when he suddenly lost his sense of balance due to someone kicking his legs under. The circle for the wind spell fading away, and Linhardt hit the floor hard. He groaned, and tried to get back up, only to see a sword aimed right at his heart. And when he looked further up to see whose sword it was, he outright paled. Because standing over him, with nothing short of righteous fury in her eyes, was Byleth.

“Mister Hevring.”

“Y-yes professor?” She glared down at him, sheer venom lacing her next words.

“What do you think you are doing?” The boy gulped, sweat beginning to pour down his face immensely as he tried to focus on anything other than the sword near his chest.

“T-Training?” The snarl she emitted signaled he’d made a poor choice of words, as the sword was now aimed at his face.

“Training? Is that what you call throwing a hissy fit and trying to use magic when I told you to use a sword?”

“I-I... But Hubert was-!” Another snarl, and the sword getting even closer to him. Panic seized him, and the color red started to slowly fill his eyes.

“Hubert was doing exactly as instructed! As he always does! Whereas you tried using the ‘Easy way out’ just to get a nap in!!” Linhardt froze, unable to speak back least risk her sword actually finding a target. “Do you simply not get enough sleep at night, is that it mister Hevring? Do I need to inform Manuela to start preparing daily sleeping droughts for you, and ensuring you take them every night personally?”

“N-No profess-!”

“Then explain. Explain to me what on earth possessed you to disobey my direct orders if it wasn't lack of oxygen in your brain from poor sleep schedule?” Linhardt's tongue became firmly rooted to the roof of his mouth, fear seizing him greatly. This , as it turned out, was not the correct choice to make. “ANSWER ME MISTER HEVRING!!”

“Professor no!” Edelgard cried out in distress as Byleth’s rage had grown to the point she was raising her sword overhead with intent to stab down. Several outcries from the other students rang out as the blade swiftly moved down, loudest of all being Linhardt's blood curdling scream. Seconds later the sword reached it’s target: the floor just next to Linhardt's head, missing the boy by mere inches. The air in the room had become thick with tension, no one was training anymore and was instead witnessing Byleth’s interaction with their classmate. Byleth looked down at Linhardt, the poor boy looking like he’d pass out at any moment, and quickly returned her sword from the ground. She then sheathed it as she firmly spoke once more.

“Run five laps around the monastery mister Hevring.” Linhardt's tongue finally pried itself from it’s stuck position as he stammered.


“I said run five laps around the monastery!”

“B-But p-professor!” Her last nerve apparently been touched, Byleth growled and reached for her Gauntlet in a rage before slamming down in a rage. The green flash filled the room and soon the beloved professor was replaced by her vampiric alter ego , who hissed violently at Linhardt as steam began emitting from her body. Her eyes began to glow and her irises swirled as they peered down onto the frightened boy’s.

“I SAID GO. NOW!” Linhardt was up within moment, though given the dull vacant stare he now had it was clear he wasn’t in the drivers seat so to speak. He quickly jogged out of the room, slightly drooling as he did, and once the door was opened a stray ray of sunlight entered the room. Upon the sunlight touching Byleth, she hissed in agony as her skin began to blister wildly and more smoke poured off of her. After a moment her entire arm burst into flames, and all the students cried out as someone quickly shut the door. Byleth retreated to the nearest shade, the fire on her arm somehow going out as she did. But it was clear her arm had shriveled up to near uselessness, and the blisters were pulsing with puss even now. She breathed hard, raising her one good hand towards the hourglass badge and pressed into it. The green flash filled the room again as Byleth returned to her human form. She panted , looking over her arm which was now back to normal before turning to walk towards the door.

“M-My teacher??” She paused, turning to the left to see a clearly concerned Edelgard who looked as if she’d just witnessed someone die in front of her.

“I will be fine, miss Hresvelg. Please, overlook the rest of the class for a moment while i ensure your classmate is doing as he was told.” Her student looked conflicted at such, raising her hand to object before Byleth cut her attempt off ahead of time. “I will not ask again, Miss Hresvelg. I will return in a few moments.” She then waited for no answer, and walked right out the door to find out what had happened to Linhardt. The Black eagles watched in silence, no one dare moving for several minutes for fear of something crumbling. That was , save for one student in particular who spoke up.

“Go after her Eddie.” Edelgard jumped at the sudden voice from beside her, turning to see Dorothea with a firm expression on her face.

“What are you?”

“No one’s going to act up after seeing that. But something is clearly wrong with the professor. You’re head of the class, and close to her. So go after her.” Edelgard wanted to argue with her friend, say that there was no way she was so close to the professor. But another part of her wanted to run out that door regardless, to do something , anything to help Byleth. So, she listened to that part and simply nodded at the former opera singer before rushing out of the training hall. Dorothea letting out a small . “Go get her Eddie.” as she left.


Linhardt was fine. He’d done as compelled to and jogged around the monastery without any real issues. Byleth didn’t know if she could snap her out of his hypnotic state without hurting him somehow, so she just left him be. Hoping that once his task was done, he’d snap out himself or if not, the sun would be down enough for her to transform into “Whampire” again. She still questioned Claude about that name sometimes, but now was not time to question names. Now was the time to be questioned it seemed, as right on cue Edelgard was approaching her. Byleth scowled, ignoring Sothis’s voice from within her mind telling her to stay there and talk to her student.

“She is clearly worried about you!”

“There’s nothing to BE worried about in here!” Byleth bitterly retorted before activating the gauntlet again. Transforming into Crashhopper and leaping bounds away just as her student started to call after her. She kept this dance up for some time, before finally going towards a hallway that seemed abandoned near an older set of classrooms. She stopped, letting her aching legs settle down and hoping Edelgard hadn’t seen her jump here. Sothis materialized again, an angry look on her face as she pointed at the giant insectoid teacher.

“You are being childish! Why are you running away from someone who only cares about your wellbeing?!”

“Because MY wellbeing isn’t her concern! Her concern should be on getting stronger, so she doesn’t get hurt again!” Crashhopper spat out, bitterly digging her heels into the ground.

“Is that what this madness is all about? They are perfectly safe, Byleth! They didn’t get hurt at all! If anything, you were more injured from that hellish encounter!” Her heels dug deeper into the dirt, agitation slowly rising again.

“And that’s the other problem! I was the one who was hurt in that fight! Something that should have been impossible! But the Death Knight made a fool of me, and almost killed my students!” She kicked the dirt, Pebbles and grass flying as she did, before resuming her rant. “This gauntlet has given me powers beyond what anyone has seen! I should have defeated him within seconds! But i didn’t! I played around too much and nearly got the student's I was entrusted with killed!” Sothis growled, flailing her fists around to no avail.

“But. They. Are. Fine! They are perfectly fine Byleth! The Death knight teleported away, and no one was seriously hurt! That gauntlet isn’t going to be the end all be all solution to things and you should know that!” Byleth roared, sharp teeth glinting in the light as she angrily shot back. “And your power is the solution then?! I should rely on you more, is that it?!”

“I-I am not suggesting-!”

“My teacher?” Both froze, Sothis’s defense denied thanks to the timely arrival of Edelgard who wants panting heavily as she tried to catch her breath. Crashhopper instantly went on the offensive.

“Miss Hresvelg. Didn’t I tell you to stay with the class and keep them in line?” Edelgard inhaled deeply for a second before she answered.

“They’re on their best behavior, but this isn’t about them. that truly what ails you? You fear us encountering something that would kill us like the Death knight?” Crashhopper snorted, looking everywhere but Edelgard’s eyes as she answered.

“That doesn’t concern you. Get back to class now.”

“No.” Crashhopper blinked before looking at her student.

"What was that, miss Hresvelg?” Edelgard stared at Crashhopper with a fierce fire in her eyes.

“I said no. I came here to address the issue you are facing and face it WITH you.”

“This is not your concern!”

“It is when it’s about the fact I almost died against the Death Knight!” Crashhopper lunged at the girl, trying to subdue her only to be met with a punch to the torso.

“Professor stop! I just want to help you!” Crashhopper snarled as she tried to lift her leg up for a kick.

“I don’t NEED help! I shouldn’t ever need help! I’m supposed to be the teacher! I’m the one with these powers! I’M THE ONE WHO SHOULD HAVE ENSURED YOU NEVER STOOD FOOT ON THAT BATTLEFIELD!” She then kicked off the ground and rocketed right towards Edelgard, who flinched and braced for impact...only for said impact to not happen. Crashhopper had missed her entirely, having apparently aimed for the wall next to her. She left a small crater into the wall, and upon seeing it let out an anguished scream as she pulled her head back and slammed into the wall. And then again. And again. Hammering her iron hard head into the stone wall over and over again as she cried out in rage.

“My teacher?! Stop please!” Edelgard cried out in horror, trying to pull her professor back only to get pushed away. Crashhopper continued her assault on the wall, her outcries growing louder and louder with each headbutt. Soon the wall began to shake and the crater grew thinner in it’s center, a signal that it would soon come crashing down. Edelgard saw that, when a stray rock looked ready to fall on top of Crashhopper and she found her body moving without her meaning to. “Professor! Look out!”

“W-Wha?” Edelgard tackled Crashhopper just as the entire wall she’d been ramming into came tumbling down. Both of them slightly covered in rumble as they hit the ground hard. Once the dust settled, a red flash went off and a once again human Byleth coughed half her lungs out as she cried out. “E-Edelgard?! Edelgard where are you?!”

“H-Here I am, my teacher.” Byleth swung around, eyes widening as she saw her student had gotten several small gashes and her uniform was in tatters now.

“N-No! Why did you do that?! I would have been fine! This is what I was talking about! You got hurt thanks to me!” Edelgard glared hard at Byleth, which helped her slightly snapped out of her frantic frenzy, and the calmly said.

“I apologize in advance, professor.”

“Huh?” She then reeled her arm back and slapped Byleth as hard as she could, leaving a very red bruise as she did.

“Will you get off your high horse and listen to me for once?!” The sudden outburst from Edelgard caught Byleth off guard, which the white-haired empress to be used to her advantage. “Professor. I am Edelgard Von Hresvelg. One day I am going to be empress of the entire Adrestian Empire, and that means leading my armies to war. A fact that has been drilled into me my entire childhood, a fact that has lead me to become enrolled here at this officer’s academy! So forgive me If the fact I could die in battle at any moment isn’t something new for me to dwell on!” Byleth frowned, no more rage or fury guiding her words but simple grief.

“.... You could have died out there. And It would have been my fault.” Edelgard slowly approached her teacher, gently placing her hand on Byleth’s.

“If anyone is at fault, first and foremost it would have been the Death knight. But if one of us would be at fault...then I was the one who chose to chase after Caspar. And moreover, the one who engaged in combat instead of trying to get him away." Byleth violently shook her head

“No, you can’t be at fault. I’m the one who it should have been impossible to defeat...If I had just went full force from the start.” Edelgard lightly smacked her teacher’s head, a frown once more on her face.

“My, Byleth. You did your best, and frankly he left that battle more battered and bruised than any of us. If you had gone all out like you say, that would have done nothing but proven his point on being a monster. But you aren’t. You did everything you could have possibly done Byleth...because you’re only human.” Byleth felt the tears form before the sentence was even done, and once it was they freely flowed as she embraced Edelgard tightly and sobbed deeply. Edelgard for her part was startled at the sudden contact, but swiftly embraced her professor and friend back and allowed her shoulder to get soaked for the sake of Byleth’s happiness.

After some time spent gathering her emotions and settling down, the two slowly returned to class, Byleth certain her red eyes and stuffy nose would give away her emotional outburst right away. To her relief once the two stepped back into the training hall, not a single soul commented on that. Instead, she was warmly greeted by her students, a greeting she warmly returned to the relief of all of them. Once all eyes were on her, she bowed to the surprise of everyone present and began to speak.

“I’m sorry for my outburst earlier. It was unprofessional of me to act like that.” Ferdinand was the first to step up, the noble son gently lifting Byleth up from her bow.

“Nonsense professor, you’ve nothing to apologize for. We understand your emotions ran wild. Right, everyone?” The other Eagles nodded, save a slightly spooked looking Caspar who had to be nudged by Dorothea into nodding.

“Ferdinand is right professor. Besides, over the top or no Linhardt WAS disobeying you, so some punishment was in order.” At the mention of his friend, Caspar chose to pipe up.

“Speaking of Lind, where is he professor? He’s still not running laps, is he?” Byleth awkwardly tugged at her collar before stammering out a reply.

“N-No of course not Caspar, that would be silly. I’m sure he’s done by now.” She then laughed, the awkwardness of it all finally putting two and two together for everyone in the room. Which lead to Hubert simply deadpanning with his snarky retort.

“He’s still being compelled to run and you have no clue now to safely stop him outside of your transformation. Do you professor?” When she shamefully lowered her head and nodded meekly, the dark-haired boy groaned while his classmates all laughed aloud. They then started to file out to find their running comrade, Edelgard staying behind to cheer their professor up.

“Come now my teacher, let’s go with the others to help Linhardt out, okay?” She offered her hand to Byleth, who did her best to hide her now rosy cheeks as she accepted it and walked out the door with her student. Hands parting ways after a while, but neither woman noticing her gauntlet’s green glow pulsating upon losing contact with Edelgard.


The next day, Rhea had at last called Byleth into her chambers for the typical post mission report. She’d been confused at why it had taken so long, but given her mental state upon returning from Zanado Canyon she was also grateful that Rhea had given her some time. Upon entering the audience chamber and standing before Rhea, she bowed as always and allowed the archbishop to speak.

“Forgive me for the lateness of this meeting my dear. It came to my attention shortly after your return that you were perhaps not in the soundest of places. I pray that time has passed for you now.” Byleth grew flustered, a little embarrassed that Rhea had delayed a simple meeting all for her sake.

“It has, Lady Rhea. Thank you for your gracious consideration.” Rhea smiled at her, the gentleness of it washing over and easing Byleth up.

“It’s quite alright my dear. But yes, to business. It is good to see you safely disposed of those bandits, and although the matter turned complicated, I hope all those lost souls find salvation.” Rhea’s expression then turned grim as she spoke. “But why did they target the students to begin with? And if this Death knight was indeed the one rumored to be spiriting away innocent souls, what reason was there for his involvement? We must further investigate the true cause of all that took place.” She then placed a gentle hand on Byleth’s shoulder, with an equally gentle smile aimed at the professor. “Until we know more, I ask that you support the students and relieve them of any unnecessary worry.” Byleth nodded.

“Of course, Lady Rhea. I will do my best.” Rhea smiled again , pleased with Byleth’s answer.

“Good. I have high expectations for you. But with that out of the way I am curious to know my dear, how was your time in Zanado?” Byleth tilted her head at the question, factoring in her time at the canyon minus the unfortunate encounter with the Death knight.

“It was, fine enough I suppose. Why do you ask Lady Rhea?”

“Legend has it, in ancient times, a goddess alighted upon this world in that very canyon. For a goddess from the heavens, Zanado could only have been a temporary haven.” Byleth flinched, having felt Sothis suddenly stir and grow very active within her mind at the archbishop's words. She barely managed to hold the anxiety of her friend back as she simply replied.

“A temporary haven?” Rhea closed her eyes, as if to envision the scene she was about to describe to the young professor.

“Long ago, the divine Seiros received a revelation from the goddess. A gift, to help guide the lost. The goddess is always watching over Fódlan from her kingdom above.” She then opened her eyes, a sad expression darting across her face as she resumed. “However, in ancient times the goddess graced this world with her presence and offered salvation to the people here. She is the mother of all life, the arbiter of every soul.” Byleth stood there, amazed at the story and at a conflict with herself in how to respond. In the end, she could only let out an honest truth.

“My...My father never told me of that.” The effect was instant, as a now crestfallen Rhea could only say.

“I see.” She then stared into Byleth’s eyes as she shook off the crestfallen look. “During your time here, I pray that you come to devote yourself to the teachings of Seiros.” Byleth nodded, the sudden sound of doors opening behind her alerting the two of the sudden arrival of Seteth.

“Uh... Lady Rhea, I am sorry to interrupt. There is something I must ask about in regard to those bandits...” Rhea nodded at him, turning to address Byleth once more.

“As you wish. We shall continue our discussion when next we meet.” She then turned to leave with Seteth, the man nervously following after her. Upon their departure and Byleth turning to leave as well, Sothis finally emerged from within Byleth with a mixed expression adorning her face.

“A goddess...I have no memory of her. But then... I have no memory at all!! Oh, how bothersome! It is as though I know... and yet I don’t.” She sighed in frustration as she mulled her words over. “Perhaps Zanado was my home back when the goddess walked the land. If so...What does that make me now? A ghost?” Byleth paused to think.

“I don’t think so. At least...that’s what I feel.” Sothis seemed to follow her train of thought as well, rubbing her head as she spoke once more.

“Hmmm... Yes, I agree. That cannot be the case. I am most certainly alive. Of course, we also have the mystery of why I’m here with you. Is it somehow connected?” She closed her eyes deep in thought, muttering to herself. “Perhaps some past regret is stopping me from moving on, and now I’m forced to stay with you instead...” She then shook her head in an upset motion. “No, that’s not it! I can’t believe in such a meaningless existence! I...I...” Byleth reached out with her hand, trying to gently pat the ghostly girl's head to no avail. It was enough to snap her out of the spiral she’d put herself into, as she snapped back with a snarky.

“And what do you think you’re doing huh?” Byleth simply smiled. “Sothis...there’s a lot about this the both of us don’t know about. Frankly, there’s a lot of things in general we don’t know about, our connection and this gauntlet being key among them. But I do know this. You’re my friend. And if it’s at all possible, I’d like to help you solve this mystery.” She then raised her hand again, extending her pinky finger out to the shocked girl floating over her who was still processing what was just said.

“You...You consider me a friend? You...want to help me remember who I am?” Byleth simply nodded, Sothis clearly touched by the words. She hesitated for just a moment, before allowing her own hand to snake forward and ‘touch’ Byleth’s pinkie with her own. Signaling the true beginning of their friendship with the most sacred of all promises. Byleth then turned bashful once they parted hands, a light blush on both of their cheeks.

“And Sothis? About that argument yesterday...” Sothis instantly motioned to shush her friend.

“Water under the bridge. I know full well you weren’t thinking straight in the slightest. I forgive you. Now let’s get out of here before Seteth comes poking his nose around again!” The two shared a laugh as they left the chambers, their hearts fuller than ever before.


“He’s arrived. Join me when you can escape the professor’s sight.” Several days later, after relative peace had returned to the monastery, Edelgard was approached by Hubert. He whispered his message to her before slinking off into the shadows, no one nearby the wiser. She grimaced sour expression briefly plastered on her face before it vanished.

The second she was sure she could, she sneaked away from the Hussle and bustle of the grounds and towards the abandoned classroom once more. When she arrived, she opened the door and slipped in, after taking careful measures to ensure that she was not spotted. Once inside she was greeted by the sight of Hubert, as well as another man whom the two had been waiting to see.

The man was a couple years their senior, pale skin wrapped underneath a tan tunic. A thick leather belt and red trimmed cape connected to his shoulder pads helped distinguish his outfit. Aside from that his most defining piece was the white opera mask he wore over his eyes, over top that his platinum blonde hair neatly parted with a ponytail in the back. Although upon closer inspection, Edelgard noted his limbs had heavy amounts of gauze wrapped around them.

“I see you indeed did not escape unscathed then, instructor Jeritza.” If the man, Jeritza, found her greeting amusing he failed to show it, instead bowing slightly.

“Indeed, your highness.” His voice was low and almost wispy, he was pronouncing it almost as if for a performance. “I apologize for my delay in this meeting. As you can see, my recovery took some time.” Hubert clicked his tongue at the comment but chose to keep his own comments to himself for now.

“Be that as it may Jeritza, I believe you know full well what this meeting is about. So, I'll be blunt in asking: Why were you at the canyon?” The bluntness of the question didn’t seem to faze Jeritza, in fact he was just as stoic even though he was currently under fire.

“I figured the rats left behind there needed to be culled. You risked your safety to cut ties with them , so I assumed they would possibly be enough to slate my thirst.” He raised his arm to his mask, slightly wincing in pain as he did, before continuing. “Unfortunately, that was not the case, given your class managed to subdue them before my arrival. Even finishing off the leader did little to quench the bloodlust within me.” He took his mask off, his eyes staring at it as if it was a foreign object. Hubert, picking up what the man was hinting at, asked his question next.

“How did you even know Lady Edelgard had cut ties with those lowly bandits?” Jeritza blankly looked at him.

“A warp spell lets off a particular residue when used. Easily traceable if you know how to look for it. I simply caught wind of her highness’s return and spied on your conversation. I then made preparations to head out as soon as possible.” His airy voice showed no remorse in his actions, though he did at least have the tact to bow to Edelgard as he apologized. “I simply had poor timing with your mission. By that point the blood lust had taken over me, and “he” was in control. So i am fortunate to see you were not truly harmed.”

The other two in the room exchanged looks. They’d known for some time that the other man considered the Death knight an entirely different person from himself. They still didn’t quite believe him even now, but they couldn’t deny his normal reversed personality was indeed a far cry from that of the Death knight’s. It’d been part of the reason why he was considered a wild card by the two. Jeritza was easy enough to sway, or in part thanks to his sweet tooth bribe. The Death knight was a different story, as absolutely nothing could be used to rein him in.

“It is... fine Jeritza. We were mostly unscathed in the battle. I am more surprised that the Death knight retreated at all, even if he was damaged badly.” Jeritza finally expressed emotion, his face slightly sheepish in a way, as he began to explain.

“I believe that is in due part to the professor. If I were to hazard a guess, I imagine the prospect of fighting her again made the bloodlust quell. If only for the sake of spilling more later.” Edelgard shuddered, finding that hypostasis all too likely given what she had seen thus far of the Death knight.

"Be that as it may. You would do well to try and control your...other half.” Jeritza stared at Hubert blankly, as if he’d been talking about the weather instead of the whims of a bloodthirsty monster. Hubert tactfully coughed into his hand before muttering.

“Right. Of course. Forgive my slip of the tongue then.” Edelgard then decided it was time to bring something else of importance up.

“Just earlier, I was speaking with the professor now that she is in a... better state of mind. I mentioned the ruins in the canyon, and how they were signs of a civilization of ancient times. I asked her who did she thought once lived there. To my surprise, she suggested subterranean beings.” The two men in the room stiffened at the ramifications of that statement.

“Do you suspect she may know about them then? Those who slither in the dark?” Hubert said the name of the organization with nothing short of utter contempt, all but physically spitting venom out with each vowel.

“I’d like to say it was sheer coincidence, but honestly if anyone else knew of those detestable monsters it would be the professor. A life as a mercenary could have led to her hearing whispers and rumors about them, and then there’s that gauntlet of hers...” Edelgard trailed off, a trail Hubert all too eagerly followed to its logical conclusion.

“If they’ve gotten wind of its capabilities by now, then they would surely make a bid for it. And the idea of those cretins with that kind of power...unsettles me.” Hubert then breathed in deeply, shutting his eyes for a moment as he gathered the words necessary. “All the more reason we must decide once and for all if Professor Eisner is with or against us. Soon we will not have the time to toy with the idea, an answer must be reached soon.” He took a hard look at Edelgard, taking note of the complex array of emotions his statement was bringing to her, before he finished. “And for once, my lady, I would actually pray that we receive the answer we both wish to hear.”


I didn't intent to make poor Linhardt go through it two chapters in a row, but when it happened this time it kinda went away from me and flowed so well. I'lll probs toss him a bone in the next chapter or two. But yes, rest assured Byleth didn't loose against ol' Deathy. That fight was the most powerful instance of "man running into wall over and over again" ever, but then again this chapter was never about the fight in the first place. Byleth had to learn that just because she's got some alien tech on her side doesn't mean it's always going to be smooth sailing. Granted the only way it was ever going to really be smooth sailing is if she had Way Big or Atomix unlocked but nooooope. Those two will get their time to shine soon enough. Depending how things go next chapter may finally be the time to reveal her 10th transformation at long last, but rest assured there's a reason that one's been stalled for so long. Have a particular scene in mind for that one. Either or until next chapter, thank you so very much for reading everyone!

Chapter 7


After a tense encounter with the Death knight and the aftermath, The student's of the officer's academy get the chance to unwind and relax with a fishing contest. However for Byleth this is a cry for battle, a battle she intends to win by any means necessary.


Hello readers! This was suppose to be a nice short breather chapter for some wacky hi-jinx before the next major plot mission. Which it still is, but I'll admit it ended up getting tricky to write after awhile. I think the chapter is still good, but I'll let you all be the judges for that.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

It had been a rather pleasing sunny day at the Garreg Mach Monastery, and as such Seteth had ventured to the outside grounds in search of his sister Flayn who had vanished some hours ago. Though he had presumed her in her chambers since he had been assisting Lady Rhea with several tasks, he had found her room empty when he Returned to look for her. After searching for a few minutes, he had found her sitting down in front of the fishing lake alongside a bevy of other students. He signed in amusem*nt, figuring such would have been where he'd find her, and approached her carefully so as to not surprise her. Confusion soon met his face however, when he saw the unusually focused look upon his sister's face.

"Flayn? " he whispered, still intended not to shock her out of her trance, but gracefully she turned slightly and nodded to let him know she was listening. " Is everything alright? I've not seen such a look on your face since the head cook was considering dropping fish off the dinner menu for a small time." Her face scrunched up abit at being reminded of that eventful week, but she shook her head before answering.

"There's something I'm fishing for brother, a big one that I can't let escape me today. I need all my focus if I'm going to reel her in this time!" Seteth nodded, approving of his sister's gumption, before pausing as her words fully hit him and he quizzically asked.

"Flayn what do you mean 'her'-?" the words died on his lips as suddenly the fishing rod Flayn had been holding violently jerked and his sister growled as she grabbed onto the rod with all her might. Moments later her catch had BURSTED onto the lake's surface, line in its huge jaw still struggling, and Seteth gasped at the creature he was looking at...before seeing just what it was his sister had been aiming to fish for.

The ‘fish’ was indeed more creature than animal. a large humanoid shaped beast with a large lantern fish jaw full of razor-sharp teeth, beady green eyes underneath a dimly glowing angler light atop its forehead, clawed and scaled arms trying to yank the fishing line out of its maw, and a large tail armored like that of a solider. Without waiting Flyan jerked her rod to pull the beast in, only for it to snap like a twig underneath a boot and the beast to swallow the line and hook before bellowing a hearty laugh and diving down deep into the water once again. Flyan pouted, angerly stomping her foot onto the ground before shaking a fist and shouting.

"You can't stay down there forever Professor! You'll have to come back up sometime!!" a gaggle of bubbles spewing onto the water's surface, being the apparent reply to his sister's claims. Seteth paused, letting the scene he has just witnessed play out in his head, before firmly turning around and walking back towards the monastery where things made sense and his sister wasn't trying to fish up one of the professors for who knows what reasons. He felt though, that maybe this once Byleth had earned this strange encounter thrusted upon her . Or at least that's what he would tell himself once he was back in the sane safety of his office.

“Truly, for all of her good will this day was meant to convey towards the students... just what WAS Lady Rhea thinking??” He sighed loudly, another outburst from his sister behind him making him walk just a bit faster towards the sanctity of his office.


“A... fishing competition Lady Rhea?” Byleth wasn’t sure what to expect when Seteth had found her after breakfast that morning saying Rhea needed to speak with her. She had assumed it was a briefing for her class’s next mission at month’s end, one that would hopefully go smoother than their first. She was instead colored surprised, when the archbishop instead informed her that the next day there would be a school wide ‘inter-house fishing tournament’.

“Indeed. Truth be told we normally host several between missions later on in the year. Given the Black Eagles recent encounter with the Death knight however, I felt that moving one up to this week would help with the recuperation from the ordeal.” Rhea then gave Byleth a knowing look, hinting that her sudden shift in events wasn’t entirely for the student’s benefit.

“Okay, that makes sense when you put it like that. And the inter-house part I assume is just as it sounds?” Rhea nodded.

“Indeed, Professor. Though we divide our students into the three houses we nevertheless instill a sense of comradery here at the officer’s academy. Thus, certain events such as this encourage our young wards to seek the company of their fellow students, regardless of which house they hail from.” Byleth nodded, the more Rhea explained it the more it sounded natural and even a little fun. That said, Byleth had a curious expression on her face as she then asked the archbishop.

“And will staff be allowed to participate in this competition, Lady Rhea?” Rhea and Seteth noticed the odd expression shift on the newest professor as she asked her question, but both chose to pay it no mind.

“Of course, should you wish to join the students you are more than free to Professor. The lake is open to all who wish to join. Now, you are free to resume your duties my dear unless you have other questions?” Byleth almost instantly launched into another question.

“Yes actually, your grace. Do you happen to know where my father is currently?” Rhea blinked, but it was Seteth who answered in her stead.

“Unless he’s since moved, I believe I saw Captain Jeralt in the Knights quarters speaking to Sir Alois.” Byleth thanked him and bowed, turning to leave with that curious expression never leaving. She wasted no time heading to where Jeralt was, passing by several students who gave her a wide berth as she prowled the halls. Soon she found her father speaking with Alois in the quarters meant to house the Knights of Seiros, the two men spotting her right away and furrowing their brows when they saw her face.

“Kid? Everything alrigh-?”

“Lady Rhea told me there’s a fishing competition going on tomorrow.” As soon as his daughter uttered those words, Jeralt adopted the same expression that his daughter wore as he spoke.

“That so? Alright, same as usual then?” Byleth nodded, her eyes never looking away from her father’s.

“This time. This time will be different, old man.” Jeralt barked out a laugh as he aggressively ruffled her hair much to her annoyance.

“That so? Good, then that means I won’t have to hold back.” He then turned his gaze to Alois, who’d turned pale once Byleth mentioned the fishing contest.

“N-Now Captain! I know that look, there’s no need to escalate this! Lady Rhea has these for the students to unwind! “ Jeralt seemed to ignore his friend’s pleas and instead firmly planted both hands on Alois’s shoulders as he spoke just three words.

“Bring me Lucille.” Alois outright whimpered as he tried in vain to shake his head, only for Jeralt’s hands to grip harder and make the other man obey. He left the room for several minutes, a tense stillness filling the air once he returned with a locked container. He fished a key out of his pocket, and with trembling hand opened the container to reveal its contents: A fishing rod. At first glance it appeared to be nothing out of the ordinary, but a more defined eye could tell it was anything but. The rod itself was made of firm, but polished silver ore. Likely to prevent a particularly strong catch from breaking the rod in an escape attempt. The line was fine and nearly invisible, the spool had nothing sort of twice the normal amount to allow for longer casts. And finally, the hook itself was hanging atop the rod, apparently made of a fine steel that looked sharper than any blade. Jeralt let out a low whistle as he witnessed the rod being slowly pulled out of its case, though when Alois stumbled abit he lunged forward to grab it.

“Careful Alois! She bit you because she could sense fear. You need to handle her better, like she was your own wife!” Alois sighed, even as he nodded in agreement with his captain. Byleth in the meanwhile, was staring at "Lucille" as if she’d seen a demon tear itself out from the depths of hell. A cold sweat slowly dripping down the back of her neck as she kept her eyes on the rod.

“You’re serious then.” Jeralt gently caressed Lucille, before nodding.

“You should know better than anyone that I’m always serious about Lucille. She’s like a child to me.” Both of the others in the room looked at him, then exchanged a look between each other before Jeralt clarified. “I’m aware of who I just said that to. My point still stands. Anyway!” He placed the rod back in the case, before giving Byleth a steeled look. “I expect your A game tomorrow kid.” He then waved her off, Byleth taking the cue to leave with a determined look on her face. Within her mind, the voice of Sothis rang out in confused concern.

“What...what exactly was that all about Byleth?” Without missing a single beat, Byleth answered with just one word.

“Fishing.” She then walked towards her quarters, knowing she’d need a full night’s rest to prepare for the next day’s events.


The next morning, once the first light of dawn hit the window, Ingrid as always rose without delay and readied herself for the day. Except today was special, today she had plans. Upon being told about the fishing contest the day prior, the blue lion had decided she wanted to join in. Once she expressed her desires to join, her fellow Blue Lion, Mercedes intended to help the festivities by making baked goods and sandwiches for those who’d need them. Never being one to neglect a friend in need, Ingrid had offered her aid seeing as she was an early riser as such Ingrid was currently on her way to the kitchens when she’d ended up taking a detour. Said detour was decided when she spotted something sprinting out of the corner of her eyes, and curiosity got the better of her.

“It’s probably one of the boys looking to start a prank of some sort. No doubt Claude up to his tricks again, or perhaps Felix is sneaking about trying to corner Dimitri before his morning training-.” The blue lion’s word died in her throat as she turned a corner, finding the source of her search: Byleth franticly digging into the ground like a starving dog. Ingrid froze, trying desperately to process what her eyes were showing her, apparently a sound of some kind left her lips because Byleth turned around.

“Oh! Good morning, Ingrid, are you looking for worms as well?” Ingrid couldn’t speak, she was struck dumbfounded seeing the Black Eagle’s professor absolutely caked in dirt, and with both hands stuffed full of wiggling worms. The fact Byleth had such a carefree look on her face as if she wasn’t doing anything odd only further painted this picture a strange one.

“W-Worms, Professor?” Byleth nodded, bringing her hands closer to Ingrid who took a step back as soon as the wiggling mass came within a fraction of her face.

“Of course! Can’t fish without some bait! And I need to get an early start out there before...the old man gets any ideas.” The sudden shift in tone at the mention of Jeralt, the old man it seems, concerned Ingrid. The fact her expression changed to a more serious one did not help, at least until a few loose worms fell from her hands and she dived down to grab them once more. The strange infant like cooing she did as she gently returned them to the massive pile in her hands cause Ingrid to take several more steps back.

“Old you mean Captain Jeralt Professor? Because if so, now that you mention it I believe i did see him already at the lake setting up-.”

“Are you positive Ingrid?” Ingrid yelped and nearly stumbled when Byleth suddenly got in her face, a stern look in her eyes that made the blue lion flinch.

“Y-Yes? I believe he was talking to Flayn last I saw. Perhaps talking about The Legend.” Byleth’s brows raised, which Ingrid took as a sign of curiosity, so she resumed explaining. “The legend is a local fish found within the Monastery's lake. No one knows what its species is, or even the general appearance of it. But it supposedly was nearly the size of a small fishing boat and could snap all lines that tried to snare it. Apparently Flayn has been struggling in vain to catch it every time Lady Rhea announces a fishing contest.” Byleth was soon enamored by the tale Ingrid was telling, a few worms slipping out of her grip as she listened.

“I see. So then...the old man must think he’ll be the one to catch it then. Thank you, Ingrid, this will help me greatly. I have to go now but good luck with the contest!” She then started to run off, Ingrid feeling a sudden chill as Byleth passed her. Saiid chill was due to the sudden materialization of Sothis, who reached out towards the young student with a desperate plea.

“PLEASE HELP ME! I’M BEING HELD PRISONER! PLEASE, SHE WON’T STOP THINKING ABOUT FISH!!!” But as expected the goddess’s plea fell upon deaf ears, as the only person who could hear her simply laughed as she ran. Sothis crying in defeat as her body once more faded away to the recesses of Byleth’s mind. Ingrid awkwardly waved the professor bye, saying softly to herself.

“..I really hope I haven’t created a monster just now.” The growing sense of dread did not leave her, even after she at last managed to leave for the kitchens to explain what had happened to Mercedes.


Those who knew Claude Von Reigan would likely use words such as ‘shrewd’ or ‘crafty’ perhaps even ‘mischievous’ to describe him. But at the moment, the words any who saw him would use to describe the leader of the Golden Deer would be ‘Laid back’. Like any man, he too couldn’t resist the siren’s song that a peaceful morning of fishing brought. So he’d made sure to find a nice spot by the lake on the monastery’s grounds, bring some fairly decent gear , and plop right down and fish. He’d been having a quiet, if abit dull, time thus far when he spotted the most curious sight: Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd sneaking around. Or at least, attempting to sneak around.

“Bless his heart, he thinks crouching behind that bush is hiding him.” Claude chuckled before waltzing over to the prince of the Faerghus, who was startled by the sudden approach not unlike a deer hearing a twig snap underfoot. “Easy there your highness! No need to be so jumpy! I’m just wondering why you’re sneaking around when there’s fishing to be done!” Dimitri coughed to hide the blush creeping onto his face, looking away from Claude as he shout out a hasty reply.

“I was not sneaking about! “Claude chuckled, kneeling down to eye level as he spoke.

“Right. Well then Mr. Prince, whatever are you up to?” Rolling his eyes at the nickname, Dimitri answered.

“If you must know Claude, I am concerned over a fellow student’s methods for fishing.” That peaked Claude’s interest, so he took the bait and asked.

“Oh really? Who’re we talkin’ about? Is it Caspar? He trying to punch the fish into submission again? I keep telling him a body blow does nothing to a salmon.” Dimitri laughed at the image that gave him, but soon shook his head.

“No, though I suppose we may need to be on the lookout for that. The student I refer to is Petra.” Claude looked at Dimitri as if he’d suddenly sprouted two heads.

“Petra? Really? I admit I don’t know much about Brigid but given what I’ve gleamed from her they’re very skilled Sailors over there. If there’s anyone here I’d trust to know how to fish properly it’s Petra.”

“I would like to claim the same...but have you seen what she is wearing today?” Claude scoffed, already scanning the area to seek out Petra.

