New York Times NYT Spelling Bee Answers and Solution for August 8, 2024 (2024)

These are the answers and solution to the New York Times Spelling Bee Puzzle. The answers for the NYT puzzle can be learned by watching the video below. Don’t forget to subscribe to get daily updates.

Today’s pangram is FIXABLE.

The word FIXABLE has no known definition.

ABLE is defined as having a strong healthy body. It is also defined as have the skills and qualifications to do things well. It is also defined as having inherent physical or mental ability or capacity. It is also defined as (usually followed by `to’) having the necessary means or skill or know-how or authority to do something.

AFFABLE is defined as diffusing warmth and friendliness.

AFFIX is defined as add to the very end. It is also defined as attach to. It is also defined as a linguistic element added to a word to produce an inflected or derived form. It is also defined as attach or become attached to a stem word.

ALEXIA is defined as inability to perceive written words.

ALFALFA is defined as important European leguminous forage plant with trifoliate leaves and blue-violet flowers grown widely as a pasture and hay crop. It is also defined as leguminous plant grown for hay or forage.

ALIBI is defined as a defense of some offensive behavior or some failure to keep a promise etc.. It is also defined as exonerate by means of an alibi. It is also defined as (law) a defense by an accused person purporting to show that he or she could not have committed the crime in question.

ALLELE is defined as (genetics) either of a pair (or series) of alternative forms of a gene that can occupy the same locus on a particular chromosome and that control the same character.

The word AXEL has no known definition.

AXIAL is defined as relating to or attached to the axis. It is also defined as situated on or along or in the direction of an axis. It is also defined as of or relating to or resembling an axis of rotation.

AXILLA is defined as the hollow under the arm where it is joined to the shoulder.

The word AXILLAE has no known definition.

AXLE is defined as a shaft on which a wheel rotates.

BABA is defined as a small cake leavened with yeast.

BABBLE is defined as to talk foolishly. It is also defined as flow in an irregular current with a bubbling noise. It is also defined as gibberish resembling the sounds of a baby. It is also defined as divulge confidential information or secrets. It is also defined as utter meaningless sounds, like a baby, or utter in an incoherent way.

BABE is defined as a very young child (birth to 1 year) who has not yet begun to walk or talk.

BABEL is defined as (Genesis 11:1-11) a tower built by Noah’s descendants (probably in Babylon) who intended it to reach up to heaven; God foiled them by confusing their language so they could no longer understand one another. It is also defined as a confusion of voices and other sounds.

BAFFLE is defined as be a mystery or bewildering to. It is also defined as restrain the emission of (sound, fluid, etc.). It is also defined as hinder or prevent (the efforts, plans, or desires) of. It is also defined as a flat plate that controls or directs the flow of fluid or energy.

BAIL is defined as (criminal law) money that must be forfeited by the bondsman if an accused person fails to appear in court for trial. It is also defined as deliver something in trust to somebody for a special purpose and for a limited period. It is also defined as empty (a vessel) by bailing. It is also defined as release after a security has been paid. It is also defined as remove (water) from a vessel with a container. It is also defined as secure the release of (someone) by providing security. It is also defined as the legal system that allows an accused person to be temporarily released from custody (usually on condition that a sum of money guarantees their appearance at trial).

BAILEE is defined as the agent to whom property involved in a bailment is delivered.

BAILIFF is defined as an officer of the court who is employed to execute writs and processes and make arrests etc..

BALE is defined as a city in northwestern Switzerland. It is also defined as a large bundle bound for storage or transport. It is also defined as make into a bale.

BALL is defined as a lavish dance requiring formal attire. It is also defined as United States comedienne best known as the star of a popular television program (1911-1989). It is also defined as a solid projectile that is shot by a musket. It is also defined as a ball game played with a bat and ball between two teams of nine players; teams take turns at bat trying to score runs. It is also defined as a compact mass. It is also defined as one of the two male reproductive glands that produce spermatozoa and secrete androgens. It is also defined as an object with a spherical shape. It is also defined as a more or less rounded anatomical body or mass. It is also defined as a pitch that is not in the strike zone. It is also defined as a spherical object used as a plaything. It is also defined as form into a ball by winding or rolling. It is also defined as round object that is hit or thrown or kicked in games. It is also defined as the people assembled at a lavish formal dance.

BEFALL is defined as become of; happen to. It is also defined as happen, occur, or be the case in the course of events or by chance.

BIAXIAL is defined as having two axes.

BILABIAL is defined as a consonant that is articulated using both lips; /p/ or /b/ or /w/. It is also defined as of or relating to or being a speech sound that is articulated using both lips.

The word BILLABLE has no known definition.

BLAB is defined as speak (about unimportant matters) rapidly and incessantly. It is also defined as divulge confidential information or secrets.

FABLE is defined as a short moral story (often with animal characters). It is also defined as a story about mythical or supernatural beings or events. It is also defined as a deliberately false or improbable account.