“On come on Mr. Prince, whatever extra trinket she’s got on could hardly justify all this....” His words ended up trailing off once he finally got an eyeful of the girl in question who had chosen to wear something over top her uniform. Two somethings in fact, an intricately decorated shawl draped over her shoulders and much more alarmingly an entire shark’s skull overtop her head. Dimitri waved a hand in front of Claude, giving him a smug sounding.

“You were saying?” When he snapped back to attention.

“Alright, that is...concerning attire sure. But as far as we know that could just be a traditional fishing outfit in Brigid! Hardly anything worth stalking the poor girl like she’s a rabbit about to be skewered by an arrow!” Dimitri exclaimed loudly, a few nearby students looking their way which got Claude to scramble to shut the young heir to the throne up.

“I am not stalking her Claude!”

“Sure, sure tell it to the whole monastery why don’t you? Now come on, enough squawking I’m sure Petra isn’t going to hurt any-.” Once again Claude’s words were stopped mid sentence, when a loud war cry came from the direction they’d spotted Petra at. Both boys snapping their heads to see the Brigid native had suddenly pulled out a spear from somewhere on her person, and was now jutting it into the water. Moments later, she yanked it out with a salmon still struggling on its tip. A proud smile on her face as she raised the weapon and fish towards the sky and called out again with a war cry. Claude and Dimitri exchanged one look, then the latter moved over while Claude kneeled down and huddled next to him inside the bush.

“Not that I wouldn't deny your company my friend, but what happened to ‘I’m sure Petra isn’t going to hurt anyone?’” Claude nudged at the leader of the Blue Lions, the boy faking being hurt.

“That was before this whole thing really got my attention. Now, do you have a game plan or are we just going to sit here and stare at the pretty girl?” Dimitri stared at him blankly, earning him an exhausted sigh from Claude who stood up and started walking.

“Let me go get some things from my room. YOU keep an eye on her before she ends up spearing somebody in the giblets.” Dimitri nodded, a laugh managing to escape him as he watched his classmate leave for the student’s quarters.

“That shouldn’t be too hard, I suspect she shan’t move anywhere anytime soo-.” As soon as Dimitri turned, it was his turn for words to die on him. As Petra was now nowhere in sight, and no evidence as to where she could have gone. “Blast. Claude will have my head for this!”

He jumped up from the bush and started to book it towards the lake, hoping to see at least one telltale strain of violet hair or fish skeleton to signal him where his quarry had gone. “At least I can be assured no one else is having such a strange time today!” Dimitri exclaimed as he ran, hoping to find Petra before the return of Claude.


A loud yawn broke the dull silence as Raphael placed a worm on the end of his hook, then lazily casting off the line into the lake with some impressive distance. “Hmm. Not too shabby with distance. If this keeps up though, I’m gonna need more muffins to stay awake.” The large lad yawned again, and went to reach into a large basket that was sitting beside him. He fished around in it for a moment before grabbing a large blueberry muffin and bite into half of it in one go.

“MMMMM~ Man these little devils are making the wait so worth it! Now, to catch me some dinner!” He then turned his attention back to his rod, noting that not even a hint of a bite was near him. “At this rate though, it looks like it’ll be breakfast rather than dinner.” He laughed heartily as he waited, not hearing he had someone approaching from behind him.

“Oh, Raphael? Are you in the contest too?” Raphael was startled abit as he turned, seeing that Lysithea had approached him with her own fishing gear.

“Ah heya Lysithea! Nah not exactly. I heard the cooks were planning on making dinner whatever fish was caught today. So, way I see it this’ll get me dinner AND a bit of training in!” He grumbled as he turned back to his still motionless rod. “Although as you can see, not a big fan of all the waiting.” The white-haired girl frowned before looking at his rod, a finger underneath her chin as she thought.

“Maybe you just need better bait? Perhaps the fish are tired of worms with everyone using them.” Raphael pondered that; it sounded like sound logic to him. And he’d never deny Lysithea was the smarter one between the two of them, so he’d be inclined to agree with her.

“Guess so. Hmm perhaps a bit of sausage would be more enticing? I know I'd definably go for it!” Lysithea pouted abit, before she spied the half-eaten muffin in his hands.

“Why not try something sweet? I’m sure a change in palate entirely would have them all but swimming up to you!”

Raphael gave the girl a look, as if she’d started speaking another language halfway into her sentence.

“Ly, you’re a smart cookie and all. But there's no fish I've ever heard of that likes sweet things.” Lysithea pouted again, ducking under his hand and retorting in a huff.

“Well, I've never heard of a fish that likes savory things either Raphael!” He laughed, not picking up the edge in her voice at all it seemed.

“That’s just crazy talk! Worms are meat, and meat is savory. So, fish much like savory things! Here, let me show you!” He then dove back into his backset and pulled out a container, opening it up to reveal a smoked sausage that he quickly tore a part off of. He then pulled on his rod and spun the reel to redraw the line, swiftly exchanging the uneaten bait with the smoked sausage before casting off again. Lysithea watched in silence, before wordlessly sitting down and preparing her own fishing rod. When it came to bait, she pulled a page out of her fellow Golden Deer’s book and opted for a morsel instead of a worm.

Unlike Raphael however, she opted for a part of a sweet roll she’d brought with her for breakfast. She casted off with a exaggerated shout and watched as her line bobbed into the water.

“Alright then! Let’s see who’s right between us then Raphael!” The larger boy looked down at his classmate, a clueless smile on his face as he spoke.

“Ah, a Challenge then? Alrighty, that’ll help keep this from getting dull then! Thanks, Lysithea!” Lysithea answered his jolly outburst by puffing her cheeks out and muttering to herself as she focused on her line.

“The second one of these lines moves, one of us will be proven right. And that one is going to be me or so help me!” Raphael didn’t seem to hear her, or if he did he chose not to answer to her muttering as he instead yawned once more an adjusted his grip on his rod. The two of them settling in for what would soon be an eventful day.


Linhardt stifled a yawn as he stretched, the little corner of the monastery he’d hidden himself at making itself cozier as if to seduce him into a proper nap. Though he’d found himself surprisingly at odds with the concept of late, and he knew exactly why. The past few nights he’d been plagued by dreams, more horrible memories of the last few weeks. Byleth’s scolding words would ring in his ears when laying down, and his throat would feel clogged as if her suggestion for a sleeping draught was being forced down it. The worst had come once slumber did manage to reach him, for his dreams would refuse to take him anywhere but that damned canyon. Only each time the bandit he’d killed would die slower, the blood oozing out of his wounds like a living being trying to escape.

Trying to reach out and touch him again and again, no matter how much he tried to run away. He’d lost count how often this last week alone he’d woken in a cold sweat in the middle of the night, unable and unwilling to return to bed least the dreams find him. He of course hadn’t shown any signs of such during the day, least Byleth actually insist on him taking the sleeping draught. And he wasn’t afraid to admit he was worried of what taking such medicines would do to him at this point. Still, there was someone who’d clearly taken note in his normal behavior changing into a façade. A certain teal haired brawler who Linhardt was currently hiding away from, hoping that the fishing contest would lure him away for the day.

“There you are Lind!” His hopes were soon dashed when Caspar suddenly appeared, somehow finding him with a concerned look on his face.

“Caspar. To what do I owe the pleasure?” Hearing his friends normal dry wit sound so forced made the concern looked on Caspar’s face stay, but soon he forced it off as he chipperly exclaimed.

“You’re looking pretty tired, Linhardt. I think you could use a little more of the fighting spirit!” It physically pained Linhardt to hear his friend’s words, knowing full well he was simply pretending to carry on as if he wasn’t aware of the mask that had settled on his friend’s face. Even still, he refused to let that mask crack now. So he dryly replied with all he could muster.

“I believe you have enough fighting spirit for the both of us.” A slight twitch under Caspar’s right eye proved to Linhardt his assumptions were correct, both boys knew something was wrong but neither one wanted to outright admit it.

“Enough? There’s no such thing! You need as much as you can get if you’re going to train.” Pain crept up Linhardt’s sides, as if every word his friend was saying was stabbing into them. Even still, he pushed onward as if nothing was wrong. As if he wasn’t seconds away from breaking down and begging for help.

“I’d rather pace myself. You’re becoming too much like your father.” Surprise filled the other boy’s face, apparently Caspar didn’t expect this mock conversation to suddenly bring up his much beloved father into the mix. Not willing to let that surprise fade away quite yet, Linhardt continued with this train of thought. “I still recall with startling clarity the time he forced me to do some training.” Caspar laughed, a genuine one that even painted a ghost of a smile on Linhardt’s face.

“Ha! I remember your father wasn’t too happy about that. Our fathers actually got into a fight over it.” A grimace he couldn’t stop in time spread over Linhardt’s face; he knew all too well exactly why his father had gotten so upset. Though the two lords quickly had gotten over it, he knew deep down his own father never fully forgot the incident.

“They hate one another so much. I simply cannot fathom what’s wrong with the two of them.” A small crack in the mask, he’d forgotten to hide the lack of emotion in his voice. He was getting sloppy in his performance, all thanks to a topic he himself had brought to the stage. Caspar noticed, not even hiding the concern, but still went to resume his "part" all too quickly.

“I wish they’d just have it out already. One big fight to settle things. My father would win, obviously, but it would still be fun to watch.” A dry chuckle escaped Linhardt’s lips, genuine and not part of his act. He knew his friend was right of course, Count Bergliez was a fierce warrior that was a well-known juggernaut among juggernauts. Even still, he felt it humors just how quickly his friend had already decided the victory in the imagined fight, correct as he may have been.

“That would be rather cruel. I don’t think anyone in Fódlan could beat up your father. My father does have the height advantage though...” He trailed off, spying the offended look on Caspar’s face as the masks slowly began to drop.

“Pfft! Height advantage? What does that matter?” The normally tired boy would have thanks his friend right then and there, his innocent rebuttal allowing Linhardt a chance to let flow the logical side of his brain once more.

“When two opponents are of similar strength, the one with the height advantage wins. It’s pure math.” Caspar grinned and flexed his arm, a tick of his that meant he was now invested in conversation.” Whoever forces the other to submit wins. That’s how fighting works. It has nothing to do with height!” Caspar was being simple and to the point again, but that’s what Linhardt liked most about him. He wasn’t one to overthink things like Linhardt himself would admit to do, no he was a blunt and simple as a shovel. Linhardt moved a strand of hair out of his face as he stood up now, just as invested as his friend now. “Brute strength alone doesn’t decide a fight, and taller people have longer limbs too. Longer limbs equates to a longer reach. Taller people can hit you from farther away. Oh, and they have more leg strength.” He much enjoyed the baffled look on Caspar’s face, easily telling most of what he’d just said had flown over his friend’s head.

“There’s also th- Well I'm getting bored explaining this. I think you get my point.” Caspar fumed, clearly trying to wrap his head around Linhardt's words. “No. I don’t get it. Now you’re talking about limb length and reach? None of that matters when you’re up close and brawling!” Linhardt sighed and rolled his eyes.

“You know, I’m going to agree with you just so I don’t have to keep talking.”

“If you’ve got something else to say, then come out and say it! Actually, forget this! I’ll prove it to you myself! Some of those new knights look pretty tall. I’ll fight one just for you!” Linhardt acted almost entirely by accident, lunging for his friend’s sleeve before he could leave. Both boys gasping at the sudden contact before Caspar gently moved the hand and at last started to end the act with a simple question. “So what’s wrong Lind?” Linhardt faltered. He knew if he answered with his normal dry and sarcastic wit Caspar would latch on and pretend nothing had just happened. The act would go on, and both of them would be praised for a five-star performance. But instead, the words that trembled out of him in a whimper shattered the mask entirely and burned the stage then and there.

“I haven’t been able to sleep lately.” Caspar was near him almost instantly, soothing words and comforts given as Lindhart balled into himself and finally let his emotions take the reins as tears of relief fell. It was unknown how long the two stayed like that, but after what felt like eternity Caspar finally spoke up.

“Hey, Let’s go get some fresh air bud. Everyone’s outside fishing after all, so let’s just find you a good place by the lake and get a nap in huh?” Linhardt wiped his eyes with his sleeve, before nodding wordlessly and allowing his friend to lead him outside.

“I'd.... I’d like that yes. Very much.”


Byleth reeled her arms back as far as she could, her hook and line soaring like an eagle way out into the lake before sinking into the waters. She’d been out for a few hours now, and thus far had gotten a small number of salmon, trout, and even a catfish. All in all, a very solid start for just a few hours fishing. But despite that Byleth was still frowning deeply. So deeply, that she’d caught the attention of two of her students.


“My teacher, are you alright?” Byleth looked up with a small noise, seeing a concerned looking Bernadetta and Edelgard in front of her. She smiled, easing the two a little as she turned to address them.

“I’m fine girls. Just a little frustrated at how little I've caught so far.” Both of her students exchanged a look, then looked back to their teacher’s catch with confusion.

“My teacher, this is enough to at least feed three or four people. For this early in the day, I would consider this quite the good catch.” Byleth frowned again but knew Edelgard was speaking the truth.

“Y-Yeah! Edelgard is right professor! You’re doing a good job here! You can probably win this contest for sure! B-Bernie believes in you!” Byleth could feel her heart strings being tugged by the kind words from Bernadetta, she affectionately patted the timid girl on the head.

“Thank you, both of you. But as good as this is, I’ll need a bigger haul if I’m to win this and beat him.” The sheer amount of venom at the end of her sentence startled the two students, who were about to ask who their professor was speaking of when a sharp whistle got their attention. All eyes went across the lake and were witnessed to Jeralt the Blade breaker hauling up his latest catch. Said catch was a huge salmon half the size of his arm, which he co*ckily held up by the line long enough for Byleth to see. He then placed in a bucket next to him, which was already almost full from the rest of his catches that day. He smiled smugly at his daughter, whose hands curled up into fist as she abruptly turned and went to return to her rod which was slightly dipping into the water. With one swift motion she yanked the rod up and pulled in a fish that flopped about as she slammed it into the bucket she’d been using for her catches also in one motion. Edelgard and Bernadetta were dead silent as they watched Byleth, who was still fuming abit as she went to rebait her hook. Edelgard at last stepped forward to talk to her teacher, concern clearly on her face, but before she could open her mouth a new voice beat her to the punch.

“Wow Professor, I didn’t figure you had much of a competitive side. Guess it explains all those arrows I took during the mock test though...” Everyone turned to see that Ashe had walked up to them, a nervous but amused expression on his face as he spoke.

”Oh Ashe, greetings. I didn’t expect you to join us today given we’ve seen so few Blue Lions in the competition.” The silver hair archer waved as Edelgard greeted him, he walked up to them and sheepishly rubbed the back of his head.

“Nah, I think a lot of us just aren’t early risers or interested in fishing. Well except Prince Dimitri and Felix I guess, I saw them talking earlier. No doubt Felix trying to get in an early morning spar again now that he’s allowed in the training hall...” A collective shudder flowed over the group a the thought of Felix being free to train outside his room once more, Byleth in particular getting vivid flashbacks to the last time she’d run into him as Goop.

“That lovely thought aside, are you here to participate in the fishing contest as well Ashe? “ Byleth studied the boy even as she asked him the simple question, something about him seeming “off” to her. Ashe nodded, then began to set his fishing gear down.

“I am yes, though I doubt I'll win with how strong you and Captain Jeralt seem to be going professor. You two seem really fired up about this, is there a reason for that?” Byleth saw all three students’ eyes shift to her, eagerly awaiting her explanation. Despite still feeling at odds thanks to her father’s showboating, she managed to smile at the bright-eyed teens before her.

“Well, you know how before this the two of us were mercenaries, yes?” All three nodded, Edelgard smiling as she recalled their first meeting. “Well fact is that meant we were often on the road a lot, and food wasn’t always handy. So, my father and I would ensure our group remained fed by any means. Hunting and fishing just became a means to an end between jobs...until he took it too far.” Byleth’s brows furrowed as she spoke, her eyes darting towards Jeralt briefly watching as he reeled in another fish. “Even then, when I wasn't quite as...expressive I suppose, it would nag at me. How good he claimed to be with that damned rod, how many times he’d be the one who’d feed us when I had smaller catches. But not this time.” She raised her arm, the Gauntlet gleaming in the sunlight as she spoke with a determined voice. “This time, when he least expects it, the old man is going down! And I’LL be the one who brings in the most fish!” All three students stood in silence, not quite expecting their professor to be so passionate about such a small thing. But nevertheless, all three became inspired by the speech, and after exchanging a glance with each other Ashe stepped forward.

“Professor, we want to help you beat Captain Jeralt!” Byleth blinked, surprise and confusion splashing her face like a tide.

“I won’t say no but... why do you want to help Ashe? The others I understand, but we’ve not really spoken much before now.” Ashe paused, as if to gather the right words, before he began to explain himself.

“Well for one, I can’t walk away after hearing your reasons. And for two... Well let’s just say I think I understand where you're coming from.” He wasn’t entirely being honest with her, she could tell right away. But the look in his eyes, the soft yet distant look she saw in them, made her bite her tongue for now.

“Alright, then let’s work on a game plan. I’m thinking at least two of us fish normally, while I use my Gauntlet to turn into Ripjaws and help speed things up. Any objections?” When none were raised she left her rod in control of Edelgard, while turning the dial on her Gauntlet and selecting the form she desired. She then slammed her hand down, and a green flash soon replaced her form with that of the monstrous fish Ripjaws. With a gurgling cry that rang out throughout the lake she jumped into the water and quickly submerged into the lake.

A school of fish that were near the surface scattered the second she swam near, though not all of them managed to escape Ripjaws gaping maw. They were soon messily devoured with Ripjaws releasing an inhuman shriek before coughing . “W-Wow, that was new. Guess I shouldn’t change on an empty stomach. Alright, time to herd them over to the others!” After getting the hang of swimming as Ripjaws again, the professor turned fish started leading or grabbing what fish she could. Getting several hauled up towards the surface with ease.

“Hah! Try beating me now old man! There’s no way I’ll fall behind now!” As if on cue, once her bubble filled boasting started, a hook was dropped near Ripjaws and snugly caught onto her angler light. “Huh? What’s-?!” One tug later and Ripjaws was in struggling against someone with amazing strength, the fish based creature was soon finding herself in a tug of war. “T-The hell is this?! Who on earth is trying to fish me up?!!”


An hour or so before Byleth had donned scales and gills as Ripjaws, someone had been eagerly watching her waiting for just that moment. That someone was Flayn, who’d been eagerly waiting for Byleth to transform since she’d woken up that morning. She knew the second Rhea had announced the fishing contest that Byleth would likely transform into her fish based form, or at the least the odds of such happening would become higher. She didn’t know exactly why the transformation fascinated her so, perhaps it was in relation to her love of fish in general. Though she was...fairly certain she did not wish to eat Ripjaws.

Although she was at least possibly a little curious on the taste. But regardless of why, she knew she simply HAD to catch the professor’s fishy alter ego during the contest. Once she’d crossed that bridge she’d figure out exactly why she was so hell bent on crossing it in the first place. So on the morning of the contest, she rose early and made tracks for the lake, hoping that Byleth would follow suit. When Byleth in fact did show just shortly after Flayn herself had, the green haired girl giggled in joy knowing she was one step closer to her goal.

“Now, to just wait for her to transform once more! Ah...but I suppose I may as well get to fishing myself as I wait. No need to get things started quite yet after all!”

The young girl skipped her way to the lake’s edge, a giddy giggle filling her entire being as she prepared her beloved fishing rod for work. With how utterly happy and blissful Flayn looked to an outside eye now it could hardly be believed she was plotting something against a professor. But she couldn’t help it, fishing truly was her happy place and always had been as long as she could remember. It reminded her of happier times, peaceful times, times she’d long to go back to. So there she sat by the water’s edge, happily humming away as she patiently waited to see her rod move. She’d been so enamored into the moment she didn’t hear someone walking up behind her.

“Hey, Flayn! You’re pretty good at fishing, aren’t you?!” Flayn jumped in shock, turning around to see a student who’d managed to sneak up on her. The student was a young girl, who wore a slightly truncated version of the officer’s academy uniform. Her white shirt cutting off halfway down her torso while her lower half was the standard female uniform’s dress. An orange coat neatly tied at her waist, and an orange leg warmer hugging her right leg. Her tanned skin was at odds with her dusty orange hair and eyes, eyes that were staring down at Flayn with expectation.

“Oh, good morning, Leonie! Um, I suppose I would say I’m fairly good at fishing yes. Why ever do you ask?” The now named Leonie grinned and clasps her hands together.

“Simple! I heard through the grapevine that “Professor Eisner” was all gung-ho about beating Master Jeralt today! I wanted to put her in her place and show her that no one can best the master at anything! But uh...” Leonie then frowned as she bowed, startling Flayn with the sudden expression of humbleness. “I can’t fish to save my life! So please, can you help me?”

Flayn’s eyes spun abit in dizziness, not expecting her day to lead to such an event. Still, Seteth had always taught her to help those in need, and while certainly not the most noble of reasons she could at least see the passion behind this.

“Very well, I’ll do all that I can to help you, Leonie! Although...did you have a plan in mind?” The other girl smirked, placing her hands on her hips as she bluntly told Flayn.

“Easy! All we have to do is get more fish than the professor! How hard could that be?” A sudden green flash filled the area, causing both of them to cover their eyes, and was followed by an unearthly shriek as Byleth transformed into Ripjaws and dove into the lake.

“Ah! Professor has transformed again! This is perfect timing! Over here and watch Leonie!” The younger girl then grabbed onto Leonie’s arm and pulled her towards the lake with strength far beyond what her tiny frame should hold. Leonie stumbled at the sudden action, nearly bowling over the smaller girl entirely, before they stopped just at the edge of the lake. “This is a bit fast for your first lesson, but it can’t be helped if the Professor is already transformed! Just watch what I do and memorize it, no worries I’ll catch her this time!”

She reached for her fishing rod, not noticing Leonie’s bewildered look at her plan, and without hesitation reeled back and casted off into the lake after Ripjaws. As the hook sank deep into the waters, Leonie shook off her confusion and did a double take at Flayn.

“I’m sorry...but are we fishing for the professor now? How is this going to help my plan?” Flayn looked at her as if she couldn’t understand the question.

“Well, if the professor is unable to resume fishing due to us hooking her then would she not be unable to win against Sir Jeralt?” The logic was sound enough, but there were still a few holes in it that the golden deer could poke through.

“Is she just going to fall for your bait though? I get she’s a fish herself now but that’s still Professor Eisner down there. Heck even if you do catch her won’t she just bite through the hook and dive back down?” To her credit, Flayn didn’t shrug those concerns off. She closed her eyes in thought for a while, before opening them to address the solution to her new co-conspirator.

“That’s a good point... Ah, I know! There should be a large net somewhere around the entrance halls! If you could hurry and bring it here, I shall endeavor to get the professor back to the surface!” Leonie nodded, turning around and running towards the monastery, passing by a confused Seteth. As she ran off, Leonie heard a loud splash and after a few moments she heard Flayn shouting in the distance. “You can’t stay down there forever Professor! You’ll have to come up sometime!!” Even as she sighed in annoyance once she understood what had happened, Leonie didn’t stop her pace at all. Nor could she help the amused smile that was slowly spreading over her face.


Felix Fraldarius was known for one thing above all else , and that was his pride as a swordsman. Most hours he could be found in the training halls either honing his skills, or looking for someone to spar with. That he always insisting on going all out even with the ‘friendliest’ of spars was arguably another thing he was known for. The Blue lions often woke up to the sight or sound of him demanding a duel from Dimitri, who’d long since stopped humoring him with anything less than the word “No.”. Today had been no different at first. That is, until the young prince accidentally let slip his plans for the day.

“Not today, Felix, Lady Rhea has announced a fishing competition at the lake I wish to join. Why don’t you accompany me if you are so eager to prove yourself?” Felix had scowled at his oldest friend, bitterly spitting the offer back at him.

“Unless you mean to use that lance of yours in the water Boar, I’m fine here. I can’t imagine wasting so much time sitting still when there’s training to be done. Forget that and one of these days I’ll finally get the better of you with my blade.”

Dimitri frowned, though it quickly faded away as he shrugged and turned away from Felix.

“Have it your way then. If you’ll excuse me, I’ve some supplies to gather. Don’t start harassing the knights while I'm gone please, Sir Aloise still keeps his chambers locked after last time.”

Felix grumbled something back at the prince and went his own way, muttering and scowling all the while. As he wandered around the monastery grounds aimlessly, several knights cowering as he walked by them, he tried to think on what to do. It was then that someone bumped into him, and he was about to brush it off until he saw who it was. It was a student, one of his fellow Blue Lions even, whose uniform jacket was hanging open in the breeze. His scruffy red hair flowing and his hazel eyes looking at Felix like a cat who’d been caught scratching at the furniture.

“Ah, Sylvain. Too busy chasing skirts to keep your eyes front and center?” The redhead student looked ready to shout at Felix, until his eyes narrowed in and he realized exactly who he was speaking too.

“F-Felix! I-I'm so sorry! I wasn’t looking where I was going and-!” Sylvain’s frantic backpedaling was denied, as Felix zeroed in on him instantly.

“Maybe if your eyes weren’t so quick to wander you’d be better about such things. But none of that matters now.” The Blue Lion’s swordsman soon was on Sylvain’s shoulder, a firm grip and pressure appearing as he glared at his classmate. “What matters, is that your swordsmanship has gotten... sloppy. And seeing as I am your fellow swordsman in our house, it rests upon me to help you with that.” Sylvain paled, he tried to struggle away from the iron grip of Felix to no avail. It was then that a deadly chill filled the air and Sylvain had to hold back the whimper that tried to escape when Felix’s grip grew harsher. Felix leaned in, his face directly in front of Sylvain’s as he said seven words that would haunt the redhead for many nights to come.

“Why don’t you spar with me friend?” Just as Sylvain had accepted his fate, his own fear taking the words away from him before he could reject Felix’s offer, another student suddenly barreled between them. Said student was Leonie who’d nearly rammed into the two at breakneck speeds while carrying a large net. Felix and Sylvain were jostled apart, the latter instantly seizing his chance to run like a demon was on his heels and barreled down the halls away from Felix. Felix took a second to recover, upon doing so he snarled at the loss of Sylvain and glared at Leonie who was struggling with the net.

“Whoops, sorry Felix!! Guess I didn't see you guys there!” She then paused, seeing the odd look in Felix’s eyes as they narrowed and widened. He then looked at her in eerie silence before calmly asking her a question.

“Leonie. How good with a blade are you?” She didn’t fully understand the weight behind that question, answering it instantly instead of pondering its meaning.

“I mean, I guess i know enough how to handle one to use in battle. Much better with a bow and arrows, though why do you ask...?” Her question petered out and then outright died on her lips as she finally got a good look at Felix’s face. An expression much akin to a lion stalking its prey was firmly plastered onto it, the boy grinning as he took in her answer.

“I see. So then...would you care for a... friendly spar then, Leonie?” The implications of his words dawned on her, and she quickly hefted up the net she was carrying and stammered out a quick escape line.

“ S-Sorry! Flayn asked me to get her this fishing net and-!” His hand was on his hips before she could finish, a quick motion and his sword had been drawn. Seconds letter the net was split in two with one clean motion, a predatory grin on Felix’s face as he spoke.

“Look at that. It’s gone now. Why don’t you fight me for doing that?” A look of abstract horror replaced the one that had been resting on Leonie’s face, the girl looking anywhere but at Felix as she tried to find the means to escape. It was then an idea came to her, and seeing no other means of escape she decided to use the idea.

“I-I would Felix! Truly I would, but I have to hurry and give these...nets to Flayn so we can capture the Professor!” That had done it, one mention of Byleth and Felix’s tune changed abruptly.

“The professor? Eisner's part of that fishing contest then? But why the net then? Did she transform?” Leonie nodded, words escaping her as Felix started to take the bait she’d laid out. “...I guess the boar’s getting his way after all then. Fine, go ahead and leave Leonie. But I’m going to follow and finally get Eisner to fight me for real. If I challenge her to a duel while a contest is going on, she’ll be unable to tell me no!” Leonie raised a brow at his logic.

“Er, is that really how that works Felix?”

“Hmm? Did you say something?”

“N-Nope! I’ll be going now, see you at the lake!” Leonie sprinted off towards the lakebed, Felix in hot pursuit with his hand firmly on his sheath ready to draw his weapon.

“You won’t get away this time Eisner! One way or another this steel will taste your flesh once more!”


“She’s been gathering berries for an hour now, what exactly is this for Claude?”

“Maybe she’s preparing to bake a pie to go with all those fish she hung up on that tree Dimitri.”

“Don’t joke...I very much doubt that image will leave my mind anytime soon.” Back near the lake. The unlikely duo of house leaders Claude and Dimitri were still spying on Petra. Since she began her strange ritualistic fishing habits the two had hardly let her out of their sights. Even when she’d started catching several fish and leaving them to hang on hooks from a tree branch not unlike a grim gallows, both had stood their ground. For the past hour, Petra had been gathering small berries from the bushes near the lake. Both boys were nearby, pretending to fish so as to not arouse suspicion, eagerly eying the Brigid native as she gathered up all the fruit into a large wooden bowl.

“She seems to be stopping curious is she going to use her spear to...mash them up?” Dimitri couldn’t help but gawk as Petra started to use the end of her spear to mash and mix up the gathered berries. “Looks like it, turning it into some kind of paste from the looks of it. Just what IS our dear Petra up too with all this?” Claude outright stopped paying attention to the fishing rod he’d been using as a cover story, his eyes firmly staring at Petra as she soon stopped mashing up the berries she’d gathered.

“Okay, so what now...” Claude’s voice trailed off as he watched with earnest, both he and Dimitri arching their eyebrows as they watched her remove the shark skull she’d been wearing with care. She then placed it gently on the ground next to her, and then placed the bowl on her lap as she hesitatingly dipped a finger into it. She then placed it under her right eye, the mixture of berry juice becoming a paint that she used to make a marking underneath her eye similar to the other. She then dipped more fingers into the bowl, and carefully grabbed the shark’s skull she’d been wearing before painting similar symbols near its eye sockets. She then did the shame for the rows of teeth the skull still had, painting them a deep dark red that made the two boys think far too much of blood for their liking. She admired her work for a moment, before slipping the skull back on her head and speaking aloud to herself.

“Now, all I am to be needing to complete this day is a pyre to cook my captures! Hmm but a mere flame shall not be enough, perhaps the Professor might have the means to aid me in this!” As if able to hear, a sudden loud splash came from the lake and all eyes were focused as Ripjaws emerged from the surface with a large handful of fish. Claude let out an impressed whistle as he watched Ripjaws march over to where Ashe had a basket waiting for the fish, even Dimitri letting out an impressed noise as he watched the fish creature surface. Ripjaws placed all the fish into the basket, Ashe and Bernadetta giving their fishy professor kudos which she accepted bashfully. Petra made her appearance here, approaching Ripjaws who didn’t even blink at what her student was wearing at all. Bernadetta, however, did notice and screamed as she jumped back. Slipping on some gravel and sand and skirting all the way into the lake while her screaming resumed if a bit gargled.

“Greetings Professor! I am in need of something to create a vast amount of flames! Do you, as friend Caspar would say, have the greatness I am in need of?” A few groans from passerby students filled the air, followed by Ripjaw’s letting out a bubbly laugh as she spoke in her raspy tone.

“It’s have the goodies, Petra. And actually... i do think I might be able to help you. Let me see if this will work...” She then pressed onto the badge that held the hourglass symbol from her gauntlet, a green flash blinding everyone as Ripjaws was soon replaced with the grey skinned Decagon Vreedle.

“Well now, I’ll be. Guessin’ that does indeed work as intended. I’ll have to mark that there information down for Hanneman. Anyway, holds on a moment youngin’, I’s got what’ll cure what ails ya!”” Decagon then started to dig into her pockets, tossing out all sorts of bric-a-brac that would have been impossible for Byleth to have had on her person prior to the transformation. She pulled out a small colorful wrapped candy, opening it up and placing the bright pink candy inside as she tossed the wrapper aside. Said wrapper fell into the water, and the exploded in a small range and brought a few fish to the surface. She then at last brought whatever she’d been digging for out, which turned out to be a glass bottle filled with dark colored water. She handed it to Petra gently, chewing nosily on the candy as she did. “There ya go youngin’! Bit of that onto darn near anything and you’ll be cookin’ up anything and everythin’ that'll burn!”

“Ah! Many thanks professor! My catch would not be considered, how do you say, kos-her without the offer most ceremonial!” Petra reaching for the bottle proved to be the final straw for Dimitri, who walked up to the Brigid native with a no-nonsense attitude in tow.

“Now see here Professor! If this strange concoction is indeed able to produce that mighty a fire I find it unwise to simply give it to a student!” All eyes drifted towards the young heir of the Faerghus kingdom, Edelgard in particular sizing the young man up as if ready to Challenge him on his statement. Though lucky enough for him said Challenge never came, as instead Decagon nodded before speaking again.

“Ah hells. The Princelin’ is s right, I shouldn’t be so willy as to hand out objects of a dangerous per-swey-son out to my students.” Dimitri nodded, glad that he had managed to talk the Professor turned living bomb out of a potentially dangerous situation. “Which is why I’ll be the one to use it instead! That way it’s one of those “teachable moments” that Miss Manuela is always yakin’ bout to us back in the professor’in lounge.” Dimitri’s jaw then fell as his words were causally brushed aside by Decagon Vreedle, who lead an entirely too eager Petra back towards her hanging fish. “This may yet be considered a goodin’ in terms of ideas as it here stands. I find myself still slightly a’bit chilled after my dip into the lake. Let’s hope this here pyre of yours will help with that youngin’.”

Decagon then went to open the bottle up, Petra making a small bonfire pit for use, and managed to pour a small amount into the pit when a very familiar voice started crying out from back near the monastery.

“EISNERRRRR!!!” Decagon groaned as she turned her head to look, sure enough seeing the approaching form of Felix with a panicked Leonie getting dragged behind him via the net she had been sent to get.

“Now I wish I could say that’s not somethin’ ya see everyday. But alas I am blessed enough to admit here and now that it would be a mighty big fib for me to say such a thing!” Decagon rolled her eyes, before stepping forward to meet the sword-happy student halfway. The candy she’d been chewing on grew louder as she increased her tempo with each chew. As Felix stomped his way towards them, Leonie at last managed to break free and beeline her way back to Flayn who seemed confused at the “two” nets she had brought with her.

“Eisner! There you are! I’ve come to spar and I refuse to leave until someone takes me up on my Challenge!” Not missing a single beat, Decagon looked at the rowdy student and asked him a question.

“Did ya’lls happen to bring a fishin’ rod then youngin? I’d be much obliged to take ya on with some of that yessir!” As expected, Felix scoffed at the idea, pulling out hisd sword and pointing it at Decagon in luie of an answer. “I see. Of course, you do realize youngin’ that there is what may be referred to as a means for war!” She then spit the candy she’d been chewing on out, onto Felix’s shoe. A tense silence filled the area as all eyes watched the little piece of candy start to smoke, Felix already trying to kick his shoe off fast as he could. It was all for naught however, as seconds later everyone ducked down to the ground at the shrill call from Decagon.

“FIRE IN THE HOLE!” Followed by an explosion that launched Felix spiraling towards the sky cursing a storm up as he became a twinkle in the distance.

“Er...Teach? He’ll be fine …right?” Claude’s concerned question was met by a dismissal from Decagon, who seemed none the worse for wear.

“I reckon he’ll be fine youngin. Based upon the trajectories of his ascent, he’ll liken to find himself smack dab in the middle of the waterin’ hole here. Might help him cool down a spell before he get’s himself in hot water with boss lady again. I know she’s been on odds’n ends on what to do with him with all that hollering he’s been doing for a scrap. Ya’lls ask me I think he’s gotten too many hits of the punch drunkness in’em.” She barked out a laugh before her eyes focused back on the figure of Jeralt, the captian of the knights staring back with a fierce ferocity as he pulled up his basket overflowing with fish. “Excuse me youngins, I do believe it is time for what some might refer to as ‘desperate measures’.”

Decagon started fishing things out of her pockets, stopping when she at last pulled out what appeared to be a bright red candle with a long fuse at the end. The fuse was then lit, and Decagon arched her arm with the intent to throw it into the lake which finally got everyone to stand up and shout.

“NO DON-!” The collective outcry was instantly snuffed out by the ear spitting explosion that erupted from the lake, as walls upon walls of water were forced into the air and then came crashing down hard. Once the water was, mostly, back in the lake and everyone had coughed up even more water out of their lungs all eyes turned to Decagon who was shouting and jumping about.

“Yes sir! Take a look at that ya old coot!” Said ‘that’ turned out to be the massive pile of dead fish that Decagon was now in front of her, a bewildered Ashe and Edelgard staring in shock while Bernadetta had fainted in shock. Students nearby had just as over the top reactions, and even Claude and Dimitri were watching in a stunned silence. Their fascination with Petra’s odd ritual long forgotten now. Jeralt gnawed on his lips seeing the huge pile and looking ready to intervene when someone else stepped forward first.

“And with this...rather unorthodox capturing means, we have a winner! Congratulations are in order for professor Eisner!” All eyes turned to see that the person who’d announced the end of the contest was none other that Rhea herself, though given her wet hair messily hanging over her eyes it seems she’d not been lucky enough to avoid the splash down. Besides her, Seteth stood equally as soaked and was much grumpier about it.

“Lady Rhea, would you truly consider that...juvenile act ‘fishing’?” The quiet but stern look she gave her right hand man provided her answer, and no other objections were spoken leaving the currently explosive professor the victor. As the shrilling beeping and red flash that signaled Byleth’s return to normal, her eyes searched for her father. They soon found their target, still across the lake from her but looking bewildered and maybe a little crestfallen. But there was something else in those eyes, something that was stronger than any other emotion the man was displaying: pride. He started clapping his hands in applause, several students soon joining the captain of the knights and making the area fill with joyful noise. Byleth looked surprised at the sudden attention, but a small smile soon replaced the surprise . As clean up started and all the fish were gathered for the feast in the mess hall, Ashe noticed there was something off about Byleth even with her smile still lingering.

“Is everything okay professor? You seem abit conflicted even though you won!” Byleth paused, before stretching her arms upward with some effort as she talked.

“I suppose there was still one fish in particular I wanted to catch. It feels a little hollow having won without catching it.” Ashe nodded in understanding, before snapping his fingers.

“Well, we still have some time professor. If you want, I can keep you company while you try fishing the old fashion way.” Byleth looked at the platinum-haired archer deeply, as if studying him like a page in a book. After a moment, she gave him an honest smile and warmly patted him on the shoulder.

“Lead the way then, Ashe.” Ashe met her smile with one of his own, though Byleth’s sharp eyes could tell there was something else underneath that smile. Something she intended to dig up to the surface.


“Dad’s sure are confusing huh professor?” Small talk had started as soon as Byleth and Ashe had found a nice relatively dry area to cast their rods into. It had mostly been pleasantries and such until the archer from the Blue Lions suddenly quietly asked Byleth his question. She pursed her lips before she answered.

“Not really, I think they want the best for their kids. Why the question though Ashe? Still confused on my whole thing with winning against my father?” He shook his head, before raising a brow in deep thought.

‘Well maybe a little...but no. I think I understand your logic there for the most part. It’s just...” He went silence, his eyes staring deeply into the water as if he was trying to fish the thoughts, he needed out instead of fish. Byleth gently placed a firm hand on his shoulder once again, looking at him with nothing but support when he flinched and looked back up.

“If something’s on your mind Ashe, I'm all ears.” He looked at her for a long while, the gears inside his head turning for what seemed like hours before he softly spoke up once more.

“What if... What if your dad wanted to do something. But he was being vague about it, except that it would bring a lot of risk to him. Would you join him? Support him from the side? Or...would you gather the strength needed to overcome his choice? To stop him before he hurts himself, even if it puts you with odds with him?” Byleth knew this question wasn’t a hypothetical. Ashe was likely asking because he found himself in the very predicament he was explaining.

“Well...I’m not sure. In my case my father is a bit headstrong for his own good sure, but he ultimately means well. So I don’t see myself needing to really do either option.” She then gently placed a hand onto his, and whispered least loose ears catch wind of their conversation. “I take it this is what’s been eating away at you all day then? Trouble at home?” He gasped, looking around to ensure no one else was nearby, before slowly yet firmly nodding.

“You could tell, Professor?” She nodded.

“It was easy to tell. Your smile was genuine, but there was something hiding underneath it all day. So, mind telling me what happened?” He sighed deeply, putting his fishing rod down before beginning to explain.

“Well, you likely don’t know him but my father is Lord Lonato of Gaspard. Well, I call him father, but the truth is he adopted me long ago. So as you can imagine I owe him a lot. But just the other day he sent me a letter that...concerned me.” He sighed again, Byleth giving him her entire attention as even her rod was put to the side.

“I take it was something you didn’t agree with?” Ashe shook his head.

“I don’t know. He didn’t say anything other than ‘Our hour is at last at hand! The Church cannot stand for long!’ So, he’s clearly got something planned but I don’t have enough details.” He gripped his head tightly, a groan escaping him. “I don’t want to go against Lord Lonato, but if he’s gotten into something dangerous then I feel I SHOULD to ensure nothing bad happens. Especially if the church is somehow involved! Lady Rhea and everyone here have been so kind to me... I don’t know why Lord Lonato would think ill of them.” Byleth frowned once the young lion finished explaining his story. It was clear the matter was eating away at him, but unfortunately, she simply couldn’t find an answer for him.

“It is as he says, it’s simply too vague to understand exactly what there is to stop.” Still, the poor boy clearly needed some kind of support. So, Byleth did the next best thing she could in leu of supplying him with an answer. She leaned forward and pulled the boy into a hug. It was an awkward one, and Ashe was clearly startled by the sudden action. But after a moment, he sank into the embrace and let his emotions take over. Quiet tears pouring out of the corners of his eyes as he pressed his head into the nook of Byleth’s neck, the blue-haired professor patting the boy on the back and simply letting him let it all out.

“Would you look at that? You may yet make a good mother yet one day!” Byleth scowled at the sudden commentary from Sothis within her mind, but ultimately let it go since right now this was what Ashe needed. And if it made her look more akin to a mother hen, then so be it.


The dining hall was filled with much merriment and noise that evening, each and every table was piled high with dish after dish of well-prepared fish. Alongside that, every table was filled with students and even some staff enjoying their dinner and each other's company. From Claude and Dimitri joining Petra in a lovely dish of smoked salmon and rice as she explained some of the customs she performed that day, to Edelgard and Bernadetta trying to convince a mildly amused Hubert that a slice of cake after grilled fish was acceptable. As well as a tender bounding moment between Linhardt and Caspar who were enjoying a quiet meal together, both boys seemingly fine with the day's results. Though most notable was a much happier Ashe who was chatting up an amused Byleth as they shared a meal together. Near the kitchen stood Rhea and Seteth, both admiring the scene that their students were laying before them.

“Doesn’t it warm your heart to see such a sight Seteth?” The archbishop asked her aide, who looked at odds with the question.

“Well, I will admit it is a pleasant sight to see such comradery, Lady Rhea. But this contest still grew so chaotic thanks to Professor Eisner’s antics, I truly thing you should have reprimanded-.” He was harshly shot down mid-sentence by Rhea glaring at him silently with an unreadable expression on her face. “Er...I suppose on the brighter side the kitchen is well stocked with enough fish to last us quite a while now. Which is...good?” Rhea smiled at his backpedaling, which both eased up Seteth but also made his skin crawl slightly.

“It’s very good, yes Seteth. Although speaking of reprimanding, there is ONE student I’ll need to speak to again...” Her eyes wandered towards a table that had a lone student on it. Said student was a sulking Felix who was angerly chewing his food.

“Ah yes, Mr.Fraldarius. He was badgering people for spars again I take it?” Rhea nodded, a frown painted on her face.

“I can understand his need to test himself and prove his skills worthy...but so much aggression. It isn’t healthy Seteth.” Seteth agreed with her, and after a moment’s hesitation he spoke up with an idea.

“Could we possibly ask Professor Eisner to indulge him in a spar? Perhaps once he gets such he’ll get all this stubbornness out of his system?”

“I’m unsure such a course of action would be needed Seteth. But...I suppose I will speak with the professor on it. It is ultimately her choice in the end to agree with such.” Seteth nodded, eyeing Felix as he did. Elsewhere Byleth found herself with more company when Jeralt approached her and Ashe.

“Hey kid.” Byleth turned, confused once she saw Jeralt and the familiar box he held between his arms.

“Yes? Is something wrong da- Captain?” He chuckled at her slip of the tongue, but ultimately presented the box to her.

“Here. You’ve proven yourself today. I think she’d like to be in your care for a while at any rate.” Byleth’s confusion grew as she accepted the box and opened it, gasping when she saw Lucille the fishing rod within.

“Are...Are you sure?” Jeralt nodded, and Byleth carefully took the rod out and felt its weight in her hands. After a moment, she looked at her father with tearful eyes. “Thank you.”

He nodded once more, and Byleth gently returned the rod to its box while Ashe looked at the scene before him forlorningly. Afterwards conversations resumed and food was consumed, all in all it was a good ending to a good day. After a moment, however, Byleth noticed something odd.

“Are we missing someone?”




“I think we should stop now and get I-I-inside now.”

“B-But neither of us have caught a single thing yet! Where’s your competitive spirit?”

“B-Back inside where its warm and there’s dinner waiting for us!”

“D-D-Dinner?! Aww man, that sounds good...”


The next day, Byleth had been called to the audience chamber to be debriefed on the Black Eagle’s next mission. She bowed before Rhea as always before the archbishop began to speak.

“Professor, I have a new mission for your students.” Seteth took her place, explaining with more details. “We have received reports that Lord Lonato has rallied troops against the Holy Church of Seiros.” Once he’d spoken Byleth felt aghast once the name was fully remembered.

“Lord Lonato? Why on earth would he do such a thing?” Rhea frowned, sadness filling her as she once more spoke.

“Lord Lonato is a minor lord of the kingdom. He has been showing hostility towards the church for some time now.” Seteth stepped forward once more , Rhea clearly conflicting with her emotions. “A vanguard unit from the Knights of Seiros is already on way to his stronghold, Castle Gaspard. Lord Lonato’s army is nothing compared to the knights. It’s quite possible the rebellion has already been suppressed.” Byleth felt minor relief at that, but she couldn’t deny it also raised questions on what her class was to do. As if sensing her confusion, Rhea cleared things up. “Even so, I would like for your class to travel with the knights’ rear guard to deal with the aftermath.”

Byleth nodded, understanding at last. She looked to Seteth who cleared his throat then began to hash out yet more details.

“War zones are unpredictable. We do not expect you will have cause to battle, but be prepared for the worst.”

“Excuse me. You sent for me lady Rhea?” All three of them turned at the sudden entrance of someone new. Said person was one of the knights, though clearly not just one of the rank and files given her armor. It was a bright white armor in color, that rested atop a white robe that covered more of her than the armor did. A great sword was sheathed on her hips and hung behind her, and her face was exposed showing off her tanned skin and blonde hair tied up in a neat ponytail.

“This is Catherine. She will be leading the knights whom you will be accompanying.” At Rhea’s introduction the knight, Catherine, raised a hand to shake with Byleth as she spoke.

“Nice to meet you. We’ve heard a lot about you, and that fancy Gauntlet of yours. If you need anything just ask.” Byleth took the offered hand and shook, Rhea smiling at the interaction as she addressed them again.

“She is one of our bravest knights, and that is no small feat. Only an exceptional few have what it takes to join the Knights of Seiros.” She then turned serious before resuming. “This mission should prove useful in demonstrating to the students how foolish it would be to ever turn their blades on the church...”

Byleth felt the room turn cold, and her flesh crawled at the words spoken by the archbishop. She chose not to say anything however, and instead excused herself as she made to seek out Edelgard and start planning for the mission. She was so engrossed in conversation with Sothis, who was equally concerned with Rhea’s parting words, that she failed to notice a distract Ashe bump into her.

“Ah, s-sorry professor! Didn’t mean to bump into you.”

“It’s okay Ashe, I should have looked where I was going. Are you okay?” She almost regretted asking the boy the question when his face twisted into one of pure pain. He’d clearly heard the news regarding Lord Lonato and was clearly barely holding it together.

“I...I’ll be fine professor.” He lied through his teeth, before swallowing and then asking her a question. “Professor...did...did Lady Rhea give the Black Eagles their next mission?” She could already tell where he was going with this, but still answered him.

“Yes. We’re to accompany knights for the aftermath of an attempted rebellion.” His eyes widened, Byleth felt her heart sting at the sight knowing clearly what he was about to ask.

“P-Professor! Can, may I please join your class for that mission?” Conflict rose within Byleth, she understood clearly why he was asking her this. She kneeled down and looked him in the eyes.

“Are you sure? We could end up in a fight.” The person they’d likely be fighting was left unsaid, but both knew who it was regardless.

“I do. If I don’t go … I’ll always be wondering. And I think it would drive me crazy.” Byleth closed her eyes , thinking for a long time the pros and cons, before she ultimately decided.

“You can join us, if Lady Rhea allows it. I’ll go speak with her right now.” She was then crushed by a bear hug from the blue lion’s archer, who was spouting off countless thanks as he hugged her. She hesitated only a moment, before embracing him fully. Hoping with all of her heart, that when the Eagles were sent out to the mission, that Ashe would not end that day in anything less than tears of joy and relief.


So fun facts. The very first section with Flayn trying to catch Ripjaws was the very first thing I ever wrote for this story. Back when I just wrote a few vague ideas down and before I fully committed to writing the fic properly. It felt right to use it for the start of this chapter, given the use of Ripjaws proper. There's actually three other short scenes similar to it I had written. Ones for Stinkfly, Big Chill, and Ditto which will all show up in the fic proper soon enough. The Big Chill one in particular was really good imo, but it'll still be a little bit before everyone's favorite frosty moth shows up. As for the rest of the chapter I threw Linhardt a bone since the last few chapters incidentally were rough for him. And also didn't fully expect to use a Fresh Prince reference with Jeralt of all characters but once I wrote it down it kinda fit. You can rest assured he had plenty of pillowy mounds of mashed potatoes with his fish at the end there. The Ashe scene was also something I added relatively late since the stuff with Lonato is next, which yes that'll be next chapter. So until next time readers!

Chapter 8


The Black Eagles next mission is fast approaching, and Byleth prepares both herself and her students as best she can. But when the mission takes an unexpected turn, how will she deal with it? Only time and her mysterious gauntlet will tell.


Hello Hello readers! This one got a little tricky to write, but after awhile the ideas started to flow and here we are. I hope you all enjoy it, especially since we're now at last seeing alien number 10! Without further ado, enjoy the chapter!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Getting permission from Rhea for Ashe to accompany the Black Eagles was easy for Byleth, perhaps too easy given just how willing the archbishop was. But the look of relief Ashe had on his face when Byleth had informed him he was allowed to join them eased any concerns she had. There was still much to be planned for the mission, but also plenty of time before the month’s end. Thus Byleth resumed her teachings, leading to several of the Eagles passing certification exams and earning new classes. The freshly made professor also endeavored to further get to know her students, one student in particular she had made a beeline towards on her first free day. The fact that said student technically wasn’t one of hers mattered little to them.


“Shopping took longer than I thought. It’s a good thing I had your help professor!” A few days after Rhea had allowed Ashe to join the mission, the Blue Lion’s archer had awkwardly knocked on Byleth’s door asking for her help in a shopping trip. He had of course, instantly tried to backpedal at her initial confusion. But once she understood his request, she had all but insisted on joining him down to the bazar. After a few hours of searching for wares, and some expert haggling from Ashe, the two were finished and ready to return to the monastery. “Looks like we got everything we came for. Time to head back to the monastery. To tell you the truth, if the money that knight gave us would be enough. We scraped by though! I’m glad those shopkeepers were willing to strike a few bargains.” Byleth chuckled at how modest Ashe was being.

“It helps you’re quite the shopper. I’m not seen such bargaining skills before even in my mercenary days.” She chuckled more at the sudden blush that started to dust over his face, Ashe clearly flattered by her praise.

“It’s one of the few things I'm really good at. I’ve got a lot of experience living in the city. Money was tight for me too. At least until a kind noble adopted me into his family...” He then looked towards the ground as he signed, Byleth knowing all too well the kind of thoughts going through his head. He soon shook his head quickly, as if to force the bad thoughts away, and returned to address Byleth. “Come to think of it, you were originally a mercenary, weren’t you professor? I’m sure you’ve traveled all over Fódlan. That must have been a pretty different life from regular folks like me.” She smiled, brushing her hair back as she answered him.

“Not so different, actually. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was a little alike in some way.” She then glanced at her gauntlet, which was gleaming in the sunlight, before muttering under her breath. “Now is a different story...” Ashe blinked at her answer, seemingly bemused at it.

“Huh, you think so? But a mercenary’s whole life is fighting, isn’t it? Must be a pretty tough way to live.” Byleth found herself flashing back at his words, recalling the many battles are rough nights she’d had to endure back then. She looked up towards the sky, and then softly spoke.

“It was pretty tough at times, yeah. Life here at the monastery has been far easier for the most part.” Ashe laughed, a kind gentle sound that put Byleth’s mind at ease. ‘I believe you. I can imagine!” The two then started to walk back, only for something in a passing booth to catch Ashe’s eye.

“Ah! I had no idea they sold this book around here! I haven’t seen this one in ages!” Byleth turned to look, seeing Ashe now had a leather-bound blue book in his hands.

“Oh? What’s that book?”

“Loog and the Maiden of Wind. It’s a well-known tale of chivalry in Faerghus. Loog is the king of lions. This book is full of his exciting adventures!” Ashe then turned the book over in his hands, admiring it with a bright smile plastered on his face. “I’ve loved this since I was a kid! It’s what got me learning to read.” Just as he was done reminiscing and ready to place the book down, a man suddenly ran right up to Ashe and loudly shouted.

“Gimme that book!” While harshly yanking the tome out of Ashe’s hands. The shopkeeper instantly made a fuss, and Ashe looked ready to try and catch the now running thief. A bright green flash instantly halted everything, and the blinking thief soon opened his eyes and found himself face-to-face with the blue furred Fasttrack growling at him.

“Gah!! What the hell?!” The thief screamed, then turned around and ran for his life. He’d barely gotten less than a few feet before Fasttrack caught up to him and snatched the book out of his hands. She then stared at the terrorized man in front of her before growling again and addressing him simply.

“Run.” He took the advice easily, hightailing it out of the bazaar while screaming his head off and alerting some nearby Knights who chased him. Ashe and the shopkeeper looked at the scene in awe, but the shopkeeper in particular seemed to have been starstruck.

“Amazing! Look at you, you’re all fuzzy and fast now! You used that fancy gauntlet you were wearing to do this right? How much do you want for it?” Fasttrack was caught off guard by the shopkeeper suddenly rushing up in front of her, the question going over her head as she started at the shopkeeper.

Said shop keep was a young girl, likely no older than the students give or take, and had bright red hair tied up in a flowing ponytail. Her eyes were a deep shade of fuchsia and were currently staring so intently at Fasttrack that it started to remind her of the look Raphael gave his dinner plate. Fasttrack managed to at last stagger back, waving her furred hands up in the air while trying to wave away the merchant.

“Sorry miss, it’s not for sale!” The merchant pouted, stomping her foot as she spoke.

“Awwww that’s no fun! At least let me buy some fur off you then! I know people who’d pay tooth and nail for something made out of fur that soft looking!” Ashe was stifling a laugh as he watched Fasttrack flail about, the merchant latching onto the speedy feline as she tried to shake her off.

“M-Miss! Please let go of the professor!”

“The name’s Anna! And I'm not letting go until I get her to sell!” The now named Anna refused to let go of Fasttrack, Ashe buckling over and trying his best not to laugh at the sight. Fasttrack in the meanwhile, was not having a pleasant time.

“Hey watch where your hands are touching! That’s a sensitive area!” After a while, when it became clear Anna would not take no for an answer, Fasttrack decided enough was enough. “Sorry about this! But you really asked for it!”

“What’s that suppose to-?!” Seconds later Anna was cut off, as she and Fasttrack appeared to vanish into thin air. Ashe blinked in confusion, and as soon as his eyes were open Fasttrack was back sans Anna. The grey-haired archer hesitated a moment, before asking the question that was on the tip of his tongue.

“Um, Professor? Where did miss Anna go?” Fasttrack looked at him for a moment, before calmly stating.

“Don’t worry about it Ashe. Let’s hurry back and get our wares where they need to go before it gets dark!” Ashe couldn’t help but note how she didn’t answer him in the slightest, but knew she had a point that they should hurry back. He was about to start heading off when he suddenly tensed up and darted to the left, narrowly missing an arrow that had been fired from somewhere behind them. Ashe cursed, lamenting that his own bow was nowhere near him, and tried to see where the arrow had been fired from. He soon found the person who’d fired it, miles and miles away just barely able to be seen, Anna who was readying up another arrow. Just as she was going to fire again, Ashe felt an arm grab onto him and turned to see a manic Fasttrack had grabbed him now.


“P-Professor w-wai-!” And moments later Ashe’s view on the world turned into a blur, as he and Fasttrack zoomed back towards the monastery at frightening speeds. They nearly crashed head first into the gate, earning a very concerned talking to from the gatekeeper once they’d stopped. It wasn’t until hours later that both of them felt safe however, as even when they were inside the monastery both could hear the voice of Anna on the wind demanding a sale.


While her encounter with Anna had certainly made her slightly more jittery, life at the monastery was still smooth sailing for Byleth. She’d been just leaving a meeting with Seteth when see spied an approaching Edelgard, concern on her face as she marched up to Byleth.

“Ah my teacher, there you are. I’ve been looking for you.”

“Is everything alright Edelgard? The mission is still not for a few more days, surely you aren’t getting nervous about it already?” The empress to be shook her head, though a slight smile faintly crossed her lips for a moment.

“No, it’s nothing like that. I wished to speak to you about one of my fellow Eagles.” That got Byleth’s attention, she sighed and placed a hand on her forehead.

“Is Caspar trying to weasel out of his homework again? Or Ferdinand being too haughty for his own good again?” Once more Edelgard shook her head, the smile returning for a microsecond before she answered her teacher.

“No, it was Bernadetta. You see, I had a... bit of an incident with her I wish to tell you about.” Before she could explain, a soft rumbling noise was heard and Byleth sheepishly looked away.

“Ah my apologies, it is nearing the hour for lunch. Perhaps we should resume our conversation there?” Edelgard’s offer was accepted , and as the two walked she began to explain what had happened between her and the shy archer.

“You see, it all started yesterday when I noticed I was being followed...”


“Bernadetta, why are you following me?” Edelgard had been slowing her pace for a while now, the second she sensed someone behind her. At first she feared the worst, that somehow an assassin had snuck into the sacred halls of Garreth Mach with intent to slay her. She’d quickly relaxed when she recalled that Hubert would be nearby, and likely would have dispatched of said assassin if that was indeed who was tailing her. The flash of familiar purple hair, and the soft mumbling and hesitant steps were also signs of who her tail was. Once she was directly addressed, however, Bernadetta's let out a shout of alarm and froze in place. She then quickly, and humorously, attempted to hide despite the fact the two of them were in a wide-open room with no such hiding spots.

“You were following me quite conspicuously, so why attempt to hide now?” Bernadetta then stopped, dejectingly walking back to face Edelgard while rubbing her arm.

“I...Um...” “Um?” The purple haired girl then caved under the gaze of her classmate, bowing and franticly crying out. “Please don’t hurt me!” Edelgard softly sighed, and rubbed the bridge of her nose, before calmly replying to her frazzled classmate.

“Calm yourself. I have no reason to harm you.” Her words appeared to fall on deaf ears, as Bernadetta was now sobbing wildly on the floor and refusing to look up.

“Forgive me! I beg you! I’ll go straight back to my room and you’ll never see me again. I swear!” Edelgard sighed much louder now, the beginnings of a headache starting to slowly creep onto the girl.


“Y-Yes Lady Edelgard?” Edelgard gently placed a hand on Bernadetta’s shoulder, ignoring the girls sudden skittishness at the action, and took a deep breath before continuing.

“Please explain why you were following me, and why you tried to hide.” Bernadetta looked up, tears starting to stop as she spoke.

“Is her highness saying she will not condemn me?” The leader of the Black Eagles bit her lip, the headache starting to properly form now.

“Please speak like the human that you are. I already said no harm will come to you.” That seemed to relax the other girl abit, as she clasped her hands as if in prayer and resumed.

“Yes. Yes, I'm sorry. Um, permit me to explain. Lady Edelgard, you are fearless. I look up to you as an example to follow.” Caught off guard by the answer, Edelgard couldn’t help but let her next words slip out.

“And that explains” Bernadetta flinched abit, but didn’t cower, which was taken by the other girl as a good sign.

“I decided to watch you from a distance, to learn from you. But your presence is, um...intimidating. I got more and more scared until I finally couldn’t help but try to hide! Ah, forgive me. I throw myself upon your mercy!” She then bowed towards the floor again, earning an outright groan from Edelgard.

“Honestly. Look, nobody is truly fearless Bernadetta. Even I have things that I'm afraid of.” A startled Bernadetta suddenly looked up, a look of pure curiosity on her face as she exclaimed.

“What? You do?” Edelgard let out an honest laugh, unable to help herself due to how honest Bernadetta was being.

“You seem oddly overjoyed at the thought.” She chuckled, bringing the other girl back to earth as she resumed groveling.

“N-no, of course not! But, um, what in the world could possibly frighten you?”

"The sea. I find the pitch black of the open sea at night quite frightening. I can’t swim, so if the sea were to wash me away, I fear I would never return.” Bernadetta adopted a quizzical look as she let the answer sink in.

“The sea? I think I may have seen it once. Maybe. I didn’t know you couldn’t swim. That’s a surprise.” Edelgard grimaced slightly, torn given the fact Bernadetta was cheering up but the reason for said cheer wasn’t what Edelgard had in mind.

“Again, my shortcomings delight you. Everyone has fears, as well as things they can’t do. How many times must I tell you?”

“Ah! I really did make you angry!” Without warning the purple-haired archer bolted from the room, screaming all the while and leaving a flabbergasted Edelgard who paused for only a moment before groaning loudly.


“So you see Professor, while she’s certainly improved abit since your arrival...I fear Bernadetta is still a ways away from shedding her timid nature.” After telling Byleth her story regarding Bernadetta, Edelgard was relieved to she her teacher’s stoic expression signaling she was taking it seriously. What she couldn’t see was that upon finishing her story, Sothis had manifested besides Byleth and was currently cackling like a madwoman. Byleth ,all the while ,was struggling to maintain a neutral face as she talked to her student.

“I see. She’s been fairly normal speaking to me lately, so I assumed she’d been making steady progress. I will see if I can’t speak to her on this the next chance I get, thank you for informing me.” The two then parted ways, and Byleth made way to her chambers to begin writing lesson plans for the next week. By sheer chance on the way she saw Bernadetta conversing with an older woman, who left just as Byleth approached them to see what was going on.

“Thank you, Lady Bernadetta. I will take my leave.”

“Oh, good. Bye! Uh, goodbye!” Byleth watched as the lady left, Bernadetta signing in relief as she began to speak aloud to herself.

“Finally... Oh, that was awful. Just terrifying.” Sensing the chance, Byleth approached the timid archer and gently spoke.

“What was that about, Bernadetta?” The younger girl shrieked and jumped up as if caught in the act and turned before stammering and then speaking.

“Please don’t sneak up on me like that Professor!” She then calmed down and explained. “It was nothing big. That lady just wanted me to show her around a bit. But strangers are just so nerve-wracking.” Byleth chuckled , moving her arm to rustle Bernadetta’s hair abit to the girls surprise.

“Is that so? You never seem to be scared of me.” Bernadetta pouted, gently moving Byleth’s arm away before answering.

“Oh yeah? I guess.... that is true. I was all up in that tree scared for my life, and then you came along and transformed into your Wildvine form. Actually, now that you mention it, it’s funny. Once I saw you change shape, and started talking to you in that form, I stopped feeling scared.” She then looked at Byleth deeply before she resumed. “You know, professor, you might be the first person I've been able to speak to normally since I got here, and I have no idea why.” Byleth beamed at the younger girl, a slight tug on her heart. Internally she imagined the girl had become so found of her due to her fascination with Wildvine, but she chose to keep that little tidbit to herself.

“I’m glad to hear that.” Bernadetta’s smile grew, and she nodded vigorously.

“I’m happy too! When we first started out here, we had to do drills... outside. I skipped those every chance I got.” She then shook as she recalled more about her early days at the academy. “It’s a terrible idea. Going out in the forest with all these people you don’t even know! Thanks to you though, I can actually make it through class now. I’m grateful for that. I don’t know what I'd do... If you weren’t here...” The second it became clear she was tearing up, Byleth scooped her student into a hug. Bernadetta was shocked at the sudden contact, but soon accepted it as she lightly sobbed into Byleth’s shoulder. After a moment the two parted, Bernadetta drying her eyes as she sniffled. “Sorry...I'm okay...” She then straighten up and looked Byleth in the eyes with determination. “I am okay. I’m doing just fine. I feel safe here, thanks to you.” Byleth felt herself tear up a little at her student’s words.

“Thank you Bernadetta. It means a lot to hear that. Although I just remembered, I was in the greenhouse earlier and swore I heard some singing. Was that you by chance?” Bernadetta’s face paled instantly once Byleth finished talking, and she instantly started to spiral out of control.

“W-What? Y-You saw that? Why would you see that?! You were watching me?! That crosses the line ,professor! Singing? Me?! Why would i be singing? I’d never be singing! Ah! I’ve never been so humiliated!” She then grabbed her head and screamed loudly, instantly turning around and running off before Byleth could get a word in.

“Useless! Worthless! Unmarriageable! Augh!” Once she’d run off, Sothis appeared next to the bewildered Byleth. The two exchanged a look before Sothis simply looked to where Bernadetta had run off and stated.

“Byleth. I feel you’ll need to address the issues that poor girl is going through soon.”

“For once, Sothis, I think I agree with you.”

“That’s good to hear- Wait, what do you mean for once?!”


After what seemed like endless waiting, it was at last the evening before the mission. Nerves were high and several of the students had kept themselves busy with preparations most of the day. Ashe in particular was noted to have gotten most of the needed supplies himself, carrying weapons and rations every which way the entire day with nary a complaint. Though that’s what was seen through most eyes at the monastery. Byleth’s eyes saw a young man who was forcing himself to keep busy to keep his head from filling with thoughts. Thoughts about what the next day could pendingly bring to him. Part of Byleth wanted to pull him aside and talk to him, making sure he knew the world wasn’t exactly going to end on him tomorrow. But she ultimately had to ignore that part, as her own preparations for the mission kept her busy throughout the day. Once night had hit and everyone retired to rooms for a good night’s sleep, Byleth found herself tossing and turning as she struggled to sleep. After a while the voice of Sothis began to ring in her ears, sounding irritated and groggy.

“Ughh Byleth enough with the worrying! You aren’t his mother. He is a big boy who can handle himself!” Byleth frowned, closing her eyes as she signed and rolled her eyes.

“Sothis I am allowed to be concerned over the wellbeing of a student!”

“He’s not even your student though!” Byleth groaned and slammed her face into her pillow.

“That doesn’t matter! He’s still a student who’s clearly not handling things well and needs support!”

“And that support is from someone who very well end up piercing her blade through his father’s heart-!”

“That is enough Sothis.” The spirit-based goddess faltered on her words, Byleth having cut them off with her own harsh venom filled words. The professor was now sitting up in her bed, a cold glare sent inward towards her ‘roommate’. The room filled with a tense silence for several minutes, before Sothis ultimately broke the silence with a concerned filled question.

“That’s what’s bothering you isn’t it? The fact you may very well be bringing him along only for him to watch his father die because of the mission.” Byleth said nothing, which lead to Sothis manifesting herself and ‘sitting’ next to her on the bed. “There’s no way he isn’t aware that’s a very real possibility. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if he begged to go so he could at least see his farther one more time before it happened.” Byleth bit her lips hard, a small drop of blood forming as she looked at Sothis’s indifferent face.

“Sothis please!” But the ghostly goddess gave no quarter, she simply ‘placed’ her hands atop Byleth’s and looked her dead in the eyes as she resumed.

“Byleth. You have killed men before without pause. You have been on a mission already that led to some of the knight’s being slain by that monster in armor. You cannot tell me you would look that boy in the eyes and tell him his father will come out of this unharmed?” Byleth moved her eyes away from Sothis’s, refusing to look as she was being spoken to.

“I...I know that. But...” Sothis frowned at how fragile her host was looking, but the iron was still hot, so she resumed poking.

“But what Byleth? What is it about this boy that has you so bothered?” Byleth sat there, either unable or refusing to answer. But after a moment her mouth opened, and she managed to begin pouring the words that had been blocking her throat out at last.

“When I see Ashe...when I look into his eyes...I see innocence. I see a boy who’s doing his best for the sake of others, who’s potential is second to none among the students here. And I see someone who clearly holds his father atop a pedestal so high I doubt there’s any above it say the goddess herself if even her. And now....I’m being forced to see that same boy be told his father has betrayed the church and needs to be punished. “ Byleth then looked down at her hands, slightly trembling with each word spoken, before resuming. “I know that lord Lonato may very well engage us in combat, if the knights don’t get to him first. And I know more than anyone here that expecting a peaceful resolution to the mission is expecting too much. I know I may have to fight him tomorrow, may need to kill him tomorrow to ensure my or my student’s safety. And it’s tearing me up inside because if that happens, i know the odds of Ashe being there to see it directly are high.” Sothis’s frown deepened, she once again placed her hands on Byleth’s in support, the other woman not resisting.

“Then why did you allow him to come? You could have easily told him no when he asked or refused outright to ask Rhea.” Byleth sunk her head low, muttering so softly Sothis had to strain her ears to fully hear the answer.

“I couldn’t say no when he asked me with those eyes...” Sothis blinked, then began to smile softly as she ‘patted’ Byleth’s back.

“That kid’s got some dangerous weapons on him then. I guess I can understand then.” The two softly laughed, before going back to silence. It was quickly broken by Byleth yawning, much to her embarrassment, but the damage was done and Sothis soon was prying at her to get some sleep.

“Sothis...If things go bad tomorrow...I can turn back the hands of time again right?”

“I wouldn’t go crazy with it, but yes. If it’ll get your sorry butt to sleep faster, you can turn it back as you see fit.” Byleth pulled the blankets over herself, feeling the siren’s song of sleep beginning to at last tug at her mind. Within seconds of laying her head on the pillow, she was fast asleep. And a fading Sothis chuckled as she pulled the blankets over Byleth a little tighter before yawning and fading back into her mind.


The next day bright and early the Black Eagles, as well as Ashe and Catherine, headed off towards the current location of Lord Lonato. It had been a fairly uneventful ride, which made the butterflies in Byleth’s stomach grow more volatile with each passing step. After a while there destination was in reach, so they stopped to stretch their legs and talk strategies. Byleth was aiming to speak to Catherine when Hubert, Edelgard, and Ashe stepped up to join the conversation.

“No matter how powerful our enemies may be, there is no need to worry so long as we’re with Catherine, the mighty wielder of Thunderbrand.” Byleth raised her eyes in shock hearing Hubert give praise, however faint, to someone besides Edelgard. But something else the boy said caught her attention as well.

“Thunderbrand?” Catherine’s eyes in turn widened and she instantly went to answer.

“You mean you don’t know professor? My weapon is called Thunderbrand. It’s one of the Heroes’ Relics.” She then pulled the weapon out, a beautiful sword with three sets of talon-like prongs sticking out of the blade. “A long, long time ago, the goddess bestowed divine weapons upon ten heroes, which were passed down to their descendants. “ She then returned the blade to its sheath with a small smile as she finished. “It’s an honor to wield, but I'm afraid there won’t be any chance for that today. Our mission is to help clean up the aftermath, not to fight.” Everyone nodded, with Hubert choosing to speak up once Catherine finished speaking.

“One must wonder Lord Lonato would incite such a reckless rebellion.” Byleth instantly flinched, and her eyes darted to Ashe who was trying to hide how hurt the comment had left him. Thankfully there wasn’t time for her to dwell on that due to Catherine answering Hubert’s inquiry.

“It all goes back to the Tragedy of Duscur...” Byleth raised an eyebrow at the sudden name drop.

“I’ve heard of it before, but I’m afraid I don’t know much beyond the name.” Before she could explain, Edelgard stepped forward to give an explanation for her professor.

“Roughly four years ago, the king of Faerghus was murdered by the people of Duscur. I believe that about sums it up, correct?” Catherine nodded, though everyone took note of the frown that was adorning her face as she did so.

“To put it simply, yes. But there’s more to that story. They had accomplices within the kingdom as well. Lord Lonato’s son, Christophe, was one of them, and so he was handed over to the church for execution.” Byleth felt her stomach drop, and instantly her eyes were back to Ashe. The poor boy was outright looking away in shame, keeping his eyes glued to the ground and refusing to move an inch. Byleth wanted to wrap him in a hug, to assure him not mentioning this wasn’t an issue, but instead she composed herself as best she could and followed up on Catherine’s statement.

“The church executes criminals?” Catherine’s eyes grew tired, as if the question was once she’d been asked before and always hated to answer.

“Speaking from the church's perspective, we simply pass judgment according to our doctrine in place of the kingdom, which was in complete chaos. Whatever the truth behind the incident may be, Lord Lonato has harbored resentment towards the church ever since.” The relic wielding knight then frowned deeply as she continued. “Well... to be more specific, his grudge isn’t only against the church. It’s also against the one who turned Christophe over to them...” Just as the students and Byleth were focusing on every one of Catherine’s word, one of her knights suddenly bolted up to them in a manic panic.

“Report! The enemy is approaching! They can’t be avoided. Their numbers are far greater than we predicted. They used this fog to slip pass the knight’s perimeter.” Catherine growled and her hand was instantly to her sheath, drawing out Thunderbrand as she looked to Byleth.

“It looks like our mission just changed, professor. Everyone, prepare for battle!” She then darted off to collect the knights who’d accompanied them, while Edelgard and Hubert went to oversee the rest of the Eagles to ensure the battle would go smoothly. They soon left just Byleth and Ashe, who was still refusing to look anywhere but the ground even with the sudden outbreak of battle looming overhead. Byleth hesitated for just a moment, before gathering herself and addressing him.

“Ashe.” He flinched, freezing in place for a moment before finally at last turning to look at her, the beginnings of tears in his eyes.

“Y-Yes professor?” She hesitated for just a moment, unsure what to say, before forgoing words entirely and wrapping him in a quick hug that shocked him.

“Be careful out there.” Ashe said nothing, simply allowing the hug to linger for a moment before the two parted in order to prepare for battle. Each of them praying for the safety of the other as they readied themselves for combat.