FAIL is defined as disappoint, prove undependable to; abandon, forsake. It is also defined as be unsuccessful. It is also defined as fail to do something; leave something undone. It is also defined as stop operating or functioning. It is also defined as prove insufficient. It is also defined as fail to get a passing grade. It is also defined as fall short in what is expected. It is also defined as get worse. It is also defined as judge unacceptable. It is also defined as be unable. It is also defined as become bankrupt or insolvent; fail financially and close.

FALAFEL is defined as small croquette of mashed chick peas or fava beans seasoned with sesame seeds.

FALL is defined as move downward and lower, but not necessarily all the way. It is also defined as the act of surrendering (usually under agreed conditions). It is also defined as come into the possession of. It is also defined as when a wrestler’s shoulders are forced to the mat. It is also defined as fall from clouds. It is also defined as lose an upright position suddenly. It is also defined as a sudden decline in strength or number or importance. It is also defined as fall or flow in a certain way. It is also defined as fall to somebody by assignment or lot. It is also defined as a sudden sharp decrease in some quantity. It is also defined as a free and rapid descent by the force of gravity. It is also defined as touch or seem as if touching visually or audibly. It is also defined as decrease in size, extent, or range. It is also defined as come as if by falling. It is also defined as a downward slope or bend. It is also defined as the season when the leaves fall from the trees. It is also defined as the time of day immediately following sunset. It is also defined as a sudden drop from an upright position. It is also defined as come under, be classified or included. It is also defined as be inherited by. It is also defined as a lapse into sin; a loss of innocence or of chastity. It is also defined as a movement downward. It is also defined as assume a disappointed or sad expression. It is also defined as be born, used chiefly of lambs. It is also defined as be captured. It is also defined as be cast down. It is also defined as be due. It is also defined as begin vigorously. It is also defined as come out; issue. It is also defined as descend in free fall under the influence of gravity. It is also defined as die, as in battle or in a hunt. It is also defined as drop oneself to a lower or less erect position. It is also defined as go as if by falling. It is also defined as lose office or power. It is also defined as lose one’s chastity. It is also defined as move in a specified direction. It is also defined as occur at a specified time or place. It is also defined as pass suddenly and passively into a state of body or mind. It is also defined as slope downward. It is also defined as suffer defeat, failure, or ruin. It is also defined as the lapse of mankind into sinfulness because of the sin of Adam and Eve. It is also defined as to be given by assignment or distribution. It is also defined as to be given by right or inheritance. It is also defined as yield to temptation or sin.

FALLIBLE is defined as wanting in moral strength, courage, or will; having the attributes of man as opposed to e.g. divine beings. It is also defined as likely to fail or make errors.

FELLA is defined as a boy or man.

FILIAL is defined as designating the generation or the sequence of generations following the parental generation. It is also defined as relating to or characteristic of or befitting an offspring.

The word FILLABLE has no known definition.

FLAB is defined as loose or flaccid body fat.

FLAIL is defined as move like a flail; thresh about. It is also defined as give a thrashing to; beat hard. It is also defined as an implement consisting of handle with a free swinging stick at the end; used in manual threshing.

FLAX is defined as fiber of the flax plant that is made into thread and woven into linen fabric. It is also defined as plant of the genus Linum that is cultivated for its seeds and for the fibers of its stem.

FLEA is defined as any wingless bloodsucking parasitic insect noted for ability to leap.

LABEL is defined as trade name of a company that produces musical recordings. It is also defined as pronounce judgment on. It is also defined as attach a tag or label to. It is also defined as a brief description given for purposes of identification. It is also defined as an identifying or descriptive marker that is attached to an object. It is also defined as a radioactive isotope that is used in a compound in order to trace the mechanism of a chemical reaction. It is also defined as assign a label to; designate with a label. It is also defined as distinguish (an element or atom) by using a radioactive isotope or an isotope of unusual mass for tracing through chemical reactions. It is also defined as distinguish (as a compound or molecule) by introducing a labeled atom.

The word LABIA has no known definition.

LABIAL is defined as a consonant whose articulation involves movement of the lips. It is also defined as of or relating to the lips of the mouth. It is also defined as relating to or near the female labium.

LABILE is defined as (chemistry, physics, biology) readily undergoing change or breakdown. It is also defined as liable to change.

LEAF is defined as look through a book or other written material. It is also defined as the main organ of photosynthesis and transpiration in higher plants. It is also defined as a sheet of any written or printed material (especially in a manuscript or book). It is also defined as hinged or detachable flat section (as of a table or door). It is also defined as produce leaves, of plants. It is also defined as turn over pages.

LIABLE is defined as (often followed by `to’) likely to be affected with. It is also defined as at risk of or subject to experiencing something usually unpleasant. It is also defined as held legally responsible. It is also defined as subject to legal action.

For the latest information about today’s New York Times pangram, please go to Today’s NYT Pangram.