The fog that had allowed the enemies to slip in was thick, and Byleth was half way tempted to transform into Terraspin to either clear it away or fly overhead. She denied herself the urge to transform, knowing full well with as many enemies as they were expecting she should save her gauntlet until it was needed. Not to mention if she’d started to slack in her sword skills she’d never hear the end of it from her father. For now, she stood alone in the front lines, several of Catherine's knights had maintained a line of defense as best they could in the fog. Already she’d seen the tell-tail signs of magic being flung out from Hubert’s direction, as well as the sound of arrows whizzing by from either Bernadetta or Ashe.

She took a few hesitant steps into the thick fog, sword drawn and ready to slash at anything she saw, her stomach still buzzing about with butterflies as her mind kept thinking back to the conversation she just had. Suddenly, her ears picked up the slightest sound of a branch breaking to the side of her, and without thinking her body reacted. She lunged forward, raising her sword as she did, and slashed in front of her. A bloodcurdling scream was the sigh that she’d hit her mark, followed shortly by the fog parting slightly as a man fell down before her with a deep gash in his shoulder. Byleth hardly had the time to admire her handiwork however, as another snapping branch caused her to duck just as a sword missed her head. Another man had snuck up on her in the fog, and without hesitation once she rose up from ducking she raised her sword and clearly slashed at her arm. The sudden attack was enough for him to cry out in pain and drop his weapon, which Byleth took advantage of by kicking the blade away from him.

To his credit, he quickly tried to outright punch her with his other arm, but the pain from her attack caused him to falter easily allowing her to dodge it. She then raised her own arm and punched him square in the jaw, the sensation of teeth falling out filling her hand as it made an impact with him. He fell to the ground with a harsh thud, Byleth flexing her fingers as they mildly ached from the punch, and soon she was on the move once again. After a few moments, she spotted the distinct form of two figures clashing. Making her way towards it, she found one of Lonato’s men was engaged with Ferdinand . The boy’s lance was helping to keep his foe at a distance even as their weapons clashed, but it was clear his foe was getting too aggressive for him to handle. Without losing her momentum, she dashed forward with blade in hand and stabbed Lonato’s man in the back. The man cried out in pain and loosened his grip on his weapon, allowing Ferdinand to disarm him completely and strike a fatal blow.

Byleth noticed the dour look on her student’s face, one of disgust at his own actions, but she didn’t have time to dwell on it before a tell tale gleam behind him caught her eyes.

“Ferdinand! Down!” To his credit Ferdinand reacted with perfect timing, ducking just as his professor swung overhead and seemingly caught another solider who’d been trying to sneak up on them. The man went down, hissing and gasping for air, trying to defend himself while Byleth closed the distance between them. “Stand down. I won’t kill you if I don’t need to.”

“Y-You think we’re just gonna do nothing while you try to kill our lord?!” Byleth said nothing, the pure fury in the man’s voice silencing her. When he tried to struggle back up, He was quickly dealt with via a lance wound to the leg thanks to Ferdinand’s recovery. The soldier cried out in pain, both arms going to support his now bleeding leg in a feeble attempt to stop the bleeding. Soon enough he managed to raise his neck up enough to look at his two opponents, glaring daggers at Byleth in particular as he bit out harsh words.

“ W-We won’t allow you anywhere near Lord Lonato!” Byleth sighed, and reeled her arm back before slugging the man across the face. He instantly went down, knocked out by the blow. Ferdinand looked down at the now unconscious man with a look of concern, something Byleth made to stop.

“If he’s lucky someone will find him and tend to the wounds. You did good Ferdinand." She paused when he didn’t answer, turning to see he’d been staring at his lance. More specifically he was staring at the blood that now stained the tip. Sensing an all-too-common issue, Byleth gently placed a hand on his shoulder. He looked up, startled back to reality with the sudden touch, and looked at her in confusion. “I know how you must feel, but you need to remember Ferdinand. Men like this will not hesitate to kill you. You have people waiting for you to return, myself included.” His expression changed to ne of surprise at her words, but soon it was replaced by a gentle smile.

“Thank you, Professor. I should be good here now. You should go on ahe-.” He was cut off abruptly by a sudden scream that filled the air, one that sounded familiar to the both of them. Without a word Byleth dashed into the fog towards the sound of the scream, hoping that it’s familiar sound wasn’t spelling trouble for a certain grey haired archer.


“With this fog, it’s impossible where the enemy might be... or how many of them there are. The enemy could be trying to surround us, but they shouldn’t have enough soldiers to form a tight circle. Take down anyone who breaks through the fog, and let’s push through!” Once Byleth and the Black Eagles had spread out, Catherine and her knights wasted no time rushing into the thick of it. Once they entered the fog, several of Lonato’s men emerged with swords ready to kill. Catherine snorted before craning her neck to her men, all of whom had already drawn their weapons and started to launch an assault on the enemy. Catherine herself followed suit by pulling out Thunderbrand, the legendary blade emitting a dull glow as it was unsheathed. As soon as she was armed, three men jumped at here from the fog with swords at the ready.

Catherine smirked, then swung Thunderbrand with all her might at the oncoming threat. As if stuck down by lightning, the single slash took out all three men with relative ease and the Knights of Seiros gave a cheer to their commander’s display. The hilt of her sword then flashed a bright red light, and without warning Catherine leapt forward right into a trio of armored knights. The knights were startled by her sudden appearance, one of them tried in vain to strike at her with a spear only for her to nimbly dodge and strike him down. The other knights were soon taken care of just as quickly, Catherine barely breaking a sweat as she lowered Thunderbrand down. Just as she was about to advance forward, a single voice broke through the fog.

“It’s you. Thunderstrike Cassandra!” Catherine looked up, the fog at last waning away, to reveal seven men in front of her. One in particular caught her attention more than the others, an elderly looking man with flowing grey hair and blue tinted armor. The man’s blue eyes were filled with fire as he stared at her, his hands tightly clutched into fists as he spoke once more. “It was your wretched zealotry that killed my son!” Catherine could only laugh back at the man’s face as she raised Thunderbrand once more, a cold calmness filling her voice as she retorted.

“The only name I answer to is Catherine. Prepare to taste the blade of one who serves the goddess. Now, you face a knight of Seiros!” She pointed her sword at the man, a dull red glow covering the blade as she slashed through the air to fully dispel the lingering fog. The man in armor barely blinked at her actions, instead reaching for his own weapon as he sneered at Catherine.

“The fog has cleared. There’s nothing left to hide you of the filthy Central Church from the judgement of the goddess!” The two stared each other down, simply waiting for the other to make the first move, but before either one could a third party interrupted them.

“Lord Lonato! Please wait!” The older man paused, a sliver of emotion appearing on his face, as the voice of Ashe rang out followed by the boy himself running towards them. Once he arrived, Lonato clearly looked uncomfortable at his presence but managed to choke his emotions down as he addressed his adopted son.

“Stand down , Ashe. I must destroy these evil-doers by any means necessary!” Ashe looked as if he’d been stabbed by the words, but he refused to back down.

“Please surrender, Lonato! Whatever your reasons for doing this, we can still talk it out!” Lonato scoffed at Ashe, looking him squarely in the eyes as he countered the young man’s words.

“Rhea is an infidel who has deceived the people and desecrated the goddess! We have virtue and the goddess herself on our side!” Tears were starting to form on Ashe’s eyes, but even still he desperately pleaded.

“Even if all that’s true, dragging the townsfolk into it like this isn’t right!” Lonato’s stone faced expression cracked for a split second, before he forced it back and drew his weapon.

“You would turn against me? Turn against your home and bare arms against me, alongside the harlot who’s actions killed my son and your brother?” Ashe couldn’t speak, tears were starting to flow as he watched his adoptive father point a blade at him, clearly no longer willing to wait. “Enough talk then. If that is how you feel, prepare yourself! I’m putting an end to this!” He then prepared to lunge towards Ashe, the other men by his side following suit, while Ashe was frozen in place unable to pull out his bow.

Time slowed to a crawl as Lonato’s weapon grew closer to it’s target, a frantic Catherine trying to rush in and intercept the blow with Thunderbrand. As all hope seemed lost, and Ashe was moments away from being struck down, a green flash of light filled the area. And the weapon that was inches away from Ashe’s flesh was hit by what appeared to be a ray of fire, super heating the weapon within seconds and causing Lonato to drop it in pain.

“What devilry is this?!”

“Not exactly a devil, most called me a demon though so points for trying.” All eyes went towards the voice that was speaking with a strange thick accent, and were met with the sight of what appeared to be a fortress knight. Only that wasn’t quite the case. The figure that stood before them indeed had armor much like a fortress knight, a thick iron suit with bulking shoulder pads that fed into an iron ‘skirt’ of sorts. Only the figures ‘skirt’ was much shorter, and the gauntlets on their forearms were twice as big same for the glaives on their legs. Most notable was the helmet, which seemed to be a part of the suit with a smooth top and a face plate that looked more akin to a slab of iron with three lines of ventilation on it. The last thing of note, was a familiar hourglass symbol that was center in the figure’s chest plate which instantly revealed their identity to Ashe.

“P-Professor? Is that you?” The fortress knight nodded, and raised an arm in greeting.

“Yes, it’s me. You shouldn’t have risked going here Ashe...but I suppose I can’t blame you for coming.” The figure, now revealed as Byleth, then looked at the still confused Lonato. “As for you. If it were up to me, I'd strike you down for even attempting to harm one of my students let alone your own son. But for his sake, I'll ask you to stand down.” No one said anything for a long while after Byleth’s demand, though after a while one of Lonato’s men chose to answer in his lord’s stead.

“Hah! Bold words from someone without a weapon! Take this you heathen!” He then fired a point blank arrow right towards Byleth’s face, only for the armored professor to effortlessly catch it mid-flight. Her hand then started to glow a bright orange, and smoke started to come out of the arrow as it soon caught fire and burned away into ash. Byleth then opened her hand, allowing the ashes to fall towards the ground slowly.

“You were saying?” The man who’d fired the arrow paled, as did his fellows, even lord Lonato’s eyes widened at the display of power. He then bit into his lip before tightening his grip on his weapon.

“So the witch has employed a monster to do her dirty work? It makes no difference to me! The goddess will be with me! Have at you!” He the shouted as he raised his weapon and made to attack Byleth, while his men hesitated to move. Lonato darted to the side, poking at every perceived opening of Byleth’s armor with a lance. Only for Byleth to not react whatsoever, even when the lance appeared to piece her flesh.

“W-What madness is this? Why are you not bleeding!”

“I think the better question is why am I still humoring you.” Byleth then grabbed the lance, and with a mighty pull yanked it free of Lonato’s grasp. Then, in a move that caused another shout of alarm, Byleth shot out another ray of fire straight from her helmet’s visor. Melting the lance within seconds as if it were butter on an open flame. As the melted lance dripped onto the ground, the rest of Lonato’s men finally lost what nerve they had and started to run away in terror. Lonato, to his credit, did not seem fazed or unnerved in the slightest.

“I need no weapon to defeat one who follows that foul witch! Come at me then-!” Lonato’s bravado fueled rant was cut off, when an arrow barely grazed his cheek, a cut opening up and bleeding as he started at it. All eyes turned to Ashe, whose bow was raised and freshy fired even though tears were staining his eyes. “Ashe, have you lost your mind to these fool’s honeyed words?!” Ashe sobbed, clearly getting more upset the more his adoptive father spoke, still he managed to settle down enough to answer.

“No! I know what I’m doing is right! Lady Rhea has shown nothing but kindness to me and others! What happened to Christophe was sad...but he made his choice and was punished as a result!” That got to Lonato, the man’s temple throbbing in rage as he began to bellow out .

“Blaspheme! Leave my son’s name off your tongue! That witch and her falsehood of a church are to blame for his death! And I will have my vengeance this day!” He then lunged straight towards Ashe with nothing more than his bare hands as weapons and murder in his eyes, only for Byleth to charge at him and stop him halfway.

“You will not harm him! This stops now!” Byleth and Lonato grappled for a moment, only for Byleth’s superior strength to win out as she raised both of Lonato’s arms over his head. Her own hands began to glow dimly again, and Lonato cried out in pain as steam began to emit from his captured arms. Soon Byleth yanked them down again to reveal what she had done: Melting him armor over his hands to create makeshift bindings. Before he could attempt to struggle or run, she then raised a fist and punched him out cold. He fell to the ground in a heap, Ashe and Catherine staring in silence as Byleth picked him up and easily hefted him over her shoulder. “I believe this should about complete our mission then, right Catherine?” Catherine blinked before realized she’d been addressed, hastily lowering her sword as she addressed Byleth back.

“ R-Right! I’ll need to have my men check for any stragglers and ensure the town is safe, but that shouldn’t take too long. Thanks to you we got Lonato in captivity, so that’s a huge part of clean up done.” She then sheathed Thunderbrand before beginning to turn around. “ I’ll get on that right now, Go ahead and bring Lonato to one of the knights and we’ll take care of him. I suggest you check on the students too while we have some down time.” She then left, leaving only Byleth and Ashe. As soon as Catherine left, Byleth instantly went to Ashe who was starting to wipe the tears away from his eyes.

“Are you okay, Ashe?” The boy could only shake his head, clearly still reeling from the events that had just happened.

“Why...Why did this happen? Lonato was always such a kind man. Everyone in the village was...was so nice to me. And I...I killed them. I killed so many of them!” Ashe’s desperate pleas of grief attacked Byleth’s heart greatly, she found herself unable to answer the desperate questions the boy had. “I had to, I know I had to... I know that! But still...what does that make me?” As gently as she could in her current form, Byleth placed a hand on his shoulder.

“You only did what you had to Ashe. You shouldn’t beat yourself up over it. We managed to minimize casualties as well, so there’s still some people left!” Ashe looked up at her, tears pouring down his face as the words tried their best to sink into him.

“I’m...I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be bothering you. I’m... I’m going to check on the town. I hope my brother and sister are okay.” Byleth nodded, gently removing her hand from him.

“That’s fine. Please, take one of the others or a knight with you to be safe.” He nodded, weakly and almost without intent, before walking off. Byleth sighed as she watched him go, wishing there was more she could do for him, before turning to retrieve a knight to hand off Lonato too. As she walked , she spied the trio of Caspar, Hubert, and Ferdinand speaking and decided to approach. Give how animated Caspar was, she imagined it was a tense conversation.


“Damn it! It was all so pointless. I’ve never seen so many people utterly heartbroken...”

“Forcing innocent citizens to risk their lives... That man was not a noble, but a monster. I fear the professor may have been too lenient on him.” She watched as Caspar and Ferdinand conversed, while Hubert placed a hand under his chin and pondered out loud.

“What could have pushed lord Lonato to this point?” He then spied the hulking form of Byleth, only raising an eyebrow at her, before going silence as she approached.

“Are the three of you alright? No serious injuries?” Unlike Hubert, the other two had wild takes and almost drew weapons until they spotted the hourglass badge on their professor’s chest plate.

“Professor? Is that you? Our apologies, no the three of us are fine. No major wounds to speak of.” Ferdinand answered for the three of them, while Caspar gaped in awe at his teacher’s newest transformation.

“Whoa! You turned into a suit of armor Professor?!” Byleth chucked, a little relived at the brief bit of tension removed thanks to Caspar’s reaction.

“Not quite. I’m still inside here, though I’d advise against coming out of it anytime soon.” That got Caspar’s attention.

“What really? I heard you burned Lord Lonato’s men but good, so are you living fire inside that armor? If we let you out will you start burning up everything just by being free?” Hubert scoffed, glaring at Caspar as he signed.

“Honestly Caspar, do you not allow your brain to process thoughts before you speak? Such an outlandish idea surely cannot be the reason for our professor’s hesitation.”

“Actually, he may be right.” Hubert blinked, slowly craning his head to look at Byleth.

“Come again, professor?” Byleth raised the arm that wasn’t holding onto Lonato, her hand glowing a dull orange again as the air around it started to warp.

“It’s hard to tell obviously, but I feel I wouldn’t be able to do this if I wasn’t something that can start fires easily.” The three students watched in silence, Byleth noted that Hubert in particular was eyeing her a little too closely. Before that could lead to an awkward atmosphere, Caspar one again blurted out a random thought.

“So then, you’re like some kind of...Melt Man with the power to...melt?” Byleth and the other two looked at him, Caspar awkwardly chuckling as the others simply shook their heads. And in Huberts case, let out an aggravated groan. Byleth then gave a nod as she resumed her mission to drop off Lonato, a frantic Caspar calling out after her. “Wait professor! Was it something I said? Should I have gone for something with more energy? Did you hear me professor?! N R G!!” Byleth allowed herself a soft chuckle at Caspar’s antics as she resumed her search for a knight of Seiros. After what seemed like ages she found one, handing off the still unconscious Lonato for proper restraining just as she timed out and returned to normal. As she watched the knight cart Lonato away, she spied a familiar head of white hair out of the corner of her eye. She soon found herself walking towards Edelgard, who greeted Byleth then slowly began to speak aloud her thoughts.

“Everyone was a bit shaken by the militia fighting alongside our enemies.” Byleth frowned. “That's the reality of battle, I'm afraid.” Edelgard sighed as she listened to her teacher.

“If only everyone could face reality so unflinchingly. The commoners who allied themselves with Lord Lonato believed they were fighting for a just cause. It would be disrespectful to consider them simply victims when they died for what they believed in.” She sighed, looking up towards the skies before continuing. “Still, we have no choice but to eliminate those who cling to unreasonable ideas of justice. Even if our enemies are the gods themselves... we must never lose sight of our goal.” Byleth said nothing at first, taking her time to fully process exactly what her student was saying. After a moment, she closed her eyes and then softly spoke.

“I agree with you.” When she opened her eyes, she was met with the sight of a surprised Edelgard staring back at her.

“I’m surprised to hear you say that. Really, I’m just like Lonato. I, too, will be the sort of ruler who’s willing to risk the lives of my citizens in service of a higher cause. It’s not possible to change the world without sacrifice. Dying for the greater good is not a death in vain.” Before Byleth could reply, the two were interrupted by the arrival of Catherine who seemed to be a bearer of bad news.

“Professor... I’m afraid this incident is far more serious than anticipated.” Byleth instantly tensed up.

“What’s wrong?” Catherine opened her hand, revealing a thickly bound parchment that she slowly unraveled. “This was found on Lonato’s person. It’s a note that mentions a plan to assassinate Lady Rhea. We can’t tell who sent it, so the source is suspect, but the content is too disturbing to ignore. We must report this to Lady Rhea right away. I hope that it’s nothing...” Byleth nodded grimly.

“Agreed. We’ll depart as soon as everything is good to go. As for the note, I assume Lord Lonato will be questioned on it when he wakes? And...what will happen to him?” Catherine nodded, though she glanced at the paper with a curious scowl.

“Ultimately his fate will be up for Lady Rhea to decide. But you can bet as soon as he’s awake I’m grilling him for information on this. And if he knows what’s good for him, he’ll talk.” With that the knight of Seiros walked around to begin preparations for departure. Byleth soon waving goodbye to Edelgard as she went off to collect the students for the same reason. Neither woman seeing the unsettling frown and faraway look that were adorning the future empress’s face as they left.


The ride back to the monastery was mostly uneventful, though that was in part due to the dour mood hanging about. Ashe had reported that most of the townsfolk and his family were fine, which came as a huge relief both to the young archer and his allies. Lonato in the meanwhile hadn’t so much as stirred during the trip, which added to the tension since the note was still fresh in Byleth’s mind. Once they returned, Lonato was carted off to a holding cell and Byleth made to meet with Rhea right away.

“I am glad to see you have returned safely. The goddess is gracious with her divine protection. But it was not only her divine protection that shielded you, was it? You are just as skilled as I had hoped.” Rhea’s praise was at odds for Byleth for once, and she instantly went to bat for her students.

“My students deserve the praise more than me, your grace.” Rhea smiled, but for a spit second Byleth swore she saw a frown on the archbishop's face.

“I am not so sure. I heard some of the students were... hesitant about fighting militia. However, we must punish any sinner who may inflict harm upon believers, even if those sinners are civilians. I pray the students learned a valuable lesson about the fate that awaits all who are foolish enough to point their blades to the heavens.” Byleth felt her skin crawl at Rhea’s words, and her stomach start to form what felt like a rock settling inside it. The fact that the archbishop was saying such cold sounding words with a smile on her face was unsettling to the professor. But before she could voice any concerns, Seteth began to speak.

“Our real concern is what Catherine reported. The secret message that was in Lord Lonato’s possession. It contained a deplorable plot to target the archbishop on the day of the Goddess’s Rite of Rebirth. The plan seems unrealistic at best...But a threat is a threat. And until Lonato wakes we cannot get more information out of him. We must maintain constant vigilance. To that end, I would like for you and your students to help with security on the day of the ritual.” Though the unsettling feeling still lingered in her, Byleth nodded at the task.

“We won’t let her down.” Rhea beamed, a smile that still felt off by Byleth for whatever reason.

“That is most reassuring. You have my gratitude.” Seteth then took command of the conversation again

“The rite of Rebirth is of paramount importance. It is when the Church of Seiros and its believers unite to pray for the return of the goddess. The archbishop and I will be confined to the Goddess Tower once the ritual begins.” He then paused, rubbing his head as he did so. “Of course, the knights will be on high alert as well, but there aren’t enough of them to keep watch on every corner of the monastery. It is far from ideal to be forced to mobilize students, but the gravity of this situation requires that we all bend to avoid breaking.” Byleth nodded, not entirely at ease with using the students for the task but understanding there wasn’t much choice. Her eyes then darted back to Rhea, the unease slowly ebbing away as the archbishop began to address her again. “While there is no need to fear for my safety, we cannot turn a blind eye to those who would blaspheme so heinously.” Seteth nodded in agreement. “With any luck, this will all be for naught. Still, be on your guard.” Byleth nodded, though before she went to leave now that the meeting was done she thought to ask one question.

“Lady Rhea, If you don’t mind answering a question real quick. What will be done with Lord Lonato?” Seteth glared at Byleth, as if her question somehow offended him, but Rea moved to answer her.

“Once he is stirred, we will have Catherine and Captain Jeralt interrogate him for more information on the message found on him. Though we have now planned for the worst, knowing who is behind this plot will aid us in time.” Rhea then clasped her hands , as if in prayer, and resumed. “Though as for his fate afterward...As I said, we cannot turn a blind eye to those who wish us ill. And although the kingdom’s option must be consulted, I have little doubt to assume he would be spared the executioners blade.”

Byleth’s blood turned deadly cold the second Rhea stopped speaking, her heartbeat began to pound in her ears, and her mind instantly turned to thoughts of Ashe. Of how he would react to the news that his father that he’d fought tooth and nail to stop was set to die anyway. And the fact that she knew Ashe would likely recall how their last true interaction was a fight. Byleth knew the boy would be beyond devastated, and worst of all Byleth knew that it was all her fault. She was the one who had chosen to spare him on the battlefield, when she could have easily killed him and prevent Ashe from having a false hope that his father would live. Her stomach began to churn, and a cold sweat started to all but pour down her neck, and her breathing became slightly hitched even as Rhea and Seteth resumed taking. Their voices began to grow dim and distant as Byleth retreated further and further into herself.

“Professor? Are you alright?” Suddenly, as if getting pulled out of murky waters, Rhea’s voice reached Byleth who could only stumble as the archbishop was suddenly in her face.

“Ah! Y-Yes, I'm fine Lady Rhea-!” As Byleth was brought back to reality, Rhea brushed her hand near Byleth’s gauntlet, which started to beep and glow yellow.

“Unknown DNA sample detected. Sample is similar to prior scanned sample. Entering scan mode now” A beam of light then shot out of the gauntlet, aiming right at Rhea who seemed caught off guard by the sudden action, while Seteth bolted to attention at once.

“Professor Eisner! What is the meaning of this?!”

“I-I don’t know! It didn’t do this last time it spoke!”

“The Last time it spoke?!” As Seteth and Byleth had their back and forth, Rhea became transfixed at the beam that was currently encircling her once she realized it was not hurting her. Soon the beam stopped and returned back to the gauntlet, which beeped and lit back up in it’s familiar green hue.

“DNA sample acquired. Transformation eleven is now available.” An image then appeared on the gauntlet’s dial, a brand new one that Byleth had never seen before. As she went to look, Rhea and Seteth took one glance at the image and instantly paled. Before Byleth could even take in what had happened, Rhea harshly grabbed her wrist and pulled the gauntlet close as she glared at it.

“L-Lady Rhea that hurts!”

“Be silent child.” Byleth instantly stopped struggling the second the harsh command was uttered from Rhea’s mouth, the room suddenly turning more chilled as if the words took away the warmth Rhea’s presence normally held. After intensely staring at the image for several moments, Rhea let go of Byleth’s wrist and stared coldly at her. “You are not to use this transformation under any circ*mstance, even if it would mean your death. Do you understand me Byleth Eisner?” Byleth felt a nervous sweat on her palms, the stinging on her wrist keeping her focused as she tried her best to make sense of what was happening to her.

“I...I don’t. Why shouldn’t I?”

“Do you understand my direct order Byleth Eisner!?” Rhea’s voice grew louder, all but stabbing Byleth who was confused and scared at the sudden 180 in the archbishop’s behavior.

“Y-Yes Lady Rhea.” Rhea then scowled at her, before turning her attention towards a gob smacked Seteth.

“Very well. I need to consult on matters with Seteth now, so you may leave us.” Byleth said nothing, simply choosing to awkwardly bow before quickly stepping outside while holding onto her wrist. One she’d left the audience chambers and put as much distance between it and her, she let out the breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding as she looked at her arm. After some hesitation she slowly lifted it up and moved her hand towards the gauntlet. With a twist the dial was activated and the image that caused the sudden ordeal appeared again. Though the details as always were vague, she began to recognize the shape the image was showing her. A bipedal beast of some sorts that easily appeared to tower over her other forms, with huge looking wings and a series of horns protruding out of its back. As Byleth looked down onto the image, she voiced her thoughts now that she was alone.

“What in Fódlan's name is so important about this transformation?”


My My, now isn't that an ending? Put a note down on that though, there's some other things to discuss first and foremost.

1. The original plan was to have the preamble be more Black Eagle supports after Ashe's, Bernie and Caspar to be particular. But then I switched it around to Edelgard and Bernie's support, then kept Burnie's support scene with Byleth. Poor Caspar will get his day in the sunlight next time, I just felt it flowed better if I axed his support.

2.NRG is G O O D! That line lives rent free in my head, and now Fódlan has it's tenth alien in the form of everyone's favorite Russian accented living furnace! I picked NRG since Ben's playlists tend to give him a fire alien front and center. And typically that role goes to either Heatblast or Swampfire, the latter of whom was considered for Byleth before I settled on NRG. I also just liked the idea of fusing the Fortress knight armor with his containment suit so that helped in picking him for the tenth slot . He wasn't going to show up until the encounter with Death Knight, a sort of "Melting knight vs Death Knight" matchup, but since I moved DK's first encounter I figured it was time for the 10th alien.

3. Lonato living was a small change I made mid-writing out the scene. Originally I considered having NRG melt him down after Ashe got harmed, but I changed it after mulling it over. Of course him "surviving" the battle only for Rhea to send him to his death also helped the narrative so it ended up a two birds and one stone kinda of deal.

4. So a few people in comments mentioned the possibility of the Ultimatrix scanning Sothis/Rhea/Seteth for a new transformation. Which yes was always planned to happen, just after the initial 10 aliens are used. So lo and behold here be dragons! We'll see more of this form much much later but rest assured there's a plan for it.

Chapter 9


The black eagles prepare for the month's mission as Byleth still reels from her encounter with Lady Rhea. Will the mission go smoothly, or will something else strike out to cause trouble? Only time will tell.


Here comes the next chapter of Omnipotent from me to you! No in between chapter this time, we're getting right into the thick of it! And without any delay, please enjoy the chapter!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

To say the following week had been tense for Byleth would have been an understatement, and the month’s mission was still looming in the background to boot. Her conversation with Rhea was still lingering in her mind, the archbishop’s sudden change in attitude still making the professor uneased. The fact that Rhea had seemingly gone back to her normal graceful behavior the next time Byleth had seen her did little to quell the uneasiness. Still, she had done as demanded and avoided using her newly unlocked transformation if only to avoid Rhea’s wrath.

To that end she’d refrained from mentioning it to her students. Though given the concerning looks Edelgard had given her she imagined the empress to be had picked up on her teacher’s dour mood. Byleth had expected such thought and eased her student’s concerns while ensuring their time in the classroom resumed as always. She’d been chipping away at lessons plans during the afternoon, something she’d slowly gotten into the groove of doing in her free time, when she was suddenly interrupted by someone.

“Ah, professor! Always a pleasure to see you. I wonder, might you have a moment to chat?” That someone was Hanneman, the older gentleman appearing before her with a curious expression on his face. Sensing danger within that curiosity, Byleth answered with a curt and to the point.

“What do you want, Hanneman?” The older man brushed off her bluntness easily, waving his hand in the air as if to settle her down before resuming his inquiry.

“Come now. You have no need to be on guard. I’d never cause you harm. You’re far too valuable a specim- Well, that is to say, too valuable a member of the academy staff.” He then awkwardly chuckles, Byleth taking note of his minor slip of the tongue as her eyes begin to narrow in on him. “Indeed, the further my Crest research progresses, the closer you come to learning the truth of your heritage. Is it not so?” That got Byleth’s attention, her focus entirely on her co-worker now.

“How do you mean Hanneman?” Hanneman chuckled again, this time gentler toned, as he began to explain.

“When I learned you bore the lost Crest- the very Crest of Flames itself!- I set about learning everything I could about your past. What was the origin of your bloodline? How have the events of your life been shaped by your lineage?” He then raises a hand to his chin as he adds. “ I became somewhat obsessed, I must admit.” Byleth blinked, her mind at odds with the information she’d just been told. On the one hand she was ashamed to admit she’d forgotten that a so-called long-lost Crest was inside her, the mysteries of the Gauntlet having pushed it to the side. On the other hand, it was clear that while such information WAS important, her fellow professor may have gone over the top in his research.

“You investigated me?” Her question slipped out a bit harsher than she’d intended, though it came with the effect of slightly startling Hanneman as he tried to explain his actions.

“Nothing so crass as an investigation, no. I researched. I spoke to mercenaries whom you’ve worked with in the past to learn about your life before the academy. Of course, I also contacted Jeralt and his mercenary friends. Your father does keep rather interesting company.” Byleth couldn’t help but chuckle at his words, knowing full well it was an understatement given her father’s friends and acquaintances. “I’m excited to share with you what I've learned, but I do ask that you correct me if i am mistaken on any account. The story begins with Jeralt serving as captain of the Knights of Seiros. There was a woman at the monastery with whom Jeralt was quite close. At first, it seems obvious this mystery woman was your mother. Alas, that cannot be the case. The timing is all wrong.” A gnawing feeling began to form in Byleth’s stomach as Hanneman spoke, his words not ringing any bells to her at all. Yet he persisted, not noticing her growing discomfort. “As it was told to me, the woman in question passed away shortly before Jeralt left the monastery. Yet your birth occurred sometime later, while Jeralt was taking work as a mercenary. This of course, presumes your age is accurately reported. If you were born sooner, well, the story would be quite different, would it not?” She nods, the gnawing sensation growing as Hanneman tells her more about this story. A story that by all rights she should have known well before he began to utter it.

“I....I don’t know.” She speaks at last, her honest confusion at the ordeal winning out at last. Hanneman, for his part, didn’t notice her dour mood, still stuck within his ‘research mode’ as it were.

“It is intriguing though, yes? Why is your age so difficult to pin down? For example, Jeralt never once spoke of his time serving as captain of the knights. That’s quite a secret to keep for all those years. In the end, your old acquaintances had little definitive to say about either of you.” He then raised his head, his eyes boring into Byleth’s as he began to wrap up his rambling. “However, they all agreed on one thing- your father, and yourself, were a strong pair. Warriors to be respected and feared. You in particular. In fact, many came to know you as the Ashen Demon.” The dredging up of her old title, her old fame, made the gnawing sensation turn into outright violent biting within her stomach. The memories of who she once was already starting to pour in like uninvited guests. “They say you would destroy your enemies without a hint of emotion on your face. The mercenaries I spoke to revered you as a living legend of sorts.” Byleth said nothing, though at last that got Hanneman’s attention as he noticed the sheer pain and discomfort expressed on the woman’s face. He cleared his throat, before speaking once more, in a gentler tone than before. “So, that is what I learned. And I admit, it is barely more than I knew before. The next step in my research is to ask your blood for answers, and hope that it is more forthcoming than your past acquaintances.” He then paused, and looked at the Gauntlet on Byleth’s wrist before adding. “Perhaps I would be so bold as to even ask for some blood while you are transformed? That at the least might also help me in taking one step closer into solving that mystery as well.” Byleth blinked for a second before allowing a small smile to form on her face.

“Of course, Hanneman. Although....I don’t think I have proper blood in some of my transformations.” A wild spark lit up in the older man’s eyes at her words, as if issued a challenged.“ Then we shall simply have to get creative about it my dear Professor! Come now, if you are free at the moment there’s no time better than the present to get this done!” He then began to lead her away, Byleth slowly walking behind him as he rambled on explaining the tests he was about to perform on her. Byleth for her part simply smiled and nodded as they walked, the gnawing feeling in her stomach slowly fading away as her hand inched towards the dial of her gauntlet.


After the eventfulness of having her blood drawn, and the equivalent of it for several of her transformations, the rest of Byleth’s week was rather tame in comparison. An afternoon in the green house with Dedue and Bernadetta one day, helping Caspar and Ferdinand get their chores in the stables done, etc. She had admittingly run into some trouble with Linhardt falling asleep in class multiple times, as well as accidently running into Felix during a trip to the training hall. At the time Byleth had made the sound choice to ‘excuse’ herself from the training hall before the Blue Lion could get that familiar glint in his eyes. Felix looked as if he didn’t believe the flimsy excuse she had given him, but for once didn’t make much a fuss as she left. If that was due to seeing new ‘prey’ to train with, or to not again lose access to his precious training hall Byleth couldn’t say. She simply left the place, nearly bumping into Dimitri as she did. The head of the Blue Lions gave her a polite nod as she left, his eyes lingering on her for just a second before firmly aiming themselves at the form of Felix. As Dimitri approached his fellow Lion, the other youth chose to ignore the boy as he focused on slashing away at a training dummy.

“Hello, Felix. I see you’re here to train as well.” Felix looked behind his shoulder at Dimitri’s greeting, a visible look of disgust on his face.

“Go away. Just looking at your face makes me want to retch.” He then returned his focus to his sword, not seeing the other boy sigh with reluctance as he did.

“Heh. With that mouth of yours, you grow more like your brother every day.” At the use of the word brother, Felix growled and struck his sword deeper into the dummy. He then left the blade within the dummy’s torso before whirling around to address Dimitri.

“Shut up. And stop walking around on your hind legs. You’re not fooling me.” Dimitri frowned at Felix, a mixture of confusion and hurt painted across his face as his lowered his voice.

“I cannot fathom why you seem to hate me so.” Felix scoffed, turning his back to Dimitri in order to retrieve his sword as he spat out more venomous words.

“Because I know what you really are- a beast, craving blood.” That seemed to hit Dimitri hard, as he suddenly puffed up his chest and raised his voice once more as he replied.

“A beast craving blood, am I? I assume you’re speaking of the events two years ago. Last time we met outside the academy?” Felix growled again, sounding far more aggressive, as he spun back around to look the head of the Lions in the eyes.

“I am. The way you suppressed that rebellion... It was ruthless slaughter, and you loved every second of it.” He then gripped his sword harder, the strain of the training weapon sounding off as he looked at Dimitri with nothing short of hate in his eyes. “I remember the way you killed your victims. How you watched them suffer. And your face...that expression. All the world’s evil packed into it. That was our first battle. I remember it vividly.” Dimitri said nothing at Felix’s accusations, only noting how much the room has suddenly become thick with tension. Felix for his part ignored Dimitri's silence, barking out a short laugh before suddenly aiming his sword right at the prince of Faerghus as he resumed his speech. “Oh, something wrong? Go ahead and deny it, you wild boar.” Dimitri stared right at the blade that was aimed at his face, a slight twitch overcoming him as he looked ready to roar out a denial. But then, the moment passed, and he instead closed his eyes and sighed softly.

“I deny nothing Felix.”

“Well then.” Felix lowered the sword, not entirely withdrawing it but not aiming directly for Dimitri anymore. A low growl escaped his lips as he looked at the prince without an ounce of pity. “I suppose the Dimitri i once knew died during that slaughter in Duscur, along with my brother.” Dimitri tried meeting his eyes, tried to find some means of defending himself, but instead found himself softly saying “Perhaps you’re right.” instead. Felix scoffed again, his eyes never leaving Dimitri’s until he physically tore himself away from the prince turned boar.

“Hurry up and get out of my sight. I don’t make a habit of taking to beasts.” He then moved, the intent to return to his training, when Dimitri did something he would later regret: Stepped forward and place a hand on Felix’s shoulder. What happened next was a blur, happening all too quickly for any eyes to see, but Felix’s rage seemed to have reached it’s limit as the second he felt the contact he lashed out with his sword and a violent shout. Dimitri was caught unprepared for the violent reaction, his uniform’s sleeve now sliced open with a thin gash of blood following suit on his now exposed skin. “I told you to leave Boar! Now look what you’ve done!” Perhaps it was due to the blood lost, perhaps it had been Felix’s antagonizing tone, or perhaps it was simply something deep within the young prince waiting to be let out. Whichever it was, it spurred Dimitri’s next actions as he blinked hard before gnashing his teeth together and letting out a primal roar. Said roar was followed in suit with his right arm, reeling back and then coming back hard across Felix’s face in a punch that knocked the boy down to the floor hard. Even as his knuckles ached in pain, and a small part of him tried to calm down, Dimitri could not deny that the punch felt entirely too good for him. Felix meanwhile, slowly got up off the floor. He spat out some blood as he wiped his mouth off, a cold fury on his face alongside the now bruised cheek. “Getting your tusks out Boar prince? Good. Here’s mine!” He was then atop Dimitri in a flash, his sword swinging wildly in an attempt to land another blow on the bleeding prince.

The prince dodged as best he could, but rage was blinding his otherwise tactical mind. This led to him getting more of his uniform slashed open, and more cuts across his body that would surely lead to scars. But Dimitri was far from being on the defensive. He lashed out with blows of his own, his arms and fists barely being avoided by Felix and proving himself a danger even without his lance. Thus, they danced, back and forth again and again exchanging blow after blow as their rage consumed them. It came to a headway at last, when Felix’s blade at last made a mark on Dimitri's face just under his left eye. That proved to be the final straw for the young prince, who bellowed out in rage before forgoing it all and outright tackling Felix to the ground. Once on the ground, Felix’s blade fell out of his grip with a clatter, and he found himself pinned down by the weight of his house leader. “Enough of this Boar! Let me g-!” The swordsman’s words were soon stopped by Dimitri, the boy’s hands having a mind of their own as they suddenly found themselves around Felix’s neck choking him. He looked down on his former friend, the rage in his eyes slowly being replaced with fear as the air stopped going into his lungs. Dimitri’s grip only tightened at seeing this, his mind long since gone as only fury fueled his actions now.

As the light dimmed in Felix’s eyes, Dimitri swore he heard something else trying to reach him. He ignored it, instead only moving to tighten his grip and ignore Felix’s weak attempts to pry him off. Seconds later, an immense force suddenly rammed into him without warning, and he found himself removed from Felix who let out a shrill gasp as he started coughing. The sudden removal at last pierced past the fury that had been consuming the young prince, and he snapped back to reality at long last. His return was cut short however, when he tried to move only to find himself constricted. He looked down and saw the culprit: A thick tangle of vines that were keeping him ensnared and pinned to a nearby wall.

“What is this??”

“I was hoping you’d have an answer for that Mr. Blaiddyd.” Dimitri raised his head up at the mention of his last name, and paled at the sight of who had spoken. It was Byleth, donned in the form of Wild vine, whose singular eye was staring intensely at the prince . The plant based creature’s left arm was extending towards Felix in an attempt to help him up, but it was clear her focus was solely on Dimitri and his answers.

“P-Professor Eisner? I...I don’t.”

“I think you do, Dimitri. But I'll make it simple for you. Can you explain to me why you were strangling your classmate with what I assume no intent to stop?” Dimitri gasped, his gaze slowly lowering to his hands which were trembling even as he stopped struggling to break free of the vines.

“I...I... Professor please I didn’t...!” Dimitri’s reply was soon met by the sound of harsh hacking coming from Felix, who at last managed to sit up and speak.

“Isn’t it obvious Eisner? The boar finally bore his tusks!” Wildvine looked at Felix with a raised ‘brow’ before sighing and waving her hands in front of her, willing the vines that held Dimitri to loosen. Dimitri fell to the ground with a thud, still shell shocked even as Wildvine ‘walked’ over to him. She helped him get up, and then shot an arm out to grab Felix off the ground as well.

“It doesn’t matter, the both of you head to the infirmary right now. And I don’t intent to see either of you here for the rest of the week. Understand?” Felix suddenly growled, clearly intending to argue with her on it, until the arm that was holding onto him suddenly tightened its grip. “Understand Mr. Fraldarius?” Felix growled again, but ultimately shook the arm off and gave a blunt. “Fine.” As he started to walk away. Before he left though, Felix took one look at Wildvine and spoke through the hoarseness in his throat.

“Next time we’re both in here Eisner, It‘ll be you and me. I’ll be ready for you. Expect to see me doing push-ups, sit-ups, and plenty of juice!” He then resumed leaving without another word. Wildvine sighed as she watched the swordsman leave, she then turned her attention to Dimitri with a small frown.

“I still intend for a proper answer Dimitri...but go get those cuts dealt with first. Then we’ll talk.” Dimitri looked like he too wanted to say something, but he ultimately bit his tongue and simply nodded. He then slowly stood up, still shaking slightly as he made to leave the training hall.

“P-Please excuse me then, Professor.” Wildvine then watched the boy leave, a frown on her face the entire time.

“He’s hiding something.” Wildvine didn’t even flinch at the sudden voice of Sothis, only sighing again as she answered.

“He is. But I’ve no clue how to even begin to figure out what...”


As the month drew to a close, Byleth and the Black Eagles were getting antsy regarding their mission of security for the rite of rebirth. A few days before the night of the ritual, she summoned the Black Eagles to talk about the mission. If only to get rid of the strange nagging thoughts regarding the mission she had. As always once the meeting started, it was Edelgard who spoke first with a no-nonsense attitude.

“Our mission this month is to patrol and set up defenses to stop the assassination plot.” Everyone nodded at the statement, understanding of the mission long since been done. Hubert was the first to raise a question, and as always, the sharp minded lad asked a question that struck at the heart of the matter.

“I wonder if an assassination attempt is truly the goal of our enemy...” His classmates started to all talk at once at that, murmuring amongst themselves until Byleth loudly cleared her throat and took charge.

“You think it’s a distraction too then Hubert?” He nodded, and Edelgard added in.

“Yes, I think so too.” The white-haired student then took charge of the conversation once more. “A barely concealed secret message, trying to distract us from whatever’s really going on. Sloppy, to say the least. And while everyone is out searching for a phantom assassin, they’ll be free to accomplish their true goal with ease.” the students murmured once more, Ferdinand being the next up to speak.

“The monastery houses many valuable weapons. Perhaps that is their aim?” Dorothea chimed in next, the girl looking a little too eager to voice her opinion. “I hear the monastery has a treasure vault too. Seems like the sort of place a foe would like some alone time in.” Everyone agreed at the idea, though the students weren’t done adding ideas to the pot as Linhardt spoke next.

“Garreg Mach is immense, and not just above ground but below as well. Perhaps their aim lies beneath the monastery...” Hubert’s eyes narrowed at that, his mind seemingly working at once to formulate a plan.

“It seems to me that we should search the monastery for a clue as to what the enemy might be after. Of course, we must never underestimate the need for preparedness, in case a battle should ensue.” The gathered eagles all nodded at his words, save for a timid Bernadetta who muttered something under her breath as she lightly shook. Before Byleth could finish up the meeting by talking strategies, the sounds of approaching footsteps interrupted them.

“A secret meeting, professor?” All eyes turned to the new voice that spoke, which belonged to a woman who was approaching the group alongside a young boy. The woman stood proudly as she approached, her pale skin countered by her purple hair and black and green outfit. A quiver of arrows was firmly attached to her hips, and she wore armor across one shoulder as well as a large silver charmed neck brace. The boy next to her was a different story, appearing no older than twelve or such if Byleth were to guess. His skin was a deep tanned that reminded her of Claude, as did his messy dark hair. He hovered near the woman as she at last reached the gathered group and began to introduce herself.

“Oh, we haven’t been introduced. I am Shamir.” She bowed slightly, though Byleth took note that her eyes didn’t move away from staring right at her even as she bowed. Edelgard took it upon herself to give a more detailed introduction for the newly arrived Shamir. “Shamir is one of the Knights of Seiros. And this young man is-”. She was cut off by the young man in question, who seemed eager to introduce himself.

“I work for Lady Rhea! And I'm Shamir’s apprentice! Oh, the name’s Cyril.” Byleth smiled at how earnest Cyril sounded, and warmly greeted him.

“Good to meet you, Cyril. You’re Shamir’s apprentice then?” Cyril nodded, his hands waving about as he explained.

“Yep. She’s teaching me about the bow and the sword and all kinds of stuff. I’ve gotta protect Lady Rhea, so that’s why I’ve gotta learn all I can from Shamir.” Shamir smiled fondly at her ward’s eager decree, ruffling his hair slightly before addressing Byleth again.

“Cyril adores Rhea. That aside, if you need anything, ask.” “Thank you, Shamir. I’ll keep that in mind, but for now the Eagles and I have a mission to prepare for.” And with that the two guests excused themselves as the students began to discuss what to do for the approaching mission. Several volunteered to explore the vast undergrounds of the monastery, while others opted to check every nook and cranny above ground for some elusive clue that the Knights may have missed. As Byleth did her best to rein them all in, she noticed Sothis’s appearing beside her with an amused look upon her face. Apart from said look the ghostly goddess said nothing, simply watching her host’s student’s as they began to run about in pursuit of the mission. Both she and Byleth knowing this simply would be prelude to something hopefully less sinister.


“The Goddess’s Rite of Rebirth is about to begin. Are we going to move forward with our plan?” A few days later, Byleth was gathered with her students outside the tower of the Goddess, the mission underway. At the moment she was with Hubert and Edelgard, who were conversing with her before everything was to go down.

“I believe so. How confident are you in our theory professor?” At Edelgard’s direct addressing, Byleth looked over her students before answering honestly.

“We aren’t wrong.” The empress apparent nodded at her teacher’s words, though Linhardt appeared to somewhat damper the mood.

“No one’s intuition is perfect. It’s ridiculous not to have doubts.” That earned the boy a frown from Hubert, who dismissed the notion entirely.

“All that matters is how our enemy makes their move, not how our teacher feels about the plan.”

“Hubert is right, Linhardt. My thoughts on the matter hardly are what’s important. Now look sharp, here comes Seteth.” The students began to shimmer down with the approach of the archbishop’s aide and his sister, the former giving a somewhat scathing look at the gathered students.

“You seem a mite too relaxed for my liking. The Goddess’s Rite of Rebirth is about to begin. While we are in the Goddess tower, we are relying on you to secure the locations that are lacking in defense.” Byleth nodded, though felt a smidge of annoyance at Seteth’s condescending tone. Sensing this, Flayn giggled softly before she turned to address Byleth.

“May I let you in on something, professor? My brother can be a bit...callous. He told me he was concerned about you, and hinted that perhaps you would be better of patrolling a coffin!” She giggled again, and even Byleth found it hard to hold back a chuckle as she watched Seteth react like a dog caught in the pantry.

“That was said in jest, Flayn. And in confidence. Please just remain by my side and do not cause any more trouble.” He then cleared his throat and looked at Byleth, a quick aside glance at his sister as well to ensure she remained quiet. “As a professor, you would do well to remember that it is your duty to guide your students down the path of righteousness.” As Seteth finished speaking, he was suddenly dragged by Flayn who had grabbed onto his sleeve.

“Please excuse us, everyone. We shall see you again after the ceremony has concluded!” She then dragged her protesting and embarrassed brother away into the tower, the man huffing and puffing the entire way much to the amusem*nt of the gathered students. Hubert in particular was allowing himself a dry chuckle as he watched it unfurl.

“A coffin. How fascinating.” The grim and dour boy was then elbowed lightly in the ribs by Edelgard, who took on a no-nonsense approach to the situation.

“Hurry, professor. We must find a place to hide where we can guard the stairs to the Holy Mausoleum. If the enemy moves as predicted, we should be able to cut off their escape path and capture every last one of them.” Byleth nodded, and took one last look at her class before they began to break away. They soon entered the monastery’s catacombs where they had predicted the enemy would appear. They hid among the tombs and coffins quietly, making sure to scan the area to ensure nothing was out of place. Then, they waited with bated breath, hoping that their hunch had been proven right. It took little time before they were rewarded for their efforts, as a set of hidden doors deeper into the room suddenly opened up wide. With hordes of mages and other intruders tunneling in one by one. Edelgard grimaced from her hiding place, her hand on her axe as she readied herself for combat.

“We were right. Unwanted guests have come to visit.” Byleth joined her in the grimacing, before signaling to her class to emerge and fight. Upon seeing the Black Eagles come out of hiding, one of the mages shouted out in panic to his comrades.

“Those Central Church dastards have spotted us... Buy me some time while I open the seal on the casket!” A loud roar came from several men near him, and they drew weapons as they readied themselves against the students. Byleth and Edelgard met up in the center, several other students governing near them as if sizing up the enemy before them.

“Our enemy appears to be after the tomb of Saint Seiros in the back. Are they attempting to steal her bones? It would be best to defeat them before they achieve their aim.”

“Got it. Edelgard, you come with me and we’ll try to get to the one in the back. Everyone else, fan out and take out who you can! And be careful!” The combat ready professor was met with several shouts of “Yes professor!” Which she took in stride as she and Edelgard made way towards the back of the room. The two were instantly met with resistance in the form of an armed man with a sword. Byleth motioned towards Edelgard and drew her own blade, clashing with the man headfirst while her student reeled back her axe and aimed right at the man’s kneecaps. The man caught on too late what they were planning, as Byleth suddenly disengaged with him as the blunt side of an axe came sailing pass and slamming into his kneecaps with extreme force. He instantly fell to the ground hard with a pained scream that almost made Byleth feel bad for him. Almost.

“That was rather easy professor, perhaps we’ve overestimated our foes?” At her student’s co*cky sounding words Byleth sighed and rolled her eyes a little.

“Don’t let your confidence overtake you Edelgard! One man down does not equal the enemy slain!” As if on cue, two more men sprang up to meet them. One of which was a mage who was casting a spell that caused Edelgard’s eyes to widen as she recognized it.

“My teacher! He’s using a warp spell! Stop him quickly before-!” But the girl’s warning was too little too late, as the mage cast his spell just as Byleth had cut him down. A circle of magic appearing before them as a figure slowly began to materialize within it. A figure that towered over them, a figure with spiked armor and a familiar skeletal helmet. The near demonic looking steed that stood underneath it. A figure that caused Byleth’s skin to grow deadly cold as she realized exactly who had been summoned into the underground tombs.

“What is this? Could the cursed blight of my allegiance have led me back to you so quickly? Has fate dictated that we are to once again bear our very souls against each other? Very well! Let Death come forth once more to claim you , Beast with the skin of a human!” And with the swinging of a scythe that Byleth knew all too well, she knew what had happened: The Death Knight had once again appeared before her. And this time, there would be no mercy for her.


Once his teacher had given the order for everyone to spread out and deal with the enemy, Caspar wasted no time finding the nearest mage and punching them straight in the face. He then followed that punch with another, and then another, until the poor mage was on the ground knocked out cold. Caspar took a second to admire his handy work, just a second, before he was interrupted by a sudden thunder spell just barely missing him by a foot. He turned to see the mage who was responsible for said spell eyeing him, resulting in Caspar tossing him an almost feral grin back.

“Nice aim there! Here, let me show you a few pointers!” He then lunged forward, gauntlet covered fist reeling back with the intent to go on the assault, when suddenly the mage who’d fired at him seized up and fell forward slowly. Caspar stopped, confused at the mage’s sudden defeat, until he saw the reason why: a smiling Petra who was standing right behind the mage with a bloody sword in her hand. “Petra! Aww come on! That guy was all mine!” Petra blinked in confusion at her classmate’s disapproval, seemingly not understanding the foe paus she’d done.

“Oh? I am sorry Caspar, is this how you say Chewing more than I can bite into?” Caspar groaned , a familiar motion for him when it came to Petra.

“No, it’s biting off more than you can chew- gah never mind! That guy was all mine! You know how awkward it is to square up to someone then have someone else take them out?” Petra blinked as Caspar ranted, not entirely following him given the confused look on her face, before frowning and looking away sheepishly.

“I am sorry, Caspar. I did not know there was to be a custom like that on the battle grounds.” The two of them flinched as a ball of flames suddenly slammed into the ground in front of them, the source being another mage who had approached during their conversation. Caspar groaned as he raised his gauntlets, tensing his body up as he stared the mage down.

“And then there’s THIS asshole! Come on Petra!”

“Right, I shall follow your leadings!” The two then darted forward, barely missing another fireball from the mage who’d started to panic at the sight of the two approaching him.

“Damn brats! Just burn already!” He conjured up another ball of fire and shot it straight at Caspar, who didn’t stop running forward at all. This was due to Petra’s sword suddenly slashing away the flames as she crossed in front of her classmate for a split-second save, allowing Caspar to resume dashing uninterrupted. As the distance between the mage and the brawler got shorter and shorter, the former became more and more frantic with his use of fire magic. “G-Get away!! Get awa-!!” The panicked screams of the mage were cut short, via Caspar at last reaching him and sending a punch right into his stomach. The mage instantly tried to grab onto Caspar in desperation, but the plucky youth’s blow proved too strong for him, and after a moment his grip went soft and he was out cold. Caspar ‘gently’ laid the mage down on the floor, a co*cky smile on his lips as he turned back to Petra.

“Now that was better! Thanks for the hand! Now, let’s go clean up the rest!” Petra raised her brow as she began to follow after Caspar, her confusion forming a question that she simply couldn’t deny herself from asking.

“Why would we be cleaning these men up? Are they too filthy to be presenting to Lady Rhea??”

“Wha-? No not like that Petra it means, gah never mind just come on! I think Bernadetta needs some help over there!” He pointed forward, and Petra squinted her eyes to see that indeed their violent haired friend was currently in peril due to some enemies managing to slip pass her bow’s range. The timid girl was doing her best to fend off their swords with a blade of her own , but it was clear her skills with a sword paled compared to her archery.

“I knew i should have stayed in my roooooooom!!” Bernadetta was spiraling as she did her best to dodge incoming sword slashes, but with two armed men surrounding her it was clear she was in a losing battle.

“Petra, you go left and I’ll go right!”

“Yes, let us save our ally!” The two teens separated as their drew their weapons, the element of surprise still somewhat on their side, and just as one of the men had disarmed Bernadetta and made to strike her down Petra had reached him and lunged forward with her sword. Within seconds the man was fully impaled from behind, a loud curse following suit as he dropped his weapon.

“What the?! Where’d this brat come fro-?!” His ally spoke out but was cut off by the sudden impact from Caspar’s fist smacking into the back of his head, followed the sound of him falling to the ground alongside his friend’s body. Caspar and Petra allowed themselves a moment to catch their breath, before the former looked towards the now trembling Bernadetta in concern.

“Are you okay Bernadetta?” The trembling girl looked up at her classmate, tears forming in her eyes, looking ready to confirm that she was fine when her eyes narrowed, and she quickly reached behind her for her bow while screaming.

“CASPAR, DUCK!!” It was a credit to his skills that the boy instantly ducked without question, narrowly missing both the arrow his friend had fired off within seconds, and the man who’d crept up behind him with a raised axe. The former soon found itself lodged in the throat of the latter, who tried to say something only spit a spray of blood out of his mouth for his efforts. Caspar wasted no time in getting back up and instantly punching the arrow deeper into the man’s throat, causing his eyes to roll back into his head as death claimed him instantly. Caspar for his part grimaced at the sight slightly, before blowing hot air out of his mouth and turning back to his classmates.

“Thanks, Bernadetta! I didn’t even hear that guy coming...Bernadetta? You okay?” His attention was instantly on Bernadetta, the tears full on leaking out of the poor girl as she was trembling even worse now and staring at the man who was dying due to her arrow.

“I...I... I killed...! I should have stayed in my room! Safe, safe room! Nothing bad happens to Bernie in her room-!” The girl’s destructive rant was abruptly stopped short when she lunched over and violently vomited, an action that startled the other two and caused Petra to lean down and gently pat the girl’s back as she released her lunch. Caspar soon joined them , also helping by trying his best to sooth his clearly traumatized classmate.

“Hey, it’s okay Bernadetta. Just take it easy, let it all out nice and slow.” After a few moments her vomiting stopped, and she was left heaving and gasping for air while sobbing her eyes out in a pitiable display. Both of her classmates had nothing but concern in their eyes as she slowly raised her face which had quickly become a mess, the tears refusing to stop even now.

“I...I...I’m sorry! I know I'm just worthless, ugly little Bernie. Can’t even be out here h-helping the professor without making a m-m-mess!” She then sobbed deeply and returned to facing downwards, her will to keep fighting clearly vanished now.

“Hush now Bernadetta. You are not being worthless here now. Without you, friend Caspar would have an axe in his backside.” Caspar instantly latched onto the support that Petra was giving the sobbing girl.

“Yeah, Petra’s right! I’d be seriously hurt if you didn’t see that guy! You did what you had to, what any of us would have done if it was you. Nothing to feel bad about.” The sobbing slowly, not stopping but halting just a bit for the girl to look up again with baited breath.

“Y...You mean it? But I...I ..that man over there is..!” She lunged again and placed a hand over her mouth again as a drop of vomit slipped pass with more threatening to push past. Caspar went to go support his classmate when suddenly the sound of clashing steel got his attention and he turned to see a haunting sight: His professor barely defending herself from the monstrous knight they’d encountered a few weeks prior. A cold sweat fell down Caspar’s face as he watched his teacher barely holding on, not even trying to fight back even as the knight’s scythe kept going down onto her sword. He almost bolted then and there to help her, but a sudden touch shocked him out of it. He turned, finding the touch was Bernadetta who was trying to steady herself by leaning on him. He bit his lip and exchanged a look with Petra , who seemed to be aware of the current dilemma as well, but slowly shook her head . He sighed but ultimately knew she was right, he’d only get in the way as much as he wanted to help Byleth out. So right now, he had to do all he could . And if that mean helping a classmate deal with having killed a man in order to save him, then that’s what he’d do. He only hoped that his professor would be able to get the upper hand again, knowing full well if she didn’t then escape would be neigh impossible.


It had happened so fast, Byleth wasn’t entirely sure what was going on at first. Upon having contact with them, the lead caster had cried out to the Death Knight, she remembered that much. She also remembered the knight outright dismissing the attempt to command him while claiming he wasted no time on weaklings. He’d been staring at her when he said this, and no matter how much her body had screamed at her to prepare herself she’d been petrified. The nightmare of so many days ago crawling back into the center of her mind, and the fact that Edelgard was right next to her the entire time only made those memories hammer into her harder. It was when the knight took a single step towards her, and the faint buzzing of Edelgard’s voice tried to breach her mind, that everything went into motion all at once. She’d shoved Edelgard aside, shakenly drawn her blade, and just barely managed to use it to block the incoming swing of the knight’s weapon.

“Hmph. A paltry effort. Do not assume to think you are my equal as is.” Another swing of the scythe, more buzzing from a now screaming Edelgard, and a pounding in her ears that was matching the drumline that was fogging up her brain. It was taking all she could muster just to keep raising her sword up to block, her body refusing to work with her so long as those bloodthirsty eyes were focused on her. She made a token swing of her sword, only for the attack to be deflected like nothing and a snarl emitting from the knight. “Do not test my patience! Abandon this weak façade and don your true form!” He then slashed down again, this time her sword only grazed it back letting her hand get a small cut on it. The Death Knight resumed on, his steed taking only single steps as if sensing it’s master’s intent, his eyes staring right into Byleth’s soul as she felt helpless to defend herself. “Summon up your demons! Hit me! Fight me! Give me an embrace that only death would know!” Her chest was pounding now, and all she could see were those damned eyes staring back at her. The scythe made to go down again, this time no sword in sight to deflect it, when suddenly a ball of darkness came out from behind her and struck the knight right in the chest. He reeled back slightly, a growl of annoyance coming out from him, as he finally moved his eyes away from Byleth. “You would dare strike me? Arrogance!” Before she could react, Byleth was suddenly yanked back hard. She gasped for a second before she was spun around to face her apparent savior: a very upset looking Hubert.

“What in Fódlan's name are you doing?! Why have you not transformed yet to deal with this detestable scum?!” The anger in his voice finally started to shake whatever spell she’d been under away, as she blinked her eyes and tried to answer.

“I...I was... his eyes were...” Hubert scoffed before staring at her with his own eyes, eyes that seemed to rival the Death knight’s in how piecing they could be.

“Enough of this childish game! You are the professor here! The professor who’s shown me already that impossible things are within your grasp!” He then gripped onto her shoulder hard, causing her to cry out in pain slightly while he resumed onward uncaring. “Stop whimpering like a child! You have already faced this gnat before and come out alive! Show me that you can do it again! Show me what it is about you that Lady Edelgard sees in you!” Byleth gasped, the full meaning behind Hubert’s words at last reaching her. She made to answer him when suddenly he once again pulled her back just in time to dodge another attack. The Death knight stood there, a silent rage filling him as he once more readied his weapon.

“Enough. If you will not abandon yourself of your own will, then I will do so myself.” Time seemed to freeze for Byleth , later on she would swear it actually did, but the words Hubert had told her rang true in her head. Without a second’s hesitation she activated her gauntlet, moved the dial ever so slightly, and then slammed down on it hard. The familiar green flash filled the room, and when it subsided Byleth’s form was replaced by the hulking armored form of NRG who faced down the Death knight without pause. The knight, meanwhile, seemed only minorly impressed at the transformation. “Amusing, you have donned a skin of steel against me. I would almost laugh, if not for the knowledge I have. I will strike at you with intent to kill. I will strike at you , you beast who reeks of blood!” He then raised his scythe once more, and brought it down upon his newly armored foe with full force. Only for NRG to catch it just barely with her hand, which was now glowing slightly as steam began to emit from it.

“Nice try. Now? It’s my turn.” The glowing on her hand then brightened considerably, and within seconds the blade of the knight’s scythe was reduced to a melted puddle. This did little to hinder the knight, as he simply dropped the weapon and withdrew a sword from his horse’s saddlebag.

“Such power! I will endeavor to enjoy this to the last second!” He made motion to swing his sword, when another spell of darkness suddenly hit him violently, ensnaring him as if using his own shadow against him. NRG looked to the side to see the spell had come from Hubert, who simply looked done with everything as he readied himself to cast another spell.

“Shouldn’t you go check on Edelgard?” “If you had taken the time to notice, my lady is going on ahead to deal with the irksome mage near the tomb. I trust she can accomplish that without my aid.” He then summoned up a magic circle, one that was teaming with the dark power of a Nosferatu spell, which he quickly launched onto the Death knight. Said knight took the spell head on, getting ensnared with it once again yet not showing the slightest bit of concern. Hubert took the moment to look NRG in the ‘eyes’ as he finished up his earlier comment.

“I do not think I can fully trust you to handle this however. So do forgive me if I stay here to ensure the task is finished up to my standards.” NRG laughed at the comment, before raising her still glowing hand and aiming it at her opponent.

“No arguments from me! Now let’s take care of this guy!” She then fired a beam of pure heat from her hand, something that the Death Knight actually made his steer dodge. The beam then hit the ground and instantly caused a smoldering crater to appear, something the sinister knight took note of.

“I see. So, the very flames of hell are at your beck and call then. Very well! I fear no such flames!” The Death knight then forced his horse forward and swung his blade in a wide arc, causing Hubert to duck underneath as it sailed on by. NRG didn’t even attempt to dodge, the sword hitting against her armored self with a loud clang.

“Is that all you’ve got? Cause here’s mine!” The accented voice of NRG rang out as her helmet’s visor began to glow, a beam of pure heat firing out of it and hitting the Death knight head on. It wrecked through his chest plate, leaving a melted mess that appeared to be burning the skin underneath given the Death knight’s bellowing cry. He leaned over his horse, clearly damaged at long last is his rugged breathing was a sigh. Hubert and NRG looked on cautiously, not fully expecting the fight to be over so soon. “Is...Is he down?”

“I doubt it. It does not appear your attack did anymore then melt the armor and burn the skin underneath... He is pained but not dead.”

“I didn’t mean down like that Hubert! I wasn’t aiming for that anyway!” “

A pity. It would make this a thousand times easier to finish.” As the two conversed, and the Knight made no sounds other than his breathing, a loud cry reached all ears, and all eyes instantly went towards the back of the room. Edelgard had been in a scuffle with the head mage while the fight with the Death knight had been going on, and it seemed that her fight had suddenly turned sour. NRG watched as her student was blasted by a large fireball, her clothes catching fire as she was pushed back. She was forced to her knees then, her axe the only thing keeping her upright as she used it for leverage and glared daggers at the mage.

The mage wasn’t without damage on his end however, a sigh that Edelgard had the upper hand at some point, but what really caught NRG’s attention was the weapon in his hand. It was a sword, at least in appearance it was, its blade looked less like steel and more akin to bone as did most of the sword in actuality. It also had a hole right in the center of the hilt, which gave it an air of mystery. The mage was using it poorly, however, barely managing to wave it around to keep Edelgard back. Hubert looked ready to skin the man alive, something NRG wanted to beat him to the punch at.

“Hubert, I’ll disarm him from here and distract him. You go after Edelgard and help her while i do that.”

“You do not need tell me such professor. Go, leave me to the task.” NRG quickly raised a hand, aiming for the mage’s arm and firing off a beam of heat that flew across the room faster than an arrow. It hit its target easily. Causing the mage to scream in pain as his robe was suddenly on fire and the sword was tossed skyward. The sword twirled in the air, its trajectory making it head straight towards NRG who was already moving towards the mage while firing off more beams of heat. The mage cursed but had managed to recover, quickly firing off a magical barrier that was blocking NRG’s attacks with some strain. Just as things got to the crescendo, three things happened in quick succession.

First was Hubert managing to reach and help Edelgard, second was the sword the mage had been using landing firmly in NRG’s hand by sheer luck, and lastly the badge on NRG’s chest glowing briefly as the sigil of a Crest overcomposed it. In an instant, NRG felt power surging within her. More power than even the gauntlet granted her, if only for that one instant in time. Without hesitation she allowed her entire arm to glow bright red, the sword glowing a bright white as if somehow channeling the raw heat into a different kind of energy as the hole in the center was suddenly filled with the symbol of her Crest. She then slammed the sword down and a beam of pure light expelled from the sword and hit the mage’s barrier, causing it to explode on contact and pierce right into the mage’s chest. The mage fell down instantly, death claiming him as the fire started to claim his body, and all eyes shifted to NRG who was still holding the now glowing sword.

As if on cue, the Death knight suddenly looked up as well from his placement in the room. A low groan escaped his lips as a hand went to the exposed and melted chest plate he was still wearing, but his eyes settled on NRG without moving an inch.

“That sword is...I see. What a pleasant surprise.” He then weakly raised a hand , casting a warp spell that took him and his horse miles upon miles away from there much to the irritation of Edelgard.

“Ugh, he got away! That sword...why is it-” As if sensing her question as her eyes lingered on her teacher’s newest acquired weapon, Hubert answered.

“That’s the sword that was in the casket. Seems to be shimmering, almost as though...” His musings were swiftly interrupted by sudden footsteps, followed by the knights whom they belonged to lead by Catherine entering the room.

“Is the intruder here?! Oh... looks like you have this under control. You! Round up any stragglers.” Catherine wasted no time in ordering one of her knights about, though she took a moment to address NRG after noticing the sword that was in her hand. “That’s....hmm. You’d probably want to bring that along to Rhea, Professor. She’ll doubtless want to talk about it after we deal with these traitors from the western church.” A bright red flash filled the room as NRG returned back to Byleth, the sword still retaining its glow even after the end of the transformation.

“Yeah...I think there’s something to talk about for sure...”


A few hours later, once the remaining western church men had been rounded up, Byleth and Edelgard stood to the sides as they watched Seteth, Shamir, and Rhea deal with the aftermath in the audience chamber.

“As all of you have committed a breach of faith, the archbishop will now pass judgement.” As Seteth spoke the captured men began to hovel, something Shamir noted as she took up the chance to speak next.

“Inciting a kingdom noble to rebel. Unlawful entry. The attempted assassination of the archbishop. An attack on the holy mausoleum. It is unnecessary to go on, followers of the western church.” At her biting listings, once of the priests among the captives grew bold and stepped forward to speak out.

“What?! We have nothing to do with the Western church!” His words fell on deaf ears, as Seteth glared daggers at the man and clicked his tongue.

“You have already been identified. Please spare us your second-rate theater.” A hand then graced his shoulder, and he turned to see it was Rhea’s as she finally stepped forward to speak to the men of the western church.

“Dishonoring a holy ceremony is worthy of death for a member of the church. You are well past the hope of redemption. If you have any grace remaining, you will willingly offer your life as atonement for this crime.” For a moment, Byleth felt a chill brush down her spine as she watched Rhea talk. The memory of her last time in this room flashing to the forefront of her mind even as the priest who had spoken up was now talking about ‘being deceived’. She snapped back to the present just as Shamir waved her hands in a dramatic manner over the now spiraling man. “It’s no use arguing. Whatever your excuse, the punishment stands.” Rhea then bowed, her hands clasped together in a prayer as she gave her parting words to the now dead men walking. “May your souls find peace as they return to the goddess.” As expected, her words did little to ease the souls of the condemned men.

“Wait! Please! The goddess would never forgive you for our execution!”

“Monster! We know you’ve already slaughtered many of our fellow brethren like this!” Once again, their words fell on deaf ears, as Rhea’s face darkened for just a moment while she spoke bluntly.

“This concludes the investigation. Please remove these poor, lost souls from my sight.” As a group of knights starting carting the men away, Byleth noticed that Rhea wasn’t looking at the men anymore and instead was breathing deeply as she looked away. Seteth then cleared his throat, gaining the attention of the black eagle student and professor as he began to address them.

“Apologies, but it seems Lady Rhea requires a few moments to collect herself. Please, if you could excuse yourself for now Professor, I will come fetch you when we are ready to speak.” The two women nodded, though Byleth could swear she heard Edelgard mutter something under her breath as the two of them left the room. With no where in mind to go the two returned to the Black Eagles’s classroom, where they found the rest of the class waiting and talking amongst themselves. Edelgard smiled at the scene, giving them a moment before loudly clearing her throat to inform them what had happened.

“That’s that, I suppose. The assassination attempt, the attack on the holy mausoleum... It was all the western church’s doing. The masked knight...the Death knight. He managed to get away again on top of’s a silver lining that the professor did as much damage to him as she did. I would hope we don’t cross paths again soon...” A smattering of agreements filled the room, and Hubert took it upon himself to speak next.

“The church of Seiros clearly isn’t as unified as it would hope to appear. It seems the bishop of the western church was always opposed to the church being ruled centrally from Garreg Mach.” He allowed himself a light chuckle before continuing. “Perhaps they hope to remove the archbishop in order to completely strip the central church of its authority.” Byleth frowned at all of the talking, not really understanding the mentioning of two different churches.

“The western church...?” Her students all looked at her as if her head had fallen off, a look she’d learned from experience with Decagon Vreedle, before Edelgard snapped her fingers in realization.

“Ugh, that’s right. Jeralt mentioned that you were raised without any exposure to the church. In order to function more efficiently, the Church of Seiros is split into several smaller entities. The central church is the largest and leads the organization from Garreg Mach.” She paused to take a breath, Hubert signaling her to stand down as he took over explaining. “The Western church extends from Castle Gaspard, where Lord Lonato rebelled into the far west. They can be found just beyond the most renowned stronghold of the Kingdom, the Fortress city of Arianrhod.” Edelgard nodded in approval of Hubert's explanation. “It seems the knights have been tasked with subduing the leaders of the Western church. We may be given the opportunity to help them with their mission.” Hubert then shook his head as he looked at Byleth, a ghost of a smile on his face.

“To think... our own professor was born in Fódlan and yet knew nothing of the church. I never imagined explaining something so basic to an instructor of mine. You’re something of a special case, are you not?” Edelgard seemed to agree with him, as she was now also staring deeply at Byleth.

“How strange that the archbishop would ask someone like that to lead her students. There’s clearly more to that decision than we know.” Byleth felt a small blush on her face and was thankful that Edelgard was no longer looking at her. She was equally as grateful when Caspar decided to chime into the conversation.

“Lady Rhea is pretty scary sometimes... but to execute the whole group just like that? It seems harsh, even for her.” A nervous Bernadetta fretted about and held her hands in place as she added her own cents to the topic.

“If one of us does something bad, I wonder what she would do to us?” She was quickly calmed by Dorothea, who soothed the girl down before asking Byleth the question that was likely on everyone's mind.

”Professor... Do you agree with the archbishop’s actions?” Byleth gulped, all eyes were suddenly on her and she wasn’t sure she liked it. The tension was thick in the room as the students waited with bated breath for their professor’s answer.

“There you are professor. Lady Rhea is now ready to have a word with you. Come with me.” Just as she was about to give that answer, Seteth entered the room looking for her. She gave an internal thanks as she followed Seteth back to the audience chamber, hoping that this time her conversation with Rhea would be more civil. Minutes later, the two were back within Rhea’s chambers in front of the lady Rhea who seemed much more calm. As Seteth went to stand by her side, she beamed a smile at Byleth that the professor still felt slightly uneased about but brushed it aside for now.

“I cannot thank you enough for defeating those invaders in the holy mausoleum, and especially for protecting the Sword of the Creator. That sword is one of the Heroes's relics, and the most precious artifact in the church’s possession.” She then closed her eyes and opened them again slowly before she resumed. “It is also a weapon of terrifying power.” She then gave Byleth a long look, one that added to the growing pile of unease the professor was feeling, before finishing her address. “For now... I will entrust the sword to you. Please, use it wisely.” That seemed to have been too strong a tipping point for Seteth, whose reaction was one of gob smacked shock.

“Lady Rhea, wait! Do you truly mean to give the Sword of the Creator to this stranger?! Surely it is not the sort of thing one hands over so readily, even to someone who has the ability to wield it! If someone like Nemesis were to appear again, all of Fodlan would be consumed by war!” Byleth grasped onto the mention of the apparent war bringer, using the name to enter the conversation.