New York Times NYT Spelling Bee Answers and Solution for August 8, 2024 (2024)


What is a pangram in Spelling Bee today? ›

Each spelling bee grid has at least one pangram, meaning all of the letters of that day's Spelling Bee puzzle have been used at least once to make a word. Pangrams are worth seven extra points plus the length of the word, and some daily puzzles have more than one.

Has there ever been an S in the NYT spelling bee? ›

If the player finds all of the possible words in a given puzzle, they achieve the title of "Queen Bee". There are rarely any exceptions to this game, except that the letter S will never be included in any puzzle.

What is the hardest day for Spelling Bee? ›

What day is the spelling bee hardest? Unlike the New York Times Crossword, where the puzzles typically increase in difficulty from Monday to Saturday, the Spelling Bee offers a different experience. There's no distinct gradation from Monday to Friday – each day's challenge can be equally fulfilling and demanding.

What is a good score on nyt spelling bee? ›

Today's NYT Spelling Bee Rank's and Level | 214 Points
6 more rows

What percentage of Spelling Bee players get Genius? ›

“Within a given week, about 25 percent of players will achieve Genius at least once,” said Luke Summerlin, a manager of data and analytics at The New York Times.

What is a perfect pangram word? ›

Perfect Pangram — A pangram that uses each letter only once, e.g., a seven-letter pangram. GN4L — Genius, No 4 Letters: You've reached Genius level without any four-letter words.

What is the hardest word to spell in Spelling Bee? ›

Top Ten Most Brutal Spelling Bee Words
  • Soubrette.
  • Albumen.
  • Eudaemonic.
  • Chiaroscurist.
  • Autochthonous.
  • Insouciant.
  • Staphylococci.
  • Foulard.

How to score high on nyt spelling bee? ›

Tips and Strategies for Dominating the NYT Spelling Bee:
  1. 1- Look for Prefixes and Suffixes:
  2. 2- Spot -ED and -ING Endings:
  3. 3- Share the Game with Friends:
  4. 4- Remember the Pangram:
  5. 5- Study Past Puzzles:
  6. 6- Mash the Reshuffle Button:
  7. 7- Reuse Those Letters:
  8. 8- Master the Center Letter:

Does the nyt spelling bee get harder during the week? ›

First, Spelling Bee doesn't have a difficulty curve over the week, meaning a hive published on Tuesday could be as difficult as one published on Friday. But Sam Ezersky, the puzzle's editor, added that “if there's a very hard puzzle, I'm more likely to offer it on the weekend, but not always.”

What is a tricky word for Spelling Bee? ›

Some of the hard spelling bee words for kids are liaison, chauffeur, cerise, euonym, conscientious, accommodate, macerate, rapport, bourgeoisie, qualification, accommodation, implementation, education, creation, fundamentals, functionality, etc.

What's the hardest word to spell in the world? ›

10 of the hardest words to spell in English
  • Nauseous.
  • Dilate.
  • Fuchsia.
  • Minuscule.
  • Ingenious.
  • Sacrilegious.
  • Orangutan.
  • Paraphernalia.
Jul 29, 2022

What is the oldest you can be to be in the Spelling Bee? ›

The Bee is held in late May and/or early June of each year. It is open to students who have not yet completed the eighth grade, reached their 15th birthday, nor won a previous National Spelling Bee.

Can 2 people win the Spelling Bee? ›

From the Scripps National Spelling Bee

In that case, the winner will be the speller who achieved the highest percentage correct out of words attempted during the Spell-off. If there is still a tie, co-champions will be declared.

How to get genius rank in Spelling Bee? ›

Genius requires between 9 and 14 words. You need at least a 10-letter word to reach genius. If you don't get the pangram, you need 84% of the total points to reach genius. If you get the pangram, you only need 64% of the remaining points to reach genius.

How do you win Spelling Bee easily? ›

Look online for crosswords or practice spelling tests to help improve your spelling and increase your vocabulary. Keep track of words that are challenging so you can come back to them and practice spelling them later. If you want to play games with friends, try playing a game of Scrabble, Boggle, or Words with Friends.

What is the pangram? ›

pangram in American English

(ˈpænɡrəm, -ɡræm, ˈpæŋ-) noun. a sentence, verse, etc., that includes all the letters of the alphabet.

Does every spelling bee have a pangram? ›

There's always one pangram, which means a word that uses all seven of the letters and counts for big points. The game reminds me of a childhood favorite, Boggle, minus the little lettered dice and fun-to-shake game tray, but with all the setup and scoring done for me.

What is the difference between an anagram and a pangram? ›

Clearly, a pangram is a sentence with all of the letters, while an anagram is a word formed by rearranging the letters.

What is the most well known pangram? ›

How often does every letter in the alphabet appear in a sentence? That's exactly what makes a “pangram” special. The most well-known such phrase is: “The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog.


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