“Nemesis?” Seteth paused and looked at Byleth, as if unsure to answer her or not, though he ultimately gave in and explained.

“Nemesis, the King of Liberation. He is an ancient king of mankind who was defeated by Seiros over a thousand years ago. When Fódlan was attacked by wicked gods, it is said that the goddess gifted Nemesis with the Sword of the Creator. Nemesis used that sword to defeat the wicked gods, saving all of Fódlan. Henceforth he was dubbed the King of Liberation.” Seteth then frowned, as if recalling a bad memory rather than explaining a legend of yore. “However, his power began to corrupt him until he, himself, turned to the darkness. Saint Seiros was forced to destroy him.” He then turned aside to Rhea, his voice lowering slightly. “Lady Rhea, I beg you reconsider. Given a little more time, we could more accurately assess this stranger’s abilities.” Byleth felt a stabbing sensation in her stomach at his words, the fact even now he still considered her a stranger hurt her more than anything else.

“No. I have faith, Seteth. Faith that our friend here will not be corrupted by wickedness. Since the death of Nemesis, none have been able to wield the Sword of the Creator. Now, after all those long years of being sealed away, it has returned and found a new master.” Rhea’s defending of Byleth helped remove some of the stabbing feelings in the Latter's stomach, though given the look on his face Seteth still was not on board with the idea.

“I... understand. As you wish, Lady Rhea.” He spoke the words softly, almost rolling his tongue over his teeth as if to stop them from escaping his mouth. He then looked sharply at Byleth with whatever authority he had left and addressed her directly. “There you have it, professor. See that you do not betray the trust the archbishop has seen fit to bestow upon you.” Byleth nodded, and with the final word being said she excused herself and left the room. Almost as soon as she did and was out of earshot, the voice of Sothis began wafting through the air.

“The Sword of the Creator. The King of Liberation. Each tale is more confusing than the last! And I really can’t read that Rhea at all...” A frustrated groan filled the air, and Sothis took form next to Byleth as she began to speak more directly to her host. “That sword is clearly precious... so why is she so keen to gift the thing to you?” Byleth thought for a moment before the answer came to her.

“The sword chose me. She said as much to Seteth back there, after all.” Sothis raised her eyebrows at that.

“Is that a fact? I feel as though we have become entangled in a mystery... And there is one more thing that has been plaguing me. The Sword of the Creator... It somehow feels distinct from other relics we have seen, even moreso compared to your gauntlet.” The spirit based goddess then further ruffled her eyebrows as if in deep thought as she began to peter out of the conversation. “Such as the one that... Oh goddess, what was her name? Ca...Cat...” Byleth let out a small giggle at the sight before coming to her friends aid.

“Catherine?” Sothis snapped her fingers upon hearing the name.

“Yes! Her! The Sword of the Creator is different from her Thunderbrand in one key way. It bears a hole... where something should have been, but is no more.” She then looked down to the ground in disdain as she shook her head violently. “I despise not knowing what is going on! frightens me. And yet... I place my trust in you. I must. Whatever comes to pass... please swear to cut a path that is your own.” With a smile, Byleth nodded and then resumed walking back to her room. Ready to see what was next in store for her and Sothis.


“The archbishop lives.”

Many miles away from the monastery, a man was finding himself speaking with a familiar armored figured cloaked in crimson. Given the tension in the forest clearing, it was clear the two weren’t speaking mere pleasantries. “Not that I had ever placed much faith in those swine from the western church.” The man who was addressing the crimson clad figured was seemingly aggravated, but the crimson figure seemed to be dismissing that as they began to talk.

“I have news, both good and bad. The remains of Seiros were not in the tomb. However, something else was. The Sword of the Creator.” The man seemed mildly alarmed by the news given to him by the crimson clad disguise of Edelgard.

“Ah, the weapon wielded by that thief, the King of Liberation.”

“Thief? Hm. At any rate, it is now in the hands of the academy’s new professor.” The disguised Edelgard mused to herself abit before resuming her conversation with the man.

“I doubt you will be surprised to hear that the Crest stone had already been removed from the sword when it was found.” The mystery man nodded, not being surprised as stated.

“Hmph. As expected. It would be foolish to keep both in the same location.” The crimson clad Edelgard then added onto the subject.

“There’s more. The professor was able to awaken the sword’s true power. Even without the Crest Stone, the sword glowed red. The professor’s Crest is compatible. There is no mistaking it.” That seemed to catch the man off guard, as he was already chomping at the bit to counter it.

“Absurd. Using a relic without its Crest Stone should be impossible. The King of Liberations’s bloodline should not even... Hmm.” The disguised Edelgard disregarded the outburst, resuming the conversation instead.

“They must be allowed to keep it, for now. I do not have enough information about the professor to act. As for your request, I assent. The Death Knight is at your command. Bear in mind he is still nursing injuries, but regardless use him well.” The man nodded.

“Good. I believe I will enjoy this a great deal.” He then laughed deeply, the disguised Edelgard not giving him a farewell before raising her hand and casting the warp spell to return to the abandoned classroom she’d been using as a home base in the monastery. The second she felt her feet touch down on the familiar floor, she was met by the also familiar sensation of a dagger on her back.

“Must we do this every time I return, Hubert?” She turned her head, to hear the sigh and sound of footsteps retreating as Hubert withdrew the dagger he’d drawn.

“One day you will be glad this has become second nature to me, Lady Edelgard. Was the exchange of information successful?” Edelgard raised her hands and removed the helmet on her head, shaking her head slightly as she breathed a sigh of relief.

“It went as well as expected. Whatever he wishes to use the Death Knight for he’s welcomed to it. He is also aware of the professor having possession of the Sword of the Creator.” Hubert’s face went dour at the mention of the relic currently being used by their professor.

“I still do not understand the wisdom in allowing her to wield it. Even if it did seemingly awaken to her, such a powerful weapon in her hands does not sit well with me.” Edelgard sighed as she turned to face her ever-faithful servant.

“Is that so? Funny coming from the same person who gave her the talking to she needed to deal with the Death Knight. If i didn’t know better, Hubert, I’d say she may be growing on you.” As expected, Hubert scowled at the words, turning his back to her as he replied.

“Absurd. It was simply disrespectful for her to behave as such with all the power at her command. She was disgracing you by proxy of your high values to her.” She smiled as he spoke, before sighing once again .

“Very well then. I do hope you can at least see what it is about her I see in her now. Now come, help me remove this armor so we may return to the dorms without issue.”

“Of course, my lady. As you wish.”


Originally NRG was going to debut right here during the proper first Death Knight encounter, a sort of Dueling Knights fight, but I ended up making his debut earlier instead. I think it still works out here well. As for the rest of the chapter, I ended up changing the use of a Caspar support scene in exchange for the Hanneman and Felix/Dimitri scenes. I think that ultimately was for the best, but rest assure Caspar will get his time to shine! Next time we'll be doing something a little different, something I've had planed since the fic's start. And you all will see what I mean sooner than expected! But until then thank you for reading the chapter and until next time!

Chapter 10: Days at the Monastery part 1


The days pass at Garreg Mach, and the everyday life of the students there are made ever brighter by the ever changing status of Byleth. At least, that's what's suppose to happen.


Surprise! Omnipotent Demon get's a new chapter sooner than planned! Sort of! This is actually something I've had planned since chapter 1, a little sub-series of chapters called Days at the Monastery. These are going to basically be short scenes to showcase other alien transformations and interactions that I think up . These will also be the only way some Aliens will be used since some of them, I.E Waybig, are a little...too game breaking for me to realistically add to the series. These chapters also will be 100% non canon and are set at any point in time Byleth would just be hanging around the monastery to justify her having new aliens unlocked. That said, all the ones in this first chapter will show up in the main story at some point. Because I'd be a fool to relegate Big Chill to a side chapter. So, that all said please enjoy the first of hopefully many Days at the Monastery chapters!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

It had been a lovely morning at the Garreg Mach monastery, the sun warm and kind with nary a cloud in the sky. It was such a lovely day that to waste it inside a dull, stuffy classroom would have been nothing short of an insult to the Goddess. At least that was the thought that had spurred Linhardt von Hevring to "forget" about his morning classes and find a nice spot of shade under a tree to partake in a nap. Well, it had started as simply trying to finish a rather interesting tome he'd acquired recently, but far be it from Linhardt to ignore the siren's call of sleep with such a nice bed. His eyes had only just begun to close when he started to hear it: a very faint buzzing. At first it was barely something to concern his focus on , but after a moment he swore the buzzing became louder. Just as he was debating to open his eyes least a nasty wasp have wandered onto his perfect nap spot, he caught wind of the second puzzling event.

Quite literally given said second event was the foulest stench he could have imagined, which was saying something given he'd seen how Caspar's room used to be before Dorothea had her way with it. The buzzing and smell grew stronger as the seconds passed , and instantly Linhardt opened his eyes once he realized what the strange duo entailed. Time seemed against him however, as his concern proved true when the first thing his eyes saw upon opening was a giant monstrously looking fly creature staring down at him with death in it's eyes.

The ‘Stinkfly’ as he had known the creature called , he still did not understand why the Professor has insisted on naming her transformations much less why so perplexing ones, was easily as tall as him and a sickly shade of green with multiple legs and eyestalks that were dripping goo. On it's forehead was a strange hour-glass shaped symbol that was key to this creature's creation. If he wasn't paling at the look that Stinkfly was giving him now, he'd have once again asked to examine it .

"…good morning professor. I don't suppose you're here to join me for a nice nap?" Already he regretted the words that slipped from his mouth , and judging by the leg that had just barely missed him currently imbedded into the ground it was currently not the right thing to say.

"I don't care much for absent students in my class Mr. von Hevring." The nasally voice that emitted from his professor's insectoid form did little to squash the rising panic in his chest, nor too did the apparent foam slowly dripping out of her mouth. Stinkfly then aimed all four of her elongated eyestalks at the boy, already being to bulge with the ‘stink’ part of it's namesake.

"P-PROFESSOR WAI-!!!" His frantic cry fell on death ears, not that he was sure a Lepidopterran even had ears, as a mad cackled cut him off as a full blast of rotten slime was fired directly on him. The resulting scream that followed the impact was said to be so loud that ALL staff and students at the monastery heard it, as well had smelled the foul mess that was once Linhardt von Hevring who made a mad dash to the bath house. From that day on, students of the Black eagle house had been met with the amusing sight of Linhardt staying perfectly awake and focused in every one of Byleth's classes while she ever-so sweetly sent chilling smiles his way if his eyes so much as blinked twice. And that was very much worth the classroom smelling of rotten meat for several weeks.

At least that’s what most of the Black Eagles would have said if asked on the matter, pretending that their classes use of the bath house hadn’t spiked due to recent events.


The halls of Garreg Mach Monastery seldom were empty most times of the day, but a student aiming to sneak about unseen would have learned ‘seldom’ never meant ‘always’. One such student, a noble lad of a lesser house of the empire, was taking said lesson to heart at the moment as he softly walked in the empty halls hoping to avoid detection. While he wasn't sure a guard or professor would have truly reprimanded him for walking the halls so late into twilight , he had no such hopes of testing his luck in finding such out. Silently he crept towards the dormitories ,mission seeming to be an assured success , when he heard the soft echoes of a heeled foot somewhere ahead of him. Cursing under his breath the youth quickly ducked into a corner, kneeling down so as to hopefully mask his figure in the dim light. After several tense moments of the footsteps growing louder they soon stopped altogether to the youth's confusion. hesitantly he took a small peak and paled at what he saw. Standing there some odd feet away, enshrined in a strange unearthly wisp that send a chill down the student's spin just being near it, was Hubert Von Vestra. The famed ‘Brains of the Black Eagles’ who rarely was seen outside the company of the Empress-to-be Eldegard Von Hesvelg.

Yet to the student's ire it seemed he had found the young attendant on a rare moment outside his lady's company , and worse yet seemingly in a foul mood given the nasty scowl upon his brow. the Student cursed once and slowly tried to back further into the corner to avoid being spotted , only for luck to utterly despise him as his foot caught hold of something slick and he found himself tumbling outwards. Pain shot into his leg as he winched , cursing louder than he out to have as he saw that of all things he had somehow ran afoul and slipped on a patch of pure frost. Before he could move or question the placement of such a thing on a lovely summers eve , the student froze as the wisp he had saw by Hubert was now surrounding him. Blanketing him in an otherworldly chill that was quickly seeping into his bones , as he wordlessly turned to see Hubert staring right down at him. Murder very likely shining in those dulled and sinister looking eyes.

"And what." Hubert said , a very aggravated tone making the words sink in like knives. "Would YOU be doing here?" Blood left the poor boys face as he tried desperately to reply , to say anything before the cold overtook him completely. It was at this moment that the world truly choose to make this poor boys life cursed, as right behind the menacingly Von Vestra heir the eerie wisp began to shudder and an unholy looking creature started to take form. A ghastly face pale with insect like features covered by a ripped and tarnished looking ‘hood’ of sorts, an equally tarnished cloak covering it's torso. Thin, almost bone-showing so , fingers poked out of it's ‘sleeves’ as it began to point towards the now terror stricken student. It's unnatural maw opened , a hiss of the deathly cold mist spitting out, and it spoke just four blood chilling words.

"Bring him to me..." Hubert sighed , much more loudly than ever before he might imagine even, as the student that had quite literally stumbled upon him began screaming bloody murder. Rising from the ground far faster than even the quickest Pegasus the stables had, and running far away from the brooding Von Vestra even faster. Behind him, Hubert heard the ghostly and yet still irritatingly human sounds of laughter as the ‘creature’ that had no doubt scarred the poor student currently running towards the church was on it's knees howling in laughter. Another sign escaped Huberts lips as he turned towards the grinning ghost and snapped.

"Really Professor? Is such a childish act truly worth the time and effort of someone of your ability?" The creature only laughed harder, it's cloak now fluttering alive as a pair of wings that revealed it's spindly torso with the strange green symbol upon it's chest.

"Awww come on Huuuuuuubieeeee~!" it finally replied , chilled gasps of air filling the area around it. "I thought you LIKED the whole dark and brooding image for yourself?" Hubert scowled deeper as he grit his teeth at his professors words . Even now as she was fading away into ghostly invisibility to fly off and tell his lady everything that had transpired, she had the gall to imply of him.

"No matter.." he mumbled to himself as his unwanted company spirited away. " It's only a matter before we see who truly is to brood about Professor.." A ghostly laugh filled the air, and Hubert could only grumble and curse under his breath as a response to it as he walked away to try and resume his day.


“You...You’re serious about this professor?” It had been a fairly dull and quiet afternoon in Garreg Mach, when several students from the three houses were suddenly gathered in the mess hall by Byleth. Upon the eager professor explaining what her plan for them was, Leonie from the Golden Deer house voiced her concerns on the matter. Byleth, for the most part, acted hurt at the questioning before she went to explain herself.

“I am serious about this Leonie! Seteth and Rhea are always talking about how the houses need to build more comradery amongst each other!” She then raised her arm, as if to strike a pose, when another student decided to chime in.

“But a game of hide and seek, professor? Isn’t that childish for us to do?” Byleth pointed at the student in question, in this case Lysithea, with a smile on her face.

“Counter point, Lysithea! Consider this training in seeking out hidden foes, not just a fun game that anyone can enjoy!” The white haired Golden Deer mumbled something under her breath but didn’t question anything else. That wasn’t the end of the questions, however as next up was Ingrid who raised her hand . “Yes Ingrid?”

“Excuse me, Professor. But I assume we’re going to be finding you yes? Won’t it be rather easy with all three houses looking for you?” Byleth smiled mischievously before raising her arm up, her Gauntlet gleaming in the light.

“Oh, it won’t be that easy. After all, why just find ONE of me when...” The second her hand went toward the dial the students all braced themselves for the bright flash of light, and once it died down Byleth finished her sentence in a higher pitched voice. “When you can find MORE of me!”

All eyes looked down to the now smaller stature of their professor, as the transformation she’d picked was no bigger than the average child. Her skin had become pure white and slightly furry, two sets of silver tubes jutted out of her lower shoulders and hands each a few inches long. Her outfit consisted of a dark grey armored shirt, shoulder pads of iron armor and armored sleeves, and a pair of tights with boots and iron knee guards. Her face was covered by a ‘mask’ of black colored fur that covered her bright green eyes and upper head, a silver “fin” stood on top of her head almost akin to a sharks. A set of twin tails poked out of the sides of her head, with small tails of her original blue hair, and last but not least a choker necklace adorned her neck with the hourglass badge front and center. As Byleth finished her transformation, a slight twitch covered her body before a completely identical copy of her literally split apart from her. Both then cackled in glee before finishing addressing the students, who were starting to have looks of horror on their faces.

As the words left her mouth, the newly transformed Byleth shuddered as both versions spawned more copies, until there were seven identical Byleth’s in front of the students. One of them, Leonie, couldn’t hold back expressing her confusion “W-What the hell?!” Thankfully one of the Black Eagles recognized the form right away.

“Oh! You’re using Ditto professor? Are you sure that’s wise after last time? I mean....Caspar is even here again!” At hearing his name mentioned, Caspar awkwardly chuckled and waved at the transformation now known as Ditto. Three of the Ditto’s responded in kind by staring at their student dead in the eyes and slowly making a slashing notion with their fingers and neck as they maintained eye contact. The original Ditto sighed at the sight before answering the question.

“It should be fine, there’s no way he’d get a hold of a bow or platter of cheese this time. But, that’s besides the point!” She then clapped her clawed hands to gather attention as she at last began to explain her plans. “Okay this will be easy! You all will stay here for five minutes while I go hide all over the monastery, making more copies all the while! If you can find all of us, you win! Easy right?” A murmur of approval sounded out from the gathered students, and taking that as agreement the group of Dittos started running down the halls. As the students watched them go, several began to huddle together and form a plan. While others such as Leonie and Hilda already were talking about ditching entirely.

“I mean it’s just so much woooooooooork! And the professor should know by now that’s just not in my wheelhouse.”

“If Claude were here, he’d probably say you should get your butt in gear and do this, but for once I’m with you. There’s so many things to do besides play such a childish game.” The two then made to leave the mess hall, while a trio of students who remained began loudly talking about their plans.

“Okay so Caspar, you should check the classrooms first. There’s no way she won’t hide at least two of herself in there!”

“You sure about that Lysithea? Maybe I should head to the armory or training hall first?” The white haired mage sent a chilling glare at the brawler, who shivered at the sudden look as he began to sheepishly rub the back of his head. “Or I could...go check the classrooms?” The icy glare that was sending a chill down his back was then stopped, and a now smiling Lysithea nodded in approval. The third member of this impromptu trio, Raphael, could only laugh heartily at the sight.

“Ah Caspar, you crack me up little buddy!” He then went to ruffle Caspar’s hair, much to the shorter boys discomfort.

“Ah come on Raphael, knock it off! What’s your plan for this?”

“Ah that’s easy! Way I see it, the professor’s gotta come back here at some point. So I’ll just stay in the mess hall and wait to catch her in the act!” An awkward silence filled the room, as even the other chatting students paused their conversations upon hearing Raphael’s plan. Lysithea turned to him, glaring daggers at him that ultimately ‘bounced’ off the boy given the cheerful grin he was still sporting.

“Really? REALLY? You think the professor will just waltz back in here once we all leave looking for her? Or do you just want to stay and stuff yourself silly instead of looking for her?” The Golden Deer’s gentle giant just laughed at the accusation, looking towards the kitchen as his stomach lightly rumbled as an answer. Caspar at least laughed with him, until Lysithea grabbed his ears and began to drag him away.

“Come on Caspar! We have work to do!” The two then left, soon followed by the few other students who were also in hunting for Ditto, while Raphael cheerfully waved at them all. His stomach’s growling then got his attention as he slowly rose to get something to eat. “I’m sure the professor will be here soon enough. After all, they’ve got meatballs today!"


As the game of hide and seek began, the number of students who were participating was small but growing strong. Aside from the duo of Lysithea and Caspar, Ingrid had managed to drag Sylvain along and the four were currently in the classroom of the Blue lions looking in every nook and cranny. Though thus far their results hadn’t been exactly what they were hoping for.

“Ughh! How can a group of multiplying furry moles be so hard to find! Caspar any luck by the desks?”

“Nope, nothing. What about you Sylvain?...Sylvain?” The other three looked to see why their comrade was strangely silent, only to see he’d been in a corner near a mirror fiddling with his hair.

“Hmm? What was that Caspar?” The other three sighed, and were about to scold Sylvain when a sudden noise from the halls caught their attention: laughter. They quickly bolted towards the door, and once they were in the hallway they just barely spotted something small and white heading into another class room.

“Quick! We’ve got her now!” The four quickly made a mad dash for the room, only to enter and see no sigh of their professor’s current small state. Lysithea growled in annoyance, slamming her hand onto the nearest desk. “Spread out! There’s no way she isn’t in here somewhere! Start checking the desks!” A loud groaning sounded off , causing Lysithea to grind her teeth as she slammed her hand on the desk again.

“Which one of you was that?!” The other’s looked between each other and shrugged, Caspar raising his eyebrows.

“Uh... I don’t think it was any of us Lysithea?” Another groan rang out, this time sounded like one of pain, and Lysithea took notice where it was coming from instantly. She carefully tip toed to a nearby desk, and without a word slowly opened it up to see what was inside. And what was inside was a groaning Ditto who was clutching her stomach in pain.

“Ah Ha! Found you Professor! That was eas-!” That was as far as the young mage got, as the second the desk was open Ditto scamped upwards and kneeled over to vomit onto the floor violently. Lysithea instantly back dashed away from the growing puke pile, the other’s turning concerned for their teacher.

“Whoa, professor, are you okay?!”

“Did you perhaps eat something bad?” Caspar and Ingrid’s questions remained unanswered as Ditto could only groan in responds, the little professor bending over and trying to remain steady with the help of Lysithea.

“You’re a mess professor! Let’s get you to the infirmary right away.” Ditto tried to speak up at this, only to lunge forward and grab her mouth with both hands to keep more bile from leaking out. After a second she swallowed, groaning again at the bitter sensation, before finally managing to get two words out.

“Mess Hall.” The students looked perplexed at their professor’s words, until a look of understanding dawned on Ingrid's face. She then helped with easing Ditto back on her feet, and without a word lead everyone back to the mess hall where they were greeted with the strangest of sights. A large gathering of students all crowded around one of the tables loudly cheering the ones who were sitting down. That ended up being Raphael on one end of the table, and a Ditto copy on the other flanked by two other copies on either side of her. In between both parties on the table were dishes, most notably in the center a huge platter absolutely overfilled with large, greasy meatballs. Meatballs that were quickly being consumed by Raphael and the main Ditto copy. While the other two Dittos stayed back watching and providing color commentary.

“Isn’t this great Ditto? All those times we talked about going to meatball day at Garreg Mach! And now we’re actually here in the monastery!” The gleeful chipper tone of the copy was then countered by the other one beside the eating Ditto.

“Hey slopface, that’s the last meatball. Eat it and you’re the winner!” The ditto in the middle gulped loudly, the meatball in her hand dripping grease everywhere while her bulging stomach growled in pain. A pain that her two copies seemed completely immune to.

“You’ve already had like five hundred of them, one more won’t kill you!” The middle Ditto blinked, before looking across to Raphael who had slowed down a tad but still remained going strong as he shoveled down meatball after meatball. Such a raw show of strength was enough to make the Ditto copy second guess herself.

“Honest guys. If I eat one more, I’m gonna die!” As if to add on to that statement, an ominous chilly wind suddenly blew through the mess hall, causing the Ditto to gulp once more. As the final meatball laid in her hands, and the crowd of students began to hush their cheering and watch intently, Ditto smacked her lips before slowly pushing the meatball towards her open maw. In one slow motion, she pushed the greasy ball into her mouth and closed it. Slowly chewing and slightly gagging, but ultimately managing to swallow it down in one go and raise her hands in victory! Loud cheers erupted for the crowd, and even Lysithea’s group found themselves joining in on the joyful cheering. The cheering stopped not even a few scant moments later when the victorious Ditto suddenly let out a loud disgusting belch, followed by falling face first onto the table with a loud clatter. The second her head made contract with the table the three copies in the room shouted out in pain while clutching their heads.

“Owwwwwwwwww!! Oh that’s smarts!”

“Ugh, my stomach’s killing me too!”

“Join the, ughh, club you jerks!” Every Ditto in the room then fell straight to the floor, rolling around in agony . And given some far off noise that was heard by the student’s in the mess hall, it appeared that the remaining clones elsewhere were likely doing the same. Some of the students showed Immediate concern, while others such as Caspar couldn’t help but laugh at the sorry state of their professor. Of course, In Caspar’s case this quickly earned him a swift elbow to the ribs from Lysithea and a smack on the head from Ingrid much to the amusem*nt of Sylvain.

“If you have time to laugh then you have time to help , Caspar! Go with Sylvain and round up the other copies of the professor! This game of hide and seek is over now.” The two boys groaned in annoyance, with Sylvain looking ready to argue until he was met with death glares from both of his female classmates. The two boys left without any arguments, leaving behind the two girls and a sheepish Raphael who was awkwardly rubbing the back of his head as he watched his classmates leave.

“Ah sorry about this guys. I guess it wasn’t a good idea to challenge the professor to a meatball eating contest after all huh?” At his slightly crestfallen comment, Ingrid gently patted the shoulders of Raphael to consul him as she began to answer him.

“No, not at all Raphael! A little competition never hurts anyone, you know that more than any of us. So, I'm sure you didn’t intent for the professor to get sick thanks to your contest.” Her words seemed to perk the golden lion’s bulky bruiser up some, but their conversation was cut short by the returning Caspar and Sylvain. Both boys carried a copy of ditto in their arms, with three more slowly trailing behind them as they tried to keep their lunches inside them. Sylvain took the lead in gently placing the Ditto he was holding onto the mess hall floor next to the others, a look of mild irritation crossing his face for a split second as he did so.

“There, that should be all of them. It’s time to pull yourself together Professor!” He then winced when his tone earned him another glare from Lysithea, quickly adding on a hasty “Please!” to his sentence. The Ditto copy he’d laid down groaned, before raising her head slightly to take in the sight of what was happening.

“That....That’s a good idea.” In an instant the remaining copies gave out a startled shout as they were suddenly pulled towards one another by an unseen force. Once the copies made contact with the Ditto they were sailing towards, they were absorbed back into her as if vanishing into her. Once they were all back and only one Ditto remained, the hourglass badge on her neck began to beep and glow red. As expected, that was followed by a bright red flash that filled the room that everyone covered their eyes for. And once it died down they were met with the welcoming figure of...Ditto. Confusion filled the air as the students gazed down to see that their professor hadn’t transformed back as expected.

“Did something go wrong, professor?”

“Yeah, you’re still all tiny and whiskery!” A groan was there answer, followed by Ditto slowly sitting up and rubbing her head.

“You guys forgot a copy, she’s still out there somewhere. I can’t change back until I get her back.” All eyes turned to Caspar and Sylvain, both of whom shrugged in confusion.

“I thought we got them all, we looked all over the monastery!”

“He’s right, we really looked under every stone. If one’s still missing, then she’s hiding good.” Heads tilted and ideas were said out loud of where the Ditto copy could have gone too, but no one noticed when a certain student used the commotion to slip away undetected. A student, who had been called down there like the others by Byleth but was among the many who simply refused to play the game. It was only once Caspar and Sylvain had waltzed passed him earlier did he decided to follow them to the mess hall to see what had transpired. After all, far be it for anyone to suggest that Hubert Von Vestra would ever be caught unawares. And now, as he slowly made his way back to a room he knew the route to by heart, he was glancing over his shoulders to ensure he hadn’t been followed. When at last he made it to the room, a swift knock was given before a muffled but familiar voice within spoke.

“It’s open, Hubert.” The brooding boy wasted no time in opening the door, quickly slipping in and shutting the door behind him with a quick grace. Once he was certain the door was locked, he gazed at the sight in front of him and sighed deeply.

“Lady Edelgard... I do not wish to question you. But I fear this course of action may lead to having to do just that.” He was met with silence, due in part to what exactly his ladyship was doing at the moment. That being hugging the non-existing stuffing out of the remaining Ditto clone that was currently tied up on her bed. Edelgard herself was nestled behind the copy, hugging and squeezing it like it was an oversized plush. Instead of it being a living, breathing person that she had by all accounts kidnapped and trapped within her room.

“Just...just a little more time Hubert. She’s soft.” Hubert said nothing in response to her plea, just sighing deeply and rubbing his head while it hammered away at him with the mother of all headaches. After a moment, he bowed and grit his teeth as he spoke at last.

“As you wish....My lady.” He then shut his eyes before seeing the ‘un-dignified’ sight of his ladyship squeeing like a young girl and squeezing the captive Ditto once more. One thing was for certain, come morning he would have to do a LOT of explaining to everyone on just how he had ‘found’ the remaining copy. He would soon hope that this time it would not lead to another awkward tea session with the archbishop and Seteth, his devotion could only help him handle so much of that.


The air was still and quiet, the low buzz of summer air the only noise in any regard. The quiet stillness is then broken, by a single arrow whizzing by and striking a nearby target right in the center. Nearby, the archer who’d shot the arrow smiles at the sight. The bright yellow cape on Claude Von Riegan’s shoulders briefly moves alongside his arm as he wipes the sweat off his brow, the warm smile never leaving his face.

“And that’s ten. At this rate I'd hate to be a bandit who has to cross arms with me at a distance!” He let out a dry chuckle as he reached for a new arrow, putting it in place and readying his bow within seconds. Before he could let it fly like he had with so many of its brothers already, approaching footsteps made him pause and look over his shoulder. “Ah, Teach. Good afternoon, what brings you here?” As he spoke he let his arrow fly, not even looking as it once again hit the bullseye. Byleth let out an impressed whistle at the sight as she brought out a bow and quiver of her own.

“Hello Claude. Don’t mind me, I simply came to ensure I don’t get rusty with my archery skills.” Claude arched his eyebrows at that as he turned to face the professor of the Black Eagles.

“Really? Excuse my saying so Teach, but do you really need the practice? I mean obvious Gauntlet use aside, with the Sword of the Creator being so long reaching do you need to ever use arrows?” She pouted as she drew the bow she’d brought out.

“It’s that kind of thinking that could lead to me getting a knife in the belly, Claude. I won’t always have the Sword of the creator or my Gauntlet readily available. Or I could be in a situation where a well-timed arrow could be the difference between me and a corpse.” Claude sheepishly winced at her words, knowing he’d been beat, and kicked the ground.

“You got me there, Teach. By all means, don’t let me stop you.” She smiled at him, and nodded before readying her bow and pulling the string back. A moment later, she released the string and let the arrow loose towards its target. It hit the target quickly, just being a few inches shy of a bullseye which caused her to pout again. Claude, meanwhile, clicked his tongue at the sight. “That’s still not too shabby Teach! I mean if you want some pointers, I’m right here for you.” He then gave a playful grind as he drew another arrow and added. “Or, we could have a contest to see who get’s the most bullseyes? That’s as good training as anything.” He then pulled the string of his bow back and let another arrow fly, grimacing abit when it hit slightly under the center.

“Well in theory it’s good training, I suppose.” Byleth watched in silence for a few moments, the gears in her head moving as she processed the Golden Deer leader’s words. Her eyes then drifted away from her bow and slowly began to center on her Gauntlet, an idea slowly trickling its way into her head. Without pausing she slowly raised her arm up, the dial on her Gauntlet already raising up as if reading her mind. “Actually Claude, I think I may take you up on that offer.”

“Hmm?” Without warning she moved the dial until the transformation she wanted was up, and then she slammed her hand down and allowed the green flash to overtake her as she changed forms. When the light died off, Claude turned to see what his professor had transformed into and was flabbergasted at the sight. The figure before him was slightly hunched over, with indigo and black skin and elongated shoulder blades that raised over Byleth’s now sunken in torso. Her limbs were thin and noodlelike with both hands and feet replaced with two ‘pronged’ appendages that reminded Claude of a trident. Most notable was her head, which was now entirely made of metal and floating above her body disconnected. A golden pronged ‘tiara’ of sorts embedded into her head, and the ever present hourglass badge on her chest were the last things Claude noticed as his voice finally returned to him. “Wow....that’s an eye catcher. What’s this one called Teach?” The newly transformed Byleth turned her head, and JUST her head to Claude’s concern, to him as she began to speak with a lightly echoed reverb.

“Lodestar. But if you think this is eye catching, wait until you see what I can do!” She lifted one of her arms up and aimed it towards his Quiver, and a pulsing series of green circles shot out of her ‘fingers’. Before he could fully react to it, Claude’s eyes widened as he saw one of his arrows start rising out of the quiver. Within seconds, the arrow was fully out of the quiver and floating in mid-air as if held aloft by a hand. And with a quick flick of her hand, Lodestar sent the arrow flying towards her target and had it hit the bullseye effortlessly. Lodestar chuckled at the sight, while Claude was simply standing there open jawed. “For the record.” Lodestar started, as she ‘flexed’ her fingers. “That counts as one of mine.” Claude firmly shut his jaw at the boast, and let out a full laugh as he began to regain his senses.

“You’re just full of surprises Teach! Alright then, challenge accepted! Let’s do this!” The two then went to their respective ‘corners’ and readied themselves as their contest began in earnest. Arrows began to fly through the air, both from Claude’s bow and Lodestar’s strange powers. Nearly everyone hit the center, though to his chagrin only Claude’s arrows were missing the mark here and there. Whereas all of Lodestar’s hit the mark, to the point several arrows pieced through one. Claude began to sweat as he fired off arrow after arrow , each hitting the bullseye or close with each hit. ‘You’re not bad at all teach! But I’m just getting started!”

“Same here, I could do this all day!” And so it went, their back and forth turning the targets into pin cushions after mere minutes . Soon they dragged more targets to them, neither one willing to admit defeat, and Lodestar started to gather multiple arrows at once That finally got Claude to pause and gawk at the sight of a half quivers worth of arrows floating in the air like a swarm of bugs, Lodestar’s swirling her hand around to make them ‘swarm’ around the target and one by one ‘fire’ into the bullseye. That bit of grandstanding seemed to get to Claude, who bit his lip to keep from saying anything as he focused on keeping his own aim steady. He then fired off the arrow, only for it to stop mid-flight and gravitate towards the swarm of arrows near Lodestar’s target. That proved to be the straw that broke the camel's back, as that caused Claude to whip around and point at the magnetic professor.

“Hey! That’s cheating right there Teach!” Lodestar’s head twirled in place before stopping in the direction of the frantic deer.

“Sorry about that, must be attracted to my personality.” An echo like laugh then sounded off from the floating head, while Claude gritted his teeth and took a step towards her.

“I think that’s enough of THIS then!” With one smooth motion he slammed his hand down onto the badge on her chest, and a bright green flash filled the room once again. Claude then nearly tripped over himself as the presence of Lodestar was replaced with something fair smaller in mass. The Golden Deer’s archer looked down, and was met with the most curious site of his life thus far.

Where Lodestar once stood now stood a small, nearly toddler sized monster with bright red skin, pointed ears, and a forked tail. A blacksmith’s apron covered over an iron shirt that hugged onto the small creature's body, followed in suit with metal plated gloves over her hands, and the top half of a knights helmet and goggles atop her head over a flowing braid of blue hair. A bright white scarf covered the creature’s neck, and the ever-familiar badge was fashioned into a buckled belt. The creature blinked, no doubt Byleth being confused at the sudden change in transformation, but her eyes instantly zeroed in on the bow in Claude’s hands. She let out a devilish cackle before lunging towards him and yanking the bow away harshly.

“Jury Rigg disassemble!!” With speeds faster than anything Fódlan had seen before, the impish Jury Rigg clawed and tore at the bow until it was nothing but scrap and string.

“Teach! That was the training hall’s bow! Pretty sure Sir Jeralt would tan my hide for not bringing it back in one piece!” Claude’s concerned worries were instantly dismissed via another cackle from Jury Rigg, who was now gathering all of the fallen arrows around the room.

“No problem, no problem! Fix! Fix! Fix! Fix!” As soon as she’d gathered the last of the arrows, Jury Rigg’s claws were back at it with fiddling with the scrapped remains of the bow. A large dust cloud began to form as the impish little devil was hard at work doing SOMETHING with the remains. Claude swore at one point he saw her pull out a strange device with rotating saws, and a smith’s hammer and anvil from somewhere on her person as she cackled away. After several moments, and once the dust settled, Jury Rigg proudly displayed her "fixed" creation: a crossbow. Claude blinked. He wasn’t entirely sure what to expect once the little imp started tinkering away, but it surely wasn’t something so...basic.

“Wow that’s...pretty neat Teach. A real classic even.” As he spoke, Jury Rigg aimed the crossbow at a target and looked ready to fire it. She then gained a sinister glint in her eyes as her thumb pressed a hither unknown button at the base of the crossbow, which caused the little weapon to suddenly expand in size and transform into what looked like ten crossbows bolted together. When he noticed that on top of the weapons over the top size, its arrows were now sparking uncontrollably, the color drained from Claude’s face. In a desperate attempt, he took a step forward and tried to reach for the weapon with a shout of. “TEACH, NO!” Only for his words to be drowned out by another wicked cackle and the sound of her finger pulling the trigger of the weapon. At first, nothing happened. Then what could only be described as a ROAR of sound filled the entire training hall, followed by a blazing inferno and thick, billowing smoke.

Several hours later, the aftermath of what students would soon call ‘the night of the broken arrows’ had been mostly cleaned up. Or at least, as cleaned up as humanly possible. Needless to say both Byleth and Claude were banned from practicing archery for a month afterwards, and an embarrassed Byleth informed Claude that he was also banned from touching her Gauntlet again. A punishment that the Golden Deer’s leader accepted without hesitation for once, much to the amusem*nt of his classmates.


Caspar von Bergliez was not someone who scared easily. Asking just about anyone in the officers academy would prove that fact with little effort. He had been called a lot of things in the short time he’d been at Garreg Mach. Hotheaded was the word most often used, as well as ‘thick skulled’ or ‘hardheaded’. But he had never once been called a coward. So, when several students saw him making a mad dash out of a classroom with clear panic in his eyes it got some confused looks to say the least. As the second son of the Bergliez family made his frantic dash, not even apologizing as he brushed and bumped past other students, a voice rang out from the room he’d left.

“CASPAR!!!” A bright green flash shined out of the room, followed by SOMETHING lunging out of the door and towards the ceiling. It then started to chase after Caspar, who’d taken one look over his shoulder and screamed as he ran faster. “Come back here Caspar!!”

“NO!!” The boy’s shouting was dripping with fear, as whatever was now chasing him, he considered it as bad if not worse than Death itself. As he ran, knocking more students aside and barely muttering an apology as he did, he started to mutter to himself. “She can’t find me if I hide! There!” Almost as soon as he could he sharply turned the corner and ducked into the shadows, curling himself up into a ball to avoid detection. He soon heard the sounds that signaled his pursuer had run on pass the corner he’d ducked into, giving him precious time that he used to regain his breath as he sunk to the floor. “Ok...Ok. She didn’t see me. Gotta...Gotta catch my breath for a second then I’ll double back. Find somewhere to hide.”

He gulped down fresh air into his screaming lungs, a cold sweat pouring down his back as he slowly stood up. After several seconds of sharp breathing, he slowly turned the corner to see if the coast was clear. When he saw nothing except confused students standing around and talking, he gulped and then decided to take his chances. He’d made it about halfway down the hall when he heard it. A soft, almost whisper level amount of chittering that sent a chill down his spine. “N-no... I could have sworn she went the other way! I gotta get out of-!” Caspar was cut short of his panicked rambling by another sound, this time a very wet and moist sound of impact right by his feet. He froze mid-step, refusing to look down until he at last managed to pry his head downward to see what had landed. At first, he couldn’t exactly tell what it was , but after a bit he realized what it was: a large wad of what appeared to be spider’s web. He paled almost instantly, and wasted no time in booking it down the hall as fast as his poor legs could take him. Another strange sound soon followed, alongside which was a full of string of spiderweb that only just missed his arm. He risked slowing down by looking back behind him, and when he saw something hanging from the ceiling posed to strike he tried to force his legs to go faster.

Just as he turned the corner, another impact sound rang out and he suddenly stopped in place as something wet and sticky hit his hand and trapped it. He swore loudly and tried to free his hand with its brother, only for another ball of wet webbing to trap it and force him into the corner. His trapped hands instantly stuck to the wall’s surface, causing the fear in him to start ballooning up quickly.

It was then, as Caspar tried desperately to free himself, that his pursuer was finally revealed. As assumed it was indeed Byleth, who had taken a new form when she’d chased after her wayward student. She was roughly the same size as she had been normally, but much thinner and with thick blue fur instead of skin and twin tail-est furred ears. She was hunched over slightly, likely due to the most notable change this form brought, that being another set of arms under her ribcage. Poking out from behind her was a white stripped monkey's tail, as well as monkey’s feet instead of human ones. A harness and thin cloak covered her torso, with the center of the harness having her trademark badge snuggly in place. But what Caspar noticed above all else, even moreso than the extra pair of arms, were her eyes. Six bright green eyes that resembled a spider’s, and all six were currently staring him down with no mercy. This form, affectionately named Spidermonkey for obvious reasons, had been what was filling Caspar with so much dread. And given how the poor boy could only tear up and try in vain to free himself, it appeared that dread had reached it’s apex.

“Caspar....You STILL aren’t thinking of running are you? That’ll only make this worse for you.” Spidermonkey’s voice was low, and would have been threatening if not for the occasional bouts of chittering that seemed involuntary. Caspar for the most part was ignoring his teacher, instead trying all he could to pry his captured hands off the wall.

“S-Stay back Professor! I’m warning you!” Spidermonkey could only laugh, as she slowly advanced towards her student with her tail raised.

“I’m afraid you don’t have a say in the matter anymore, Caspar.“ She then flexed her tail, which split opened at the tip and fired off a large glob of webbing right at his feet. It made a loud splash as it stuck to his shoe, further trapping him in place.

“Stay back! Stay back!” Caspar's pleas fell on deaf ears as more webbing was fired, and then even more. After just a few scant seconds, Caspar was fully encased in thick, powerful webbing almost like a cocoon. And as he flailed and struggled to free himself, an amused Spidermonkey stood over him.

“Well, now that you’ve settled down.” She kneeled down and grabbed him, slinging him over her shoulder before resuming speaking. “How about we return to class, and you give me an ACTUAL reason your classwork wasn’t finished?” Caspar struggled abit more, before admitting defeat and sighing.

“I told you professor, one of the cats got to it! Honest!” Her tail rose up and smacked him in the face at his lie, chittering up a laugh as he winced in pain.

“And I told you the day I believe that is the day I tell Hubert he should smile more. Now come on! We’re wasting time thanks to your little stunt!” She then fired off a string of web and swung back towards the classroom, waving hi to several students who paused their traveling to stare at the sight. Before long, the students all shrugged and resumed walking. All of them long since accepting that such a sight was nothing more than a typical day for the Black Eagles at Garreg Mach Monastery.


So the Stinkfly and Big chill sections were the final short snippets I wrote before I settled into writing out the story outright. As well as half of the Ditto section, or at least the idea of a Ditto hide and seek game. And the idea of Claude vs Lodestar in an archery match , with Jury Rigg ultimately ending it, came to me around the time I posted chapter 3 or 4. That all said this chapter was really fun to write, and I'll likely get another one slotted in sometime later on after the main story advances some more. And if anyone wants to see a particular alien next time give a shout out in the comments and I'll brainstorm (heh) an idea for them. Although I'll tell you guys right away next time for sure Waybig gets some time in the sun. Until then though, back to the main story next time which will likely be within another month or so after the next chapter of my other fic. Until then, thank you so much for all the support on this story!

Chapter 11


The Black Eagles prepare for another mission against a band of thieves whose leader holds a powerful relic. But armed with a Hero's relic of her own, as well as her mysterious Gauntlet, Byleth is expected to be the VIP of this mission. But once the mission is underway, several snags will hit the plan and Byleth will have to go all in to save the day.


Hello readers, we're back with a new chapter of Omnipotent Demon! We're back into the main story proper after last times sidetracking adventures, and we're finally at a moment I've been waiting for since chapter 1! So without further ado, here's the next chapter for your enjoyment!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“I have a new mission for you, Professor. I would like for you to take your students into Kingdom territory to eliminate some thieves.” Several days after she’d been given the Sword of the Creator, Byleth had been once more called before Rhea and Seteth to be given her class’s mission for the month. As the archbishop explained the task before her, Seteth chimed in with the finer details. “They stole a Hero’s relic from House Gautier of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus, the Lance of Ruin. Their leader’s name is Miklan. He is apparently a disowned son of House Gautier.” Byleth’s brow furrowed at the news, the name Gautier faintly coming back to her as a name she should know. But her curiosity at the so-called leader of the thieves being an exiled son came first.

“Why was he disowned?” Seteth looked at her with indifference, but answered her nonetheless.

“I believe it had something to do with his lack of a Crest. Such happenings are fairly common within the kingdom.” That didn’t settle well with the merc turned professor, a knot started to form in her stomach. Even still, she bit her tongue and listened while Rhea once more took over. “The Crestless cannot unleash the goddess’s power, even if they possess a relic. Nonetheless, they are still capable of simply wielding those weapons.” Seteth nodded at these words, then gave a stern glare to Byleth as he resumed speaking. “The Heroes’ relics are immensely powerful weapons. We must meet this threat with adequate force. Unfortunately, most of the Knights of Seiros are away from the monastery purging the apostates of the Western church.”

He then adjusted himself, and gave a gentler stern look at Byleth. “So we are entrusting you with this mission. After all, you wield the Sword of the Creator, which is more than capable of opposing any relic.” Rhea smiled at her aide’s words, cheerfully chiming in. “The Sword of the Creator is a powerful weapon, well beyond the other relics. You have nothing to fear. However, to ensure that no harm comes to the students, we will also send the monastery’s most skilled individuals to aid you.” Byleth nodded at the archbishop, Seteth wagging a finger at her afterwards. “I must remind you that you are expected to conduct yourself in a manner befitting the wielder of that holy sword. Also, you should know that professor Hanneman has been looking for you. That is all.”

Byleth nodded, doing her absolute best to hold back the sigh that Hanneman related news tended to emit from her. She then bowed and turned to leave the room, her mind already racing with potential strategies and plans for how best to deal with the thieves. Once she had left the audience chambers, she figured she should at the least find Hanneman first and foremost and so went towards his office. As she walked it didn’t take long for her to bump into something that would derail her, in this case it was Edelgard who spotted her professor and rushed over to her.

“Professor, I heard about our mission for this month. A thief with a Hero’s relic is worrisome, but with you at our side, I’m certain we can handle him.” The white-haired girl then smugly placed her hands to her hips before resuming. “After all, you have the Sword of the Creator. It was allegedly wielded by Nemesis, the King of Liberation. If the legends are true you, you hold the power to stand against entire armies. Even Moreso then you already could. A band of thieves should be nothing.” Byleth couldn’t hide the light blush that Edelgard’s praise brought out, though to her relief her student hadn’t noticed it. “Even the most elite Imperial Forces or the Knights of Seiros could not hope to defeat you.” Byleth paused for just a moment, unsure how to feel both about the statement and the look her student had in her eyes.

“Why would that matter, Edelgard?” She noticed her student’s shift in demeanor instantly, not to mention the look of slight disappointment about her.

“I’m just marveling at the potential. Besides, your power does not lie solely in the Sword of the Creator. You are stronger and more terrifying then you realize.” The two then exchanged looks, both trying not to shift their eyes towards Byleth’s Gauntlet. Thankfully before Byleth could really make sense of what her student was trying to say, a question was asked of her. “Professor... when we leave the monastery, will you still think of yourself as my teacher?” Byleth was throw for a loop by it, and pondered for just a second before admitting defeat.

“What do you mean?” Edelgard frowned, biting her lip slightly before she shook her head at the question.

“Never mind. I’m being thoughtless with my words. For now, let’s just focus on the problem at hand.” She then turned to leave, Byleth frowning at the sight, but didn’t get very far before something happened. Said something was an overwhelming urge hitting Byleth, making her take a frantic dash forward and capture her student in a tight hug. “M-My teacher?!!” The white-haired Empress to be nearly tripped over the sudden contact, her face now as red as her uniform’s cape. Byleth, on the other hand, only had the slightly blush on her face as she squeezed the other girl tightly.

“I will ALWAYS be your teacher Edelgard.” The two stood there for a few moments, neither one saying anything, before Byleth reluctantly let her student go. Edelgard stood there, not facing her teacher due to her face still being as red as a tomato, and managed to let out a meek.

“T-thank you, my teacher.” Before she booked it the opposite direction, much to Byleth’s confusion. Once Edelgard was out of sight, Byleth softly smiled then turned back towards Hanneman’s office. Hoping that after all this, the elderly professor would be there for whatever reason he needed her. Finding Hanneman after her encounter with Edelgard had been easy enough for Byleth, the older professor had indeed been hovering about in his office waiting for her to drop on by.

“Good of you to come, professor. I’ve heard much about you lately. Specifically, that you were able to awaken the Sword of the Creator’s power. Thusly, it seems the true nature of your Crest has been uncovered.” The elderly gentleman then moved to his desk, shifting about the many papers littered on it as he spoke. “I had, of course, seen your Crest before. However, at first, I failed to recognize its true nature. Eventually, it dawned on me that what is visible is perhaps merely a small part of a greater whole.” He then turned back to face her, a look of determination on his face as he brushed a finger along his mustache. “In other words, your Crest is too significant to be detected when using normal instruments. Perhaps the same could even be said for the Gauntlet you have as well.” He then brought up a piece of paper he’d grabbed from his desk, scanning its content as he spoke. “After this discovery, I began researching Crests that might fit that description, which allowed for a temporary hypothesis. However, I could not be certain. The Crest my conclusions led me to was far too unusual.” Hanneman looked Byleth in the eyes, she saw a steely look that she’d rarely seen in the older man’s eyes before. “A Crest thought to have disappeared from this world in the millennium since the fall of Nemesis, the King of Liberation. The Crest of Flames. That is what you possess.” He paused for a moment, allowing the information to sink in for Byleth, who stood there with a hand over her chest as she parroted the name back.

“The Crest of Flames...” Hanneman nodded.

“Your ability to wield the Sword of the Creator has unequivocally proven my hypothesis. A legendary power, dormant since time immemorial, and now resurrected... There can be no doubt that this ancient power resides within you.” Byleth blinked, her hand still hovering over her chest as she took in Hanneman’s words. Hanneman chuckled at the sight, and went to go pat his fellow professor on the shoulder. “I must admit, I am a tad jealous of you professor. The Crest of Flames has only ever been spoken of in legends before now, yet you stand before me with it within you. I don’t suppose you’d have time today for me to run just a few tests on you?” He batted his eyelashes at her, eyes gleaming with intent, the honesty of it all causing Byleth to smile .

“Maybe another time, Hanneman. For now I've got to get some training in, the Sword of the Creator needs to feel more natural for me to wield before I go on this upcoming mission.” Hanneman pouted slightly, but nodded after a moment.

“A wise choice, dear professor. I’ve heard tell you’ll be going up against a Hero’s relic. Sword of the Creator or not, that Isn't something to be taken lightly. Still, if your Crest should manifest at any point during your training please feel free to let me know. There is still the chance it could affect you in some unforeseen way, after all.” Byleth nodded then waved as she walked towards the door, her sights now set towards the training hall.


Byleth’s plans almost backfired when she at last made it to the training hall, because standing there right in the middle of the room was someone she’d slowly grown weary of seeing: Felix. The battle hungry Blue Lion was trading blow after blow with a training dummy, his sword moving so fast between strikes even Byleth was having issues keeping track of it. After a while, he sensed her presence and turned to face her, a hungry glint in his eyes as he did.

“Eisner. I thought I heard someone. Are you here to train?” Byleth felt at odds with answering that question, feeling just how loaded it was given who was asking it.

“I am, yes.” The answer seemed to satisfy Felix, who grinned as he placed his sword on his shoulder.

“ I see. Care to train with me? Waving this sword around alone is boring, and I'm tired of crossing swords with worthless opponents. But you. You have always been a worthy adversary.” Byleth grimaced, already expecting this outcome the second she saw Felix. While the thought of escape seemed tantalizing for her, she figured if anything would help her come to terms with her new weapon it would be fighting a skilled swordsman. And Felix was most assuredly a skilled swordsman, as her memories as Goop proved. She laid a hand on the hilt of the Sword of the Creator, a determined expression on her face.

“Okay. I’ll train with you, Felix. But no Gauntlet transformations, just swords.” As expected, he sulked at her terms, but after a moment shook it off and eagerly readied his blade.

“I guess going up against a sword that legendary will have to be enough then. Truth be told I’ve always been interested in your technique. You learned from the former captain of the knights of Seiros, and traveled Fódlan fighting as a mercenary.” He waved his sword in the air, the tension in the room filling as he spoke. “Good sparing partners like you don’t grow on trees. But listen here Eisner! I will beat you, and I will surpass your strength. And once I've beaten you at blades, I’ll MAKE you transform into each and every form you have and surpass them as well!” The tension in the room was thick enough to almost choke Byleth, it was taking all of her will power not to change her mind and head for the hills as she drew her sword.

“Felix, why is it that your so focused on getting stronger?” The question came to her on a whim, but seeing the mild reaction he’d given her upon asking it made the tension ease slightly.

“Why? Hm. I never really thought about that. I learned to thrust a sword before I Iearned to write my name. Of course, my upbringing wasn’t unique. That’s how it is for all children in my country. You’re no use if you can’t swing a sword, however mighty your Crest might be. It was the perfect environment for me. I could live free of stodgy values and virtues.” He looked towards the sky, the little bit of sunlight poking into the room illuminating him as his speech went towards its end. “Grow strong so you may live, and live to grow stronger. That’s what I was taught. And now here I face off against you, Eisner. I’m intrigued by your fighting style, and by who you really are... but that’s enough chatter. My mind has been screaming at me to face you ever since you drew that blade! “He drew his sword into a ready stance, his eyes screaming with raw emotion. “My mind is emptied of all but the thrill of the challenge!”

And with that he lunged forward without hesitation, his sword a blur that Byleth only just managed to block with the Sword of the Creator. She pushed her sword forward, clashing against his and keeping it away from her. After a second, Felix took a step forward and angled his blade differently trying to get a blow in edgewise. Byleth shifted the Sword of the Creator to block, her eyes focusing on her opponent to try and find an opening. But try as she might, he wasn’t making it easy for her and was hammering away at her forcing her to play defensively.

“His legs! Go for his legs when he tries to slash at your chest!” Byleth blinked hard at the sudden advice from Sothis, the ghostly goddess apparently watching in earnest, but saw that it was sound advice. She made to look like she was aiming a slash at his torso, Felix scoffing as he went to block to telegraphed attack. The second she was going to make contact with his sword, she feinted dropping the Sword of the Creator entirely which startled Felix enough to make him drop his guard. She then fell alongside the sword and quickly grabbed it mid-fall and slashed at his right leg, getting a blow in that caused Felix to wince as blood started to leak from the wound. As Byleth gathered herself and quickly rose up, the Blue Lion’s swordsman started to laugh wildly.

“That’s more like it Eisner! Come on! Give me more!” He drew up his sword again, making a stabbing motion that Byleth recognized was a dis-arming maneuver. She backed off and dodged altogether, waiting until the Momentive of his attack brought him closer and slashing at his right arm. He cried out in pain once the Sword of the Creator made contact, but he then did something unexpected and whipped his sword around to hit Byleth’s arm even as her sword still raked against his arm. Byleth cried out as his sword finally got a hit on her, quickly using her legs to kick at him and force him to back away. As the two were standing apart again, both looked at their arms which were now slightly bleeding. Byleth bit her lip and took in a deep breath to re-focus herself, while Felix barked out another laugh. “Now we’re even, Eisner!” Byleth looked at Felix, his expression far too similar to one she’d seen on a starving wolf before in her mercenary days. Even still, she couldn't help the small smile that formed on her face. It had been so long since she’d had a proper sparing match like this, and no one had ever truly been her equal apart from her father before.

“That was a good attempt at a dis-arm Felix! You learned that move yourself?” Felix scoffed as he spat on the ground, his sword hanging lazily on his side as the two talked.

“No, much as it annoys me, I picked it up by sparing with the Boar prince.”

“Dimitri? I thought he was more skilled with a lance?”

“He is, but any child in Faerghus is skilled enough with a sword. Even a wild animal like him.” Felix then picked his sword back up, the killing intent in his eyes lighting back up as he faced off against Byleth again. Byleth wasted no time in readying herself as well, gripping onto the Sword of the Creator hard and feeling power course through it.

"That’s right, I’m still not using it to its full potential. I’ll need to if I'm going to get the one up here." Byleth’s thoughts raced as both she and Felix paced around in circles, neither one making the move. Byleth decided to break the distance, gripping onto the Sword of the Creator and lashing out with it. To the surprise of Felix, the blade extended itself at the attack, transforming into a whip-est weapon for a moment and lashing out at him. The boy was caught off guard, and the Sword of the Creator soon wrapped it’s now whip-like blade around his leg. Byleth then tugged harshly, yanking Felix down to the floor and pulling her sword back to her in one shift motion. As he fell to the ground hard, Felix let out a curse as his hands instantly went to his leg to check for wounds. After a moment he forced himself up with a wince, only for Byleth too dash over to him quickly while he stumbled to get up and hit him square in the back with her elbow. Felix cried out in pain and stopped rising, now falling back to his knees as he harshly coughed in a bid to stabilize his air. As he did, the Sword of the Creator was suddenly right next to his cheek, and he looked up to see Byleth gazing down on him. He stared back intensely, and then batted her sword away as he forced himself up again with some effort.

“You’re certainly not going easy on me, Eisner. You fight like a mercenary, not a knight. You hunger for victory, pure and simple. You may not be aware of it yourself, but I see it.” He then grunted in pain as he moved to reclaim his sword, Byleth watching as he did so. He picked up his sword, and after a split second to examine it, he pointed it back at Byleth. Byleth, for her part, let out a puff of air as she watched the student stare her down.

“Should I take all of that as a compliment then?” Felix grinned at the question.

“Indeed. Knights ought to have some hunger. I’ve always thought so. They depend too much on their swords. Only when they’re wrested away do knights consider their hands and feet as weapons.” He then cracked his knuckles in a swift motion, never dropping his sword for even an instant as he stared Byleth down. “That’s not how it was for warriors of old. They weren’t limited by their tools. Victory is what matters, not the method of achieving it. That’s the attitude to adopt.” He then lunged forward suddenly, conversation stopped as the sparing resumed. Byleth raised her sword to block the flurry of blows from Felix, but before she could go on the attack a sudden bout of pain filled her. Said pain had come from Felix, who’d used the flurry of attacks as a means to get closer and violently stomp on her foot to get her guard down. It worked, as her body instantly reacted by lowering her sword and leaving an opening that Felix took full advantage of. He slashed at her torso, leaving cut alongside her stomach that caused her to buckle in pain. Felix laughed, and raised his sword with intent to finish the fight with a single stroke of the blade. As he moved his sword down towards her, Byleth reacted on instinct and raised her sword up to defend herself, causing both blades to lock onto each other and clash. Felix laughed at the clashing, putting more pressure on his sword as it bore down onto the word of the Creator.

Byleth grimaced as she focused all she had on keeping her sword up, knowing one slip up would cost her the match. That was when an idea came to her, and thinking quickly she put her plan into motion. She pushed back against Felix with one mighty push, and the second his sword was hovering over hers instead of clashing she ducked down and rolled to the right. A harsh clanging sound then sounded off in the room, as Felix’s sword hit the now empty ground when it fell back down. Byleth wasted no time, however, quickly getting to her knees and rushing at Felix with a cry. The boy couldn’t recover in time, and his ‘reward’ was Byleth ramming her head into his side hard. He cried out in pain, dropping his sword and buckling to his knees. Byleth took the chance and quickly regained herself, standing back up and drawing the Sword of the Creator and placing it over Felix’s head.

“I think that’s it now Felix, I don’t want to hurt you anymore than I already have.” As expected, Felix just growled at her words, before he ducked to the left of her sword and once more forced himself up though the pain.

“You’re...You’re not bad at all Eisner. But we’re not done yet! I believe the difference between us lies within that hunger. You might have that hunger, Eisner, but me?” He growled in a rage and looked Byleth in the eyes, his full of nothing sort of rage. “I’m always STARVING for victory!!” He then lunged forward, forsaking his sword entirely and aiming a punch right to Byleth’s gut. It connected despite her attempt to block it, and soon she was back on her knees. That was when a swift kick was aimed right at her head, and hit her hard. Her vision became blurry after that, her grip on her sword loosening considerably, while Felix reeled back his leg for another kick. Without thinking, Byleth raised her arm to block the kick only for it to hit her gauntlet instead.

A strange beep sounded off, and she felt Felix’s foot kicking in the dial of the gauntlet before reeling back. Instantly, the room was filled with the tell-tale green glow of one of her transformations, and Felix had reeled back covering his eyes . When he opened them a moment later, he was met by a shocking appearance for Byleth. She’d become slightly taller, and a little more muscular, with her skin replace by what looked to be brown feathers. Her neck had become elongated with a tuff of white feathers at its base, and a thin yet sharp looking beak replacing her nose and mouth. Her hair was still there, in the form of one long blue braid that flowed behind her like a silk ribbon. There was a spot of red underneath both of her eyes, and a thin series of tail feathers poking out from behind her clothes. Said clothes were also new, resembling the robe of a Mortal Savant with its sleek design and decorative sheathes. Finally, right center of her robes was the badge with her gauntlet’s symbol brightly displayed. As Felix drunk in the sight of this new transformation, the now bird like Byleth rose and tilted her head as she examined herself.

“This is...a new one?? How is that possible??” She then looked at Felix, head bobbing up and down, and asked.

“Are you okay, Felix?” The boy gave her a look of irritated confusion as he answered.

“ I’m fine, but what happened to no transformations Eisner? Is my hunger getting too much for you?” Byleth make a clicking noise and pointed a robed hand at Felix, her hands revealing themselves to be three fingered talons now.

“That was on you for kicking the Gauntlet! Now let’s put a stop to this so I can figure out what to do no-.”

“No.” Byleth blinked at the sudden interruption from her sparring partner.

“Excuse me?”

“I said no. Our match still doesn’t have a winner, so no weaseling out of this Eisner.” Felix then took in the sight of her new form in, a manic grin spreading across his face. “Besides, you said this one was new right? I want to see what it's made of!” Before she could argue with him, Felix had already rushed to grab his sword, a manic gleam in his eyes as he then rushed at Byleth with it. “Here I come, Eisner!!” The second he approached Byleth, her instincts kicked in again and she lifted her leg all the way up to her torso.

“Wha-?!” She then used the talons on her feet to grab onto Felix’s arm, stopping his attack mid-way. She followed up by leaning her neck and head down towards him and giving him a nasty headbutt. She let go, and Felix stumbled about in a daze. “There, is that enough now?” A frustrated growl was her answer, as Felix stumbled and tried to regain his footing. After a second, he shook his head aggressively then raised his sword again.

“Clever trick Eisner! But I won’t be bested yet!” He then lunged again, only for Byleth’s arm to intercept him midway. His sword seemingly clashing with the arm to his confusion, until he saw what it was truly clashing with: A talon like blade that was sticking out of her forearm. “What?!”

“I know right? Didn’t even really feel that was there, thanks for letting me know Felix!” She then flexed her muscles and her arm-blade sliced Felix’s sword in half, leaving the Blue Lion’s jaw to become wide open in disbelief. Said disbelief hung on his face for just a moment, before a scowl replaced it.

“Think this changes things Eisner? I don't need a sword to finish this!” He then roared in a rage before dropping the broken sword and flying at Byleth fist first. Byleth scowled, as best she could with a beak at any rate, and drew the Sword of the Creator.

“Fine, have it your way. But when we get to the infirmary I’ll be the one telling Manuela that you kept insisting we still go!” She then jumped high into the air, almost appearing to be flying even, and drew her sword which was now glowing. She lashed out with it, its blade turning once more into a whip, only this time it coiled around itself like a serpent. Felix’s eyes widened, and he tried to shift his weight to dodge, only for the blade to somehow track him. It followed after him as he jutted to the left and soon ensnared him in a vice grip. Felix screamed, the blade digging into him as he struggled in vain to escape, Byleth meanwhile had landed right behind him. She then gave one last harsh tug on her sword, and it released Felix after getting a good cut off. As soon as the Sword of the Creator returned to its normal form, Felix collapsed in a heap while cursing loudly. When a few moments passed without him moving, Byleth took a hesitate step forward to check on him. What she saw was him wincing in pain, tears forming in his eyes as he looked at her in utter defeat.

“You...You win Eisner. Damned goddess was smiling for you today.”

“You put up one hell of a fight Felix. You should be proud of yourself.” Hearing that, the Blue Lion’s swordsman grinned, before wincing in pain again. Byleth instantly went to try and lift him up, but it seemed he had other ideas.

“W-Wait. My sword...give it to me.”

“Felix you’re bleeding pretty bad, we need to get you to Manuela-.”

“Please, professor.” Byleth stopped dead in her tracks the second she heard Felix utter the word “professor”. She gave him a long hard look, he in turn gave her a pleading one, but ultimately, she obliged him. She grabbed the broken hilt of his sword, and gently gave it to him. He took it firmly in his hand, only stumbling slightly as another wave of pain hit him. After it subsided, he raised the broken sword up in the air while he laid on the ground. He shuddered for a moment, his eyes tearing up slightly as he bit down on his lip to focus. “I....I swear! Next time...Next time I WILL defeat you professor! I’ll get stronger! And I won’t ever have a broken sword in my hands ever again!!” As soon as his passionate speech ended, Felix’s hand collapsed and he fell unconscious much to Byleth’s horror.

She soon scooped the bleeding boy up and made a mad dash to the infirmary, ignoring the many stares from the student’s lingering in the halls as she did so. She’d thankfully made it in time for a healing spell to be used, though she was still scolded by Manuela who had shooed her out the second Felix was in the clear. Much later on Byleth would hear that Felix had made a fine recovery, though that came with the odd side effect of the boy marching straight to the mess hall and ordering as many poultry dishes as they had.


After her frantic dash to the infirmary, Byleth felt she was done with training for the day. The unexpected new transformation aside, the Sword of the Creator had worked well and she had no doubt when the time come it would aide her well. So, she had made the notion to retire to her chambers early and rest once she’d returned to her normal form. On the way there, however, she’d spotted Ferdinand all on his lonesome and made to greet him. That was the plan at least, until she heard him talking to himself.

“Hm. With this idea, I may be able to get the one-up on Edelgard.” Byleth chuckled, and was about to speak up when sudden footsteps interrupted her. Said footsteps belonged to Hubert, who had appeared seemingly out of nowhere with a look of disdain in his eyes.

“This again.” Once the brooding boy spoke up, Ferdinand jumped up startled, turning towards Hubert with a look of irritation.

“Hubert! I wish you would not sneak up on me like that.” Hubert chuckled, and placed a hand under his chin.

“Maybe you would be more perceptive if your mind were less burdened by sedition.” Ferdinand scoffed at the words.

“Sedition? Absurd. This is an important project.” Hubert rolled his eyes, clearly not taking his classmate seriously.

“Yes, I heard. A new way to prove how superior you are to Lady Edelgard. She is not your rival, Ferdinand. She is above you. A noble, like you, ought to know his place.” Ferdinand laughed.

“Anything is better than being a noble like you. Every time you open your mouth it’s ‘Lady Edelgard this’ or ‘Lady Edelgard that’. Do you ever think for yourself?” He then pointed a finger at Hubert, who was not looking the slightest bit amused at the conversation. “You follow her around like a pet. You spend all your time fretting over her, and yet you never truly express an option of your own. Before you reprimand me, take a moment to consider your own failings.” Hubert growled, his eyes narrowing as he glared daggers at Ferdinand.

“Your nonsense is tiresome, so I hope this will be the last time I have to remind you. Lady Edelgard is the Imperial princess. You are merely the prime minister's son.” He said the last word with such venom that Byleth almost considered stepping out of her hiding place and putting a stop to this, but her body refused to budge as Ferdinand made his counterattack.

“Yes, I understand that. But my duty is to guide her, to give frank advice when she is on the wrong course of action. That is what I strive to do, always. Thus my devotion to surpass Edelgard, so that if she needs guidance, I will be prepared to give it.” He then jabbed a finger at Hubert again, the other boy seemingly moments away from snarling at him for it. “If you think it is tiresome to have a mind of your own, you will never be much of an advisor.” Hubert glared, his anger rising with every word from the other boy’s mouth.

“Does the river of filth pouring out of your mouth ever stop flowing? Your obsession with all things superficial is disgusting. It’s no use. You’re hopeless. I’ll take my leave.” Ferdinand huffed in irritation.

“I have nothing more to say to you. Get out of here.” Hubert then pushed passed him in a huff, storming away down the hall with nary a second’s hesitation. After a moment, Ferdinand looked disheartened and decided to leave as well, just barely passing by the hidden Byleth as he did. She released the breath she had been holding once he left.

“That was a little too close... Still, those two are like oil and water. I might have to talk to them about it before it gets any worse...” As she spoke aloud, the ghostly image of Sothis appeared before her and titled her head.

“I don’t know if that’ll really help with those two. I mean, Hubert alone doesn’t seem the type to make nice just because a teacher told him too. I suspect the day he does so is the day the Adrestian Empire falls.”

Byleth sighed, knowing full well her ghostly friend’s words rang true. The two conversed for a bit longer as Byleth made her way through the monastery, that is until they were passing through the courtyard by the dormitories. As they passed by several students who were going about their days, one in particular stood out. Said one was Lysithea, who was angrily stomping her way towards Byleth while anyone near her gave her a wide berth.

“Professor! You’ve got to do something about Sylvain!! He’s just so insufferable!” Byleth flinched at how loud the young girl was being, but quickly centered herself and went into “professor mode”.

“What has he done now? Did he say something scandalous again?” The golden deer nodded, her eyes lighting up with fiery passion.

“He’s in the courtyards flirting with random girls again! Yet he had the gall to call me a child and wave me off with sweets when I called him out on his lecherous ways!” Byleth sighed deeply, a feeling of fatigue hitting her as Lysithea explained the reason for her dour mood.

“I see. Thank you Lysithea, I’ll go see about this right now.” She then left with a quick wave to Lysithea, and went to find Sylvain before he could cause any more damage. After about ten minutes of traveling, she made it to the courtyard and found the flirting Blue lion in the middle of conversation with a young woman. Byleth approached them silently, her ears perking up as their conversation became apparent to her.

“You’d think I’d cheat? On you, baby? Never. Come on, you should know me better than that. You’re the only one for me. I swear. Hey, if you don’t believe me, well...” Sylvain was trailing off, the woman he was talking to looking close to either tearing up or slap him across the face. Perhaps both. Byleth hid herself and listened, waiting to see just how badly the Blue Lion was going to dig himself deeper. “Oh, I get it. If I'm not you’re type, do you want me to introduce you to some other guys who have Crests? They’re all nobles, just like me.” The woman gasped loudly, her face screwing up as anger flashed briefly on it.

“What?! That isn’t why I’m- you- you're worse than I thought!” She looked ready to slap him at last, but despite that Sylvain didn’t look the least bit concerned.

“I just want you to be happy. You know, get what you’re after. I hate seeing a girl cry, especially one as beautiful as you. So you know, maybe we...” He didn’t get the chance to finish before the girl at last slapped him soundly across the face, tears leaking out of her eyes as she made an abrupt turn and ran off crying. Sylvain rubbed his cheek for a moment as he watched the young woman run off, his face not betraying his emotions at all. After a moment, he then slowly turned around and faced Byleth. “So, Professor, do you enjoy spying on people?” Byleth turned stone faced as she marched right up to the student, not saying a single thing as her eye drilled into him. To his credit, Sylvain maintained his calm demeanor under pressure and wasn’t letting the professor’s piercing glare to get to him. “You look like you’ve got something to say. So say it.” Byleth almost snarled at the words, only barely restraining herself.

“You’re a jerk.” Byleth felt herself be surprised at just how venomous she’d spoken; Sylvain even actually being taken aback by her. He quickly recovered himself, an irritated expression on his face as he retorted.

“Hey, that was between me and her, not you. But you know how it is. Most relationships, they end in heartbreak.” He then shrugged his shoulders, not noticing how Byleth's eyes were filling with more and more emotion as he spoke. “Anyway, I don’t know why she’s so upset about me dating other girls. She didn’t care before she found out, so why does she care now?” He then raised a hand to his hair and coolly brushed his hair. “I really do hate seeing a girl cry.” Byleth clenched her fist, doing her very best to refrain from outright punching a student in the face. She instead focused all she could on talking as calmly and evenly as possible.

“It doesn’t seem that way, Sylvain.” Sylvain mocked a look of hurt as he pouted at her.

“Come on. It’s hard on me too! If only I had someone to comfort me. Professor? It’s okay if you want to console me.” He then did a complete 180 and gave her a ‘flirty’ wink as he spoke. “I happen to have some exquisite tea back in my quarters. You could come by, and... We could chat about love.” Byleth felt the skin on the back of her neck crawl at the words, instantly she went on the attack.

“Not on your life Sylvain.” He instantly backed down, looking scared at her sudden harsh tone. “Calm down- it was only a joke! You’ve really got no sense of humor, you know that?” That had been the straw that broke the camel's back, without even thinking she’d reeled her fist back and punched the boy square in the face. He went limp on contact, and was forced back and onto the ground instantly from the blow. The second he recovered on the ground, Sylvain looked up in anger ready to lash out. That lasted exactly five seconds until he saw the look of pure , raw, hatred that byleth was bearing down on him with. “P-Professor?? I-”

“If I see you try anything with my Black Eagles, Sylvain, I will have words with you. Do you understand?”

“Y-Yes ma’am!” Byleth scoffed and turned to leave, only pausing when she suddenly heard the sounds of Sylvain quickly scampering up.

“W-Wait! Professor please! There’s something I- Ow- have to talk to you about!” She turned, glaring daggers at him as he stumbled underneath her gaze.

“What is it?”

“I...I heard your next mission is dealing with some thieves lead by a man named Miklan. He’s....He’s my older brother. WAS my older brother I should say. I know it’s asking a lot of you... But please, let me accompany you.” He then fully bowed down on his knees, Byleth actually being shocked at the act. “That man is no longer my brother...But it should be someone of house Gautier who makes him atone for his crimes.” Byleth froze. Her mind was racing a mile a minute as she processed this new information. After a moment, she steeled her gaze, and gave Sylvain his answer.


“Thank you Professor, I won't- what?” The young boy looked up instantly, confusion written all over his face.

“I said no, Sylvain. I will NOT have you tarnishing the Black Eagles name with your careless behaviors! I don’t care if this thief is related to you, my class was tasked to deal with him and they will do just that.” Sylvain looked hurt, more then he actually was, and tried to argue.

“But I’m the second best with a lance in all of the Blue Lions, next only to Dimitri himself! I can carry my own weight!” Byleth scoffed at him.

“Can you? In all the time I’ve been at the monastery I’ve seen you do more baseless flirting than lifting a lance so much as once. You’re just as liable to be a hinderance to us or worse, lead to one of MY students getting harmed.” Sylvain was growling now, fear all but left him.

“Now see here Professor! I won’t stand for this!” She poked at his chest, noticing how he flinched at the mere contact.

“That’s fine. My answer remains the same. You will not be accompanying the Black Eagles on any mission so long as I have a say in it , Sylvain.” She then pulled an about-face and marched off, leaving the fuming Sylvain behind. As she left, Sothis’s ghostly apparition appeared before her again with a conflicted look.

“Not that I don’t think he didn’t deserve any of that, especially that punch, but wasn’t that too harsh?” Byleth sighed.

“Perhaps. But it was likely needed. Boys like Sylvain will think the world of themselves if allowed too. And if he wasn’t given a wakeup call , it wouldn’t be long before his incompetence lead to someone getting hurt. Or worse.” She shook her head as she stared at Sothis. “ As far as I’m concerned, he needs to shape up and prove his worth if he’s ever to be taken seriously. Because right now my option of Sylvain Gautier is about the same as the bug I've stepped on with my shoe.”

She then started to at last make her way back to her room, fatigue hitting her harder now. Sothis for the most part floated beside her, not saying a word but also not hiding the proud smile on her face as the two set off.


The days and nights went onward, Byleth doing her best to keep tabs on all of her students to ensure they’d be prepared for the coming mission. Though as expected, the Black Eagles had shown her they were more than ready to take on a band of thieves, Hero’s relic or no. That said, Byleth couldn’t quite get rid of the nagging thoughts regarding the fact she’d likely be the one up against said relic. Even after her impromptu training session with Felix, and the newly discovered transformation, she still felt she was sub-par with the Sword of the Creator. Soon however, the month’s end came crawling closer and closer and Byleth and her class were all on high tensions for the mission. Soon the day of the mission had arrived, and the Black Eagles had ridden off towards the known location of the thief Miklan which happened to be an occupied tower deep in kingdom territory. At the moment Byleth was accompanied by Edelgard, Hubert, and the knight that Rhea had join them. Said knight was sir Gilbert, a quiet man with a head of neatly divided orange hair and sharp blue eyes that told Byleth they’d seen quite a lot in their years. As they approached the tower, Edelgard had a sour expression on her face that seemed to grow with each step.

“This weather is unfortunate. Those villagers were right when they said a storm was brewing. But they were more afraid of an attack than they were of the storm. Let’s end this quickly.” As she spoke, Hubert took a large step forward and pointed ahead towards the vast tower in the distance.

“The thieves have taken Conand Tower as their base... There it is in the distance.” The two women eyed the tower, Edelgard giving an impressed nod towards it.

“Miklan must be more skilled than your average thief to have overtaken a place like that.” Upon hearing that, Gilbert stepped forward and cleared his throat. The other three stopping in order to listen to what he had to say.

“This area was the site of a massive battle several hundred years ago when invasions from the north were at their peak. This tower was built for both surveillance and defense. It will be difficult to seize it.” Edelgard clasped her hands once Gilbert had finished speaking, an aura of confidence around her.

“You know your history, Gilbert. If I recall correctly, you’re from the Kingdom, aren’t you?” Gilbert chuckled lightly.

“I left my home long ago. If you have any questions about the mission, I’d be happy to answer them.” Byleth didn’t hesitate before she took the knight at his word.

“What do you know about the leader of the thieves, Miklan?” Gilbert’s eyes briefly grew dark at the question, but they soon shifted back to normal as he began to answer.

“House Gautier has always placed great importance on whether or not someone bears a Crest. Margrave Gautier has two sons. A Crest never manifested for his eldest. It’s not hard to imagine why he left and wound up in this sort of life.” Gilbert sighed as he finished his explanation, Byleth frowning at the sad nature of it all. Edelgard, on the other hand, looked near furious at the explanation for Miklan’s downward spiral.

“There’s no reason that Crests should have the power to dictate someone’s destiny. Don’t you agree, Gilbert? He was just another victim of cruel fate. Forsaken by the goddess, who now demands his execution.” Gilbert said nothing, though he did give Edelgard a curious glance. Soon afterwards the party resumed heading towards the tower, Byleth making sure the rest of the Black Eagles knew the plan.

Thankfully, it seemed the thieves were stretched too thin to have all the floors of the tower guarded. So by the time they arrived at the base of the tower, they’d managed to slip inside with little hassle give or take a quickly silenced guard here and there. The climb up each floor was silent, if mostly to keep their element of surprise as long as possible, though Byleth could tell some of the silence was due to nerves as well. She’d made sure to stick by Bernadetta the second the timid girl nearly screamed aloud at the sight of a thief on one of the floors. Dorothea had also expressed rare nervousness as they advanced further up the tower. Which each floor passed, they’d encountered more and more thieves that had thankfully been easy to swiftly deal with. Byleth hadn’t even needed to transform or use the Sword of the Creators yet, though she knew full well that would change once they reached the top. After a while of climbing, Gilbert took the lead with a serious expression adorning his face.

“The enemy is close by. We’re almost to the top floor.” Byleth nodded, Edelgard standing right beside her detailing the situation as she saw it. “They have nowhere left to flee, so the situation is in our favor. All we have to do is chase them down.” The group then at last reached the top, the floor swarming with rouges and thieves nearly as far as the eye could see. Once the all made it to the top, the Black Eagles spread out and started to ready their weapons for battle. Gilbert kept to the back of the group, intending to take out any stragglers or reinforcements from the lower floors. Byleth and Edelgard took to the front lines, with an eager Ferdinand and Caspar following behind them. No sooner had the four gotten out of the staircase did they encounter a group of thieves who had been idly chatting, said conversation cut short by Byleth lashing out with the Sword of the Creator. Her swords blade extended and shifted into its whip-like state, snaring one of the thieves by the leg and dragging him closer to the group. Something that Byleth wasted no time in taking advantage of.

“Caspar! Now!”

“Got it professor!” A harsh tug from Byleth dragged the now screaming thief towards her students, Caspar dashing forward to intercept him midway with his gauntlet covered fists. His fists slammed into the thief’s torso and send him spiraling to the ground in a bloody pulp, knocking the poor man out cold in one fell swoop. The other thieves shouted in a panic, one of them desperately trying to escape out of the Black Eagles range while his companion shouted at him.

“Tell the captain! We got intruders comin-!” The thief’s warning was stopped by a sudden lance attack from Ferdinand, who’d gotten closer after Caspar’s attack was a success. The polearm sunk into the man’s shoulder like a hot knife through butter, causing him to scream in pain even as Ferdinand withdrew his lance back to him. The one remaining thief screamed and ran off, likely to alert Miklan that they were no longer alone. Byleth scowled at that, but didn’t let it get to her. She instead turned to her three students with a serious expression.

“You three spread out and try to take out anyone you come across. Leave their leader to me, he’ll have the Lance of Ruin on him for certain.” When the three students nodded, she then turned around to go give directions to the rest of her students. Meanwhile Edelgard took charge and lead the other two forward, taking an almost sinister delight when the few thieves that were near then started to run away rather than engage them.

“We’ll storm all the way to where Miklan is hiding, tear open a way for the professor to reach him. Hubert and the others will likely provide support , so don’t worry on fully taking out anyone.” The two boys nodded at their class leader’s words, Caspar banging his gauntlets together with a grin.

“Works for me! If these guys are anything like that guy I crushed then we’ve got nothing to worry about!” Ferdinand and Edelgard groaned at their classmate's overeager attitude.

“Be serious Caspar, this isn’t a game!”

“Edelgard is right Caspar, we’re suppose to be taking this seriously. You should act like the noble you’re supposed to be and accomplish this with dignity.” As the two boys argued, Edelgard sighed heavily and made to march forward on herself. Just as she turned a corner, she thought she saw something from the corner of her eyes and raised her axe quickly. Only to see nothing in the corner except another staircase that was empty with no sigh of life anywhere. She shook herself off and ignored it, choosing instead to go forward with her plan to open a path for Byleth. Little did she know how much her not lingering on that corner would change things, when a shadowy figure went out of hiding and slowly began to follow her.


Byleth had taken only seconds to go back and inform the remaining Black Eagles what the game plan was, she then had circled back to heading up to the front lines to confront Miklan before her students got anywhere near him and the Lance of Ruin. She’d seen a few of Miklan’s men downed as she made her way to the center of the room, handiwork of her students no doubt. A sense of pride filled her with each one she saw, alongside a splash of dread at just how easy this was seeming. She soon shook that dread away, as she soon caught up with Edelgard who was struggling to take down a thief whose swordplay was getting the better of her. Without even giving a warning, Byleth’s hand went to the hilt of the Sword of the Creator and drew it with lightning speed. She then lunged towards the thief while Edelgard had him distracted, slicing into the side of his torso with ease and causing him to drop his weapon. The second he’d let go of his sword, Edelgard took full advantage of his disarming and slashed across his torso with her axe. The heavy steel blade digging into his flesh with relative ease, causing him to scream in pain as blood splashed out of the wound and he fell to the floor in a heap. Threat dealt with; Edelgard turned to her professor while trying to catch her breath.

“My thanks, my teacher. I did not expect such resistance.” Byleth nodded, then scanned the surrounding area to ensure no foe would try a sneak attack as they talked. “You’ve all done a great job thinning the herd out, I doubt there’s very many thieves left aside from Miklan himself now. Are Ferdinand and Caspar up ahead?” Edelgard nodded.

“Yes, we planned to open a path for you to attack Miklan directly. They should almost be done and waiting for you now.” Byleth beamed at her student, proud of her and the others for doing so well thus far. Said pride would soon be shot down, however, when footsteps soon sounded from ahead of them accompanied by a familiar voice in full panic.

“Professor! Professor! We got a problem!” Byleth instantly was at the ready, hands on her hilt and ready to draw her blade, when she saw the fast-approaching form of Caspar. He looked slightly battered and bruised, but no worse for wear then the last she’d seen him. But there was clear panic on the boy's face as he raced towards them.

“Caspar? What’s wrong? Are you hurt?” After a moment, Caspar stopped right in front of Byleth and Edelgard. He took a second to catch his breath, then looked up to his teacher with alarm.

“I’m fine professor, but we have a problem! Ferdinand and I got rid of the thieves that were guarding the area the leaders at. But we weren’t alone!” Byleth’s hands were instantly on Caspar’s shoulders.

“Calm down Caspar, deep breathes. What do you mean you weren’t alone? Who else is here?” Caspar panted raggedly, taking just a moment to breathe before he answered.

“It’s Sylvain! I don’t know how, but he came out of nowhere from another staircase and said he was going to take care of the leader! We tried stopping him but he knocked out Ferdinand and ran off towards the bad guys!” Instantly Byleth’s blood began to heat up, and her mind was racing and grinding away with a mild fury at the revelation. She quickly swallowed her rage, and calmly looked at her two students.

“Alright. I’ll handle this. Caspar, go and bring Ferdinand back towards the point we entered for healing. Edelgard, go with him then the both of you stay and help the others with any stragglers.” Both students nodded without hesitation, though some was clearly on their minds, and made a mad dash to find their fallen friend. Byleth in the meanwhile, drew her sword and followed after, her mind fixing itself to dissolve the bubbling fury. “What is that idiot think he’s doing here?!” She grumbled aloud, half expecting Sothis to chime in with an answer.

“Whatever it is, he’s in over his head. You’ve got to stop him before he gets hurt!” Byleth didn’t even reply to Sothis’s own reply, instead just running faster to get to Miklan. After several tense moments, she at last arrived at the center of the room. And what she saw there was not welcomed in the least. She saw Sylvain stanched up and looking bruised and wounded, and across from him stood a man she had to assume was Miklan. It was eerie how similar he looked to Sylvain, the same wild orange hair, the same-colored eyes and overall build. If not from the gashing scar across his face Miklan would have been a near mirror image of his younger brother. As Byleth got closer to their fight, she began to hear parts of their conversation.

“Why have you come, you Crest-bearing fool?”

“I’m here for the Lance of Ruin, Miklan. Hand it over. I don’t want to humiliate you, but I will.” Miklan scoffed at his brother's words, the Lance of Ruin in his hand slightly glowing.

“Hmph! Hurry up and die already. If not for you... If it hadn’t been for you...” Sylvain growled at that, raising his own lance as he inched closer.

“Shut up! I’m so tired of hearing that. You’ve always blamed me for something that isn’t my fault!” The two then roared and lunged at each other, Byleth at last reaching them as their fight began in earnest.

“Sylvain! Stand down! This is not your fight!” The brother’s fighting slowed for a second, the two clashing lances as Sylvain looked back.

“Professor?! No! This IS my fight; you stay out of-!” That was all the Blue Lion student could get out before he’d been punched across the face by his older brother. Miklan took one look at Byleth and growled as he slammed the Lance of Ruin down in a fit of anger.

“So, you think you can take the lance from me, huh? I’ll kill you... I’ll kill every last one of you!” Miklan then roared and swung the Lance of Ruin towards Byleth, its tip glowing slightly as it ripped through the air and only just barely missed its target. Byleth drew forth the Sword of the Creator, the sword glowing a mighty orange hue as she swung it to meet the lance halfway. The two relics clashed, and both wielders stood their ground as they tried to get a one up on the other. Miklan grit his teeth and pulled the Lance of Ruin back, only for another lance to try and stab at him through his armor thanks to Sylvain. The two brothers mean mugged each other for a split second, before Miklan was attacked again by Byleth who got a good clean slice in. The leader of the thieves cursed loudly as he checked his armor, a small gap now opened thanks to the Sword of the Creator.

“Not bad for your kind...a bunch of spoiled rotten children. But enough playing around!” He then tightened his grip on the Lance of Ruin and went to stab at Byleth, the lance glowing a dark black and red. Before the lance could even reach her, however, thick black shadows began to “leak” from the Crest stone in the center of the lance and Miklan started screaming in pain as the shadows latched onto his arm.

“W-What the hell?!” Miklan tried to pry the shadows off his arm, only for his other arm to now be quickly submerged and stained with the shadowy substance as panic began to hit him hard. He tried to free himself, struggling franticly, but the shadows refused to budge and soon were overwhelming him. Byleth and Sylvain watched in horror as he was quickly consumed by the shadows, his screams etching themselves into the two’s minds as they stated to hear what sounded like bones snapping. His screaming soon stopped once the shadowy substance forced itself into his mouth, and soon his body began to shift and change. Soon the shadow like substance began to disappear, revealing that Miklan was no longer human.

His body had grown twice in size if not thrice, his skin was replaced by what looked to be stone-like bone and grey flesh, and his head was replaced by a stone-bone construct that looked like a horned demon. The beast that was once Miklan began to writhe in pain, growling and roaring as thick globs of salvia poured out of its maw. The monster Miklan stomped around, causing the towers’ very foundation to shake and move, and all Byleth and Sylvain could do was stare in shock.

“No that Miklan?!” Sylvain stammered out words at long last, fear and confusion adorning his face as if they were festive wears. Byleth meanwhile, had snapped out of her stupor and quickly drew the Sword of the Creators with intent to fight the beast. Unfortunately, the beast that was once Miklan had in turn regained what little sense it still had as well. It glared down at the two with a mighty roar, and its tail began to dart forward. Byleth barely managed to dodge it, darting to the right hard and falling down in order to avoid being impaled. Sylvain however... “ me...” Byleth turned her head slowly, horror dawning on her face as she was faced with the unmistakable sight of Sylvain impaled on the tail of his monstrous brother. Blood oozed out of his now gaping chest, as the monster’s tail wiggled and wedged itself deeper inside poor Sylvain. The beast then roared loudly and harshly yanked its tail out of Sylvain , a trail of blood and flesh following alongside it. Byleth was paralyzed at the sight of the carnage, but she was shaken out of her stunned nature by the sudden shrill screaming of Sothis’s disembodied voice.

“Byleth! Quickly! Turn back the hands of time , before he’s lost!”

“Ah! You’re right!” Byleth quickly shut her eyes and ‘felt’ herself grasping for the time manipulation gift that Sothis had granted her. Once she gained a good ‘grip’ on it, she felt herself slipping away from reality for the briefest of moments. She felt time slowly retract on itself, and after a moment she was back to just a few moments prior with Miklan still human holding onto the Lance of Ruin.

“Not bad for your kind... a bunch of spoiled rotten children. But enough playing around!” Miklan raised the lance once more, and once more it soon turned on him with its sinister glow and consuming shadows. This time, however, Byleth was ready for his monstrous transformation.

“Sylvain! Get ready! He’s transforming!” The Blue Lion student looked at her, his eyes widened at her words.

“He’s what?!” Already as they spoke, Miklan was almost done with his forced transformation, and Byleth knew what had to be done. Just as Sylvain was frozen in fear at the sight of his now monstrous brother, Byleth made a mad dash towards him to get him out of harms way. In the end, thinking fast she leapt up as she ran and aimed her feet squarely at Sylvain. Just as the tail that had been his end came sailing towards him, Byleth caught Sylvain with a rough dropkick that send him careening towards the nearest wall and had her falling to the ground just barely missing the tail.

Once she hit the floor, Byleth rolled to the right with all her might just as the monster’s tail slammed down where she had been. Once she was out of its range, she quickly gathered herself and stood up slowly. She looked to the side and saw Sylvain was doing much the same, if a bit slow due to the pain from Byleth’s unexpected drop kick. “Is...Is that truly Miklan?! What’s happened?!” Before he could get an answer, Sylvain was interrupted by the sudden sound of numerous footsteps as the rest of the Black Eagles joined them at last. They took one look at the monster that was once Miklan and expressions changed instantly, Edelgard standing firm as she drew out her axe with a serious expression.

“Such is the fate of one whose life is corrupted by a Crest stone... How pitiable. The least we can do is put an end to his suffering.” As she and her classmates raised weapons and tomes, the beast that was once Miklan roared again and made to bring its claws down upon them. The Black Eagles scattered before it could slam its claws into any of them, the mages and Bernadetta letting loose with arrows and spells that hit the beast dead on. It stumbled at the attacks, but another mighty roar was let loose as it soon recovered and stared them all down with killer intent. Ferdinand took one look at the beast, then looked towards his teacher before quickly making a mad dash to Byleth’s side much to her confusion.

“P-Professor! This monster is surely too much for us to handle! Perhaps it’s time for you to use your Gauntlet?”

“What the?!- Ferdinand what are you-?!” Byleth struggled as Ferdinand was suddenly atop of her and fiddling with her gauntlet in a manic panic. Before she could push him off, he’d activated the Gauntlet and twisted the dial until he stopped on a certain image. “This one! Hurry and deal with this please professor!” He then pressed down on the dial and the tell-tale green flash filled the room once more.

When it started to die down, everyone looked to see just which of Byleth’s transformations Ferdinand had picked to aid them in this battle. What no one expected to see, however, was a completely new and unknown figure standing where Byleth once was. She was standing taller than most of the students now, and even reached about halfway up to the monster that was once Miklan height wise. Her skin was once more replaced, this time with thick orange fur that did well to hide the huge gains of muscles she now had. Black stripes and tuffs of white signaled that it was tigers' fur, as did the two large tiger claws that were growing out of her wrists. Her outfit had once again changed as well, gaining an armored torso and shoulders with her lower half having a tattered looking dress. One of her shoulder pads looked particular sharp with a trio of large angry looking spikes jutting out of it. Lastly aside from the typical hourglass badge on her waist, her head had a more feline shape to it, complete with an underbite with two sharp fangs sticking out and two tiny little ears sticking out of her head.

The newly transformed Byleth wasted no time in grabbing Ferdinand by the wrist, bringing the hapless boy up to her face as she growled.


“C-Come again, professor?” Byleth snarled and instead of answering she ‘lightly’ tossed Ferdinand back towards Sylvain, both boys crashing to the floor as Byleth turned to face the monster. She crackled her knuckles as she sized the monster up, ignoring how it was trashing about trying to kill anything near it. As the monster roared and lifted its arms up with intent to slam them down on Byleth, Byleth roared back loudly and braced herself. The monster then slammed its arms down right on top of Byleth, causing her students to shout in alarm as a dust cloud obscured their view of their professor. After a second, the dust settled and the Black Eagles saw that Byleth was fine, in fact she was completely unharmed. The tiger-like professor had caught the monster’s arms with ease, her arms flexing as she pushed the arms off with a mighty shove. The monster roared in defiance as it struggled to remain in control, but the shove was enough to knock it off balance and cause it to fall flat on its back. As it struggled to regain its footing, Byleth barked out a laugh as she flexed her arm in a mocking taunt.

“That was nothing! Next time you come at Rath, you better come at me harder!” The monster seemed to take offence to that, as it regained itself and was facing Byleth again. It roared right in her face, thick trail of slobber hanging out of its maw as it did so, but Byleth showed no fear whatsoever. Instead, she jabbed a finger at the monster and began to speak again. “Lemme tell ya something giant monster that was once Miklan Anschutz Gautier! You think you scare Rath? You think Rath is afraid of your claws and teeth! Well Rath is going to grapple that disgusting maw open and give you a pure 100% taste of Rath!” Byleth, or rather Rath as she had dubbed herself, then lunged forward and slammed her fist onto the snout of the monster hard. The monster roared and whimpered at the sudden attack but tried to bite at Rath’s arm in retaliation. Rath easily dodged the feeble attempt at an attack, and instead jumped onto the monster’s face with an impressive leap. Once she was on top of the monster, she grabbed onto both sides of its maw and started to pry it open by force much to the shock of the Black eagles.

“Is... Is she grappling with that beast?!” A starry-eyed Caspar asked, much to the irritation of Edelgard.

“Caspar no, do not get any ideas from...from any of this.” As Rath resumed grappling with the monster, even starting to send a few kicks into its jawline, Ferdinand and Sylvain at last got themselves off the floor and joined the others in watching the battle before them.

“ the professor winning?”

“How did she know my brother’s middle name??” The monster resumed in struggling against Rath, but after a moment its jaws were pried opened at long last and the students gave a confused cheer.

“Good job professor...go for the throat I guess?”

“Caspar clearly she’s trying to disable it’s jaws!”

“ she trying to jump down it’s throat?” “What was that, Bernadetta?” The cheering took a pause as everyone processed what the timid archer had said, and then it turned to outright shouts as they saw indeed that Rath had jumped straight down the creatures open maw once it’d been opened.

“HAS SHE LOST HER MIND?!!” Edelgard winced at the sudden shouting on her left side via a gob smacked Hubert, but she couldn’t deny she was feeling much the same. “Black Eagles! Quickly, attack the beast before the professor is lost!” At Edelgard’s rallying cry the Black Eagles made way to attack the monster, the monster in turn facing them down with another roar. Just as they were to engage with the monster it let out another, less impressive roar as it began to writhe in pain. Edelgard raised a hand to get her classmates to stop, confusion dotting across her face as she watched her foe quake. Seconds later , a bulge began to rise in the beast’s throat and seconds later its throat was outright ripped out from the inside as Rath’s clawed hand shot out of the wound. “Professor!! What are you?!-”

“Give me a second here, I’m kicking this thing in the ribs!” The hole in the monster’s throat was forced open even wider as the rest of Rath soon emerged from it. The tiger-lady was absolutely soaked in black blood and gobs of flesh, and yet despite that she had the widest grin on her face. As Rath leapt down to the floor, the monster that had been Miklan began to wobble and weave in a weakened state as blood poured from the gaping wound it now had. The Black Eagles were stunned, and not a one of them made so much as a noise while their teacher made to approach them. As Rath walked, however, the monster made one last feeble attempt to attack with its claws. Edelgard gasped and made to warn her teacher, only for the hulking tiger lady to turn around with a snarl and point at the monster again.

“Rath’s won already you giant stupid thing! So stay down!” The claws imbedded into her wrist then extended and she roared as she slashed at the arm that was heading her way, breaking the monster's claws upon contact. The beast roared feebly, fear filling what little voice it had left, But Rath still wasn’t done with it. She quickly grabbed the arm that had tried to slam into her moments ago, and planted her feet firmly on the ground as she made noises of effort. Within seconds she’d lifted the entire body of the monster up by the arm, earning more shocked gasps from her students, and for a second, she left it hanging in the air. Then when the second passed, she slammed it down by bending her back backwards and giving off a mighty shout as the monster hit the ground hard. “SOLARIS SUPLEX!!!” The second the monster made contact with the ground, it sent an intense wave not unlike an earthquake onto the room and for a split second it even looked like it might go through the floor and onto the level below. Instead, it held, but the monster’s eyes finally lost the light in them as it twitched slightly before stopping movement altogether. Rath waited just a few scant seconds, kicking the monster’s corpse for good measure, before laughing out loud. “That’s better! Now you know what Rath is cooking with!” Her laughter rang out for a moment more, before the monster’s corpse suddenly began to dissolve leaving behind only the corpse of Miklan and the Lance of Ruin behind. Gilbert saw the sight with concern, trying his best to ignore the giant tiger lady in the room as he made his way over to the body.

“Goddess... The beast is gone, yet Miklan and the Lance remain.” Edelgard stepped forward, trying her best to take back the reins of leadership.

“It is done. Let’s retrieve the lance and depart at once.” As the others agreed and quickly prepared to leave, Edelgard suddenly felt a presence behind her and turned to see the hulking figure of Rath behind her with a toothy grin.

“M-May I help you, P-Professor?” Rath said nothing for a moment, then her hand went down and softly petted Edelgard on the head.

“You did good work today, Edelgard. Rath is proud of you!” Edelgard couldn’t hide the blue that was now on her face, but thankfully before she became truly embarrassed the two were interrupted by an excited Caspar.

“Professor! You gotta show me those moves you were using! I haven’t seen grappling like that before! And that Suplex!” Rath looked to her excited student; a slight growl left her mouth as she glared down at him.

“Lemme tell ya something Caspar Von Bergliez! Rath appreciates your appreciation of Rath’s moves. But Rath also knows you still have classwork that you haven’t done yet, so don’t think you’re going to get off that easy!” With that Rath roared again and made a motion like she was to grab Caspar, who was now running away with a scream while his teacher began to chase after him. Edelgard was left behind, not entirely sure what she’d witnessed but more than ready to return to the monastery and to her normal life.


The trip back to the monastery was mostly uneventful, save Byleth’s embarrassment for her actions as Rath. She had, or course, also seriously scolded Sylvain for disobeying her orders and nearly getting himself killed. Though she’d lessened up on him slightly considering all intents he HAD gotten himself killed by means that he wouldn’t have been able to prevent. He was, of course, still in trouble and she’d make sure to tell Rhea about his disobeying so she’d give him a proper punishment. Once they’d returned, Byleth was as expected called to the audience chamber to speak with Rhea. As she walked there, the disembodied voice of Sothis began to speak.

“That man...His form was changed, not unlike your own. Though, it was as if that lance was swallowing him whole. Upon that sight, it makes sense that your students were upset. I wonder if those relics truly hide such power?” Sothis then paused for a moment, as if gathering her thoughts, before continuing. “Yet even still, that power seems familiar. That form as well...As one who wields the Sword of the Creator...Does that mean you possess that power too?” A shudder went down Byleth’s spine at the thought, her eyes briefly darting to the Sword of the Creator before she resumed her walk to speak to Rhea. Upon entering the chamber, Byleth was greeted by the sight of a smiling Rhea who beamed at her.

“Professor, you have returned. The goddess is indeed generous with her divine protection. I have already heard Gilberts report on what happened.” Rhea then dropped her smile for the briefest of moments, a serious look on her face. “See to it that you keep what transpired at the tower to yourself. People would lose faith in the nobles should rumors spread of one using a Relic and transforming into a monster. All regions of Fódlan would fall into chaos. We must avoid that at all costs. Please ensure the students who accompanied you understand that as well. Have I made myself clear?” Byleth felt the memories of Rhea’s sudden freak out at her eleventh transformation come back to her as she heard the archbishop talk about covering her mission up. Still, Byleth knew it was better not to kick a hornet's nest so she nodded. Rhea’s speech resumed, Byleth trying her best to keep her face looking neutral throughout it. “His transformation into a Black Beast was nothing sort of divine punishment from the goddess. Punishment for someone arrogant and foolish enough to use a Hero’s Relic even though they were unworthy and unqualified.” Byleth couldn’t stop the small gasp from escaping her mouth.

“You knew?” Rhea frowned, but nodded.

“Of course. That is why we rushed to recover it. Sadly, we did not arrive in time. The church will formally return the lance to House Gautier. If you would...” Byleth then produced the Lance of Ruin, given to her by Gilbert earlier, which Rhea accepted with grace. “You have my gratitude. I can see that I was right to trust you with this. Please report back. I will tell you of your new mission for the coming moon at that time.” Byleth nodded and bowed, turning to slowly exit the chamber while doing her best to remain looking neutral. Once she was out of the room and the doors were closed, she exhaled deeply and then pondered on what to do. After a moment, she decided to return to the Black Eagles classroom to see if Edelgard was there. And when she was, the white-haired empress to be wasted no time talking business.

“I assume the archbishop was pleased with your performance. Did you return the Lance of Ruin?” Byleth nodded.

“I did yes. She’s going to return it to House Gautier.” Edelgard nodded. She then rubbed her chin in thought.

“I keep thinking about what Gilbert told us...” Byleth picked up what her student was putting down.

“About Miklan, you mean?” Edelgard once again nodded.

“Yes, Miklan was discarded by his family because he was born without a Crest. Eventually he became a masterful thief and gathered enough ruffians to capture a fortress. Right or wrong, he was a gifted leader. He could have been a great asset to Fódlan. What a waste.” She sighed deeply, but quickly resumed before Byleth could say a word. “It’s true that a Crest can increase your magical abilities and allow you to wield the full might of a Hero’s relic. But one cannot measure a leader’s worth based solely on whether or not they bear a Crest. There are plenty of talented people in this world without one.” Byleth couldn’t help but agree with her student.

”I agree. Why on earth is everyone so obsessed with Crests?” Edelgard placed a hand on her temple, likely trying to stall a headache from forming.

“People believe Crests are blessings from the goddess, that they’re necessary to maintain order in Fódlan. But the people are wrong. Crest are to blame for this brutal, irrational world we live in. Their power is granted only to a select few, whom we elevate and allow to rule the world.” Byleth felt a strange feeling overtake her, she was unsure of what it was but it was keeping her from speaking up as Edelgard spoke of matters that clearly meant a lot to her. “Have you ever wondered if the only way to create a truly free world is to dispense with the goddess and the Crests? Do that, and people will have no choice but to rise and fall by their own merits.” As she finished speaking, Byleth sensed that perhaps her student might have said too much. A part of her wanted to dig deeper, get more answers. But another part was telling her to trust her student and leave the matter be for now. In the end, she listened to that part and smiled as she made to part ways with Edelgard. No sooner had Byleth leave, did someone else choose to enter the room. Said someone turned out to be Hubert, who had a sour look on his face. He gave Edelgard a stern glare, and as expected from her began to scold her.

“Lady Edelgard. I question whether you revealed too much to the professor.” Edelgard closed her eyes as she looked away from her most trusted advisor.

“Perhaps I did.” Hubert paused, taking a long look at her, then resumed.

“It is true that our teacher possesses a rare talent. Even I cannot deny it. The ability to wield the Sword of the Creator is concerning, never we mention the power of her Gauntlet as well.” Edelgard sighed.

“I’ve already explained this to you. My power alone is insufficient. That’s why I'm borrowing power from those people. If our teacher can wield it in my stead... I believe that would be for the best.” Hubert frowned, more so than he normally did, and shook his head.

“It’s a risk. A dangerous one. You leave me no choice but to take matters into my own hands. Please excuse me.” He then turned to leave, at last leaving the empress to be on her own. She frowned, thoughts swimming wildly in her head as she tried to parse what to do.

“I can’t hide from the truth. I can’t do all that I must on my own. If all I can rely on is my own ambition, my path won’t be easy. Is it so reach out my hand?” She held her hand aloft for a moment, for a split second she envisioned the hand of Byleth taking hold of it. “Father...I swear I will not stop until I succeed. My regret. My grief. My whole life. I’ve thrown it all away... into the darkness...” She then closed her hand, the phantom image of Byleth’s hand fading away as the young girl was left all alone with her thoughts.


The next day, Byleth was awoken from her slumber by a firm knock on her door. Once she stumbled herself to the door, she opened it to reveal an unlikely face: Raphael.

“Ah, sorry professor. Did I wake you?”

“Raphael? No, No it’s fine. I needed to wake soon anyway. Is something the matter?” The gentle giant of the Golden deer gave her a serious look, which was enough to fully wake her, and answered.

“Yesterday, Caspar told me about your new transformation. Said you pulled off some grappling moves he’d never seen before.” Byleth’s face lit up in recognition.

“You mean Rath? I...vaguely recall doing some intense grappling. Why so interested?” Raphael blinked, taking in a deep breath, then he spoke.

“I’ll just cut to the chase, Professor. I want to fight you in that form.” Byleth blinked.

“Excuse me?” Raphael’s expression grew even more serious, if such were possible, and he repeated himself.

“I want to take on this Rath transformation in a fight. No holding back, all in.” Byleth felt as if her ears needed cleaning, but she only paused for a moment before addressing the main concerns.

“Raphael, I lifted something three times my size in that form with one arm. I can’t guarantee your safety, in fact I very much doubt it would be safe. My mind wasn’t my own in that form, I’ve no clue how far Rath could go.” Rapheal took in this news, clearly thought about it, then shook his head and stood his ground.

“I’m sorry professor, but I’m putting my foot down on this. I know it’s going to be dangerous but I’m ready for it!” The two stared at each other for a long time, then after a moment Byleth sighed.

“You’re not going to give up on this, are you?” The boy shook his head and crossed his arms.

“Nope. Sorry.” She sighed again but then threw her hands up.

“Okay, we’ll do this. But we’re going to have some ground rules, starting with you promising to throw in the towel the second it gets too painful.” Raphael eagerly nodded, excitement filling his eyes. The two then started to make plans, Byleth still concerned about everything.

“I mean, I guess this will be easier to deal with then fighting a monster. What’s the worse that could happen?” Byleth’s thoughts would soon be interrupted by incessant cackling from Sothis, but never the less she and Raphael resuming making plans for their fight. Little did she know this would end up becoming an event that no one at Garreg Mach would soon forget.


That morning, as she made her way to the mess hall for breakfast, Edelgard took notice of Hubert sitting alone with nothing but a cup in front of him. She thought it strange, but didn’t think twice as she made to get her breakfast. Once it was obtained, she went to go sit down next to Hubert.

“Good morning, Hubert. How are you today?”

“Greetings, Lady Edelgard. I am fine this morning.” Edelgard paused, noticing how fast her advisor had spoken, and then took a closer look at him.


“Yes, Lady Edelgard?”

“How many cups of coffee have you had since we returned from the mission yesterday?” Hubert didn’t answer, instead taking a deep sip from the cup of coffee in front of him.

“Still nowhere near enough for me to handle what we witnessed, Lady Edelgard.” She paused, then took a quick glance under the table.

“Hubert. Your leg is shaking under the table. Violently.” The brooding boy took no mind of this, and instead took another deep sip.

“It will die off soon enough, my lady. As all good things in my life do.” She looked at him in silence.

“I’m cutting you off for a month after this Hubert.” Hubert paused, then took one more deep drink from his cup as he answered.

“Yes, I believe that would be for the best my lady.”
The two then returned to their breakfast, not noticing next to them a heavily bandaged Felix was currently devouring a meal made entirely of poultry.

"Next time professor...I will be stronger!"


And like that we're done with the Miklan mission and advancing ever onwards with the story! But before we go, there's TWO new aliens we need to talk about!

So to be honest, I wasn't planning on having Byleth unlocking Kickin Hawk (Or Kickin Pheasant as it were) this chapter at first. In fact this whole encounter between Byleth and Felix with her using Kickin Hawk was planned for a Days at the Monastery chapter. But once I started adapting Felix's C support, I figured why wait and had the bird show up now. Though you might be wondering why Byleth turned into a more pheasant-like bird for the transformation. Truth be told I recalled a fun trivia bit that Kickin Hawks species were all different types of birds and decided Byleth would have a different breed for her Kickin Hawk. I landed on pheasant after some debating, It just felt like the bird that fitted Byleth best. That being said the names staying the same, even if she isn't exactly a hawk anymore. Also yes, I DID give Felix the Zoro moment from One Piece. It just seemed to fit the mood at the time.

Now lemme tell you something readers! I've been waiting for the Miklan demonic beast scene since this fic started. Cause I knew that would be the moment that I'd give Byleth everyone's favorite giant wrestler inspired tiger alien Rath! And of course, of course, I made sure that the very first person that Rath interacts with was Ferdinand. The guy who's catchphrase may as well be declaring his full name to his enemies, I just HAD to have him be the first victim of Rath's "lemme tell ya something!" bit. That's just a perfect match right there.

next time we're be back to a buffer chapter in between plot missions, but we'll have the headliner that is Raphael vs Rath in the wrestling match of the century! So until next time readers, I hope you've enjoyed this chapter and as always I appreciate all the comments and kudos!

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Name: Melvina Ondricka

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